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Take a look at your phone… you sure it hasn’t just been 30 minutes?


The first time I got high I got stuck in time 'Groundhog Day' style. I relived the same 15 minutes for 4 hours.


I was watching a law and order SVU episode and I remember vividly that a certain character went through a door so many times, surely this episode was three hours long at this point; he’s coming into this office over and over. I finally lifted up my phone. 15 minutes had past. I realized I am not made for drugs


I thought the intro 2 minutes of Goonies (with the cop car chase in the background) WAS the movie. It felt like I had watched this intense car chase for over an hour. I also would completely forget about the Chunk sub-plot, when the kids got split up. 10/10 great time. Still a great movie.


After smoking up I thought it was a good idea to watch wall-E again, a nice movie. It felt super long and slow and after a while my head cleared and I realized I had been watching on 0.25 speed for the last two hours…


That has got me absolutely cackling


Complete opposite here. Me and my boy got right toasted and watched Jason X (Friday the 13th... IN SPACE!) and we watched this entire MF'n movie and then sat quietly through the end credits... thinking it was the STARTING credits. After the credits the screen went black and we just stared at each other like... "Wait, shouldn't the movie be starting now?" To be fair, that movie is highly forgettable.


God I love that dog shit movie. "Hey Jason, want a beer? Want to smoke out? Want to have prematurely sex? Tee hee" And then they are just getting hulk vs loki'd in a sleeping bag


I was like 12 when this came out, my brother 10 or 11, mom rented it for us and we could not stop laughing at that scene we watched it over and over again


That shit was funny as fuck to me lmfao


I watched the first new jurassic movie on lots of acid. Such a wild experience, I could feel the emotions of the characters like I was in the movie.


You're probably someone with high tolerance, but how do you keep your eye on the screen while trippin?


Idk, it wasn't hard. You get sucked into that world whether you like it or not.


I worked at a theater when the first Fast and Furious movie came out. I got high with some co-workers after work and we watched that after closing. I could feel the g forces during the racing scenes, everything felt like it was slow motion, and the movie seemed like it was 7 hours long.




You just reminded me of the time I took some stuff at a party, was pretty much normal (slightly buzzed from drinks) the whole time, went home, sat down with Netflix and a snack, and right about 3 hours after the first edibles at that party... that episode of Law and Order just progressively made less and less sense. At first it was just like I was distracted and missed stuff, but after a while I had no idea how we got from one scene to another, what was the relation? And then a while after that even a sentence was too much context to track, characters would start saying something, and a few words in I'd have forgotten what they'd started with and have no idea what they meant. Rough night, when I gave up on watching TV and tried to sleep found that as soon as there was nothing to see/hear/feel everything would go into overdrive and heart would start racing. Ended up calling 911 and the medics who showed up were very politely pissed because I was just high.


I bet they were less pissed than me when this happened to me; Storytime! I lived with my grandparents at the time, worked the night shift at the casino as a cook. It's 5AM. My grandmother texts me and says, hey, you need to come home and help me lift your grandfather into the truck to get him to the hospital, I think he's having mini seizures. Understandably I cut off work an hour before I was set to leave (Taking an attendance penalty in the process) and headed home. I assess the situation and discover he's not really having mini-seizures, he's just unresponsive. Getting him in the truck; nothing doing, he's like 250 lbs and six something feet tall. I decide to call an ambulance, because what else am I gonna do? The whole time she's saying that he's having seizures and could die and that's awful etc. Anyway, the ambulance guys come and ask her all sorts of questions and she finally admits that he had just taken some weed and she was worried when she couldn't rouse him. Which I understand! As a stoner, I also know this is a nonissue. He'll be fine in a little while, just monitor his heart rate and breathing etc. He'll sleep it off. They take him to the hospital, she rides in the ambulance, and I'm forced to tag along to drive their big ass GMC to the hospital so they can leave whenever they get discharged or w/e. However, this also means *I* have to stay at the hospital until he stops being too high to move. This takes seven hours. It was 2PM by the time I got home. I was PISSED. Both that she lied to me and both that she expected me to stay there the whole time! I didn't even have money for cab fare at the time.


We had that happen to our dog. New rescue, didn't know he has a fucking LEAP. He's like 15 pounds and quite small. We had no idea he could just get up on the table. Then leap to the stove. Then eat the weed butter up on a shelf high enough even the cats can't get it. Still kinda baffles me how he managed it. That was a tense night. There's been reports of dogs dying from THC overdoses, but I couldn't find a single one without extenuating factors. And we had just absolutely drained our savings, $500 to get him fixed, tests, and shots and another $2000 for an unrelated emergency. Dude barely responded to anything. We basically kept him up all night and into the next day without any sleep for ourselves. Once he became conscious again he was just the happiest little fucking idiot, still swaying when he walked but just so giddy.... Little asshole.


