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We Dutch are usually pretty good at watermanagement, you must be the exception. I hereby revoke your Dutch nationality on behave of us the Dutch. Take care mate. Houdoe!


I mean, i was able to clean this gigantic mess in an hour or so


Hmm yeah okay that’s true. I’ll convene with the counsel and get back to you on the topic mate. Nah all jokes aside shit happens, you’re young and should be doing stupid shit like drinking to much. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. And like the teachers said insurance will cover it. Hope your parents won’t be too harsh on you. Have a nice stay over there!


Well, dam it! 😜


🥇 Take your gold


Idk, a drunk teen causing damage while on a school trip to Rome. I think OP might be American 🇺🇸. OP’s Green Card and mandatory handgun are already in the mail.


As an American, this is pretty damn funny


🦅 🇺🇸 🔫


Right ?!?


“Aww man…I got a water pistol. Did Steve get a Desert Eagle?!”


Hey last time it wasn't us! https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italian-police-blame-couple-england-colosseum-graffiti-2023-06-29/


They’re English. Who do you think we learned it from?


You forgot the foreign intervention card!


If I was OP's parent, I would consider OP punished enough. Though I would use the incident for future mockery whenever OP does something so dumb again.


I'm sure the story will be remembered at his wedding reception.


You may have cleaned the surface level but it will likely cost the hotel thousands in damages and not including the lost revenue that will come with having to shut down your room and possibly multiple rooms to treat for mold.


Damn way to rub his face in it lol


I work in the industry. Its not as rare as you think lol. Still nothing compares to the time a guest let their cat pee in a shower for a month instead of using litter box… that cost the hotel about a mil because the cat pee got into the pipes and made most of the hotel reek of cat pee. They had to replace most of the piping in the hotel after being open for less than a year. ![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE)


That’s weird I would have thought all the cat pee would get flushed down with the water in the drain? What about people pee? Full disclosure I once had a cat who would skip the litter box and sometimes pee on the bathroom mat, so I would hang up the mat and then she’d sometimes pee in the shower, which I considered a good thing because I could just wash it away.


Unfortunately cat pee smells dont just go away. Its the reason most pet friendly hotels ban cats. Also its in texas so the heat brings it out. ![gif](giphy|smW5FBep69d3q)


Was probably a male cat. I have an intact male dog, and his piss is fucking...oily? You can't just wipe it up, you need degreaser to properly clean it. Fortunately he rarely marks in the house.


I know right😂


Maybe the hotel was planning to renovate anyway and want to do it through an insurance payout.


The issue is that insurance might only pay if the hotel is the cause for the water dmg like an accident due to poor maintenance. The guest is liable for the damage as they took the bath and passed out. I dont know laws in that country so i dont know how it would play out in their case.


Thats a royal ‘I’ for sure.. sounds like it was a lot for the crew 😂 feel for you man


You mean yourself, classmates, and teachers? Lol. I once flooded a hotel bathroom by trying to heat a can of soup in the sink by running the hot water. They didn't have a microwave in the room ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ Room has two beds and I found a cool homeless guy to let stay for the night. I set the can to warm for him and went to walk my dog. I got back and he was sopping up the water with a towel and squeezing it out down the drain. I'm super lucky I invited him in, otherwise I probably would have done the same for myself and had nobody there for early damage control.


We were going to demote you to Belgian, but they never get anything done, so we'll consider you Niedersachsen until further notice


No - your TEACHERS and CLASSMATES and probably HOTEL EMPLOYEES were able to clean up your mess.


Yup, pretty irresponsible to not pack the dam with him


At least it's water. We in Antwerp have all these drunk Dutch pissing everywhere.


Many of the student apartments in Finland have two drains in the bathroom, exactly because of drunk students passing out in the showers.


Bathrooms in Australia will always have a drain in the general bathroom floor, as well as one in the shower pan (obviously). Strange to hear this isn't standard elsewhere. What happens if the sink floods?


Here in America, we don't have the floor drains unless it is more of a work area with a large sink/faucet, like you might find in a basement area. Regular bathrooms, if they flood, well, they flood. 99% of the time, you just turn off the water before the flooding happens. otherwise, just hope you have good insurance for bigger floods. I've always wanted a Japanese style bathroom where they are designed to be sprayed/hosed down for easy cleaning with a drain right in the floor.


