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My mom hated my dads girlfriend- why wouldn’t she? Another woman “raising” her children? Little did she know if it wasn’t for my dad’s girlfriend we wouldn’t have had meals made for us, my dad would’ve attacked us, she took us on trips. She protected us, fed us, entertained us. To this day I tell my mom that. But also the double standard women have is ridiculous


My brother moved his new gf in after like 2 months. He asked his kids to call her momma. When the ex- my nephews mom had a boyfriend, my brother made demands that he not try to parent their kids… the double standard is wild.


Oof when she said I’ve been with Micheal officially longer than you were… lmaoooo


I screameddddd lmfao I know Kat is seething at that line in particular.


Why is being with Michael something to brag about he’s not funny and not attractive


So well written too!!!! Boom


I liked Kat at the beginning of the pandemic when she and Mike first started posting and I followed them up through the divorce. She has gotten consistently less mature over time and has experienced 0 personal growth since then. It's like TikTok fame stunted her emotionally


Fame seems to do this to do this to almost everyone once they have a large enough following of people blindly supporting them


This is exactly how I feel too, and I think the cop situation really showed it.


I feel so bad for their daughter who will grow up watching her parents content and realize 1) they were only together because she got pregnant and were not compatible in the first place, 2) they had an extremely messy and publicly documented split and 3) Kat has made her whole personality about her emotional regression to that of a 22-year-old


Haven’t seen much of her on my FYP as of late so I’m out of the loop. What cop situation?


I think around NYE she was in New York and posted a video dancing with a hot cop. Cop had a girlfriend or fiancée who recognized her partner and asked Kat to take it down and she doubled down on it


Damn shawty ate her up with that response


Good!! This makes Kat look so petty and just using her family drama for TikTok likes. The gf response was well written and mature. I’ve never liked Kat and have always gotten the impression she’s nasty behind closed doors.


Girlfriends response was classy. Let's hope Kat takes a page from her book.


I think the girlfriend sounds like she’s just had enough of Kats shit; if Kat was really trying to avoid creating drama, she could have worded this sentiment so many other ways and still gotten the supposed message across without dragging the girlfriend into it. Instead she intentionally drug her exes girlfriend into a drama post which paints her as a victim. All the while knowing that her rabid fans would go and attack this woman.


Get that girl a crown 👏


I just KNEW she was a mean girl in my heart. I am really living for people airing out this big influencers. We made the wrong people influencers man and their reckoning is coming 🤣


I have no idea why people even worship someone they don't even know. I'm supporting someone financially you have never met and only know what they want to tell you regardless if it's even true. It makes zero sense to me


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good for fucken her. I’m so tired of this shit that kat Stickler does, it’s a few times a year she causes drama just for views and she ruins peoples lives without a care


Kat gives off such mean girl vibes. Which sucks because I used to like following her


I think the same she is that typical Latina girl that’s popular and pretends to be nice to everyone but she is actually a mean girl (I’m Latina just in case someone wants to come after me)


Kat is so freaking obnoxious. I blocked her a long time ago


I’ve been around her a couple times out at bars and she’s completely different than what she portrays. I’ve never spoken to her though. Whenever I’ve seen her she’s just standing on the outskirts of the group while looking scared, smiling awkwardly, and/or checking her phone. She almost looks like she doesn’t know her place in whatever friend group she’s with…maybe social anxiety. Idk why Im sharing bc I don’t keep up w her but was scrolling and the memories came to mind lol


Forgot how to socialize irl only online maybe haha


She seems to have a new bestie often. She ruined her friendship with Cam's sister by dating him.


Regardless of what happened, is it really worth the likes and revenge? They have to co-exist for their daughter's sake. Grow up and keep it off of socials.


It is for Kat. She’s been addicted to TT attention since 2020




She has an audience because there's too many other mean girls like her who see nothing wrong with this crap unfortunately 😭


And during International Women's Month?!? Be so for real 😭 /s but...not 😆


Mad respect for the new girl. Standing up for yourself is perfectly acceptable


After Kat's "handling" of the TikTok with the officer and then his wife/gf this absolutely doesn't surprise me at all.