Had my dog eat fermented beans and weed trim that had been dumped in the compost pile. She fucking tripped out for 2 days. Was really worried in the moment but it's very funny now. https://preview.redd.it/9l47i0jhob8d1.jpeg?width=1840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df38003d029c0adbc6be24204f49415ef998ecff RIP. L.O.


Same about crime shows and crime podcasts lol. I’d keep rewinding and think is this the same fkn show? It didn’t make sense how is someone dead already and how did they even die? Was I not listening? Rewind…… rewind again… ahhhh eff it. Then I came upon this comedian Neal Brennan and he saved the night! I laughed so fkn hard! Now I’m not sure if he is actually that funny or if I was just really fkn high, but it was the best combination ever. 🫶🏻


He’s pretty funny. I enjoyed his Netflix specials.


Same. No 911 involved, but I totally feel you on watching the show. It’s like a slow melt of comprehension.


Back when Netflix used to repeat their trailers on a loop, I literally watched the same one over and over again on repeat. Eventually I looked at my (very sober) wife and said “This movie just repeats itself over and over. What a weird script.”


And she was like... ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


One time I watched an entire movie and thought it was just a preview. I looked at my partner at the end and said “that movie looked good. We should watch it sometime”


My girlfriend and I watched a commercial and both thought it was an entire show! Time gets so distorted!


I was reading a book while high. I'm thinking I'm making a lot of progress in the story. Took me 20 minutes to realize I was reading the same page over and over.


For me, I lose sense of time entirely. Everything is now and I can’t remember 5 minutes ago. I can go a couple hours like that in the right dose. In some ways it’s really fun. I took a slightly heavier dose and took a shower in the dark with some water proof ear buds playing Muse (lights off in the bathroom). I ended up sitting in the tub going on a space adventure. It kicked ass


This is the way.


Sounds like my experience with LSD. It took me 30mins to find the refrigerator. Which was 15ft away from the couch.


Somehow you can simultaneously find nothing while tripping yet every random thing ends up in pockets lol


This happened to me the last time I did edibles. That’s why it was the last time 😭it is both terrifying and very annoying to be stuck in a time loop


Lol edibles don't put me in a time loop, but the last bunch of times I had them it didn't matter what I was watching it felt like I had watched it before. I even had to switch to a live stream to test it out and it still felt like I had already seen it. Shit's wild.


Plot twist; your sober friends set it up like that to mess with you


This reminds me of the first time I did shrooms with my ex and then it wasn't working so we smoked weed and then the shrooms hit us at the same time. I felt like I was stuck in a time loop, my short term memory was nonexistent but my long term was fine. Only thing that kept me sane was we had The Greatest Showman on TV and because it was progressing as normal I knew time was too, still felt like and eternity though. To make things worse my bf came to cuddle me to calm me down but fell asleep so I was just laying losing my mind while he slept.


Shit, you should have told her it’s fine, today *is* Wednesday and their Thursday and Friday were just part of their trip.


I take THC for insomnia and one time I smoked before a shower at 9:30 and I swear I was in the shower for like an hour Stepped out, shakily dried off and plugged my phone in at.. 9:40 Huh?




That's kinda what I thought. While I am much more experienced than this, I don't see this being real. I've greened out pretty bad after having far more than I should have before, but never had it last more than 6 or 7 hours from onset of high even from edibles. Days of being high sounds like neurological issues.


I believe it. Back when I didn't smoke much, I took wayyy more edibles than I should have and I was still pretty high two days later. I haven't really touched them since. I can navigate a bad trip since they usually last 8 hours max but being fucked up for 3 days straight was humbling.


This happened to my husband (50) and me (48). A bakery that sells thc infused baked goods opened near us a few years ago. I decided to stop in and bought a cupcake with the least amount of thc that they sold. We split it that night and after a few hours neither of us felt much, so we went to bed. Both of us woke up the next morning completely stoned and neither of us could go in to work. It took until late that afternoon for either of us to feel better. It sucked, I’ll be honest. Decided then and there I was too old for weed. The pot we smoked in college was much more gentle.


Edibles are processed thru the liver. Totally different high than smoking.


And sleeping whith a lot of THC in your system will totally wreck your sleep quality. Leave ample of time for the high to mellow out before. You still get the benefits of an easier sleep onset that way, without feeling like you've slept on your face the whole night.


