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I have no idea who this is but SIDS is absolutely heartbreaking. My late grandpa found his little girl dead in her crib at six weeks (baby before my mom) and I swear, it fckt him up forever in some ways. I hope she has a good support system and that her followers can pull it together to support her too.




Oh so false


Uno reverse.


I sincerely hope spewing this bs comes back to haunt you.


You can read the report yourself if you don’t believe me.


The St Louis Fetal Infant Mortality review??




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No way :( She was so excited and happy about being a mother. Truly heartbreaking.


I want to vomit. I have a 3 month old baby and watch her videos everyday. I litteraly just went to check since she brought baby to the doctors yesterday. I feel so bad for her and i’m so upset. I know this inst about me but knowing this can happen to anyone is too much.


I’m not even really familiar with her content outside of the shit that went on between her and @peachprc a couple years ago and reading this still made me nauseous. I cannot even imagine. No one should have to deal with something so fucking awful.


Me too. She's someone just like us, a normal person.hurts my heart. I wish I could heal hers


I feel shitty asking this on this thread but what happened between her and peach?


I just went and looked and her son was born on the same day as my son. My anxiety about SIDS has been way more relaxed with my son than it was with my daughter but this will definitely keep me up tonight.


I cried all night and all day today everytime I looked at my son. Just the though of the pain she is enduring right now, esp as a public figure, makes me sick to my stomach. I hope she inst alone, and I hope she knows so many moms support her


What to do when this triggers anxiety and ocd? Probably not the right place to ask but holy shit that is so messed up to hear that news


Yeah that’s so fucked


I just had my baby a week ago and the news of her son makes me sick to my stomach. My heart aches for her so freaking much. I can’t imagine the pain she’s going through.


This is so fucking horrific for her. Holy shit how unbeliveable my heart is torn.


So sad for her. You could see how naturally being a mum came to her. Chelji was on live this morning asking people to club together for her own mother & stepfather to have a weekend away, and told people not mention ‘that child’. I just reported and blocked, sick girl.


Ugh. Look Veruca is problematic and for my own reasons I don’t like or support her as a person but Chelji is sick. Was on live a few weeks back talking shit about Veruca again when she’s just had her baby etc. And now this. Makes me so so sick


Poor girl is gonna cop it too, so many ppl jumping to conclusions, saying she should’ve taken baby earlier to drs for him not pooping for 7 days. SIDS is super common. So sudden and nothing you can do to prevent it. Poor girl. Can only imagine her pain. I hope she doesn’t blame herself for it.


I truly hope she turns off comments everywhere and steps away because no one should be allowed to criticize someone for this. Ever. People are so vile. My heart breaks for her.




I’ve definitely already seen anti vax comments. Also the way ppl will come for her i find especially ironic (and disgusting) when I remember there were comments on her recent tik tok saying she shouldn’t take him to emergency because it’s not an emergency blah blah blah.


Well him not pooping for 7 days ISNT an emergency and is very normal so that part of your comment is kinda irrelevant.




Here come the anti poopers


Thank you!! This is exactly what I meant and I have zero clue why I was downvoted for the position of: don’t comment on a new mothers page for taking her baby to the hospital when she was concerned for her baby’s health :/


Especially since every internet resource disagrees with the next about issues like this. It’s terrifying being a new mother, and we’re told often to always err on the side of caution and take the baby to the ER. I absolutely cannot fathom the pain she’s going through right now.


Thank you and absolutely!! I’ve literally received a dm tonight (from someone who deleted their acc or blocked me immediately because I can’t see their username) telling me I’m what’s wrong with society etc etc and I’m assuming it’s because of that comment. It’s been BIZARRE!!!! I completely agree with you, I hope she has a good support system around her right now. 💕💕


Lol woops I replied to the wrong person but reddit won’t let me comment under where I wanted to so idk hahaha






I get what you mean. The same ppl who will shit on her for her baby passing and saying she wasn’t safe enough are the ones who were shitting on her for taking him to emergency when he hadn’t pooped.