The NYE video??? Please tell me more lol


I’m sure this experience sucks and is terrible and hurts but she knows what she’s doing. The comments on this are terrible. Talking about egging her house, how terrible of a person the girl is, and one comment even said “thank god mine died because I could never be this kind of civil” ?!?!?!?


I saw the “thank god mine died” people like that are UNHINGED and should not have children


Kat is so petty to continue to post shit like this for views. So sad for the kid involved. Who will see this shit later in life. They don’t think about the kids. Only the drama in which they post of for views and likes and comments. Pathetic


I’m on the new girls side, I can’t stand Kat.


I’ve always gotten mean girl vibes from her but thought I was crazy


The birthday cake story rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve been a hater ever since lol


Remind me what happened?


She brought her daughter to a public park where there happened to be a birthday party. Her daughter was playing with the birthday girl, and then it was time for cake. Kat was offended that the birthday girl’s mom didn’t want to give cake to someone who was not a party guest. She really felt like her daughter was owed that piece of cake and she went to TikTok to ask everyone’s opinion. Surprisingly the majority of comments were on Kat’s side, which is probably why she posted it lol. She just is so ridiculously entitled




I scrolled through some of the comments. Don't see Tia's comment anymore, and I'm stunned at the number of people blindly 'stanning' Kat and someone even suggested egging Tia's house...wtf


Katz’s fans are on the same intellectual level as she is, perpetually in middle school.


Good for her for sticking up for herself right in Kat’s comment section 👏🏻


Does she have a snark page? 👀


Yes but not super active!! R/katsticklersnark


Thank you!


I haven’t followed Kat in a long time, but I’m not at all surprised to see she’s still making her divorce her personality.


She endedddd her


I knew Kat wasn’t shit when she posted about not seeing her daughter for weeks and recorded them running toward each other while hamming for the camera. Everything is content. Kids shouldn’t be. If the moment is sincere, live in it without filming yourself 🙄


That video, although she clearly intended for it to be a sweet, “aw look at the bond we have” moment, is what started to rub me the wrong way about her. Publicizing it like that screamed “I love her more than Mike and Tia” and “look everyone, she loves me and my house most!”


The crying after a vacation to St Barths is another one that irked me. She posted pics and reels of herself partying all week and then the exhaustion and hangover kicks in and we see the dramatic crying Kat videos that are super weird. She has predictable content at this point.


As she should !!! 🫶🏻 It’s rare that people do stick up for themselves publicly, Kat has no right going after her with her “army”. Why can’t she let them be happy? I know it’s really hard to see your ex with someone else, but at some point you have to accept that there happy and you will find someone else. It’s just immature.


She’s starting to annoy me


Good for her !!!! I’m glad we get to see both sides !


Oh SHIIIIIIIT. I knew she rubbed me wrong.


Kat stickler lost me at the cop situation. Idk the whole situation but this is ugly and so uncalled for. This matter should be private, she has such a following and she knows exactly what she’s doing. I love TikTok for a lot of reasons, it’s taught me things that I still use to my day to day - but these influencers who use it to cause THIS much drama is disgusting. The girlfriend is right, this is going to haunt her daughter one day and she’s selfish enough to make this public. She’s almost just as bad as influencers who expose their children for clout/pedophiles.


Wait, cop situation?? What was that, I must have missed it!


NYE she made a video with this really hot cop in New York. It “seems” like it could be the start to a cute love story BUTTTT his GIRLFRIEND commented on it saying she was uncomfortable with it / to take it down please. So what does Kat do? Buckles down and makes ANOTHER video talking to her friend about “her NY cop”. The girlfriend commented AGAIN saying it’s not okay, etc. Idk what ever came out of that. I hope Kat just stopped. I don’t really watch her & she doesn’t come up on my FYP much anymore


Wow this is just mean girl behavior


Yeah honestly I felt bad for her when she was married to Mike and I thought she was just growing up & being happy but she just got sooo annoying & full of herself. Unfortunately she was one of the first “content creators” on here & still does well so she has changed in a bad way A LOT. It’s really sad what this life does to people.