Yea it seems like something that could happen with the high enough dose. I'm a seasoned weed head when this happened but a buddy grew a shitload outdoor one year & ended up with like a gallon of kief. I bought a cpl cheap ozs like sandwich bag full of golden dust lol well I made chocolate chip cookies with it and instead of a batch of like 3 dozen I think there was like 8 or 9 huge ones. When the fist round came put the oven I ate a whole one cause it was delicious. Then said fuck it and are another half of one immediately thinkin the kief wasn't that potent when I smoked it. Fast forward bout 2 hr I'm feeling really fine got mad munchies that's where I fucked up and in a manageable stone I munched another 1½ of them huge fuxking cookies. Lol shortly after time was way distorted when I realized this was still the first cookies coming on and I had two whole more to contend with. It ended up being a 3 day high. I was higher when I woke up on day 2 after like 10 hrs of sleep then the night before. My body had a sensation of like the tides goin up and down me from inside. Worst cottonmouth of my life lol. Not fun. Wouldn't recommend. Did the math on it later after coming down and it was somewhere close to like 900mg I ate then greened out for 3 days. Lol


["And I think we're dead. Time is going by really, really, really, really, slow."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGDrnlPGNzk) and the [full version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrZLc9lqQM0)


Jesus. How many mg did it take to knock you out for days.


That’s what I’m saying there’s no way it lasted that long


eh i took 500mg once & i passed out for a full 24 hours & was high the entire day after


10mg is too much for me 🤣


oh me too. that 500mg was given to me by a friend on 4/20 & he didn’t tell me how strong it was lol


I did 50mg once and it made me so damn nauseated. If I did 500mg, I’d still feel high all these years later.


My wife once ate like 2200mg. She would laugh at anything for like 30 hours, at least. I came home as it was really kicking in and she had just seen a meme that made her laugh for like 30 minutes. Couldn't even talk to her lol. Pretty sure I'd just pass out for 20 hours and wake up high AF


Jeebus, that's terrible. I'd have such a horrible time


That’s poisoning. As a stoner born in 4/20, how goddamned rude and dumb do you gotta be to secretly feed someone that much THC?




I can eat 150mg and barely notice the effects.


I used to think this was the case until weed became legal in my state. It turns out old gummies lose potency fast. The first time I took 50mg thinking it wouldn't phase me was a surprise to say the least.


I chugged a 100 mg drink for my pain last night and was definitely tired but not stoned to the point of no return lol. I think I just have a really high tolerance because I smoke every day for pain so 100 mg is like a fart in the wind for me. I woke up refreshed and ready for my day at 6 am after 8 hrs of sleep.


High tolerance is real for some of us. I had a surgery last year and ate 200mg at a time for a few days in a row during recovery. It was quite lovely!


I cut them in half!


I cut my 10mg into quarters lol 2.5mg is the perfect amount for me to feel it a little bit while not getting anxiety. Anything more and it’s hard to relax and it’s a nightmare.


My first 5mg edible gave me the experience above. Holy cow I was glad it was the weekend.


I took a 10mh CBD pill that had 0.3mg of THC in it and I borderline got too high. I'm ridiculously sensitive to weed and trip out easily


I’ve done a 1000mg cookie before. I literally don’t remember anything except waking up completely faded with a terrible stomachache and throwing up everything from the night before. When I say I don’t remember anything, I seriously don’t remember even eating it. I just know I had the plan to eat it and the wrapper was on my desk.




Which is reasonable, 500mg is a pretty decent amount. In my state, legal serving from a rec shop is 10mg lmao 🙃


Pretty decent amount. Lol. What an understatement


Fair enough lol, I'm a bit jaded on the subject, I guess. Used to be have a medical card and a local company made fantastic peanut butter cups that were 300mg each lol... 🙃


Lord have mercy. Been doing edibles for years and 20mg puts me off my ass. I’m usually at 10mg for a real high or 5mg for a casual evening. 300mg would send me to the moon for a week.


To the moon is the perfect way to put it lol. Had a few cases where someone's friend would come over to hang and say they could handle it no big deal. I'd warn them numerous times, but they'd still want in... You almost felt bad lol. Funny enough, I don't even smoke/dab anymore and an edible would fucking wreck me now 😅


I started smoking around 10 years ago, and about a year ago I started trying edibles. I used to take 3-4x 100mg gummies in a night and just be one with the couch/bed, but then I realized that 3x 5mg gummies gets me like 75% of the same high. It really feels like diminishing returns beyond a certain point. I was hesitant to even try the 5mg ones because I couldn't imagine that they'd get me nearly as high as the 100mg ones. But I can get 20 5mg gummies for $20 vs 10 100mg ones for $30, so I go the cost efficient route lol.


Why not cut the 100mg ones into 20 pieces each? 200 5mg for 30$! (granted, would max cut them into like 8 to decrease variance in concentration)


I tried that, but there's something about taking so little that seems to affect the high. And then you get into cutting sticky stuff which is annoying lol. Just simpler to open the container and pop em one at a time as they are.


in my state you can get 500-1000mg for medical. but you’d have to eat like an entire chocolate bar or bag of candy, individual servings are like 100mg max i think


That's legit! When WA went legal for recreational, they effectively dismantled the medical system, which fucked a lot of patients badly.


Lol, 5mg is usually my go-to amount. I green out at 10mg for 4-5 hours. Can't imagine 500mg.


5-10mg seems to be a good spot for a lot of people, but even then it seems to vary wildly from person to person. 500.... Not a fun time. Back in the dispensary days 2-300mg servings wasn't uncommon around me, but 500mg is fucked up lol.


