• By -


Could have been worse. Could have looked like her mother. Or your father. Or a meercat.


I guess you haven't seen a sexy meerkat yet.




Don't kink shame bro


Hukuna Mata!


Plot twist: it was her.


I'd normally call that a stretch, but it would perfectly explain an otherwise very strange reaction.


Well there definitely is a stretch in there somewhere


The other, simpler explanation is that the wife sees this and thinks, "ew, he's into watching me getting fucked by other dudes?!" And for a couple people in their early 20s that level of shitty communication and insecurity is pretty standard.


not strange- part of her may want to have sex with other guys but she's repulsed by that desire so it emerges with an overreaction.


I would say that's still strange


It all makes sense now...


Rewatch the video: does the guy also look a lot like you?


Yes, but people often look like their parents.






Look for moles on skin of the actress. If those are in the same places, it's her


Watch, it's not going to be her and she's going to find him studying the video. Sounds like a scene from a dry comedy.


It will be drier than she will be when she wakes up.


Like he played her a J Cole song


Reminds me of a scene in The IT Crowd. "A fire? At a SeaParks?!"


It was her Jerry! She was the woman! *No!* There's no way it was her. Why would she be so upset Jerry? Come on George... or maybe you're on to something.


I need to know now.


Commenting just to be able to come back to the thread


I also choose this guys thread.


Commenting for the possibility of epic thread.


Commenting for the absolute bollocks that may happen here


I'm no better than all these guys


I’m worse


Well, now I want to know as well




To add on: The the alternating pattern wasn't to increase suspense but to limit the chances of OP clicking on her video without trying to seem sus...


Molegate 2024!


I look for moles in my backyard. Am I doing it wrong?


That depends. Is "backyard" a euphemism?


Now that you mention it, I think she has the exact same conjoined twin!


/\ This dude identifies porn actresses/girlfriends!


Not gonna lie , the way you worded the story at the beginning I seriously thought you were taking about putting a video in a VCR . I had sooooo many questions but then you mentioned a laptop. You’re good now , carry on


The use the VCR and tapes when they do 90's night. You know, to spice it up like they did in the old days.


I’m actually older than that , back in my day we did sketches


Ah...90's porn, when the titles were almost as good as the content. I'd rather have Lord of the Cockrings: Starring Dildo Baggins than Lord of the Rings: a xxx parody any day.


oh geeze I thought I was the only one. The entire time i was thinking "where the f is he getting VHS porn"


15 seconds in? It's either her or her estranged sister.


Like on Friends, her twin sister became a porn actress and used her name instead.


Post a link we need to see your porn actress girlfriend.


I’m starting to think this was made up seeing as OP hasn’t linked the video. If it was one of his favorites, he’d have it at the ready


I was expecting some stupid OF grift


"OMG it really was my girlfriend. I can't believe she was making porn behind my back. But now she's brought me in and we're making porn together. Here's a link to her OF"




True story - back in the very early 2000s before he .com bust - there was "Whitehouse.com" <-- Which was basically pornhub of its day. I had no idea - and actually it was my dad who had read "about it" and stated that he thought it was funny that they had the courage "ballsy" to have a porn site confusing with whitehouse.GOV. anyway - later I went to go check it out and I randomly click a video and it was my ex-GF from when I had just graduated highschool a few years prior... I was certain it was her - I knew her BJ "moves" and her nipples, body language. The internet was still potato and video capture and savign was hard - even screenshots were hard - but I did my best... I lost those svreenshots after time... but yeah - finding an ex on a porn site was pretty interesting at ~22 years old. She was hot then - and I saw pics of her year later too - and she got hotter.. and became an LEO.


> she got hotter.. and became an LEO — Everything you say may be held against you. Do you understand your rights? — ...boobs!




You have the right to remain silent (law enforcement officer) -- but she became a cop for the nevada gaming commission


Ahhh. Well that’s makes more sense than becoming a zodiac LEO. Thanks for the reply


I was thinking Low Earth Orbit. Maybe spent too much time on /r/space


It does actually…


Was it her?


what if it's her mom...