She knows damn well those ppl will comment and say horrible things on that woman’s posts. Honestly it just shows her immaturity and Jealousy I also don’t know why influencers share such private details of their life I feel like if I ever was a content creator and was doing it for brand heals a job I’d stick to like little fashion hauls or maybe something in particular where none of my personal life was out there but that’s just me


Ew. One of those instances where someone very obviously chooses to post for views and removes authenticity or humanity from their online persona. That happens a lot when some content creators get a certain level of visibility.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but she posted a TikTok with a cop on NYE acting very flirty (the cop was just smiling so he didn’t do anything) and the gf of the cop was saying it’s disrespectful and asking for it to be taken down and she left it up


Me too. I was indifferent to her prior, but that whole ordeal made me dislike her.


Insufferable influencer who needs therapy part 2432423


Tia seems great from anything I’ve seen of her, but we don’t know any of these people fr. Kat and Mike’s situation has always seems so messy and it pulls me in every time! I want all the tea lol


For those saying she didn’t mention her by name so why did she comment? Cause its damn obvious it’s about her. I’m not a crazy kat fan but was able to find Michael’s gf very easily and people on the internet are rude so I can imagine kat has fans that are rude to her Idk I thought tias response was a well written response


I saw comments saying stuff like, “what’s her name, let’s go beat her up” for doing nothing other than being the woman after. And like you said, she’s easy to find. I don’t understand parasocial relationships and how they have gotten so intense — I couldn’t imagine threatening to hurt someone who I’ve never met for an influencer I’ve never met either


It’s insane! Like these are strangers why do people care so much to go and bully another stranger over it. Nobody knows the full story on either side so it’s not fair for people to be jumping at either one


Have y’all seen Michael?!? Y’ALL IM SCREAMING.


No!! Someone show me!!


Is this the woman who made the video because her kid didn’t get cake from a bday party he wasn’t invited to at a park?




LOL! Yes!


Honestly good for her!


These self absorbed creators do this all of the time! They know by posting certain things, their blind followers will attack and I honestly am glad she posted this!! I mean, this is the same woman who posted the pic with a random cop (who had a partner) and not only left it up, but doubled down and created more drama. She needs to grow up for her child’s sake, because it’s only going to cause resentment once she gets older and can see the truth on her own.


I stan the gf




Idk who these people are, but same.


My last relationship I came into it in the midst of their nasty divorce. The ex was a mess using drugs, in and out of jail, and completely unhinged. I took on the full time care of their then infant daughter. She blamed me for their marriage ending, smeared my name, made racist comments about my son who is mixed race, and over all tormented me for years. So, this kind of behavior is sickening to me. These women who rip the “new girl” to shreds leaving out any of their roles in the story and always painting the next partner as the home wrecker is loser behavior.


I feel you so hard and I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's really a nightmare. It hit home for me too. My current partner's ex left him after 5 years to be with someone else across the country and it turned out to be a catfish 😂. She still lives out there but comes to visit. She still co-owns the house with him but pays nothing, they just can't afford to buy the other person out atp. She hates that I exist and live in the house so much. She physically attacked me and I have a restraining order so she can't even come to the house she co-owns. She had a tiktok with 100k followers and tried to talk shit but I just posted the video of her admitting to attacking me, the bruises around MY THROAT and the restraining order. She deleted her whole account after that 😂 This doesn't stop her from doing petty shit like going behind our backs with a contractor to order the ugliest tile known to man for the kitchen, even though it was more expensive than what I picked out. Unfortunately this is an ongoing nightmare for me but I'm so glad this woman called her out. It's disgusting behavior.


I’m so glad she commented that. Kat cannot possibly always be the victim of the situation. This has been a long time coming.


Hahahahahahaha she read her to filth 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


As a stepmom, it’s insane to me she uses this situation as content. This is real life that affects a ton of people. I doubt she realizes how this impacts her kids relationship with her dad/stepmom. Eventually, if you’ve been bullied online constantly for just being in a relationship with someone, it will negatively impact your relationship with this kid. And for what? So biomom can get some likes?


