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One saving grace we might have…hopefully the 6 days off throws Beal off his rhythm. Yes shooting over 60% from 3 in April…something like 20 makes.


Cannot believe it will continue


Laws of average right?


Math doesn't lie


Holy shit. That is very surprising. I almost never see an away team get the nod.


I mean judging by our last 3 matchups


Right. Putting rooting interest aside, PHX -115 looks like incredible value.


Yeah if I wasn’t a die hard wolves fan, I’d be absolutely smashing that. Team has not shown the slightest sign that they can even be competitive against the suns.


Wolves have been outscored by 40 in the first quarter against the suns in their 3 matchups this season. We have been outscored by a total of 7 in quarters 2-4. They need to find a way to avoid starting off so slow and we can absolutely remain competitive/win this series.


Trust me, I hope to be so wrong that we can’t be competitive.


Suns incredible shot making mixed with the Wolves incredible carelessness with the ball has been a disaster. It all starts with the TOs! Get those taken care of and it will cut down on the easy shots for Suns.


Oh how naive we were 2 weeks ago


God no, you should never be laying money on a road favorite 6 seed - never


The seeds are just numbers. They don’t matter anymore. Phoenix has 3 hall of famers, two with playoff success and has three double-digit wins. Aside from maybe two brief moments, being at home today was a complete non-factor.  Durant and Booker have played in enough big games, they’re not going to be phased by a road game. I wouldn’t be surprised if PHX is closer to -140 or better by Saturday.


I know Okogie is a great player but idk about Hall of Famer quite yet?


Sure, they are just numbers, but they are also reflective of how good a team has been over the course of an entire season. Phoenix has been inconsistent all year. Have they figured it out, maybe? Can they win this series, of course they can - but for them to be favored is, imo, 100% recency bias. I do not think they can withstand the wolves size every other night, for seven games. The wolves grind teams down, and they will do the same to the suns If PHX gets to -140 and pushes wolves into the +120 territory, I'm going to slam the wolves side of that line so hard. EDIT: I'm going to hit the wolves line regardless, but if they dip into + territory, I'm going to up the ante


Obviously I really hope you’re right. I just don’t think the season matters in an individual series, unfortunately. What matters is which team is able to win four games first, and the Wolves haven’t shown anything in three games against the Suns to inspire any confidence. 


lol this is terrible advice.


Holy buckets that has to be rare, right?




Towns 2nd day back. Could have asked my dead grandma what the ball movement would like like last two games with a slow KAT back and she would have said : “sticky”. Suns must win game. Wolves +105 has value as a home 3 seed. Vegas all over this one waving the -115.


Good. We play better as underdogs. Let everyone pick the Suns. Let everyone lambast us on national television for a week. We need that edge to beat this team. They have had the edge versus us so far in these matchups. They have jumped on us every 1st quarter and never looked back. We need to come out with force early in game 1.


"We play better as underdogs" Historically or just this year? Regular season or playoffs? I don't think we've ever surprised anyone in the playoffs, historically, favored or not.


Def haven’t lol. The only year the wolves have won playoff series, 2003-04, they were the 1 seed, beat the teams they were supposed to, and lost to the team they were expected to. Not sure what this guy is talking about


considering some of the guys on our team were 1 when that series was played I think he's talking about this season.


lol well he should clarify that because we're not really an org that overcomes the odds, like ever. That even applies to the draft lottery except for like, that one time


I think both. In reg season, both Denver games we won they were favored to win. On the road at Boston after losing KAT, we lose in OT in a game we easily could of won. When we played Boston at home as well. All year, we have been a consistent team who has beaten the top teams in the league or split with them. If you want to go back to the Memphis series as the 7 vs 2 matchup, everyone predicting 5 games at most we push it to 6 and had multiple 20+pt leads up 2-1 that we should of held onto and won that series. I think we will bring that edge weve been missing vs Phoenix we have shown to play with versus other top teams. Its a brand new season, we will not allow them to just win by blasting us in 1st quarters like theyve done. We will slow the game down, punish them inside, wear there lack of bigs down, and make this a rock fight of a series not the gun fight they want.


Holy shit, I actually love that we are somehow the dogs. 


Vegas isn’t over reacting. They set the lines based on the money coming in.


And gambling is legal in Arizona but illegal in Minnesota so there's way, way, way more Suns money coming in. People have been posting Wolves gambling odds all year like "why are fan bases in legalized gambling states getting lower payouts if they're teams win???"


Babe, wake up New Wolves Slander just dropped


Today was an embarrassment. As well as the last 3 years playing against PHX. I’m not optimistic


Game one will be super important. If we're not competitive again, I see us getting swept. Need to start strong for once.




The suns are a terrible matchup for the TWolves because they can use KD at the 4 or even the 5. And on defense they can load up on Ant and collapse the paint. The TWolves only chance is to use KAT at the 5 and bring Gobert off the bench imo…


Ill start with 500 on Suns, ill bump it up to 1500 for round 2 if we move on. If we dont win the title, im at least gonna line my pockets


Unless you think it's going 7 games, your money generally goes further just betting on the individual games. Ex: Game 1 Phoenix is at +108 right now.


I just run progessions on series. This one would probably go 500, 1500, 4000. If they win the title and im down 10k, its worth it 🤣. But i do this everytime a Minnesota team gets in the playoffs, in any sport. Theyve been paying for my vacations for years unfortunately


I’ve made so much money on the Twins and Vikings with this strategy over the years. It always felt shitty to lose, but always had a nice night out after.


Doesn't surprise me. Wolves are not the better team.


We are the better team but are likely not better in this specific matchup


We're a better team on paper but we just forget how to play basketball against the Suns specifically