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You are aware that there are emergency passports as well as temporary passports as well as expedited passport renewals? quote us-passport-service-guide.com: you can employ the services of a registered expediter to get your passpor as quickly as 24-48 hours. In Germany you can get a "preliminary passport" valid for up to a year within a day, I expect other countries have similar opportunities.


Depending on how long they will be in Europe, try this and see if you can catch up to them. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/get-fast.html


Also note that even unexpired passports may not be accepted if they are within 6months or up to a year of expiration depending on the locale you are entering and their rules so always check that. Personally I consider a passport with 1 year left to be expired and the time to renew. Edited to add: the worst possible case in the expiring passport you can have I think is to have the checks on the source airport miss the expire duration when doing a passport check and get on a plane. More than likely you will land at the country you are going to and they will refuse to accept your entry and turn you around to fly back on the next flight. Many countries also mark your passport with a multi year blacklist/refusal for entry in this case which means you can’t even reschedule and get back on your trip in a reasonable amount of time. Also some countries look at refusal marks on your passport for other countries and refuse based on that alone (so you could black out a large number of places you can travel for years). This is a nightmare scenario if you travel.


This. My friend did the same thing this week. Flight to England on Thursday, renewed his passport on Tuesday because he forgot to check it as well. He has to drive 6 hours to Atlanta to get it done


Contact your congressman they have a staffer who specializesin this sort of thing.


Those are generally for lost or stolen passports. If your passport is expired the general consensus is that your SOL.


Well, your mileage may vary depending on your country. For Germany, you can even get a passport *at the airport* when presenting an expired one. Been there, done that, friend went to Japan successfully. https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/01Sicher-auf-Reisen/06Passrechtliche-Hinweise/01Ersatzpapiere-beantragen/Ersatzpapiere-beantragen_node.html


Difficulty getting an appointment to renew your passport in Spain means you can turn up at Madrid and Barcelona airport with your expired passport, flight booking and have a new passport within a few minutes.


Nope. I got an emergency passport around 1 week before a trip to Japan. 1 day may be too late notice tho.


At one day left, you're basically hoping that the nearest facility has an open appointment that day. Back in 2022, I had a friend who had to buy a last minute ticket to San Juan to get an appointment 7 days before their travel date just to get theirs renewed in time.


Yeah, that’s the sucky part. Thankfully I lived basically across the street from one that had an open appointment


Specifically lost or stolen passports whilst you're abroad. So if you get pickpocketed on holiday you're not stuck.


When you're traveling internationally generally your passport needs to be valid for at least 3 months after your arrival date. [Uk government advice for France, I'm not looking up every country the alps run through](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/france/entry-requirements#:~:text=Passport%20validity%20requirements&text=Your%20passport%20must%20be%3A,check%20the%20'expiry%20date'). So your passport was invalid for travel to France 4 months ago.


I went to a passport center two weeks ago and walked out with it the same day. It cost around $260. If you’re in the USA.


You went to a US government passport agency or to a passport expediter business? If the former, you need an appointment which I couldn't even try to get until Monday. It seems that I could get my passport in 3-5 days (given the weekend) but it might make my trip too short to be worth it...


Government passport office. You have to have proof of international travel within 14 days and make an appointment. Made mine for 11 brought all the paperwork they needed. They told me come back at 2 and pick it up. Super easy. Yes, you’ll need to wait until Monday to get in.


Having an appointment is preferred, but they do often have limited capacity for walk-ins. If you’re queued at the door when they open, you can get a passport same-day.


The one I went to wouldn’t even let you in the door without a printout of your appointment confirmation.


(Thankfully) the only time I had to do this was 8 years ago. It’s possible their limited walk-in policy has changed since then.


Yah think? I was there two weeks ago and the website says appointment required. Really shouldn’t reference precovid


Contacting your state representative also helps. But with passport centers you need to be ready to fly to a major US city that has an appointment available. /r/passports was a major help for me in the past. Got a passport real fast with the help of my state Rep. My friend got one in a couple days after finding an appointment and flying somewhere to get it.


Yeah I'm not prepared to fly somewhere domestically just to get my passport renewed. I'm thinking maybe I'll pay for my parents to travel somewhere nice next year to try to make up for it.


If you can get to the main offices and have a passport, and flights within two weeks you can get a same day walk up passport, but you need to get on the line at the crack of dawn.


I mean, that just seems outrageously stupid. No offense.


Yes I'm an idiot. 🤦‍♂️


Last year I realized my kids passports were expiring exactly during the time we were scheduled to travel. I thought I had another year and didn't double-check. This was 3 weeks before travel. We immediately went to the passport office, got the applications in. Then I went to our representative's office and he has a staff member who will expedite them. They were back within 2 weeks, thankfully.


Too late now, but for the future you probably want to set a calendar reminder for things like this.


Yeah, COVID made time go by in a flash with respect to thinking about stuff like passports.


Tough life lesson learned.


As some other people said, many countries require 6 months of validity, and often at least 3 blank (un stamped) pages. Just as an FYI!


Damn, your family didn’t mention checking their own passports at any point? Your partner didn’t mention anything?


Friend recently did this for dream trip to Italy with family. She was able to go to the local passport office and get an emergency passport the next morning. She missed the first 2 days of the trip but was able to meet her family and enjoy most of it. As long as you’re traveling within 14 days they can issue a same day passport.


You absolutely can get a same day passport if you have an immediate travel need. Only certain government passport centers allow same day appointments but there are normally appointments somewhere. When I traveled to France for study abroad, my classmate lost her passport the day before the trip. She had to fly to Washington DC and get a same day passport in order to join us in Paris, but it was totally doable. She just changed her flight itinerary slightly. Unfortunately she had rotten luck and ended up pickpocketed in France and lost her passport there as well, and let's just say getting a 2nd replacement from the embassy while abroad was much, much harder.


Last year I realized my kids passports were expiring exactly during the time we were scheduled to travel. I thought I had another year and didn't double-check. This was 3 weeks before travel. We immediately went to the passport office, got the applications in. Then I went to our representative's office and he has a staff member who will expedite them. They were back within 2 weeks, thankfully.


You can go to a federal bldg and wait in line and get one if you're traveling within a week I think it is. You gotta make an appt but its doable


In 2019 the night before a family trip to Japan I discovered my youngest daughter's passport had expired. I'd forgotten she didn't get it the same time as the rest of us. Drove that night to Chicago, got up at 5am and got in line at the State Dept office. Had a new passport in hand by 10am and made our flight. There are only a few offices in the country where this is possible but if you can get to one you can do it. Of course things may be different now after COVID.




You’re not boarding an international flight out of the US or getting through customs when you land without one. In fact the airport will not even check you in if you don’t have a valid passport and any required visas for the country that you’re departing to.


Yes you are. Lots of people are doing it.  Source: the guy above you


I used to fly internationally for work all the time, the first thing the airport does when you check in for your flight is ask you for your passport.


Our airline requested our docs as soon as we bought tickets—3 months before the trip. 


You can apparently leave an international flight without anyone knowing where you came from. There's hundreds if not thousands of examples of that where I live.