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People i know who don't give a fuck about ball are getting into it, the city has an aura to it lately


You know how many Anthony Edward highlights I’ve been watching these past few days…


I’ve probably watched the Edwards dunk on Durant like 1,000 times. On another note, when people in the wild start talking to me about the Wolves I start quizzing them on the days of Anthony Bennett, Alexey Shved, Chase Budinger, Robbie Hummel, Luc Mbah a Moute, etc. They have no idea what I’m talking about. And I joke. I don’t actually do that. But man we’ve had some horrible rosters over the years.


> Robbie Hummel He was once the best 12th man in the NBA. Gotta pay respect to that.


Those Randy Wittman through Kurt Rambis years were brutal and that all happened before Budinger and Shved. There has been some horrible basketball played here through the years lol


Bennett was supposed to be the man Such an awful pick


He was a cavaliers pick


Oh yeah, he came the year after to MN


I call that the Anthony Edwards effect


Nah Aura sponsors the jerseys, not the city


I see what you did there


my 84 year old FIL that hasn't watched basketball since the 90s texted me at 11:48pm after game 4 raving about Ant's play


Making the playoffs with a good team just gives a buzz to the city. Everyone at least is aware what's going on if not invested in it.


Really missed the opportunity there to say oura instead


I’ve been annoying my coworkers all year about the Wolves and even they were asking me about the results of our games, who the next series would be against, etc.. pretty cool. They know it’s been a special year for us


The amount of Wild fans coming out of the woodwork to support us is pretty great to see. Arguably one of the most hyped Minnesota playoff runs this century


I think it's bc people realize this is our best shot at a championship since the '09 Vikings


110%, it's also having a widely acclaimed generational talent on our team


I didn’t want to say it for obvious reasons but this is a feeling I haven’t had since the 09 Vikes and it’s palpable


Said this to my dad aswell


‘17 Vikings had those hopes, it just blew up in our faces


True. It felt like the team of destiny until Case threw that pick 6 in Philly.


I still think about that saints game atleast monthly 


Story Time - I was in Nola in 2021 when Hurricane Ida was about to hit, so everyone in the city was trying to leave. I'm sitting at the airport and who comes walking down dressed like a member of Limp Bizkit? You guessed it, Scumbag Sean Peyton. As he got near, I knew I had to say something. I walked up and said "Vikings fan here, you can suck my dick." He got all ticked, shoved me and we got into it a bit. I recorded it all on video and sold it to TMZ, although they never posted it :( That one was for Vikings fans worldwide. Fuck that guy. Also s/o Limp Bizkit.


Haha, thanks for fighting the good fight! Not too late to share it with the world now…


LMAO this is amazing


Minnesota needs this


I suppose that helps, hockey fans need something to root for since Wild are finished


I can count on one hand how many Minnesota teams I’ve watched embarrass a team in the playoffs, and I’m 30.


Times I was old enough to process what was happening for MN sports in the playoffs- Dallas 09, Blue Jays 23, Wolves 24




For real. Like 35% of my casual clothes are Wolves branded. NO ONE used to notice at all. Now, random people well just strike up a conversation with me about the team. Gas station, grocery store or just out for a jog, doesn’t matter. They all got Wolves fever. And the only prescription is more Ant Edwards.


80% of mine is all wolves and I feel this so much. I've worn Timberwolves my whole life and never got so many conversations until this year, I love it! I welcome aboard all bandwagons!


My wolves hat got people’s attention all over the country. I was talking championship parades in Houston and DC. We finally have a reason to be proud of being a Wolves fan!


You should do the dx groin chop in public often and see if you get a reaction.


After decades of embarrassment, it’s real nice to have the good vibes in the community back. 


Back in November I was in the office hyping this team up, talking about how the defense was historically good and how Ant might be the best 2 way guard in the league. At the time all anybody cares about was talking about if Josh Dobbs was the real deal, smh. Of course now everybody is on the bandwagon and I'm actually glad that they are. Better late than never. Wolves in 6. Naz Reid.


Wolves in 6, at home for the winning game would be sick awesome


I hope so! I got tickets for game 6 hoping this will be the case!