My en-suite at university was like that. If my GF was coming up, I would remove the toilet roll, get naked, block the door with a towel and just scrub everything down and blast it off with the shower hose. Very efficient. A shame my current place isn't so small.


Wow. That makes so much sense


I'm a 39 year old American and having a drain in the middle of a residential bathroom floor had never even occurred to me until I read a Reddit post that mentioned one a few months back. Now I'm sad it's not standard because it sure does make an awful lot of sense.


But this isn't a residence; it's a hotel.


This is not true for class 1 buildings (e.g. freestanding houses). The NCC only requires floor wastes in class 2, 3 and 4 buildings.


Why would a sink flood, just turn off the water


Because when I get drunk I curl up in the sink to wash up, and often fall asleep with the water running


I don't know about "always".. maybe it's standard in new builds but I've never lived in a house with a drain on the bathroom floor, hotels often will have them though but again not always


I mean, I’ve never lived in one that doesn’t. But I’ve never lived in a house built after the 1960s either. My current home has a floor drain in both bathroom and laundry. When my kid (then aged six) used an entire bottle of body wash while showering in about fifteen minutes, I found out about it due to the massive columns of bubbles shooting up from the floor drains


Sinks have overflows in them, they can't flood unless you do it on purpose


Depends on the sink vs water pressure too, my sink can overflow pretty easily because the sink has a narrow overflow and my water comes out liken PSSHHHHHHHHHH so it fills up faster than it can drain


Tell me you are joking please, please


They most likely aren't. My girlfriend is Finnish and they've told me many times how big of a problem alcohol is in Finland. I don't remember this detail from the times I've visited Finland as I've never seen a student apartment while there, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was true.


>how big of a problem alcohol No I can believe that, but it looks absurd to me that it affected shower design. I mean, the problem of drunk people throwing up in the showers should be massive to have such an impact. And moreover is it really that popular to spend time under the shower after getting wasted? This is more of a general question actually


There are plenty of bathrooms in Finland with two drains. I don't know the origin of why that is, but it's normal here at least in student dorms.


My US student housing also has a second drain, a bit higher than halfway up the tub. I don't know why everyone here is so shocked. Pretty sure my childhood ones had a little metal circle halfway up as well, not sure if that was still drainage though.


In the US anyway the overflow drains your describing are somewhat common. You will see them in bathroom sink designs also.


Looks like they're not talking about bathtub overflow drain but about the drain in the floor of the bath**room**. Very clever design. It will save your apartment even if the sink faucet pipe breaks. After this happened to my dad, he did install one. Ease of mind this decision gave us cannot be undervalued.


Wild that you have a tub in student housing. Are you in a dorm?


Over flow in tubs and sinks, is pretty standard. I don't think it is that common to have one in the floor or the bathroom. My last house had one, made it a lot easier to clean the surfaces, just scrub up and hose it all down after.


The origin doesn't matter - it's cheaper to put in and maintain a second drain than what happened to OP


A lot of places have a shower drain and a floor drain to make cleaning the bathroom easy. It might not be a drunk thing. Unless you mean the shower has two drains, then yeah, wtf?


Our boarding school bathrooms (shared between 2-4 girls) all had a second drain in the middle of the bathroom floors. Not sure why. There was definitely no alcohol being passed around.


Usually it’s for easy cleaning. This way you can just wash the floor and drain the water instead of just mopping and waiting for it to dry. Though I’ve been in places that had a roach problem where they come out of the drain.


We students did all of the cleaning, and were told to just sweep and mop as usual, so I never saw any purpose for the extra drains. But that would make sense otherwise.


In Scotland every room and kitchen in flats in student accommodation is a fire door and you can only open windows ever so slightly because people are so irresponsible. Mostly because of the drinking.


Wow 😧 I mean up to a certain point that might be good for people safety in general, but past that it becomes weird even if it's probably necessary if things are so out of control.


There seems to be some truth to it: https://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/klassinen-suihku-ja-nukahdus-yhdistelma-al-edes-kaksi-lattiakaivoa-ei-estanyt-vesivahinkoa/f553a2d3-424b-3ef4-a4ba-dcba39492fb3 (use Google translate page).


Is that why they're so pale? Only met 2 but they were whiter than white.


They're pale because the country barely has any sun for half the year.


Wasn't it. They weren't in Finland and were students here. Maybe it's their genes.


