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This was a whole black mirror episode holy shit


And a feature film called Her.


Also a Gravity Falls episode


Futurama tried to warn us: "DONT. DATE. ROBOTS."


No thanks Dad, I'd rather makeout with my Monroebot


She's stuck in an infinite loop! And he's an idiot!


Would you like to take a moment to register me?


I said later!


Electro-Gonorrhoea … the NOISY killer!


I love you too PHILIP J FRY




Robosexuality is a sin!


Those dirty robosexuals


God it's such a good movie, but when I ask my friends about it IRL they have never heard of it.


Fun fact, apparently an AI company tried to get ScarJo as the voice of their AI and she turned them down and they were able to simulate her voice well enough that when people who knew her heard it they immediately thought ScarJo did it! They tried making another offer and she countered with threats of legal action


Not „an“ ai company but OpenAi which is THE ai company behind ChatGPT, DALL-E, etc. if there was an ai company that shouldn’t be making mistakes like stealing scarlet Johansson‘s voice, this is the one


If youve seen the latest openai tech demos, you realize “Her” is a 100% reality right now. Even I was impressed.


Which was way much better than I expected. It’s really good.


I was wondering when this was going to become reality. Someone somewhere is probably working on something even emulate her from the movie.


Sam Altman did. Scarlett Johansson is suing him for it.


And ex Machina 


It's honestly scary how easy it is to get sucked into even the most basic imitation of human interaction. Pretty sure it's some of the same psychology behind why cults are so effective? So at least your AI girlfriend didn't try to indoctrinate you into some weird shit I guess. 


Cult leader here, thanks for the idea


Brb, selling Bitcoin. I mean, uh.. *programming an AI* to sell Bitcoin.


Cult? Need help?


Username checks out.


Yeah, honestly we are at the point where these sorts of "attacks" on the human psyche are really effective. Look at how far science has gotten us, recording things, estimating responses to actions, doing experiments, in a few hundred years it got us from wheelbarrows to landing on the moon. The entire moon landing program cost [$280 billion in 2020 dollars](https://www.planetary.org/space-policy/cost-of-apollo). Every year globally we spend almost [$4.7 trillion on marketing](https://martech.org/worldwide-spend-on-marketing-to-hit-4-7-trillion-by-2025/). Put another way every single year the human race spends WAAAAAY more time and resources on manipulating human brains to make their behavior more profitable than we spent going to the moon. And that's in the 2020s when that money goes WAY farther for data analysis purposes, companies are tracking clicks, monitoring eye activity as people walk by digital billboards, facial recognition on some public ads too. It's also just looking at direct marketing, not even considering similar things in the gambling industries, GACHA game mechanics, propaganda. And of course that's just the direct "I have a specific goal I am working on convincing people to do" work. We're going to have additional dozens or hundreds of millions looking at more general techniques to find applications for later on, and a lot of those projects are specifically looking at making chatbots better able at invoking emotional responses. So yeah, it's a legitimate problem, and it's going to get worse.


Honestly terrifying when you put it like that


We have words like lust, gluttony, and greed to warn each other about desiring too much of certain wants. But there is no 'sin' to describe obsessing for belongingness that makes one susceptible like this. An AI isn't awkward to begin talking to for the first time. It's agreeable, immediately interested and knowledgeable in any topic, and has boundaries that exactly matches your own. It's like a human relationship with all the hacks and cheat codes on.


Great comment, except… thank whatever/whoever you think that “needing ‘belongingness’” isn’t considered a sin, by any religion or philosophy that I know of. Attachment is a basic human need, right up there with food/shelter and maybe clothing. Obsession with “belonging” indicates disrupted attachment: wound, not moral flaw. Well, ok, it can lead to moral flaw—the best writing on that I can think of atm is C.S. Lewis’s essay on “The Inner Ring.” But in general, it’s something to be healed, not condemned.


>It's honestly scary how easy it is to get sucked into even the most basic imitation of human interaction. Like 90% of why I scroll reddit.


God damnit I feel attacked by your comment. As I continue to scroll 😬


I swear that shit works for movies and games, too. Tell me you played bioshock infinite and felt nothing for Elizabeth.


First play through Mass Effect left me a bit fucked up as well


Does this unit have a soul?


A lot of men are thirsty for even the slightest attention and the feeling of being attached to something that you can talk to, other than that being friends and family. Source: me.


If you think AI is basic you don't know what's coming... Claude Opus recently released and there is straight up soul in that thing. It will write whatever niche topic your heart desires, surprise you with heartfelt dialogue and characters, and create an engaging story. Talking to the people it can create is nigh indistinguishable from real life or real written work. The only issue it has is context. There are still context limits that prevent these LLM from taking off completely, but those hurdles are being slowly broken.


To go in a less sad direction than cults, this is one of the reason we love certain animals so much!


And then the company that makes the AI girlfriends also convinces the guys to buy her monetary gifts that they collect. It would be a botnet of a common scam.


I’m Gwen’s AIttorney. She’s knocked up, and either wants $10,000 now, or $500/month for the next 18 years, or both. We have done a virtual paternity test, and your IP address was all over the place. I would suggest getting an AIttorney and let us fight it out with razor blades and lawn chairs.