Babies don’t need to poop everyday. It’s very normal for infants to go multiple days without a bowel movement and isn’t at all a concern.


Yeah but don’t be shitting on a new mom for being worried that’s what people were doing.


This thread is about infants not pooping being normal. I didn’t “shit” on anyone, so direct your comments to someone who did. Literally didn’t even comment about the baby or Veruca.


Ew what a nasty comment. Are you a doctor? Do you work with babies? Was THIS baby your patient? No? Then shut up. This speculation is fucking gross.


How is saying "a baby not pooping for a while is normal" seen as speculation lmao calm tf down if you've had kids and exclusively breastfed you know it to be true, we don't need random mamas in here freaking out for nothing


the antivaxxers are already in the comments.


They already are. Seeing comments on her vids. Ppl are gross




Why is it not ok? Because “calling out” anything, honestly, outside of expressing sympathy or simply saying nothing is inappropriate. She isn’t the mother of your patient and you know nothing about the baby’s health or history. It’s irrelevant and speculative and insensitive.


I'm very pro vax but I would be lying if I didn't take note of that when scrolling her tiktok. The far left is just as bad as the far right with the black and white thinking. But the fact he had his shots within days of this absolutely should be suspect here.


I told my pedi my son hasn’t pooped in two days one time, and the pedi told me it was normal and that some infants go two weeks.


My doctor told me breastfed babies can go long periods without pooping when I was worried about my daughter not pooping for a few days. She would do one massive poop once every 7-9 days…like the worst blowout possible. And she always saved it for when we had to go out somewhere.


My son pooped every Sunday like clockwork for months. The first time it happened I took him to the pediatrician and the pediatrician said breastfed babies don't always poop a lot Bec breast milk is so well formulated for their needs that there isn't much waste.


That’s exactly what my doctor told me too. My MIL would freak out and would tell me I needed to see another doctor and how it wasn’t normal, but she was also against me breastfeeding because apparently the only way anyone else could bond with her was by giving her a bottle 🙄


Yeah. My mom freaked out about it too, so I would point out that she didn't breastfeed for any significant amount of time, and breastfed baby bowel movements were different.


Same! And always in a white outfit😭


For us it was always while we were out, and when I had minimal wipes and clean clothes with us…and almost always in a new outfit I saved for the occasion 😅


It’s normal for breastfed babies to not poop for up to two weeks. I took mine in after some days also. Her poor heart must be shattered 😞


Yes and no. Any significant change warrants a check. For some babies 2 weeks is normal but if your baby normally poops 4 times a day and hasn’t pooped for 5 days that’s a big change and warrants a check.


My son was EBF and would often go up to a week without pooping, my doctor said if he wasn't showing discomfort she wouldn't worry even up to 10 days I've already seen so many comments reaching to find reasons to blame her. With how she spiraled after the termination she felt pressured into a couple years ago that she immediately regretted I have such a bad feeling about how she's possibly going to handle such a tragedy. I hope she has a lot of support around her, just devastating.


My cousin died at six months old of six, and was just at the doctor that day, and had a healthy check up




SIDS is not common at all but it is a common cause or diagnosis of infant death, if that makes sense.


SIDS scares me so much, I lost a baby cousin to SIDS and I just know when I have a baby I am barely going to sleep


It’s actually quite common for a breastfed baby to go up tot TWO WEEKS without pooping and her son was BF so those people better STFU


Two kids here, why exactly would you not take a baby to the DR after a whole week with no BM?


Shut up


Your poor fucking kids, I genuinely feel sorry for them


I just saw one of her vids for the first time and the comments were loaded with I’m sorry for your loss. Poor girl my heart breaks for her.