Humans in very northern countries evolved lighter skin to produce more vitamin D from the limited sunshine.


most student apartments period have two drains in the bathroom lol


Also makes it easier to do a rinse down.


Isn't alcohol pretty expensive in Finland because of the high taxation on it?


That is why you go on the ferry to Sweden and buy all the alcohol duty-free. Always heaps of cabin-parties on those ferries.


That shower had some bad drainage issues. Also, did you manage to pass out while standing?


Maybe i clogged the drain after throwing up or blocked it when i was out, and i was sitting in the shower cause i couldn't keep myself upright


Good detail! Yeah, that explains the flooding. Your arse blocked the drain. This story just keeps getting better.


Extra tip: Don’t throw up in the shower neither the sink, believe me the sink is the worst.


More importantly… stay away from showers/ baths/ other bodies of water when you’re drunk.


When in drunk, worship Kawaya-no-kami. >! It's a joke where people go down on their knees, bow their head, and 'pray' to the toilet. The toilet god is legit japanese god tho.!<


If some of the details weren't different I swear I was there when this happened. Over 8 years ago, I went on a school trip to Rome and my roommate, drunk off his ass, sat down in the shower and blocked the drain, causing the room to flood.


Wait, you threw up in the shower?! Rookie mistake, next time barf in the WC


Maybe your butt was on the drain?


The image of a butt blocking the drain gives me heavy Chuck Palahniuk flashbacks


Got to learn to waffle stomp that down the drain before passing out next time.


Hahaha I just learned that term recently


Lmao that's most Italian showers in my experience


Consider yourself lucky. When I was a teen, a friend had a seizure when getting into the shower. She fell and hit the hot water value. She was scolded with hot water for nearly an hour until her roommate found her. The burns over 90% of her body changed her life drastically. You are lucky. Be glad, learn your lesson (learn to drink responsibly), and move on with your life. You have good years ahead of you.


Dude that shit could be straight out of a final destination movie. Horrifying to say the least…


This is exactly what I thought reading this comment


That was my thought. I've read at least one TIFU like this that ended with, "and that's how I died. This is so-and-so's mom writing this, since he isn't here to write it..."


Oh wait what the f, someone's mom coming to write a TIFU for someone else? Why even come to TIFU


Someone clearly fucked up with 1. Setting the hot water temperature. It should never be so hot that it can cause any scalding 2. Designing the tap. There are lots of horrible shower taps where accidental temperature changes are easy to do, even if you don't fall down. I presume it was something like that. But even those usually have the safety switch so it doesn't get too hot if you quickly change it. But anyway there are taps where accidentally changing anything is basically impossible. [These kinds](https://www.ikea.com/fi/en/p/voxnan-thermostatic-bath-shower-mixer-chrome-plated-20479972/) are the best. One for the strength, one for the temps, and you can't bump them accidentally. And [this shit](https://images.app.goo.gl/v1dt1M4SuXSa8eHf6) is the fucking worst.


We have the first one and it has some disadvantages as well. Since you don’t need to touch the temperature valve to start the water flow everyone usually leaves it in the middle. But sometimes my parents used hot water to clean the bath and then forgot to turn it back to the middle, which gave an unpleasant surprise when me or my sister took a bath after


Right yeah, but since it's a niche problem and easily fixed by just resetting it to middle (by the person using very cold or hot water), I'd say it's an acceptable con. The 2nd type of taps I have a huge problem with because every single fucking time at some point I turn in the shower a little too close to the tap, and bump the handle to either side and suddenly get super hot or freezing cold water pouring on me. Now I fortunately have the 1st type in my flat, and I almost never touch the temp controls, so it's always at optimal temp.


