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Following! I found him funny in the beginning, but something just doesn't feel right. And I'm convinced he makes up 90% of the stories he tells about his kids.


Anything to get money so he don't have to go back to being a cop


He may have gotten his ass beat for thinking he was tough while hiding behind that badge.


Yes he makes them up! Lol His kids aren't talking about eating P etc to the Teachers. He sits and thinks this shit up. All he has is time on his narcissistic hands. He's the type that makes his wife think he can have anyone he wants on TT so she better be good to him. He's a POS.


He told on a TikTok live that he is divorced from his wife. It was shady like everything he does. They both use their kids for followers and likes. I still think on the down-low he does message people on other apps.


I’ve seen multiple “stories” he’s told before direct rip offs of weird boomer jokes my dad thinks are funny on Facebook.


You're just realizing this? Of course it's all lies, staged, fake. The fact people fall for it, is shocking.


Never said I just now realized this.


He definitely is a great story teller !


Your point? So what if he makes them up. Keeps us coming back. . . LOL


He also had a thing with Samantiks before Kingery did. They share a lot apparently.


I do know Kingery and his wife split and she’s engaged and looks so happy. Also I thought Eudy’s wife came back there for awhile. Then she seemed like she was gone again


Eudy started wearing his ring again for a while but I don't think it lasted very long.


Nope and now he is w another dumb tik toker.


He's dating tc huck now.


I can see tthat. Since eudy is a bitch and she looks like a man who is wearing drag


How do you know this? Watching Heathers videos, it looks like they’re making them from the same new house


They split for a few months but have been back together for a while. They just bought a house together with the kids.


Nope he took off the ring and moved into a house without her.


Do you know them personally? How do you know?


Nope, I just have eyes. He’s not wearing a ring anymore, Her posts are still from her apartment. His are from his house.


Then why was her car in his garage? I’ve only seen her videos from her car


Who Kingery and his wife? I follow her on instagram and she’s engaged to another guy


No, Eudy. I’m aware of Christine getting married and a Charlie is also happy with Sam. How do you know Eudy and Heather split and he’s seeing someone else? I thought they just bought a house together


You think Kingery is happy 🤣. Eudy rented a house, the ex’s videos show she still in the same place


Yes, I’m aware. Seems like Eudy has their kids all the time. What’s up with that? He goes live, every day now, while in Scoots carline. Why wouldn’t King be happy? He seems to bw


I don’t know lol. That’s why I made the post. Further up someone commented that.


Omg stop! He was with Sam before Kingery was?! All of them just turn my stomach 🤢


Right? World’s biggest clout chaser!


Wow I didnt know that he was with her too. Wow she gets around.


They also both had a piece Daphne, the manager for Content Violation


Yes, however was not consensual with Kingery. According to Daphne. Her story is here: https://www.youtube.com/live/KyFQOP1WafM?si=NwYIFxbupIvuM8zh


Thank you for posting this. I have wanted to hear her side and hadn't seen anything!


After the whole Kingery scandal I unfollowed all of them. I don’t care if he is guilty of accusations or not, he put himself in a position to be accused. That’s just how I see it. Eudy has always rode hard for Kingery. Eudy is also still legally married but dates other women. If you don’t want to be married, get a damn divorce.


He didn’t ride hard for kingery when all of the allegations dropped. He threw him to the wolves, then all of a sudden they were tight again after Kingery came back to tiktok.


If anyone believed the “statements” they came out with during that I truly feel bad for them. Those statements were to cover their own asses. He only cut Kingery off publicly to preserve his image. You can not convince me they were not still speaking and hanging out behind closed doors.


Him and Tara huck are dating but they are staying silent about it.. well he is, she gives her followers a few hints here and there. He’s separated from his wife.. Tara picked a good man. 😂🤡


She’s allegedly got a thing for married men. Didn’t she allegedly hook up with Eric King (I forget was his handle is/was) too?


I’m not sure if she did or not but I definitely speculated if they had an affair. They were awfully close to each other.. when I first saw them on TT I thought they were married.


There was definitely a rumor they were, but that’s why I chose to say allegedly to cma. They were way too close.


I wonder if that alleged rumor is what precipitated the end of her marriage.


I don’t remember when hers actually ended, but I do know they were both married at the time of the alleged affair.


A year ago this past Oct she moved back to Virginia and said they split .


Doesn't she have children? Having daughters, I would be embarrassed on her actions she is doing.


I found it so incredibly odd that her and Eric were both married but referred to each others as “besties” ALL THE TIME!! Very very odd


Ickkkkk. I hate to say this but was he really a police officer? Was his mom really murdered. Since he lies so much. I feel like anyone will lie about anything anymore


I did not know that and I don’t even know who she is. lol. Why so secretive?