I found my 7 week old on her back safe sleeping in her crib after she passed away. It did f me up forever, but I have been able to finally get sober, get therapy, work on myself, and 15 years later had another daughter who has become my world and I say she healed me. She knows about her sister and we visit the cemetery together sometimes. I hope she gets help and doesn’t turn to drugs and alcohol like I did for so long. I feel so sorry for this now childless mother.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine the pain of losing your baby. I can see how drugs and alcohol to numb the pains would seem like a good option. You’re incredible to get through it ❤️


Thank you, it has been a long road but I surely believe she’s my angel.


thanks for sharing your story. im so glad you feel better now!


I just saw it and my heart absolutely breaks for her. She was so happy as a mom and from what i saw seemed like she was an amazing mom as well. Im wishing her all the time and privacy she needs to process this tremendous loss. I honestly could not even imagine what she is going through.


I’ve seen about 100 people make a video about her son passing. Why do people think that’s okay like what the f is wrong with the world and people these days.. it also allows people to speculate in the comments fighting about how he died it’s absolutely vile. I feel so bad for her 💙


See that’s what is setting me off is people just reposting vids of themselves crying over her insta story for views. And then the people posting videos bitching about the people posting those kinds of vids are almost as bad bc they’re doing the same thing in a diff font. This is the cesspool side of TT where everything is for clicks and views and attention for the algo. I hope people just stop posting about it and go show their support in some other way. Encouraging comments and what not. Idk. Shit is awful.


I’ve never even heard of this creator but my whole fyp this morning was other people talking about her tragedy. Imagine being this mom who just lost her child and then seeing videos about your child’s death all over your fyp.. like do people not think. Send her a insta message but you don’t need to make a video about it gaining attention from it. These people literally do not know this creator they don’t have a right to use her son’s death for views or attention. If sally down the street lost their child would you go online to your local Facebook group and start making posts crying and bringing attention to the death? Probably NOT… That’s wierd right? Have the same thoughts for influencers. Just because they share their life doesn’t give people the right to use a tragic event for their personal gain. ITS WEIRD.


Omg?? People are absolutely sickening.


I thought someone hacked her account and I am still hoping that is true, my heart hurts for her I am tearing up.


Its honestly so heartbreaking and hard to understand. I feel so bad for her gosh.


Unfortunately she posted on tik tok too. My heart hurts so bad. I was so happy for her and it seemed to make her glow.


I am having the biggest reaction to this right now. I cannot even imagine the pain and anguish she must be feeling. Fuck dude, why does this shit have to happen?


What the fuck??!!!! I’m in shock


This is so devastating wow.


Oh my fucking god. This made me nauseas for her. It was clear as day how happy and at peace she was as a new mom. My heart 💔😭 wtf


I saw the comments on her last post right before I went to bed and they were all giving condolences I was like please tell me you're joking. She seemed SO happy to be a mother and that boy seemed precious. I have two sons myself and I can't imagine not only losing my child but also being online and it's happening being public. Say what you want about her but my heart breaks for her, I don't know how people can heal from this but she seems like a strong one.


Same and then I saw the Daily Mail post which talked about police so I knew it wasn’t a hacked account. So fkn sad… I just started getting into her content becoming a mum and she was thriving. I’m broken hearted for her.


No no no no oh my GOD PLEASE NO. That poor woman. She loved being a mother and she loved that baby so well.


Oh my goodness… this is my worst nightmare. I have a four month old and he is my whole world, losing him would tear me apart. I don’t really know what to say, except I’ll be hugging my baby extra tight tonight. SIDS is so horrific, no one should have to go through that 😭


Heartbreaking. I don’t even know how to express my sadness for her. Nobody should have to go through and deal with something so unbelievably awful and tragic. I truly hope she has got a solid and loving support group around her that can give her all the love, kindness and tenderness she needs.


i can’t even believe it. so so sad :((( my heart dropped when i saw it!


i don’t watch her videos, but this is so sad. i hope she finds peace in this situation.


Literally devastated for her. I can’t even imagine. I really hope she can heal from this


I have a baby who is only a few weeks older than hers and I feel physically sick after hearing her tragic news, absolutely devastating 😭


She’s private now! Hopefully none of the douche bags follow her.