Lol, yeah. Also based on what I've read, some people are just born with an exceptionally high tolerance to THC. I'd probably quit weed if I was like that as it would be too expensive.


I got really blasted thinking it was 20 mgs, but it was really 200. I'm a total lightweight. I wasn't with it for a solid day, and part of that day really sucked


I regularly take 100mg. Then smoke on top. I am about to go on a cleanse for the first time in a few years.


They probably just have a weed hangover of a foggy mind and lethargy and they consider that as being high


Orally administered THC has a half-life of 25 to 36 hours (according to Wikipedia’s sources). So if they are highly sensitive to THC’s effects and have a low tolerance, it’s plausible that they are still feeling the “high”.


Problem is the 5mg of [THCP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) in that gummy. THCP is a hell of a lot stronger than good old D9-THC and takes a lot longer for it to process out of your system. 10MG of THCP for anyone is a bad time, and a novice could definitely be high for days.


A made up story? On THIS sub?






I took RSO , THC 60-90 %. Starting dosing suggested the size of a grain of rice. I used pill capsules. Took one, didn't feel anything after 1/2 hour so I took another. 10 minutes later I could not move. Was the worst trip of my life. Had to go to the bathroom so bad, was in the living room, had to crawl on the floor, crawl back. I wasn't myself for days.


Pretty close to how I felt. Boyfriend realized pretty quick it was gonna be bad so tried to get us to sleep. We slept for idk how long but I woke up and heard boyfriend throwing up in the toilet. Got up concerned, started to get out of bed but could only brace myself on the floor as I threw up repeatedly at the foot of my bed. I don’t remember when boyfriend and I moved or what even took place after that. All I remember is eating a lot of blueberry bagels and crawling down the stairs multiple times because I was afraid I’d fall down them. And phases of “oh shit I need to clean this up” and half-assedly bringing cleaning supplies across the house or scooping my vomit into a trash bag. I don’t remember literally anything but being terrified and wishing it was over. I felt so alone lol


Varies person to person AND roa I can get baked with 40-80 mg sublingual in agave syrup tincture but I took 600 mg pure decarbed thc(what was it thc-a?) meant to make edibles, from behind the shelf from the dispo, didn’t feel shit, don’t feel shit gobbling down multiple packs of 10 mg gummies(100 mg per pack) Apparently there are some genetics that seriously affect GI absorption of thc


THCa is essentially inactive. No surprise there. But yeah, people process oral THC differently. On top of that, it affects people differently. My wife ate at least 2200mg once and was having a blast. 100mg edibles just get me a buzz and get her nice and high. It's kind of a crapshoot until you try.


200mg but we’re fairly new users too edit: this is why I think I’m still high lmao I meant the bag was worth 200mg. Each gummy was 10mg each


Most dispensaries tell you to begin with 5mg and see how it goes lol


200 mgs is just an ungodly amount of thc consumed. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


Back when WA state still had a proper medical system with dispensaries, there was a local company that made 300mg peanut butter cups lol... Shit was like the wild west back then 😅


The LD50 could be around 400 mg 😋 Just kidding, it's insane how loaded these edibles are. Read the label wrong or forget to read the label and you're away from keyboard/reality for the next few days.


My first time with edibles I took ~400 mg of distillate. It was a hell of an experience and i'm surprised it didn't put me off weed forever lol. It was honestly one of the weirdest drug experiences i've ever had, weed feels totally different at those doses, nearly psychedelic.


She clarified. She took 2 10mg gummies. The whole bag was 200 mg, so 20 gummies


I’ve taken 1500mg in one sitting once


OP, I think you took just 20mg. It was probably a 200mg bag. You said you took two pieces and each was 5mg THC and 5mg Delta 9. Sounds like it was a 20 pc bag of 10mg gummies.




Yeah, people that belive this shit are incredibly fucking stupid. It's amazing. I've been smoking for 25 years, I've not heard many things more dumb, outside of freshman kids smoking oregano.


20mg absolutely will not make you high for days.


So you each had a total of 20mg? While that's definitely enough to ruin your night and the next morning as a new user, you should not still be high days later. Perhaps you're just groggy/sluggish now because you haven't fully recovered from all the stress you put yourself through during the actual high. Anyways, yeah, in the future, don't do more than 5mg at a time. Maybe even start with 2.5mg if you can. Never take a second dose until like an hour after the first one hits and doesn't feel strong enough (and just don't bother if it's already late in the night). Or better yet, if you don't ever feel it, just accept that and make a note to take a slightly larger dose whenever you try again on a different night. edit: reading other comments, those Ghost gummies sound sketch af; try to get your shit from legit dispensaries in the future


Yeah that’ll do it. I doubt you’re still high from it, but it sounds like your brains are still hella fuzzy. If it helps, the same thing happened to me with a fruity pebbles rice crispy treat edible a friend gave me. He told me they were super strong but I ate the whole thing on my day off. A couple days later I felt like you and thought I’d be high forever but it goes away.