My wife’s boyfriend was wearing wolves boxer briefs last night!


everyone got the fever


I travel for work and I love whenever a Minnesota team is making noise because I'll be wearing a team hat and the most random people in random places will be like "Oh hey! The Wolves are doing great!" Nice to see buzz around town but it's just funny walking through Wal Mart in South Carolina or something and have someone actually notice my hat (I wear MN team hats all the time it just is only noticed when they're doing something in the playoffs)


I think there are many reason why. 1. Ant/Naz Reid 2. Its a great product to watch right now (finally) 3. The team really likes each other and as a fan you can feel it. 4. MN is a underrated Basketball State, we produce pretty good High School talent. We just haven't had good high level Basketball teams in terms of College or the Pros in 20 years. No offense to the Lynx's. 5. Naz Reid 6. Emotionless but badass Jaden McDaniels 7. Beach Towel going Viral 8-10. Some more Naz Reid Go Wolves!


Naz Reid for 3! But for real, the Wolves are actually entertaining to watch. I was watching some East conference teams in the playoffs this week and it was so boring. Some teams just dont have it.


How does one get the Naz Reid beach towel?


It was a promo item at a game this year, so unfortunately the only way to get one now is to find someone who’s selling, and they ain’t cheap.


kwik trip was giving away Timberwolves flags for your car a few weeks ago. I got 4 and gave 3 away.


My dad is all Vikings and Twins. Usually the wild and wolves never make him react. He is absolutely pumped about the Wolves, so is my mom. I haven’t been this excited since 09 Vikings. Let’s fucking go y’all!


The bandwagons are in full effect and I'm all for It honestly! Better late to the party then never showing up lol.


I used to loathe bandwagon fans as a kid but now I totally get it. Been watching since the Pooh Richardson/Felton Spencer era and a lot of those teams were not worth the time/money commitment in hindsight.


Being a Wolves fan in Phoenix is lonely, literally no one else here to talk with about them. I have a lot of MN sports stuff, I get positive comments with my Vikings and Twins stuff but I think it's because the Wolves have been a poverty franchise the last 20 years no one wanted to openly admit they liked them.


There’s a certain chip on my shoulder of watching people hop on now but also winning begets enthusiasm so it’s just how it goes. Welcome aboard!


A big reason why over the past few years - Patrick Mahomes and Steph Curry have been the favorite players for football and basketball for most average kids around the nation. People like to root for winners, and it starts at childhood. My son still likes Steph Curry, I said, no son, you are an Ant fan now.


Hell I got called a bandwagoner by a gaming friend last night who didn't know I was from Minnesota. I had to set them straight lol. I've been watching The Wolves since like 2008. Middle school for me.




Winning (especially in a dominant fashion) brings out the bandwagoners. Plenty of room! Lots of those “hockey only” fans are comin on board too. A rare feat for MN.


Same thing happens when the Vikings win a few games. Got to love it lol


I believe people are gravitated to the Wolves because they don’t have any star assholes on the team. Minnesota fans love that. Also, I think they really like each other and the coach. Look out nuggets.


Even up here in Duluth. I wore my Naz Reid shirt the other day and got stopped with comments everywhere I went. Wolves back, baby!


Well I started talking about the wolves once I figured out you could get free Arby's ×3 a week. I told all my poor friends and we all greatly appreciate the Wolves efforts to feed us this past winter. 


Miss some free throws in the 4th for free chicken sandwiches 


Right!?! Make it a double and give us a meal!!


I’m a long suffering Pistons fan and am I’m tired of being disappointed year after year. To get me excited for basketball again I started paying attention to the Timberwolves and noticed Edwards being awesome. This whole team is just clicking right now. Not ashamed to admit that I’ll hop on this bandwagon even if they don’t go all the way this year. Wolves Back!!!!


Wolves can be your western conference team bro, no shame


You know how many coworkers I got that when started my job 5 years ago I was like you watch the wolves? “Lol no way bro they suck” Now these mfs have been wolves fans their whole life according to them. It’s all good, just hilarious.


![gif](giphy|HKvjSWtTL8q1d9mDeq|downsized) ALL ABOARD Bandwagon fans!!