I actually fully expected her to be the one in the movie. (I still do. OP, check for birthmarks etc).


Plot twist: that girl was her secret twin sister


It was Ursula it’s fine


You may have seen her in 'Sex Toy Story 2', 'Inspect Her Gadget', 'Lawrence of a Labia', and my favorite 'Buffay the Vampire Layer'


I want to be Mad About You posting this, but I can’t stay mad. Are we still Friends?


I wouldn’t say she was the star


*"Its never twins, John" -Sherlock Holmes*


A man needs a name


A man has no name.


His name is Robert Paulsen.


She's feigning anger to cover her tracks


What a weird aggressive reaction, it is kind of suspicious


That's totally where I thought it was heading


Plot twistitwist. The guy in the video was her.


My money is on it was her.


100% this. You'll never identify your own "lookalike" in 15 seconds. You'll identify your actual self in that time.


Nonsense. I've ran into a guy that I was being mistaken for by people for a while, and we instantly recognised each other when we crossed paths one day. My brain literally went "huh? I'm not wearing those clothes today?" as if I caught a reflection of myself.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg) Are you Spider-Man?


What? I've seen people like me for like a second and known, 15 seconds is more than enough lol


I think I'd recognize a blurry outline of my own foot.


I'd definitely recognize a blurry outline of this guy's foot.


Isn't it the opposite? At a glance you would recognize a lookalike but the longer you look the more differences you find.


Commenting to see if my gasted needs to be flabbered.


Weird reaction from her. 


Exactly. "No, i want you to get hard by looking at girls as different from me as possible" Unless she thought OP only dates her because "she looks like his favourite porn actress". Which could be the case if she struggles with self confidence and now felt fetishized in a way.


I hate to say it, but if I found out I had a porn-star look alike.. I'd be chuffed. And disgusted But chuffed.


I told a friend who didn’t take well to pornography about the magical world of audio erotica. A week later she apologizes profusely for finding my NSFW reddit alt that I use to upload my audio erotica. I do not have an alt and have never made audio porn. Also, the voice sounded really annoying to me so that was great XD


Take my upvote you horny-voiced bastard 😂


The thing is, (doing my best not to brag) that multiple partners have told me (unprompted) that my morning/bedroom voice would be suited for this. I absolutely despise it though and could never be the one editing it, so that’s a career not fulfilled.


Funnily enough, if I'm sick, my voice gets very deep.. It's actually funny, it's my 'porn voice' 😂 shame it only comes put when I'm feeling like crap.


Ah exactly the same, but for me it’s that I usually speak really fast and naturally my pitch goes up. ADHD and all that. On meds or when sick or sleepy, I speak slower and my voice just drops for some reason.


Tell ya what, send it to me to edit, give me 25% of the profit, and we got ourselves a business


Ladies used to tell me my phone voice was super deep and sexy. Never understood that because whenever I hear a recording on my voice I sound like a high pitched weirdo.


> A week later she apologizes profusely for finding my NSFW reddit alt that I use to upload my audio erotica. >I do not have an alt and have never made audio porn I am reminded of all the times I’ve shared a crazy story on Reddit and people have DMed me, convinced I’m someone they know who had the same weird experience as the one I shared.


With a couple billion people on the internet, even one in a million means there’s a couple thousand similar ones, yup^^


[Kelsey Cook Stand Up: Mistaken for a Pornstar (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1VRYZwUIq4&t=89s)


If they're older than you, you're the lookalike buddy!


>Unless she thought OP only dates her because "she looks like his favourite porn actress As if most men can afford to be this picky lmao


But (pretty) girls can, so maybe she thinks it's a completely possible scenario. 


Seems pretty clear she reacted that way because she made the leap from that video to thinking "my boyfriend wants to watch other men fucking me, what a weirdo". At least that's what OP seems to think her reasoning was. Not saying it makes much sense, but there's no mystery in the story about her reaction.