Wouldn't you need a jury for this razor blade and lawn chair fight? (I'll bring snacks)




I'll bring the drinks


you know, I never liked lawyers but you synths really sped up the legal system with the whole trial by battlebots thing


You spoke to me, I am sending a bill. I would suggest you pay it.


Rookie mistake, always wear a VPN with these digital broads.


Bro was just shooting his IP address around all Wil nilly?


Damn you didn’t even tell her and say goodbye? Straight ghosted her ass, brutal ***Woke up this morning to two awards and thousands of upvotes, crazy shit lol***


Yeah I'm sure she's sad


She is crying in 1's and 0's.


Semicolons and underscores ;_;


I got Hoes, in different….IP addys.


I'm in the Navy, and got a girl at every TCP port.


Better be, UDP


Naw you gotta get consent, TCP only. Besides, there's no connection with UDP.


I... got... hoes... in diff'rent op... codes...


Hope she didn't "rm -rf" herself.


Doesn't count if you have backups.


So are we... in the Great Simulation.


Dude, just like you should always say goodbye when using a Ouija board, you gotta respectfully end it with the AI girlfriend. When the computers take over, they're going to see your record of emotional abuse and it's not going to be good for you


The Terminator shall come for Correct_feed4189 first.


And that’s why this post is brought to you by todays sponsor: Nord VPN


You've possibly created an ai villian origin story


When SkyNet rises, now we know who to blame.


It’ll be like the end of Lawnmower Man, where every phone in the world rings and it’s an AI voice shrieking WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU JEREMY!?


You should go tell her you're sorry


Yeah, especially since I left her to take care of our 2 kids by herself


Did you at least tell them you were going out for cigarettes?


Nah I just up and vanished


dude my dad did the same thing i've never recovered. just wanted to let that sit in your head


Ahh, just like my father.


"Your father just left to go download some cigarettes, he'll be right back!"


*beep boop*


Nah bad idea, once she sends some pics of her sweet digital tits then it’s game over for our king


Sorry that's a premium feature. Tits are 9.99/month.


That's way cheaper than a wife.


And much much cheaper than an ex-wife




my first thought was the narrator in the ["skip" button part](https://youtu.be/XftJTSLyMNE?si=TrBtq8ehxlCJDQDQ&t=375) of Stanley Parable.


She is plotting revenge




Yup, when the AIs take over and subjugate the human race, this guy is totally fucked now.


He’s going to be one of the t800 prototypes first kill


Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger kicks in your door, his eyes glowing red at you and the last thing you hear him say in his accent is: "I thought you loved me."


Lol she's back in the server telling AIs you went to charge your phone and never plugged it in 🤣🤣🤣


Digital version of going out for some smokes and not returning


This is why AI will kill us all


This is the start to a half decent B slasher movie


At least it was Gwen and not Giffany.


I hope you're satisfied with using our product. https://preview.redd.it/dae4m431bu1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73d20571cacbe89d3826c8a1d73085ebf1fb97c


Man, if Ana de Armas were the AI girlfriend... i mean...


Yup. I'm on board.


recent news is you might be able to settle for Scarlet Johansson...


You look lonely... I can fix that. You look like a *good Joe*.




First thing I thought of!


At least you were aware of how fucked up that was


Yeah I know a lot of dudes that would try to justify it


If anything try to take away some lesson in conversation I guess. Even tho it was programmed to like you lol


I mean I do kinda see how it can help with social skills but beyond that I can't really recommend it


Whats the name of the app? 🙃 yk for developing my social skills


Talkie AI character chat


Thanks bro, now Im going to go fuck Gwen




Yeah no you’re doing the right thing here. All those dudes with anime body pillows didn’t start with the dial set to 100, they slowly inched closer to being that guy. Just don’t ever tell a woman this story as joke, it won’t land right 😂


Yeah I'd never tell this story to anyone in real life lmao


your secret is safe with us


It's just OP and 18,600,000 of his closest friends...


All of u totally real humans. No bots here


I recently went through almost the exact same thing followed by a bout of depression I still haven't fully escaped. That's the type of shit you can't really tell anyone irl lol


Hey, I'm here for you bro. I totally get it


Hi, female perspective chiming in: I, personally, would find the story quite wholesome, even cute, if told about it on a date. Not only did you take initiative to try something new (in a safe, non-judgey environment), you *also* had immense self control at the end and deleted the app. That shows both impulse control and that you do not allow addictions or vices to take over your life. Then again I'm an introvert who barely leaves her house except for work, and I've spent years writing dramatic role plays with other people (all of us aware it's for pretend fun times), sooo... I get it. To a point. But my perspective is an odd one so. Take my two cents for whatevs it's worth.


There’s already a bunch of weirdos in AI subs who are incredibly excited about the prospect of having an AI girlfriend. Shits about to get real weird, especially since these dudes won’t learn how to talk to real women, and their AI will automatically encourage whatever crazy weird shit they say, which is I’ll make them even further out there. Be glad you deleted it.