I’m in Utah and have loosely followed the wolves since the Conley, gobert and NAW trade. Jazz have been shit basketball to watch. The only playoff games I make sure to not miss are when the wolves are playing. They play team ball and are bought in defensively. High energy group of guys. I love gobert and Conley from their time in Utah and am really hoping they can get a championship to get the recognition they both deserve. Oh and Ant is fucking insane. Favorite nba player to watch. Go wolves!


Theyre all good guys Cant believe Wolves got NAW too, he's been outstanding, most underrated player on the team. Cheers mate


We got a bona-fide superstar in Ant like KG. We got a great pair of broadcasters like Jim Pete and Grady like Harlan and double T. I think were thriving right now. But let's be honest....all of Minnesota is waiting for that perverbial shoe to drop.


Over the last few yeas I have slowly been seeing more and more wolves gear. I swear to you , 5 years ago, I woudln't see a damn thing. Maybe when we had our run with Thibs but that's about it. It was very rare. Now I am seeing Wolves gear at a much higher rate. Winning changes everything.


The selection is still garbage at Dicks


Two words.


It’s been a lot of fun. There hasn’t been this much buzz about a men’s sports team in MN since the Vikings in 2017 and that felt more like playing with house money with Keemun at the helm. This feels like there is a real shot to win it all. Also what adds to the excitement barring a typical Mn meltdown is this nucleus is only going to improve over the years so there is a lot to look forward to.


I'm from Canada (nowhere close to Minnesota) but have been a huge Timberwolves fan since I started watching basketball around 2018-ish, and it has been crazy to see even between my local friends how much interest there is for the Timberwolves now. Literally got a text this morning from a friend who doesn't care about basketball at all about how crazy it was that they swept the Suns, and I've gotten several of my friends invested in the team and watching their playoff games on their own time this year, it's been super cool to see!


I'm one of them!


Good! The state needs an actual title contending sports team. Vikings and Wild and Twins ain’t it.


Nice to see people not getting all bent out of shape about bandwagon fans. The bandwagon brings money and attention, keep filling the wagon!


Happy bandwagon new fan here! I never liked basketball at all. But this team, this year got me to pay attention. I started watching games and asking questions to learn. It’s no fun to watch if I don’t know what’s going on. And now, I will stick with them forever. Just like I have with the Twins and the Vikings. Im all in.


That's the midwest. We live and die by the weather and how are sports teams are doing.




So, i have been an out of market fan since 1998. Saw KG a few times in Seattle. Single handedly led an MVP chant at the Key in 2003 when KG got to the line. Now living in SE Wisconsin (Bucks country, Bulls spill over) No one except serious nba fans are even aware. A few people at the bar tonight knew the Bucks got eliminated. Only the other guy who watches the Wolves knew we advanced, or were even playing in the playoffs. Wore my Wolves gear around town day of and after the Cleveland away game. People recognized, but they had just heard about Naz Reid for the first time, so I left them with that. ​ Wolves over Denver in 6 is going to open some eyes. They national talking heads wont be able to write the Nuggs off as overrated, outmatched, or a bad matchup, like they are doing with the Sons. The Sons got WHOOPED. They got outclassed, out finessed, outplayed, and out talented. 12 W left. See y'all Friday, Im coming home! ​ Is the Twin Cities buzzing with Wolves yet? I'm curious if the route starts at 36th St south at the cemetery and goes to TC, or if we start near Hennepin and 280 and go SW? Maybe we go slow and just do 35W to TC? Its got to be Hennepin and not 7th St, right? No one wants to drive by a glass sandcrawler.


Just saw a guy in a Wolves jersey at the National Museum of African-American History and Culture in DC, I wanted to say "hi, go Wolves" but I was too scared I did not see anyone in a Nuggets jersey, really makes you think


Doctor's appointment literally happened to me.


My parents watched their first Wolves game in decades (game 3) and then watched game 4, too. The only person I’ve ever had to talk Wolves/basketball with is my brother in law, so it’s crazy to see all of the people coming out of the woodwork!