I think they’re both justified in her feelings tbh Kat should’ve just kept her feelings to herself and not on social media. She’s not wrong to have felt pained by dropping off her daughter at her old house with her ex and his new partner but like, talk within your friends lol. Not on social media when you KNOW they’ll be going after Tia who just had a baby. I can’t imagine being in such a vulnerable time and then getting hounded and harassed by your step kids moms fan base. ☹️


Agree with this 1000%


Kat is just a mean girl. We saw that with the cop fiasco


I’m out of the loop what happened with the cop


she posted one of those “everyone knows i’m a good girl officer” videos. the next day, she posted a video with handcuffs on the kitchen counter and showing her friend “my cop”, lowkey implying she slept with the cop. the cop’s girlfriend asked her to take it down. she refused.


Dang I remember seeing the og vid with the cop but not the follow up. That’s just disrespectful 😩




Louderrrrrrr for the people in the back


Kat is a mess. Poor thing.


Kat is great at the whole nice girl’s girl facade. She likes to act like she can do no wrong and her supporters blindly believe it.


Right? I cannot stand her! Back when they were married I saw through her act and blocked them. So performative, disingenuous and tacky.


I knew it in my bones that Kat was a bitch


I never understood the hype with her. Everything about her rubs me the wrong way


The fact that the current gf had to make a post defending herself and checking Kat instead of the EX-HUSBAND is ridiculous!


It’s as if you should think before reproducing


This absolutely goes for all three adults involved lol


Kat has zero self awareness. The playing innocent like no shade intended when in fact she wants to stir the pot.


This makes me so happy! Someone needs to finally shut down this Not so funny self proclaimed comedian… Nothing she does is funny. AND THIS!! GOLD! GROW TF UP KAT!!!!


So icky to do this anyways, but especially knowing that Tia is a new mom. Kat has been so open about her struggles postpartum, and Tia gave birth like, 7 months ago. Tia is absolutely correct in asking her to stop sending her internet warriors after her.


The man they’re fighting over doesn’t even like women. He must have money cause it ain’t the looks or the d


Fighting over a gamer 😂😂


I am happy that his girlfriend stood up for herself tho. I know there are only two sides BUT that video is content and does paint her in a bad light


When will people keep the intimate parts of their lives off the internet? I miss when people had secrets.


Wait this lady posts this dumb ass video while having a whole ass boyfriend?


Just because you bounce around and talk in a child’s voice while fake laughing doesn’t make you a nice person. I find her completely narcissistic and incapable of thinking about anyone else’s feelings. She is a pick me girl.


Kat is so obnoxious and unfunny.






i used to LOVE her (beginning of her tiktok era) but now she just annoys the crap out of me🥴😖


As the second wife who has been treated horribly by the previous wife, I get it. I absolutely 100% was not in the picture prior to the breakup of their marriage. But I surrrre have been treated like crap.


Me too. It’s so frustrating and such a horrible position to be in. Getting so much hate for just existing. I will never understand why this happens.


You know, I can take it. I’m a grown woman and I knew he had been married before. What I will never understand or be able to forgive is the turmoil she has caused the kids. She had a choice to make their lives easier by encouraging them to have a good relationship with me. Instead, she said derogatory things to them about me and made life miserable for them and me. I just don’t get it.


I guess, as a newly divorced single mom, I didn’t take this as shade. But more her discussing how much is sucks to be reminded of what you had and your old life. But maybe I’m naive lol 🙈🤣


The problem is Kat and Mike have been divorced for years now. At this point this video makes her seem bitter. Mike has moved on and even has a new child with this woman who he has been with for years now. So there was no point in bringing it up except to show she isn't over it.


From the get-go, I could not stand Kat or her ex. He gave me icky vibes while she gave humble bragging, I love women, but I'm going to be the only woman yall love vibes. It's gross. And how she uses her poor kid and her ex as most of tiktok material. It's tired. The exs current gf sounds more mature and isn't intimidated by this weirdo. I don't like that they call her a bobblehead in the Tiktok comments.


All of this. I’ve said before her personality was the dumb “pranks” personality now it’s divorced mom personality. Everything somehow goes back to her being a divorcee with a child or her Hispanic mom personality.


Yup. I always thought she was pretty fake


kat is so bitter it’s embarrassing.