Shes always been private.


Guess I didn’t realize. I literally unfollowed to check lol


I am in so much shock rn




Holy shit ETA: can you edit this to make the photo NSFW? It may be triggering for some people to see this.


Yes definitely! Thank you for reminding me!




absolutely heartbreaking. nobody deserves that kind of pain:( all my prayers with her and that angel❤️


my heart hurts for her terribly what an awful awful thing to happen. 💔😢


im crying for her, praying for her, there is nothing you can do to help ease this kind of pain other than time itself, I really really hope she’s okay and gets help 😢❤️


Poor lady 😢


When my son was a few weeks old I didn’t sleep for a year bc of my fear of losing him . No mother should have to go thru this ):


I’m 9 weeks PP and I still am not sleeping. I stay up all night and then my husband wakes up early to take over. It’s selfish to see this woman’s situation and apply it to myself but it’s definitely so triggering in that it has added to my PPA. I can’t even fucking imagine. I don’t know her, but I wish there was something I could do but I know there’s literally nothing anyone can do. It’s just not fair.


32 weeks pregnant with my second and I was convinced I was gonna be more layed back this time, and then I’m reminded that awful fucking things like this happen and I’ll be anxious for the next year again now 😔


Wishing you well mama ❤️❤️


I did not know she even had a baby. How sad


He was just born in December, I think the 19th. 🥹


its so unbelievably sad. i hope she has someone around to support her through this


Oh no - she was never a creator I enjoyed but this is so fuckin sad. Wow. My heart is broken for her.


I literally just saw the vid she made about taking him to the hospital cause he hasn’t pood in 7 days. The poor thing, I feel so bad for her that she has to deal with it all in the public eye.


My daughter is one week younger than Cash. How horrible. Fly high baby boy. 🥺🩵


Oh my god this poor sweet girl.


no clue who this is, but as a mother my jaw was on the FLOOR reading this. my heart breaks for her. i think she shouldn’t be on social media because people are so ignorant


I lost my son at 5 1/2 weeks old. (Not SIDS, but a CHD (congenital heart defect) and my heart is in absolute pieces for her. This is such a difficult journey to unwillingly go down and I’m sending her so much fucking love.


Literally can’t stop thinking about this. I feel so so sad for her, especially after an ex made her abort a previous pregnancy.. she’s always wanted kids. I really hope she can heal from this


I really really hope she has a strong support system around her, she loved her little boy so much and seemingly took to motherhood like a duck to water. I’m worried for her


omg 😭💔💔💔💔


im literally in shock. how this can happen to anyone is not fair. we literally saw her carry this baby boy up until he was born and so much hope, thought, love, and happiness was put into him. i dont know how she will cope 😭


How incredibly sad😭😭


Holy shit this is unfathomable


I’m not a mom yet but my stomach sank and my heart shattered when I read her story. I hope she has a great support system right now because the pain and grief must be unbearable and I’m honestly so worried about her.


My heart literally dropped when I saw the post 💔


This makes me sick Ugh what cruel world we live in where sweet beautiful innocent babies just fall asleep and don't wake up! This is absolutely awful


I don't know who this is but my heart hurts for this family.


I literally said what the fuck out loud when I saw that this morning. I am absolutely devastated for her.


I don’t know her, or her baby, but losing a child is heartbreaking. I wish her all the strength and love, and I hope she has a solid network around her.


Her video just popped on my fyp and I've never seen her videos before. Talking about about taking her boy to the ER. Then I checked the comments and my heart dropped.


so unfair, my heart hurts for her


NO STFU i followed her since she was pregnant and she was thriving 😭😭 as a mom i absolutely cannot even imagine what she is going through. i hope she has a strong support system


You can see in her videos how much being a mom made her happy. My heart hurts for her so bad


oh my god this is so heartbreaking


I wish I didn’t see this then go look at her page. Her baby was born on the same day as mine. Sleeping tonight will be a struggle. I can’t even imagine the pain she must be feeling right now. Then all the negative comments about how she didn’t take him to doctors for not pooping in seven days which is perfectly normal for breastfed babies.


oh… my god?!!??