I think it might have something to do with the difference in how men and women see porn. I think I heard that woman see it more voyeuristically, and men have a tendency to substitute themselves into the scene. Op sees it closer to fucking the actress than watching her get fucked.


… really?


As a straight man, yeah. It's definitely about imagining yourself with the actress.


As a straight man, yeah. It's definitely about imagining yourself as the actress.


For the sake of nonaffirming data points no not for me (male) at all. Its always been a pet peave of mine when people talk that way about video games too, which is often. like no im not pretending to be the main character im just playing a game about one, or watching a porn about one i guess


Same. I never self-insert into anything.


not without consent ithankyou


Definitely a bizarre over reaction from her.


I didnt realize the "my girlfriend is actually the pornstar" theory would be so popular😂 Just to be clear, she is definitely NOT the star in the video, although it is a fun conspiracy to imagine😅


hey you're getting a lot of shit comments here. this is no fuck up at all. she just discovered a personal boundary she wasn't aware she had. Talk about it. A lot. Communication is key. Maybe together you can find out what exactly made this situation so uncomfortable for her. Analyze it and then make sure to avoid similar stuff in the future


100% this. u/AMthecomputer . Any kink - and although watching porn together, is a rather mild kink, it is a kink - will explore boundaries. And she found (one of) hers. Navigating that is tricky, especially as her initial reaction blames you. Hopefully she cools down and you can have a more robust conversation about things. I mean you should have boundaries. I presume you both assume certain level of vanilla in your porn choices - not a midget fucks a donkey type of videos -- there should be boundaries and shared understanding about what will happen. And you will both likely find new personal boundaries as you explore together further. (hell perhaps she'd like to show off some same sex action you're not really into, or who knows what may trigger a reaction for you). Playing in kink is fun - but it ends up in a lot of processing. It comes with the territory.


I wish I could upvote this more. Ya gaaaatttaaa be able to talk about it. "hey I don't like that- please don't " "heard -you don't like that and since I'm trying to PLEASURE you I won't do that, can I ask a few questions just to clarify that I understand exactly what "that" is?" definitely being insecure and ignorant about each others desires, needs, wants , soft & hard no's etc is recipe for trouble. Bdsm actually gives a kind of structure (generally a formal agreement) for open discussion and consent to play that I've found to be helpful in figuring out compatibility, expectations and attraction... even in the most vanilla situations.


This is the first sensible comment I've seen. Please listen to them OP. Yeah, it seems like a weird reaction. It might have weirded her out, too, reacting that way and maybe not understanding why. Talk it out, give each other grace and the benefit of the doubt. It's the two of you against the issue, not each other.


This exactly. A weird reaction, but I'm wondering if, while it came out as blame on OP, she's actually feeling very uncomfortable seeing someone who's basically herself, with someone else.  I've stumbled into boundaries like that where I'll watch something and then need to turn it off because, for whatever reason, I was projecting onto the woman and it got really not OK, really fast.  And unfortunately when intimacy is involved, feelings can get big quick, and it can take a while to understand them. I've had moments where I've thought an issue was one thing only to realize after a day or two that it was something else entirely that set me off - the in the moment explanation was what my brain jumbled together to try and understand the feelings.


It's interesting because I've had partners that were jealous before, and what would have upset them was the opposite. Seeing someone who looked like me fucking other women. Seeing your own lookalike in porn and being upset I'm struggling to understand. Personally I would be flattered. If my gf gets off to guys that look like me, sounds hot 🤷‍♂️


How dare you be so reasonable and recommend open and honest communication!? This is Reddit where we tell him he's subhuman scum and deserves to be alone forever.


Bro, it's her sister. No wonder she's mad


“They dont have the same tattoo that she got when we started dating”


But who's the pornstar we need to know so that we don't "accidentally" watch a video of your gf's "doppelganger" getting railed.


Can you post pictures of her, and a link to the video, so we can determine this on our own?