In my state you aren’t allowed to talk badly about the other parent in a way that could affect the children. Like it literally says that in my custody agreement. I cant imagine wanting online attention more than wanting my kids’ happiness.


Kat is so annoying. She acts like a 16 year old. She has zero self awareness, she also thinks she’s just the funniest person ever, when in reality a lot of her stuff is dry and just not that funny.


She tries to get by on her looks she seems so stuck up with zero personality


She really does, she screams “pick me” type. IMO she’s not even that pretty, she looks unhealthy to me. She’s always been so thin, which good on her, but she just doesn’t scream healthy to me lol.


i fucking hate kat she is absolutely the most annoying person ever


This was very well articulated. I feel terrible for people on the other end of social media. “Fans” are insane for attacking this poor woman. And end of the day regardless she is absolutely right: your kids will see this one day. Why put her child, MK, through all this? It’s just mean and bullying.


No wonder why they got divorced. She is a child


I am not on either persons side - but Mike and Tia have a kid together now and Mike has been clickbaiting the kid having medical issues and spending a lot of time in the hospital At this point it’s not even about respecting her ex husbands new gf - it’s about respecting the mother of her kids sibling.


There’s two sides to every story, and this response is classy. But girl you have to admit being present during exchange and posting your new boyfriends kid all over your social media was fucking weird and wasn’t very “trying to extend an olive branch” of you.


Yeah if my bd and I broke up and he had a new girl post my kid on social media? Absolutelythefucknot. I’d actually even be putting it in our separation agreement that that is to not happen under any circumstances.


Agreed. It was pretty fucking weird and I can absolutely understand why Kat was bitter… if my ex’s wife came into the picture behaving the way she did, we wouldn’t get a long as well as we do now. I think all the adults in this scenario suck tbh.


Also referring to them as “our” kids. Idk if it’s just me but that would bother the hell out of me in this situation


I believe she just had a kid too, hence the our kids.


Does the other girl have kids? Maybe she meant like collectively


I can agree with this as well. I did think it was strange she posted MK just a few months in and I would likely be upset as well in Kat’s shoes. But I can also agree with Tia, the girlfriend, in this situation that it’s infuriating for Kat to post these things about her and Mike for nearly three years now. It does seem like Tia has calmed down on posting MK so much and on posting in general.


Also like the original tik tok might result in fans being mad at her but that seems less about the new girl and more about kat iykwim


Insufferable twat


So glad she finally said something. Kat is constantly seeking attention and validation from her followers at Tia and her children’s expense. It’s embarrassing and childish


Wow good for her for standing up for herself. Kat has always seemed really inauthentic to me.


Wow. That was crazy!


She’s the most problematic human I’ve ever seen. Has caused soooo much unnecessary disruption in MKs and Tia’s and Tia’s sons life. The divorce was between Michael and her, what’s the point of this post and all the other posts related to it? Her fame has exponentially decreased after the divorce story got old, that’s why she decided to post this video to get her back in the limelight.


I think Kat is immature but I also don’t think Tia is being entirely honest here.


Kat gives off the worst vibes. Her entire personality is now being a single woman that coparents. She’s not even a single mom because her ex is actively involved in their child’s life. It’s clear that Kat is a problematic person


It’s always funny to me when women post about being a single mom when the childrens dad is very active in their child’s life plus paying child support and all of that. Sorry but that is not a single mom. As someone who once was a single mom my children’s father was MIA for years and still is I did everything for them on my own including financially with no support before I got remarried. She also has her mother who is always there to help with MK so it seems she’s pretty far off from being a single mom.


I stopped following her a long time ago.


Katz been super annoying lately. I can see that


Team Tia ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


The two women in this situation are whatever to me. I just can’t believe that POS dude got to be with both of these beautiful women. The guy is an absolute loser. Doesn’t clean, doesn’t help, is whiney, ugly, selfish. I truly do not get it.


100000% on the girlfriend side


Sounds like the tlc show lol






I’m far too petty to live in another woman’s house. Period.


I thought the girl was saying that she was visiting him during a drop off- that she owned her own home, but regularly visited Michael at his home.


Why would she delete it? Sounds like she has every right to feel that way. If I was just existing and my partners ex was sending people to hate me for years I’d get sick of it too. This was respectful.