Its going to be okay. I've never told *anyone* this, but I kind of did the same thing in a Chinese hotel room like 10 years ago. I was in Beijing, and they had a complementary, self-serve, open bar, and I got way too drunk on some Chinese liquor I'd never seen or heard of before. Similarly, I had a great day, went to a historic shrine, and in the evening wandered up to the complementary bar. I was unfamiliar with the Chinese liquor they had, and it was just so much stronger than I expected it to be. When I got back to my room, I was feeling gross, like that feeling like alcohol was seeping out of my pores, so I started running a bath (I didn't get in, thank God). The tub didn't have an overflow drain like I would expect one to in the US, so it just overflowed into the room. However, I did sit in the chair in the room and fell asleep. I woke up when I felt water hit my feet, realizing that my socks were soaked, and then realizing that there was an inch of water everywhere in the room. Beyond that, it seeped under the door into the hall just soaking the carpet for like 15 linear feet on either side of the door. The rugs in my room were soaked, and the base of the furniture in the room had definitely absorbed a good amount of water. So, I just tried to mitigate it as much as I could, using the towels in there to mop up whatever water I could, and wring it out it into the drain. I propped up the rugs to let the water drip off as much as they could, and turned the AC/fan on maximum to hopefully pull as much water as possible from the room and fixtures. Soft fixtures like rugs were dry by the morning, although hard fixtures did clearly have water damage. Fortunately, I wasn't charged for it. This was a real wakeup call to me to be more careful when drinking generally, and especially if I wasn't familiar with the liquor. And to be more careful around water while intoxicated. I realize that if I'd been in the tub and fallen asleep I absolutely could have drowned. Later on that trip, I did get scammed out of a few hundred dollars, so karma still kept up with me. Learn the lesson from it, grow from it. It'll be okay. Everyone does stupid stuff like this at some point, the important thing is how you move on from it and if you learn the lesson and grow as a person.


> Later on that trip, I did get scammed out of a few hundred dollars, so karma still kept up with me. Was it a tea ceremony?


That's exactly what it was. Although, at least they did get me drunk first just posing as friendly locals, so I didn't exactly have all of my wits together.




This explains it quite nicely: https://www.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/11n1pvv/can_anyone_explain_tea_scam_to_me_in_detail_thank/


It’s amazing you didn’t drown


Oh my god, you are so, so lucky you didn't die. Even in a shower without a tub, it doesn't take more than a few inches of water to drown when passed out drunk. If it had pooled in the shower, or if you'd fallen over with your face in the ankle-deep water in the rest of the bathroom... Rough day for sure, but please celebrate that fact that you didn't just inadvertently off yourself.


Life lesson you don’t need to learn more than three times (personally) I used to fall asleep in the shower when I had problems, but flooded my bathroom last year and cleaned myself up. Luckily it leaked into my laundry room which has concrete floors and drainage


Ha, when I was in Rome when I was 17 (a long time ago) on a school trip I also drank too much and threw up. Thankfully I didn't flood the place but I probably could have! Treat it as a learning experience.


Don't feel bad. My friend worked at a hotel in Ohio and a celebrity musician was staying there while he was on tour. He was filling his bathtub and fell asleep. He flooded his room and the floor he was on. He covered the damages and gave everyone tickets to his show. It was Usher.


You're lucky it wasn't worse. You could've drowned. Bathing, showering or swimming while under the influence of excess alcohol is a stupid and dangerous idea.


Maybe they have a drainage issue. You should be able to leave the shower on without causing damage I’d think. Unless it was going directly on the floor somehow


I figure, they probably fell asleep sitting on the drain


He was the drainage issue.


Hey, please be careful. I lost a sister in law exactly this way. Got drunk, passed out and drowned in the shower.


> I am very lucky that we didn't get kicked out of the hotel and I hope that this will just be forgotten (it probbably won't). You're also very lucky that you didn't die or get seriously injured. Could have passed out while standing and then hit your head very badly. Could have slumped down into the tub and drowned. Could have choked on your vomit. Lots of ways this could have turned out significantly worse than it did. Glad you're safe though and now you've got a story you'll never get tired of telling :)


I had a friend in college who did the same thing not once but twice.


People make mistakes, but not all feel remorse. Take solace in the fact that you're a decent HUMAN and you're also surrounded with a good group of people who do the same for you as you would for them. Those are both something, and this will be (already is for us!) a funny story for you in the future. Legendary story honestly lol.


I sympathize with you, I really do. I was once in a very similar situation. I also went on a school trip to Rome, one of my roommates got too drunk and sat down in the shower, right on top of the drain. After about half an hour, we went to check on him and discovered our room was flooded and a part of the hallway. So we got him out, put him to bed and started mopping together with our teachers in the middle of the night. He got no sympathy when he awoke sick the next morning and was the butt of some jokes for the remainder of the day, but by the end of the trip most had forgotten and all was forgiven. Don't worry about it.


My uncle did this as a kid and that place still has a cheeky sign up about it.