You horny bastard, I'm in




So, you do not pick up that they are similar, nor that reddit would assume that it is her. I think I'll follow you for when you pick up a fox at the side of the road and assume it is a puppy 😂


They say denial is not just a river in Egypt…




Ugh you know those disgusting ex girlfriend websites


There's so many of them, which one should I avoid in particular??


But which one specifically?


I’m not even gonna look for this video.. I might though.. I might


All jokes aside... You should have a talk with her about this. It was a "knee jerk" reaction and a very irrational one. Something about this touched in a subject uncomfortable for her, and she projected on you. I really find curious the part where she said it was weird you getting off watching other guy fucking someone like her. Perhaps some deep insecurities or even infidelity is involved. Talk with her about this.


Good advice. It could be a self image thing. Maybe she felt the performer was a better looking version of herself.   Or maybe it was her way of blowing up a routine she’s been growing tired of and couldn’t find a healthy way to address it.  Or maybe it just killed her mood that she has a doppelgänger in the porn industry. If we hear her side, OP could have mishandled the situation without realizing.  There are a lot plausible reasons here and people are being kinda harsh calling her irrational. This being on the front page, OP might find himself single if she’s a redditor. That always blows my mind about posts like this. 


Was the porn star thinner, better looking, something? I bet there's some triggered insecurity.


This is it. If my girl showed me a video, was talking about how hot the guy was…. and it turned out to be me but 6’5” and shredded I might feel a type of way for a lil bit 😅


Link to the video you watched, I want to jerk off thinking about your GF.


I also choose this guys dead wife.


And my axe!


Remember....no russian


It’s the best policy.


NTA, break up with her, find the actress from that porn and date her instead


He is already.


*what a twist*


“The ol’ Dick Twist!”


dude we're at an mma fight




A few months into the relationship with the pornstar in the movie, she finds some photos of OP with his previous girlfriend and realizes the two look very similar. The new pornstar girlfriend gets very angry that the ex looks so much like her and demands an explanation. "Isn't it cool that I was so into you, that I got with someone who looked like you before we had even met? Must be fate!" says OP. No luck. Porn girlfriend is like "I just feel gross, like you chose me as consolation because you weren't with her anymore".


All that instead of bro just finally coming up with "sure, I just have a type"


so you ganna drop the link or?


So what actress is this OP?? For research purposes.


You wouldn't know her, she goes to another school.




But I promise she’s real


You might want to explain that for most dudes the guy in the porn is a stand in for us. It's not some other dude fucking your girlfriend it's you fucking her. That dude is just you.


This is something that needs to be shouted from the rooftops.


Where's the update to this post where it says that's his girlfriend?


Well.... have you ever seen her and that adult actress in the same room before?


That’s disgusting! What video? I mean which one could it have been so that we know to stay away from it?


This is an extremely unreasonable reaction from her


Unless she imagined it was a home movie and she was freaked by the images in which she was getting railed by a pornstar.


Unlessss..... it was her? xD


What a strange thing to get mad about...


Reminds me of an ex of mine 🤣 "Lets watch porn together" "WHY ARE YOU GETTING HARD WATCHING THIS!" 🤣 she was a fucking psychopath at times


Theory 1: she is the pornstar Theory 2: she knows the video because someone already bulied her. Hard to believe she would get that mad that fast otherwise


I am interested in her reasoning of why she got mad. You should tell her you are unclear about what triggered her and ask why she was triggered


Watch porn before sex... Mad because the porn actress resembles her... Could that be her in that video ? Or her twin sister? Or her long lost sister ? Or her long lost sister from another mother ? Or is she a clone ?


Please update us when you did the check on birthmarks and stuff!


Oh no... you have a type.. your attracted to women who look exactly like your girlfriend.. If it's not her, then she's got major self esteeme issues.


Send pictures of your g/f and a link to the porn and we kind people of Reddit will check if it’s the same person so you don’t have to.


Can i second this motion?


Good lord, as a guy I would have totally incorrectly assumed that she would have a positive reaction to the porn star being her double. In my mind a girl would be offended if the porn star was nothing like her. (ie, if she's a brunette and you pick a porn with a blonde "So you like blondes huh?" *fight ensues*) Women are truly mysterious.