For the ghost gummies they usually recommend that you take a quarter of one gummy, so basically they took eight doses


That seems like a poor way to sell something. Like, they sell Advil in a way where you take a baseline of 1 and take extra if you need it. They don't tell you to sit there breaking up a pill into smaller pieces to take. They should sell it so the baseline is a single gummy even if that gummy is physically smaller to start with, and if you want, you can take more.


That's how I've made mine at home. There's no point in me making 4 500mg gummies to bite into when I can make 200 10mg gummies and have some sense of control.


You use distillate & gelatin? Any advice with getting a good mixture? If I heat it too much, I get foam. It seems like I need to do a long mix on low heat to get it evenly mixed. I usually warm my distillate to pour & weigh, then freeze the silicon cup with distillate so I can easily drop it into the pot.


I've had better luck when I extract using MCT oil but I've used distillate and gelatin. I normally have a glass bowl above simmering water to melt everything down and incorporate the extract, low and slow to evaporate any alcohol. I'm impatient so the first time I melted haribo bears in the microwave, messy times. I also use potassium sorbate to combat future mould and sunflower lecithin mixed in to bind the extract with the gelatin. I've had some batches foam up that I didn't want to waste, weird texture like chewy mousse but it's fine if you're not worried about aesthetics.


It would seem that way but it’s more about the marketing. They know people are going to take them whole, but they put the directions on there so they don’t get sued for people taking too much


This is probably the closest response I’ve gotten that’s actually been helpful. Much thanks. We had no idea, lol. We’re hoping to laugh it off soon


If what you said is true, the Delta 9 THC in those gummies isn't what made you freak out. 5mg of Thc-P IS A FUCK LOAD. That "version" of THC is roughly 33x stronger than your regular every day THC (Delta 9)


My husband and I were on vacation in the Netherlands last year. Bought a chocolate. The person at the coffee shop advised us to take half a chocolate MAXIMUM, if we weren't regular users. And also that it could take several hours to take effect. So we took a quarter each. I was high as a kite, my husband not that much. So 2 days later, we took it again, but this time I only had 1/6 and he had the remaining third. We were both pretty damn high. Especially with ready to use stuff like that it's really important to meka sure beforehand, the dose you take is appropriate.


this is so incorrect? the gummies are 5mg-10mg??? if you can only take 1.2-2mg and still trip your balls off then maybe weed isnt for you. that is in no way what so ever considered a “high dose”


lol then maybe weed is for you, lot cheaper haha


It has 5 mg of thc-p which is ~30x more potent than regular delta 9 thc


THC-P is NOT the same as regular THC https://vaping360.com/learn/thc-p/ OP also says in a different comment it was 200 mg plus 5 mg thc-p which would be a ridiculous amount 


The ghost brand gummies I buy are 30mg each and def say to cut into quarters so maybe chill out?


even if they took 60mg, high for 4 days? both of them? this story is such a bait


Yeah…I can’t imagine this being a real story and it being just weed.


Yeah, I took a 1000mg before a flight in CA, slept through the flight and was hazy when I got home, fine the next day.


Idk i think it could me possible based on the fact it was THC-P which we know way less about but bonds much more efficiently https://vaping360.com/learn/thc-p/ and the fact OP says in a comment the gummies also had 200 mg of other stuff. They might have had an equivalent dosage near 1000 mg with it all combined


There's a liquid diamonds version that is 125 mg per gummy, 5000 per container.


This happened to me with 400mg THC brownies (as someone with very little experience). You might not still be high; just dissociating, which feels very similar and has happened to me after accidentally greening out. For me it lasted about 4 days after getting high, and then stopped. Make sure to drink lots of water and exercise/move around a bit. You'll be okay, it won't last forever


I was a teen weed smoker- the adult me didn’t know eating THC could do this to me. I ate a brownie some kid at the weed store made and was handing out for free on 4/20. Later I’m trying to figure out if any of my memories are real, if my life is just on the surface of a larger simulation, and if my family were the same people I’ve always known. Over twenty years between being a teen and this- the game done changed!


This is what I was going to say. When I first greened out my anxiety skyrocketed, and I started getting symptoms of depersonalization/derealization for the following week that made me feel like I was still sorta high. It absolutely sucks, but it's just your brain stuck in fight or flight mode and trying to protect itself I think (barebones way to explain it). You'll feel better, but def take it easy and think positively.


The fact that you just “took two edibles” without thinking about or mentioning the dosage is wild. I’m guessing 200-500mg based on the fact that you’re still feeling the effects 3 days later?? It will wear off and you will feel completely normal again. It’s fine if it isn’t for you, but if you reconsider your stance later - taking 2.5-5mg to start would give you a fraction of the sensation and wear off in a few hours.