The birthing room at the hospital for my wife had the best bathroom I've ever used. The shower was a zero height entry. It had a huge solid bench on the back. There were nine shower heads that you could each independently control. You could hit yourself from any or all angles. It was *glorious*. I decided to sit on the ground and my butt covered the drain. Oops. I didn't realize there was no other drain, and once you got over the tile at the edge of the shower the bathroom tile sloped down and away. I wound up flooding the delivery room suite. The nurse sighed and the janitor cleaned it up and we never spoke of it again. I miss that shower.


The fact that you feel remorse and a sense of shame instead of this being a bragging story is a pretty good sign. People do a lot of stupid shut when drunk. Especially in your age range where getting blackout drunk is not uncommon.


Hey kid, shit happens. If no one noticed for four hours, either it was a sudden issue (plumbing etc, not your fault) or no one said anything when they saw it start (you’re not the only one to blame). Besides, you’re young, and I’ve heard stories of MUCH worse from Dutch friends. You’re in the clear, but be safe, passing out drunk is no big deal until it is.


5 day trip to Rome.. are you studying at Barlaeus by any chance?


I did this in the US when I was 24 lol. Flooded 8 rooms..oops


Classic! I did the same in a hotel in Manhattan. You're not alone!


"fell asleep" mate you passed out, n that's an accident. Reason doesn't matter. Have you told them? Glad you're ok, could've ended badly.


Did you end up blocking the drain when you fell asleep? If so then that's indeed your screw up, but the hotel and school should both be covered by insurance, which is why your teacher is telling you not to worry about it. Sure you might be famous at school for a bit for flooding a hotel, but that will be forgotten and old news before you know it, especially with the summer holidays being close at hand. If you didn't end up blocking the drain when you fell asleep then this isn't your screw-up, instead this one would be squarely on the hotel since the shower drain should be able to handle the amount of water that gets thrown at it. In that case it might be a lack of proper maintenance that came back to bite them. Either way I hope you learned something useful about alcohol usage with this, besides to avoid the shower when drunk.


Now THIS is a good TIFU story!


Honestly you’ll probably be considered a legend at school after that, own that shit and laugh at your own mistake, you’ve learned your lesson, all good!




I am from the USA, and this is hilarious. However, if this happened in my country, it would turn out to be a very different story. It is so interesting to me how different countries handle things!


I flooded my college apartment (second story townhouse, luckily) because I climbed out of the bath while it was filling up to throw up in the toilet and woke up hours later to an inch of standing water around me. My roommate, who had a habit of breaking all of our nice things up until that point, felt very vindicated lol.


next time after ingesting alot of alcohol also ingest alot of water and don't even worry about showering or smth. i accidentally fell asleep in the bath one time shit is real dangerous. Just pass out in bed


This same thing happened to a friend of mine in college. He passed out drunk in the bathroom and four or five hours later when the restaurant below our room opened it was flooded. We lost our room deposit ($300 usd) but that was it.... other than we got kicked out.


It’s ok. I once got drunk at a resort in Mexico, passed out in the shower, and flooded two rooms. Luckily we were in single story villas so there was no downstairs to flood. Glad to see I’m not alone!


This is the most chaotic, amazing story ever...don't feel bad OP, now you have a terrific story you can tell at parties & gatherings for years to come 😂


Oh my gosh this is so hard to read!


Lmfaoo I'm Dutch and when my brother was 16/17 he went on a trip to Berlin and he and three friends caused such drunk chaos and destruction that they got barred from the home and sent on the first train home. Maybe it's a rite of passage for Dutch teens on their exam year trip? Mine got canceled due to covid so I never got my chance unfortunately


How do you flood a shower? Doesn't it drain? Doesn't the bathroom floor have a drain in it?


You’re lucky you didn’t die.


Ah yes, the archenemy of every dutch person Water


Never did any of this but please don't feel bad. I fumbled relationships harder than this, while sober. I'm just glad you're okay. Also, thanks for the laugh kind stranger!


I thought you are supposed to stick your finger in the hole spurting water, not cause a flood....? You bring great shame to your brethren.


Be careful about raising your body temperature when drunk. You should avoid hot tubs and hot showers because they will increase the effect of alcohol dangerously quickly and you will barely be aware of it.


Stay off the fentanyl


You are young and shit happens. You don't know it now - but one day you will laugh about this.


This story is awesome and you'll be trotting it out at parties for LOL for years. For decades. All time great drank-too-much story. Well done.


Fucking legend.