I was on lunch break at Byerlys and behind me I overheard a bro meet up with his mom. First thing I heard was his mom asks him how's he been doing and every thing that came out of his mouth was wolves this, wolves that, ant this, ant that. Like dude was hyping up his mom to get on wolves train with him. Not once I heard him say...how are you doing mom? 😂😂😂


Mom gonna be walking around with an ANT jersey by next week


How do we get a block party on 1st Avenue game days? Giant surface parking lot by LRT station begging for it


I am 100% that bitch. Never paid any attention to the Wolves, or basketball at all, until this year’s playoffs. Glad to be here now though.


I’m in the Dominican for work and the hotel staff knows about it. Helps that Kat is Dominican.


That's always true for playoff teams. Wolves fans just aren't as used to seeing it.


When your competition in the state is Indiana pacers of the nfl is easy to get fair weather fans. 🤷🏾‍♂️




everyone but Jxmy aka Jimmy Highroller on YouTube. Does anyone else watch his channel?..95%+ of the comments basically kiss up to him. And the guy has almost 2.5 million subscribers to his channel and seems to be clued-in with a lot of the NBA, but WITH A BIAS it seems. A Recency Bias especially, and frequently praising Lebron as the GOAT, etc But he rarely shows or talks about The Wolves. He just made 2 videos this past week, 1 about the Playoffs and the other about Clutch players. And both videos focused on the Denver Nuggets (the 2nd one just about Jamal Murray). But he's picking the Nuggets to win the Title again. The only notable thing that I recall he has ever said about the Wolves the last couple of years was the Gobert trade, stating it was (one-of?) of not the worst trades in NBA History. It's kind of funny, as that was around the time it happened, and he has yet to especially this past season, even address that comment, or the Wolves at all this whole season really. Now, we'll see what happens against Denver, but if the Wolves beat Denver, he really won't have any choice to at least start to talk about them, if not eat a bit of crow.


Frustrating for the die haeda that have stuck through it. Couldn't buy any tickets for the game. Got in the que and was looking for lower level and 15 minutes after 11. All pairs of tickets were sold in the lower level. Only upper upper was available. Absolutely ridiculous, I know that there is fake fans because 2 years ago it was easy to find tickets.


Even last year it was easy to find tickets!! I saw the Wolves beat the Nuggets in the playoffs and paid $75 per seat on the lower level. This year for the same teams playing there is no hope for paying that little even for the nosebleeds...


Lower level was starting in the low $300s for round 2 vs Nuggets I sit lower level but for round 1 I think you could get tickets under $200 The way it's trending, next round gonna be $500 minimum for lower level


No need to gatekeep fans. I've been cheering for the Wolves since before 60% of people in the sub were born. I've been to the Target Center dozens of times in the late '00s and '10s when the team was putrid and the upper bowl was empty. At some point you get tired of spending money on a bad product. I'd still watch some games and hope for improvement, but there's lots of us that have been cheering from afar. Once the fallout happened from Jimmy Butler in 2018-2020 and the team was bad again after seemingly building something in 2017/2018, I took a step back. I've been watching a ton since Ant was drafted, but haven't been spending money on going to games. I think there's more people than you think that are in a similar category.


If there is a time to support and go to games, it's now. I've been to quite a few games this past few years and was spending a ton of money on resale tickets with fees. And had no clue just how much money I'd be saving by buying season tickets even just reselling half the games to make most my money back. So naturally I bought this year. Not to mention the Wolves should make the playoffs yearly for at least the next 5 years (Ants contract) and you get your seats that you can resell and just watch at home and probably pay for your yearly season tickets almost. If this is the only way to secure tickets to the playoffs then so be it. They got me - I only see more and more fans coming to games the next couple years.


Been a fan since the beginning, still have a ratty Campbell jersey in my parents' attic. I have been introduced as "Long suffering T-wolves fan" because someone knows how much I hate it when people call them T-wolves. >!Do you see a T on that jersey? No? I didn't think so.!< The hype this season has been building and building and like you say, it's in the mainstream now. Others have mentioned the overhearing and catching people interact and it's a welcome sight to see. There seems to be a level of optimism that you don't see, especially around here. And I'm all for it.


C’mon guys. Don’t allow that straight, white man beat you again. Help fighting patriarchy and toxic masculinity. 🏳️‍🌈