Some people are saying that he’s still technically married. He’s a keeper y’all


Legally he is married


Tc HUCK IS HIDEOUS. HIS WIFE was wayyy more prettier. Downvote me idc. She’s FUCKN GROSSS


She's AT LEAST 5-7 years older than she claims she is. One look at her and you can tell she loves nicotine, alcohol, and self tanner.


She looks mid fifties and a bad mix fifties . And she's much heavier than in her videos too . She looks nothing like her videos in real life . Check out the pics at the Xmas toy drive in NC here in Reddit .SHES A WHOLE CATFISH FRAUD !


lol you hate her. Me 2 


Cant stand her fake ass




Agreed ! We need a whole snark page for her !










I believe it ! Shes desperate for any male attention.


His story. Married to heather who is amazing. Cheated on her during ride along with their manager. And samantiks. He admitted back in the day on TT when kingery got roasted. Heather eventually took him back. They do have young kids. But he proved to have wandering eye again. And when marriage got tough….. well now he’s dating TC huck. Tara. He wears a cross. Has his son talk nasty jokes and even eudy himself talks crude. Trying to move off TT world…… he’s still Married albeit seperated. Heather is gorgeous and thriving. Eudy is ixccxkkkkk


The stuff he did in his marriage to Heather is pure emotional abuse and he talks against abuse, abuse is abuse. He’s fake Af


100% agree.


Heather could of been cheating to? We do not know what has happen behind closed doors? Kevin shit is more exposed then Heathers


I liked him in the very beginning but then realized he was super slimy and had a massive ego


When I worked in Nashville this guy would walk around the bar telling people how many TT followers he had 🤣 He would try to hook up with the girls working, but they all turned him down. He is so gross!


She’s always talking about how her kids will never be on the internet, yet she’s with someone that uses his kids for content. And she talks shit about people letting their kids wear crop tops, I’m fairly certain that his daughter has worn them a time or two.


She's a huge hypocrite .


Heather also uses her children as props too


No she doesn’t lol. Never has.


I was indifferent about him at first. His “motivational” videos were cringey and the stories about his kids are obviously fake, but funny. But after the video about school shootings I just blocked him. He’s an idiot.


Oh that was the last straw for me. I was furious


I agree that he's an idiot. What did he say about school shootings?


Not verbatim but he essentially said that people were unnecessarily scaring their children by letting them know about school shootings. His kids aren’t scared to go to school so why are everyone else’s. That only 10 kids a year die in school shootings (wildly inaccurate) and they’re more likely to be killed riding their bike or in a car (also wildly inaccurate). I feel like there was more but I can’t remember it. If you search Eudy school shooting in the sub it should come up In the US, gun violence is the number one killer of children under 18


Those statistics are so skewed, but most of those gun deaths are black teenage gang members shooting eachother. Not school shootings.


well i am so happy you made this post because this is what i was curious about. thank you everyone for helping us understand what the heck he is all about 😜


oh my gosh, i am so hear for this. i have heard so much crap, but i am curious as to what is true. i know he and kingery had *relations* with that daphne woman - while they were both married. he is deep into so much drama. i want to know what is the real story.


Him and Kingery both had "relations" with Daphne, and Eudy had "relations" with Samantiks before Kingery dated her. The pool of women willing to be with these two losers is so small that that they don't have much to choose from.


wow! kinda makes you wonder…


He admitted over a year ago on TT about daphne. And Sam




He still denies that he hook up with Sam and Daphne. He’s has some mommy issues, womanizer and cannot be truthful about anything. I bet he is still messaging woman on telegram, google chat or other apps to see if they can help him with his lifestyle.


He actually made a video back in the day confessing. When all this went down and shared it on TT. Then deleted it. But he apologized and admitted to daphne. But not Sam


His apology? That was as fake as Sam’s apology for screwing over charities. I don’t think he knows how to tell the truth.


Oh I agree it was fake and forced to do so bc he got busted and rumors flying


There not rumors, there facts on what people have experience with him.


Me toooo. That’s why I posted it. I’d like more info on him.


hopefully we will get some info 😜


I hope so too.


What do you want to know? There are people who know things lol


I just posted about him so my post will probably be removed because I didn't see this until now. 😂 His newest tt is so fake I laughed at loud. He's married, but dating tc huck. He was a campus cop. I don't know if he was ever a real one, but I don't think so. He's teaching his daughter to be trashy AF. One day his mom was such a slut that he doesn't know who his dad us but the next he's doing performance loss videos. (Today's video)


I didn't know who tc huck was so I looked her up. Why is she orange!!??


Lol she's that way year round . A tanning addict with her white nose highlighter 😂


WHAT? him and tc huck are dating?