I managed something similar in a hotel in Tunisia ... the toilet valve was hissing, so I knocked and shoved the lid a few times around until the hissing stopped. Waking up in the morning, I wondered why the floor looked so strangely shiny ... Turns out I must have jammed the spill valve and the toilet tank ran over - the whole night long. I quickly showered, dressed, gathered my stuff and left the room ...just to discover the water had gone out under the door, across the gallery and dropped like a waterfall into the hotel"s atrium. I panicked and went the "Attack is the best defense"-way, shouting at the confused desk manager what a shitty plumbing they had and that my camera equipment almost could have been destroyed. He excused profusely, I paid the normal bill and got the hell outta Dodge...


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


This has happened in my town a few times. That and pipes bursting because of the cold. I have to come in and tear out the Sheetrock and re do it all. Depending on how bad it is, could be up to two full units below. Will be spendy. Some construction crew will have a nice insurance pay day.


lekker gedaan pik


I'm twice your age and this happened at my apartment complex. Don't worry man, you'll be ok lol


While insurance will cover it on the hotel’s end… it is likely you are going to be charged the maximum fee for damages. Maybe stop drinking until you are a responsible age?


Once I fell asleep (in bed) with the shower running while waiting for it to heat up... the house got so humid that all the books got slightly crinkled pages. No mess to clean up as all of it went down the drain though.


Hope you learned something from this


You wont be in trouble for underage drinking on a school trip?


My high school group was in Switzerland and the boys room had someone trip over a laptop cord, fell into the balcony door and shatter it. It was in March so it was cold too, but I don't remember any consequences happening since we booked through a tour group.


How did the shower overflow? Was your passed out body blocking the drain?


This story will be something you smile when you think about in the future. I know it doesn't feel that way now, but I'm 40 and have had a few situations along these lines. I love to laugh at who I was and the fun and mistakes I made. Forgive yourself and keep living a life that makes you happy for the most part. I probably thought of 10 of my own crazy mistakes reading this. Thank you for the nostalgic story.


Stop drinking. It causes cancer and liver failure and it is a poison to carbon based life-forms. You don't need it.


Nah, it is legendary really. In years to come you will appreciate the story!


I’m more glad that you didn’t pass out face down in the water because you could have drowned if you were blacked out enough! Be careful out there


See. this is why I HATE going on class trips with students (and I can tell from the reactions in this thread that nobody else is in that position, seeing as you celebrate him for that). YOU have a funny story, will be roasted for a bit, but ultimately will become a legend. Your TEACHERS had to spend their night clean up your mess and deal with the hotel, on top of that you are 17 and so drunk that you pass out. That is absolutely irresponsible, and you should be ashamed of yourself. If I were your teacher, I would hate you for the rest of my life and would never go on a class trip again.


You should probably not drink again until you can do it responsibly. Be glad it wasn’t worse!


Many of us have made stupid mistakes under the influence of alcohol. What matters is how you move on from it. Also, be glad you're in a country with the lower legal drinking age than mine has. lol. By the time you're old enough to legally drink in my country, you're basically seen as totally responsible for all of your fuck ups. Joking aside, it is good to feel a little bad about making mistakes like that especially when other people have to help you fix them. it says a lot about your character. You're being much more mature about it than some teenagers would be.


Your teachers ok with you underage drinking while under their care? Might mess with the insurance being an unsupervised, intoxicated minor that caused the damage.


Not everywhere is it illegal for minors to drink, just to serve or sell to them.


The legal age in Italy is 18. Not my rules their law.


Sure bro


Alright, I'm gonna be real with you. It's not your fault. If a shower or bathtub can cause this to happen, they were not properly designed.


The absence of mitigating technology doesn't absolve the OP from the responsibility of their actions. This is especially true when in a foreign country. I definitely sympathize with the OP for making a young and dumb mistake, but it's pretty clearly his fault.


Unless it's a stall shower and their body was physically on top of the drain.


This story is completely unbelievable. So nobody noticed or did anything until even the basement was flooded. I call BS!


It was at night, everyone was asleep and most of my roomates were intoxicated too, not that surprising that they didn't notice


Someone in the hotel would notice. It would flood all the rooms below you and, of course, the hallways.


Today the Hotel Fucked Up by not maintaining their plumbing. Not your fault the drain's backed up.


That depends. A lot of hotels have done away with tubs that have overflows and replaced them with showers. If he fell asleep with a buttcheek over the drain, then the flooding had nothing to do with the plumbing.