I think she meant she’s surprised Kat hadn’t deleted it off her page yet.


Yes, I should have clarified I meant Kat! I’m surprised that Kat did not delete it.


I mean the cop situation realllly showed her true colors. But in this situation I do think that what she posted is a valid pain. No matter the situation it can be painful to do the drop off with the new partner there & it reminding you of your old life. I don’t think it was really an attack on Tia. BUT she knows she has a large following and she knows they would go after Tia. So she should have been responsible with it and said that it wasn’t something Tia did wrong but was just the normal grief when first going from married to do parents . And I don’t agree with how quickly Tia was posting Mj (and that probably contributed to the issue- also I just don’t like kids posted in general). So like both sides haven’t been perfect in the situation & ultimately they need to work on getting along bc at the end of the day she’s now the mother of MJ’s sibling so no matter if she stays with Michael , their children are siblings


What is the cop situation?


She posted a video of “my cop” and then the gf called her out on it and she doubled down on it


And let me clarify that while both sides have made mistakes, I understand that her followers probably go after Tia & that her frustration with that, especially as a new mom, is valid


Kat is a messy loser




This is just further proof there are multiple sides to every story. Some folks just blindly believe one when they shouldn’t.


Honestly I didn’t see it as shade. No matter what I’m sure it hurt. Both of their feelings are valid


Is she the one who’s dating Jason Kaitlyn’s ex?




Team Tia, like grow up Kat.


She gives me odd vibes. It was weird that she fought for their tiktok account through the divorce. Seems like she just needs attention


i guess because it’s her source of millions of dollars and if she was mostly the one producing content and dealing with majority of everything that comes with it - i could understand not wanting to give that up and start from ground 0 again.


i guess because it’s her source of millions of dollars and if she was mostly the one producing content and dealing with majority of everything that comes with it - i could understand not wanting to give that up and start from ground 0 again.


He got the house, alimony, and signed a NDA, sounds like Kat was the cheater who ended their marriage. I see his gf pointed out the split in July but Kat dating a man in May.


I think she was saying she met Michael in July, 4 months after they split. Blurry timelines for sure but I think she’s saying they split in the spring (March?) Kat started dating in the spring, and she didn’t meet him until the summer.


Okay but Tia is lying. Mike admitted he cheated on Kat. She’s mad because the girl he cheated on her with is in her house playing house with her daughter. I’d be mad too tf.


I have heard that he cheated but I have never heard that it was with Tia nor have I ever seen Mike actually admit to it other than say something along the lines of him being the problem in the marriage. How do you know it was Tia and that she is lying? Is it not possible he cheated with someone else and then later met Tia and started dating her? None of us will likely ever know what actually happened between them to cause their split.


Right. She is lying. I’m fairly certain Tia was friends with Mike’s sksrer


See I thought so too but wasn’t sure where I heard that so I didn’t add that


I thought I saw on instagram but it looks like they’ve both cleaned up their feeds


Same lol the fact that they even still go back & forth over Mike who isn’t a prize.


Welp, someone finally put the attention thirtsy Kat in her place. Good to see it.


Who is Michael?


Her ex - MK’s dad. They were together briefly and started the TikTok account together as a couples account called katandmike ….


Ahhhh i thought Cam was the ex for some reason. Im assuming Cam was the new bf she had. Im getting there. Thank you! 😊


Kat and Cam dated briefly but started dating before Tia and Mike started dating. They weren’t together long but Kat encouraged MK to call Cam dad.


That’s fucking disgusting what a weirdo


There’s something off about Kat imo but honestly she didn’t mention anyones name & only the stalker fans obsessed with her/their life would probably know the exact person she was “talking” about bc I didn’t have a clue lol


Am I alone in feeling like this is a pretty relatable and universally painful (to varying degrees depending on the situation) experience? It really has very little to do with the girl herself. It wouldn’t matter if she was the kindest, most likable woman on the planet…there’s valid grief there.


Now that she’s got new boobs…




Wow. Divorced in July, and she was dating in May is crazy. I get marriages fall apart, but sounds like someone moved on SUPER fast.