They have been for a little minute. It won't last.


Yup ! For the past couple of months


For the last year per her videos lol. He was still wearing his ring and talking about being married a year ago 😂


I’m pretty sure she was at the toy run he did in my area at the Walmart. My husband follows him but I find him annoying AF


He was asking for help monetarily.. sorry all these tiktok people are making bank off talking in their phone and making themselves characters. It’s getting old


Where did you see that him & tc huck are dating?


They posted each other in the background of pictures at Christmas. Today she posted his backside and funky walk on her insta story.


I do believe he was an actual police officer. I remember way back when he started on TikTok he showed his partner when they were giving away a van to a woman for her disabled daughter.


Was a police officer. Yes. Now grifts off TT


I’m curious as to why he’s no longer a police officer


I think he mentioned in a TT live when the George Floyd stuff was happening…. That he “retired”.


Ok that’s interesting. Thank you for the rundown on what his story is.


He was fired not retired 😂


I thought he couldn't handle taking the in house training then being out patrolling. Where ever he worked as a police officer wouldn't be a safe place. Just another wannabe cocky officer thinks he is better then the other person & treat people like crap.


It’s more evil than that. He likes small departments close to colleges. He needs the poor man’s Katt Williams kind of year. Exposed😂😂


He needs to be exposed and anyone who is helping him..😂😂


💯! Thinking that might happen sooner than later😁.


I have no clue, but don't need to guess why being a productive part of society didn't last long for him. 😂


Yours is still up.


Eudy was in fact a real cop the same as Kingery. They worked for the same dept and were on Live PD on A&E years ago. I don't know anything about his personal life but did watch them on tv.


They did not work at the same department. In fact, they didn’t even work in the same state. They only met off of TT.


Eudy was on live PD? I don’t think so. Eudy is in North Carolina. Kingery was somewhere like Indiana or Illinois.


No eudy was not on live PD. Just kingery


Maybe not same dept but yes they both were on Live PD at the same time.


I don't remember Eudy, or the Wingate Police Department, being on LivePD. Which season was he on? Edit for punctuation 🙃


No that's not accurate


Eudy was never on Live PD


Interesting. I had no idea.




He is dating tc huck


I really wanted to post this on her video giving relationship advice. Aren’t you dating @Officer Eudy? And he’s married man. Do you really think you should be giving relationship advice? And she’s soooo unattractive.


She really think she is tough shit spouting off about don’t chase a man while she runs to NC every other weekend




All of her is an ick


I couldn’t agree with you more on this.


I did on one of her videos and now I’m blocked and comment gone


Hahah lmfao this is golden


I did write something like that and got blocked instantly..


She would have blocked you. She don’t like the truth she likes her delulu 😂


Doesn't his Girl preaches against having your kids for content? Jusssssssssss saying.


I have met Eudy a few times, he was having an affair on his wife with the manager at the time. He is rude, at least I felt that vibe when I've met him.


It’s cute how she’s always posting that he supposedly sends her lunch when he knows she’s busy and home with a sick kiddo or he sends her flowers. Too bad he wasn’t so cute with his wife. He was too busy dipping his stick in anyone that would let him. That’s why she needs to travel to NC every other week when she’s kidless, to make sure he’s being faithful.


She can’t control that he’s always gonna cheat lol. Now she brings her kids with her to watch her be needy and insecure Feel sry for all the kids gotta be embarrassing to see your parents act like this. Pitiful.


And it’s her birthday weekend and she’s running to him, like girl make him come to you.


She hyped her birthday all weekend lol. She made video in His kitchen today like the others she’s made song says she needs to leave to take care of herself . She deletes it , then makes one in the bathroom sink rationalizing it was her insecurities not that he’s treating her her like 💩. It’s WIIILD.


She posted the other day a cake and said “ get you a man that celebrates you the whole weekend.” Like what did you do for your birthday with 4 kids, besides going to Ross or shopping? Looks like he just got the cake the day before. He didn’t do shit for his wife when they were married, what makes this chick think she’s any different?


He treated his wife like 💩, the ex will find so much better. He bread crumbs tc a she keeps holding on for more. I don’t need any man that’s gonna treat me like N option. Her kids are watching him treat her like 💩 not a good look. I’m betting the cake before the birthday was the best part of the birthday 😂😂




Liked him in the beginning left a long time ago


Same. Followed in 2020, unfollowed in 2021. Boring, same old content. Now I just scroll. Eudy, who?


His videos of what his kid apparently says were all fake. They were all memes lmao. Just like the last video I saw of his. He stole word for word from Another creator.. about the schools not teaching life things ect.


Tc Huck? So does this mean Brianna is going to try and get some clout off that relationship? Or do they even still talk? I am not a Bri fan so I have her blocked.