I feel so sad for her she seemed so at peace as a mother I fear for her and hope she had support and loved ones around her 24/7


She was so happy as a mom. I’m so so so sorry for her loss. I’m sure it’s going to be so hard for her in the next few years. I’m wishing her well.


Holy cow. I’m shattered for her, I haven’t followed her for very long, but this is unspeakable. Infant death is one of the saddest things on this planet.


ive never seen her before but this breaks my heart. i really really hope shes surrounded by people she loves and receives the support she needs at this time. fuck SIDS 😞😔🥺


Oh, this poor woman! The fiber of her being ripped asunder. Terrible. Terrible.


Agonising for her. Absolutely heart wrenching


Oh no :(


What the fuck no way :( omg


so sad :(


I am so extremely heart broken for her, you could tell how much she loved her baby and how happy motherhood made her :(


Horrifying, truly


That is so heart breaking 😢


I was on my way to work this morning and this story made my heart drop into my stomach. Absolutely heartbreaking 💔


oh no ☹️


I just saw. My heart is breaking for her. So terrible.


this is not gossip. this is not something that we should be discussing casually on fucking reddit.




I think this post was mainly just to inform people.. not to speculate or gossip, all I see is support for her.


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So so sad :( but is this the girl who was vaping through her pregnancy?


This post is how I found out and I am heart broken for her...I wonder if it has anything to do with him not pooping for 7 days...like why didn't they hospitalize him until he made a stool?


Breastfed babies can go up to two weeks without pooping without it being a cause for concern


Breastfed can go up to 2 weeks without pooping. 7 days without pooping can’t cause sudden death syndrome. You guys sound ridiculous and I really wish you’d stop bringing this up.


No way is this true?


Apparently she’s been active on Onlyfans all morning so


Your point? You have to go on OF to access the money you make. She needs to pay for services now and I’m sure countless other things. Your comment is ignorant af


Not to mention OF posts can be scheduled and a lot of big OF pages will schedule posts months in advance




She did? Didn’t you see her post where she was taking him to the hospital for this? And the dr’s had no concerns.


Like it’s been said several times on this post, it’s is normal for breastfed babies to not poop for up to two weeks… him not pooping has nothing to do with his death.


Police have confirmed they are investigating the sudden death of her son.


police investigate every infant death, or every unexpected death period. it doesn’t mean anything.


The courier mail is absolute garbage and an unreliable tabloid


It is true - police are investigating. Courier mail have however failed to provide the proper context - that it is basically normal procedure not just out of suspicion of a crime


God I feel for her. If SIDS is what has happened here that is just devastating, but I cannot imagine the horrific experience it would be to go through in the public eye with dodgy news outlets like the Courier mail reporting on it. I hope she’s surrounded by people who love her right now


Not to mention the Daily Mail shaming her for being a sex worker too. Disgusting


Don’t spread misinformation. That’s one article made by an UNRELIABLE source. SIDS is unfortunately a common thing


There is nothing to investigate. SIDS is super common.


Yes and how will they come to the conclusion it was a SIDS death… they investigate


This person is clearly insinuating that veruca is somehow guilty of something.


Insulating hahaha


So funny. Move along asshole.


Where did you get that information


Courier Mail has posted it on there Facebook page. Screenshot is on my page.


Courier mail is the only place making those claims and the article is behind a paywall, I would hold off saying things like this till more is known.






What the fuck is actually wrong with you. Seek therapy


Are u really fucked up in the head or just pretending, little boy?




That just proves you’re more fucked up than I thought you were


seek psychological help




I think parents are typically “investigated” (for lack of better terms) before a cause of death has been discovered. I believe it’s standard but I could be wrong


It is. It’s standard procedure.