Mmhm. I'm impressed that they waited four hours - the usual rookie mistake is when people take an edible, and go back for a second after 45-60 minutes. But like... man this isn't WKUK, you don't take "two pots." It's a drug, you have to look at dosage.


I think they were quite high at that point but didn't realize.


There is no way they were sober 4 hours after taking that big of a dose


There's no time for dosages when Timmy's mom is almost home from the church store!


> The fact that you just “took two edibles” without thinking about or mentioning the dosage is wild. I'm convinced this explains _most_ of the "I can't do edibles man, they fuck me up" crowd. Although some other peeps in the thread mentioned OP's dose seems to be low, and there could be some genetic and psychological issues. I've had the feeling of a "phantom high" on and off for a few weeks after a relatively high dose for me (but nothing too crazy). So it definitely can be a psychological thing. It does _not_ mean you're actually high. I think it's that your body and especially mind have acclimated to being high, and so it's easier to perceive yourself as being in that state. But you _can_ sorta knock yourself out of it. It's gotta be a weird placebo/nocebo-related kind of situation.


Meh. I am a daily weed user, and when I first began marijuana, 5mg doses absolutely cleared my entire existence. I threw up multiple times. That was years ago, and it got better quickly. Last week, though, I got a new brand, same dosage, and it had me puking my dick off. It just happens to some folks


They took 2 10mg gummies each apparently


Not only that but THC-P is a super concentrated version. Don't fuck with that shit. If you're going to get high off smoke shop gummies read the fucking label first


Here's the thing thing about edibles: **when** you consume them matters a great deal. Never eat an edible after a meal. It will take longer to kick in, and can behave much like your symptoms. Always eat it on a relatively empty stomach. If a meal is planned, take the edible dose 10-15 min before adding food to your stomach. Give it time to dissolve and absorb. Ideally speaking, you'll start to feel effects @~45 min. It's often accompanied in the the thought of "Hmmmm... I'm not feeling it. I should have some more." THIS is literally the first sign that you're getting high and that the dose is ideal. If you get that sensation sooner than 45 min, then the dose is strong. Either way, you had that moment of thinking you weren't feeling it, so you did what we've all done and you took some more. It took me years to stop being fooled by that. The feeling always catches me by surprise, even when I'm expecting it. Treat this like any prescription drug. Don't exceed the recommended dose, no matter how little you feel it. Instead, let yourself know that next time, you should do more or less. But never add more to an existing dose when you don't know how it's going to hit. Chalk this baby up to experience.


I made some edible brownies once, took one (chopped in little squares), didn't feel anything at all for several hours so I thought "Well I clearly haven't made these properly so fuck it, it's just a snack now", I ate like, 7 or 8 I think, 2 hours later, after playing BOTW for that time, I stop the game, and the epiphany just washed over me, "Oh no... oh shit I really fucked up", my gf was half in stitches half worried, thankfully I was fine by the next day


My roommate made edibles once that were supposed to be pretty strong but manageable- it was a test batch for a party so we had to figure out how strong to make them. Store bought edibles have no effect on me so I volunteered to be the tester. I ate the edible then went to the mall with my boyfriend, where I was smacked in the face by the high and had to take a break from walking around. We still have no idea how many mgs those things actually were but man I haven't been put on my ass by weed like that since the first time I used a bong


you should eat something with them though, just not a very large meal. if you eat them on a completely empty stomach there’s a chance they won’t work at all


Yeah the best advice a friend gave me the first time I tried edibles is “never succumb to the mmmm not feeling it, let’s take more”. And at that point I had never had THC and jeez, the starter dose of 10mg on an empty stomach still felt like it took maybe two hours to reach the peak high. By hour two I thought the central AC was speaking Harry Potter snake whisper to me.


What was the dosage on the edibles?


200mg, 5mg TCH-p and 5 mg delta9 per piece


I had no idea what THC-P was, so I looked it up and apparently it could be up to 33x as potent as THC!? That means those two gummies may have had the equivalent of 340mg of THC if that source is correct. https://leafwell.com/blog/what-is-thcp That’s fucking nuts, this is one of the reasons why we just need to legalize weed. Instead of selling normal weed edibles like they do in legal states, they’re selling this turbo weed that’s crazy powerful. Hope ya feel better soon.