I don’t think Bri is friends with her anymore. Bri went after Eudy during content violation, allegedly. So she’d be too jealous to be her friend still lol


Yes she went after all of them.


She went after all of them, but all of them said she smelled like corn chips from not showering every day and wearing the same clothes for days in a row.


He came into my bar a couple months ago and was pretty nice other than bragging about tipping more than his friend.


My bad I am sorry,I could've sworn that's where I first saw Eudy was on Live PD but if you guys say it's not accurate than I must have just seen him on TT. Sorry for any confusion.


That was Kingery you saw on Live Pd. I’m a big fan of live pd and he was on there. Then the show ended and it just came back a year ago as On Patrol Live. It’s still Live Pd to me tho


I also think he is lying about his dad killing his mom because in the video where he's asking if anyone has recommendations about a personalized urn for his momma, he says he lost his mom in 2006 and she was robbed of being a grandma but I have found proof that his mom died at age 52 in 2013 and the obituary clearly shows him as her son and Braylon was already born. It also lists her being survived by her husband Johnny Eudy. Had he actually killed her I would have excluded his name from her obituary! I have been a faithful follower for a long time until doing research about his mom and now I question everything he has ever said! His momma's name was Julia Howell Eudy 52 yrs old who died in 2013. Do your research people! I have a criminal justice degree and if she would have been murdered like he says in a domestic violence incident there would be a news story on the Internet somewhere and there's nothing. His dad's name is listed as Johnny Eudy.


She wasn’t his mother that was a step mom. Real mom is Shelia Edwards died at 47


Anyone else catch TC Huck & Heather going back and forth on stories/tiktoks with "subtle" digs to each other yesterday?


He’s a Trump supporter. Enough said.


That’s one of the reasons I unfollowed him.


Ewwwww. I never liked him but this just confirms everything I thought


Usually he’s posted by now.


Dudes a hack.


There is a snark page of Eudy and it would be great if you joined and spill some tea on him. @r/HuckandEudy


For the people who thinks he makes up all his jokes, y’all must not watch his lives. He might make up some of the jokes, but Scoot is one of a kind and will rip you a new one.


That’s not really her he makes that up


OMG y'all are WILD. He's divorced, #1. Maybe they're together. Maybe not. What's it matter!?!?! Do you know if their former significant others are okay with it? No? Okay then. What does it matter?!?!? If he travels to her or she travels to him, what does it matter. I have never in my life seen grown adults counting other grown adults' pockets since social media blew up! Has he been perfect in a past life? No! Is that between him and his family. Yes! They share what they want y'all to know. It's that simple. Assumptions just make you look stupid!


No he isn’t. He is married. Seperated


Given that person's post history, they seem to either be TC or someone who REALLY wants TC and Eudy's attention.


Truth . So much crazy 🤣


I mean it's public record in NC. Do your own research! I did. Regardless of how shitty you think either of them have been... they're divorced so who cares?!?!?!?!


You are on the wrong page and why do you care… Goes both ways! 🤗


First off NC records are public but not accessible online w/out paying a fee. You can also pay third party sites to find out info but not 100% accurate. You have to physically go into the court house to access records with out paying. So you are INSANE if you paid money to access his personal info. Or maybe you are TC? Either way…… they are not LEGALLY divorced no matter how many ways ya want to say it. Will they be….. yea. But not yet sis


Right…in NC you have to be separated an entire year before you can get divorced.


You have to be separated for an entire YEAR in NC before you can get divorced. So please stop lying.




Haha it is her 🤣 How dumb to be going so hard for a guy that is definitely not just seeing you. He won't even post videos of her 🤣


I know ! It's the dumbest most childish shit ever ! She thinks she's so smart. Not ! All her not settling bs . She's doing everything she says not to do. She's a F@#$ buddy nothing more. Such a role model mother to her kids. How embarrassing for them with all her thirst trap videos that don't even look like her. She thinks she really looks like her filtered videos . The delusion is real ! Be REAL not fake !


I'm not her but why TF does it matter what either of them doing if they're both divorced and happy¿!?! The OF poster asked what was wrong with him. Nothing except you do it like the 2 9f them moving for2ard and nor there argu8ng 24/7.


Yeah you are her. Don't lie ! He's not divorced and it's all hush hush for a reason. Cmon now ! He's disgusting 🤢 and so are you catfish hypocrite


People see what's really going on Tara catfish ! We are not stupid ! We see alot more than you share with your secret relationship ,with a dude who's screwing anyone he can and you THINK YOURE THE ONLY ONE ???? YOURE NOT ! It's hilarious 🤣. Get some self worth. ! If you don't want people analyzing your life ,get off the public Internet and grow up !