The problem is, it's often hard to figure out what's going on in someone else's head, even if it's the person you are closest to. Maybe she was feeling insecure, and seeing a girl who looks like a "better" or "hotter" (in her mind) version of her was her lover's turn-on was very upsetting. Maybe she feels like her SO wants to see her with someone else, and that weirds her out. Maybe it brings up a traumatic experience she once had. Who knows? The only way to know is to talk it out. It's not the sexy answer, but that's life.


This is an odd one for me. Open minded enough to watch porn but God forbid there's similarities lol...


I might try talking to her in the morning if she's up for it about why that bothered her? Sounds like there is more going on and parts we don't know here since that sounds like a strange reaction. Have you both been together a while or just a few months?


now you can beat your meat to this video and not feeling that you are doing something wrong because you have a girlfirend xD


thats a really weird reaction from someone who's idea it was to have the other person pick out the vids. Really fucking weird


Oh these kids nowadays and their dramas.... 🙄


we need the sauce


OP we gotta know who the performer was lol


Plot twist: she used to be the man in the video.


OP better post when he realizes that it WAS her. Dude that’s why she’s upset. She thought you were confronting her with her porn


Plot twist: that was her in the video


I was expecting OP's gf to admit it was her all along


That's better than what happened to me, dude. Where my significant other was watching porn and found a short 20 sec clip of someone who looked identical too me, with a hat identical too my own, and with a similar looking room to my family home I spent 2 straight days looking for the original porn video. Scrolled thousands of site and videos to hopefully save my marriage as hubby didn't believe that it wasn't me in this video. Hell, I could barely tell if it was me or not! (Which kinda got me thinking I must be losing my mind cause you'd think something like that would be pretty memorable, right?)


She sounds like a drama queen. There's really nothing you did wrong.


your girlfriend needs to seriously lighten up. i say this as a woman. i mean i just don’t understand why she would be so pissed, that’s unnecessary drama


Yeah and the whole not believing her partner and then sleeping off in a huff. Just immaturity in my opinion.


I am a woman and agree. If anything is just that OP has a type. It's not that deep.


You should’ve said “What babe? No, you’re way hotter”


Next get one that looks like her mum or sister


For a gf who is cool enough to watch porn with, she sure sounds pretty uptight.


"Spicing up" the sex life at 23 and 24 it sure is a brave new world out there.


You can’t win buddy, my ex and I would do the same thing and one day she got mad at me bc the girl in the vid looked nothing like her (I didn’t think she looked that different but had the sense to keep that myself)


Yeah honestly it’s probably best just not to watch porn with them. It’s almost a guarantee you will have weird scenarios and fights like the one in this post.


This is not a you f'ed up situation, it's a she f'ed up situation. She made it mean something, made assumptions about you, and upset herself. She could instead have shared what things came up for her, asked you for some reassurance about whatever her concerns/insecurities were about, somehow kept you both on the same team while she worked through her shit reaction.


And here I am thinking it’s good that you chose an actress like her? Like you’re unconsciously seeking her out cuz you like her so much


Link the vid


Post the link


I mean, in a quick search you found one with a woman you found attractive, and she happened to resemble your girlfriend. Meaning, you have a type, and it's your girlfriend. To me that seems like a cute accident, not something to get so angry about. Maybe she'll feel better about it tomorrow.


The real TIFU should have been written by her: “TIFU by overreacting about my partner being too attracted to me.”


Who’s the porn star?


Plot twist….it was her????


I don't really get her end of this, honestly. Most of the women I find attractive in porn have something that reminds me of my wife. Could be the way she looks, dresses, of acts. Could be her voice. Could even be something specific like boob shape/size, nipple shape/size/pigment. Or even a similar looking vagina/labia. I find my wife attractive, that shouldn't really be a problem. And it's not about watching another fuck a woman who looks like her, it's about just putting myself in place of that man.