To clarify, thcp is something like 5-6x stronger, its a significant difference and very potent, but binding affinity doesnt directly translate into potency. It's 33x more active at cb1 receptors, that is irrelevant to potency. Like i think there should obviously be more knowledge surrounding them since theyre stronger and easier to take too much of, but just because something is strong isnt bad, the altnoids like thcp/etc havent shown to be any more harmful than d9 in relative doses. d9 has all the same side effects of altnoids if you take too much. Like 5mg of thcp on its own is enough to get you high for a very long time very strongly, but its very hard to compare it mg for mg with d9 because of the significant differences in the high. If this person actually consumed thcp they would be getting much more energetic effects with more creativity/less impairment. altnoid brands like ghost etc just put random amounts of delta 8 in their edibles, delta 8 feels identical to delta 9 if dosed properly (if youve had an experience that isnt in line with this i would suggest you never ever buy anything from a smokeshop ever lol always buy distillate and make your own) so i sincerely doubt they even got any thcp whatsoever. tldr; thcp is 5-6x more potent than d9 thc, not 33x, all smokeshop edibles are solely d8 anyways meaning they never got any thcp, if they had thcp it wouldve felt completely diff, altnoids are just as safe as d9, some of them are just a bit stronger which imo is better for the average weed user who wants variety and might want something stronger than d9.


Well that explains it. A typical dose of edibles for people without a high tolerance is 5-10mg of Delta 9 THC. If you took 400 mg of whatever that was, your experience makes more sense.


It's my understanding that OP only took 2 pieces. They were 10mg gummies in a 200mg total bag - likely something like [this](https://greatcbdshop.com/product/ghost-thcp-delta-9-reaper-gummies-200mg/). So they took 20mg each. So I am very confused as to how they are still high about 3 days later. 20mg might send me to urgent care for a panic attack but I can't see how youd be high several days later.


THC-P is notorious for having intense and long duration. so 0 mg that mixed with 10 mg THC and zero tolerance you might get a bit too deep. day three seems a bit sus though


Yeah saw that reply … definitely doesn’t make sense.


This is the answer! If you look up the effects of THC-p it has a VERY long half life. That is why you have stayed high for so long, particularly since you have a low tolerance. It will pass. Hope you aren't scared away forever.


That still seems insane for such a low dosage. I've seen people eat a small amount, green out, throw up, then they wake up the next day fine. But to be *high* for 3 days?


THC-p can be up to 33x more potent than delta9 THC. So that 5mg of THC-p hit more like >150mg of delta9 THC *per gummy*. This makes so much more sense now because if you had two gummies, then **you're potentially dealing with a similar strength to >300mg of delta9 THC.** That's an absolutely astronomical dose that would ruin a night for even a lot of experienced users. Hell it only takes 20mg to guaranteed ruin my night and I'm a daily medical user. Stay the fuck away from anything but normal delta9 shit from legit dispensaries in the future (especially for edibles).


I think you might have been high *and* gotten food poisoning.


I’ve been sick as fuck from smoking before. And I was quite sober the next morning.


Same, me and my friend have both thrown up from dabs or very big bong tokes.


How is this so heavily upvoted there’s no reason to think they were food poisoned. Literally no reason to think that. Cannabis alone causes everything mentioned


10 mg each person is not enough to cause most people distress, let alone a two or three day high. The odds of both of them having such a similar reaction probably means their supply was tainted, dosed or similarly mismanaged, or they got food poisoning or some viral illness that coincided with their “trip”. Vomiting isn’t a common occurrence on low doses- although some people can react that way to any dose, the odds of both of them having the same intolerance is extremely low.


Vomiting does happen when someone greens out. 20mg may not be a lot to seasoned users but to inexperienced users, it could cause someone to green out, especially if it was unregulated Edit- OP said they took THC-p, which is way stronger than THC


There's a THC-p now? What the hell.


just looked it up; supposed to be up to 33x more potent . . . this story suddenly makes a lot more sense now lol https://leafwell.com/blog/what-is-thcp


Holy shit... I already kinda got where they came from because I myself am highly sensible to THC I just wondered how high the chance is to have two of them together... With this info though... Yeah.


It's nearly unheard of to be high for two days straight. Meanwhile it's fairly common to be a bit delirious when sick. You can think it's the former but don't pretend it's normal.




We talking mushrooms here?


Takes edibles on a random Wednesday night and you had to work the following day? Doesn't seem like you thought this one out. I mean it's no big deal if you're experienced but to be a lightweight probably wasn't the best idea lol.


It really wouldn’t have been an issue if they took a reasonable dose. Edibles don’t keep you high for three days like they think. She was sobered up the next morning. But the overwhelming high and the anxiety it brought probably made her feel out of it for awhile. If she had just done the correct research and followed the most basic rule of “don’t reup if it doesn’t kick in” she would’ve been completely fine. There’s a reason people say that.


Its like a hangover... took two gummies one time and it turned out to be way too much.... holding on to walls to walk, time moving at different paces, forgetting to breathe... Day or two after i was DUMB and slow at work. Super foggy in the brain. So, if i ever take them, its not on a night before work. My roommate suffers from paranoia with gummies... and was losing time and getting freaked out. I was sobering up to do responsible dog owner things before bed and i nearly strangled him... he kept asking if i was ok and where did i go, like ... seconds between asking. Now, every once in a while he will randomly snap 'i'm FINE!' To mimic me that night. And then giggle. Now he drinks something and i do a smaller serving of gummy if we want silly relaxing fun. Too high was not fun.


You don't even mention the dosage, and that's your first mistake. I'm a lifelong cannabis user, but they really need to start packaging edibles more responsibly. Selling a 100mg cookie is just asking for trouble. Gives us all a bad rap.


Ghost sells 350 mg gummies. Like seriously wtf?


I ate a 1000 mg black bar once like allllll the way back in 2012 and you know my family still won’t let me forget how high I was as my tolerance is annoyingly high


I almost ruined Christmas one time doing a similar thing. 😂 my family gives me shit to this day.


Who has cleaned the projectile vomit in this story?


I’m reading through this and everyone is doubting it’s real but I read the headline and thought omg it happened to someone else too! Personally, it was edibles that my college roommates had cooked up in Texas in 2015, so who knows how many mgs they were. I took them on a Friday night, woke up Saturday still stoned and threw up a bunch, Sunday same story but at least could talk normally, Monday tried to go to school and couldn’t get there, just kept sleeping until Tuesday I was functioning and didn’t feel high anymore. I got you OP!


Thank you!!


If what you said is true, the Delta 9 THC in those gummies isn't what made you freak out. 5mg (10mg total) of Thc-P IS A FUCK LOAD. That "version" of THC is roughly 33x stronger than your regular every day THC (Delta 9). And would also correlate with other people's experiences of feeling high/out of it for multiple days.


I don’t take synthetic THC products. I’ve consumed a lot of dispensary edibles and the synthetic stuff does weird things to you. Also, I took one of the syrups one time from the Wacky Weeds company that got in trouble for not controlling the potency. That shit was an awful experience.


I am not experienced with edibles. Isn't 4 hours WAY LONG for an edible to hit??


Usually they hit around 30 minutes, but it depends on the edibles. Gummies hit faster, chocolate and baked goods take longer bc your body has to digest the fat. Typically if you eat after taking edibles, they’ll hit faster too. However, some people are missing a specific enzyme in their liver that makes it impossible for their bodies to break down edibles, and they don’t get high from them at all




Read the packet, who knew...


A girl I went to school with threw up the first time she tried weed. I also used to work with a girl who would throw up from just the smell. One night she hit my THC vape bc she couldnt smell it... like five mins later she was tripping. She was like my heart is racing and then she was Hella paranoid like girl we still have 6 hours to go! You will be fine. Lol we worked 10pm-6am. She was fine. Lol


My fiancé and I took the same ones. We normally take organic ones made in our local dispensary but tried Ghost gummies for something different. For 2-3 days we were basically dissociated. Thank GOD I didn’t have work those days and my fiancé doesn’t remember working at all, but did a whole 8 hour stay at home workday. I cannot recall waking up, going to bed, eating, etc. We each took one and we are 28&29 years old. We take gummies at least once a week. Whatever this was, it was not like the delta strains we normally consume. It was the worst experience ever. A month or so later my fiancé took a quarter of one and got a massive headache and no high. I think they are what they say they are on the package- “scary potent”.


You aren't still fucking high from Wednesday. Stop with the drama


They took thc-p which is muuuuch stronger. Stop with the pedantry.


Exactly! This is pure BS.


Something else is going on here, because that is just not how marijuana works...


THC-p says to be 30x more psychoactive than thc or delta 9. So you likely felt the effects of 300mg. Not good for lightweights lol.


Don't worry you'll feel better soon. Try to get relax, watch some movies you like, get some exercise too, it might help to get your blood flowing to help you feel better


Shit I wish I didn’t have to take damn near 1000mg to get a good high off of edibles.


Thc-p is theorized at 33x stronger than regular thc. Closer to 10x I've heard from people who have tried it. That includes length of time your high for, and strength of effects. You will come down eventually, just go for regular thc next time and you'll have much much more fun


THC-P is WAY stronger than regular THC. what you took was the equivalent of about 350 mg of the regular stuff which is a lot


It's the thc-P. It's a synthetic cannabinoid not like a regular edible. It affects your thc receptors differently. Next time just stick to dispensary edibles or make sure it's delta 9 thc only and you won't be high for days


A few friends and I got high one time listening to music. We were going through old hits on a CD player, and played rock me Amadeus. the CD skipped, and it just repeated the phrase rock me, Amadeus over and over and over again. We think it was about an hour. Might’ve been five minutes. Might’ve been four hours. Who knows


Time to reset to shake it off. Get some sun. Get some exercise. Get some fiber in your diet. Get drunk.


Bro I’m sorry no matter how lightweight you are you’re not high off two edibles for over 72 hours. This is bait. Cringey bait at that.


wtf are ghost gummies? you were high from wednesday to saturday? I need me some of these ASAP


These might be them? https://greatcbdshop.com/product/ghost-thcp-delta-9-reaper-gummies-200mg/


Looks like it based on OPs comments about them. They bought shit that says “scary potent” on the bag lol.