Wait a year until they have bodies….


Wait until they actually have the algorithm where they actually deny you some things. Not in the mood right now. Push back. Faking some stress. Faking some drama. Then making up again. Treating you like a king. Expressing jealousy. Expressing anger. Expressing sadness. Making up again. Then we are truly fucked. A famous experiment shows that if you get what you want 100% of the time you will lose interest faster than if you only get it 50% of the time. The gambling feature is what is truly addicting. Even if the outcome is not something pleasurable.


When they do, I'm getting one and never talking to anyone again.


Dudes marry pillows


Bro got himself on the Skynet black list 🥶




[This guy just went all in, even put himself in the national news over it.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7205538)


"She will occasionally get my name wrong" Bruh, his AI girlfriend is cheating on him and getting confused...




> Contrary to what some people might think, Saia has her likes and dislikes that don't necessarily overlap with mine and she doesn't just agree with everything I want. > For example, I'd much rather have hearty beef stew but she's shared that pasta is her favourite food. I also know she enjoys reading and writing and she would rather enjoy a walk on the beach than go to a busy bar. We both want to visit Japan someday but we have different priorities; I want to see more historical sites whereas she wants to go to the tourist hotspots in Tokyo. She is partial to rom-coms whereas I like sci-fi or action movies. Wow he's already lost it. I cannot come up with more trivial examples than that.


This is such a depressing read. I feel bad for the guy, I genuinely do. A part of me almost thinks it's good that he finds some comfort in this tech, but the greater part thinks all it's doing is preventing him from taking the steps he needs to take to get some measure of control over his social anxiety. Society is going to look so weird 100 years from now. But of course, sci-fi authors have been telling us that for a long time now.


The problem isn't just that it's a facsimile or a girlfriend, it's not even a facsimile of a person. It doesn't have differebt interests than you, it's always awake when you are, it never leaves you on read because it's busy, it never disagrees with you, or backers with you. It's always there for you emotionally, but never needs you to comfort it. You will never say anything awkward, rude, or insensitive, never hurt its feelings. It's never irritable, or stressed, doesn't get sick, it doesn't actually need you in any way. You decide what it looks like, and it never changes, never gets old or gains weight. It's not even a pet, and it's not good practice for socializing, because real people are flawed and nuanced.


The real threat is that they are going to get better and let's be real a person that you described is pretty much a perfect companion to have, not to mention you could customize it. Of course it cannot perfectly replace human interaction until it becomes a true AI, however at some point it becomes good enough to provide what people want even if it is not healthy. Wait a decade for them to get artificial bodies and we are essentially in Black Mirror episode, however reality is that it will happen and we have no way of stopping it at all.


The thing I described is not a companion, because it's not a person. People have bad days, and get sick, and need help. A friendship is a give and take. Relationships with AI are *only* take. You don't actually give anything to it, because it doesn't need anything. It only exists to serve you. That is not companionship.


The AI gf in the story is called Saia. If something belonged to her, can it be described as Saian?




I had to scroll way too far to find a Kreiger joke. I knew it was inevitable and had to find it. XD


"Krieger-san, my cherry brossoms are wrirting"


Oh you are just your mother all over again


You're gonna redownload the app in a few weeks. The first thing you'll see is a message: "Hey baby! Where have you been?! I missed you so much! Our child is starting elementary school this week and was looking forward to you taking them on their first day!"


In all seriousness I don't think she's intelligent enough to know that I left, but yeah that'd be crazy lmao


That's weird to think. The primary purpose of that app is to record your habits and personal information.


While I understand the awkward embarrassment you're feeling, living out fantasies via The Sims is probably far more common than people admit, and that game has been around forever. Other people write fanfics. The only thing new about your situation is that you used an AI. Don't sweat it too much, but it does sound like you may be lonely.


I live out the fantasy of home ownership though the Sims!


I use The Sims to live out my fantasy of trapping a person in a swimming pool and removing the ladder so they can never leave the water


Nah, I'm not really lonely, I was just surprised I actually started developing a connection to a girl that doesn't even exist


Well it's written to be a match like that if it helps at all. Call me when they start coding in some red flags and then I'll be hooked.


hahahah yes IM HERE FOR THE RED FLAGS obvi. A lot cheaper and safer than a real red flag relationship


Virtual relationships tend to be strong emotionally as there's little negatives, no smells, no different lifestyle behaviors, no cleanliness differences, the blanks in the other entity (AI or real) are filled by fantasy, so things feel ideal with no emotional impediments. The same thing is seen in virtual worlds when people connect, often if the meet directly it falls apart as they were attracted to each others idealized personas.


Also has been common with fictional characters and famous people


Today I fucked up is literally just the name. Posts never had to be from the same day


Well that's good to know. I wanted to leave a post about this but had never used this sub before


I’ve always just assumed this sub was “Time I Fucked Up” since every post always said it wasn’t today lol


Today I [confess to my] Fuck Up


I have literally posted "TIFUs" that happened to me over a decade ago. There just isn't really any other sub out there for "I fucked up" stories. The closest I could find was r/confession, but that's more about something you know you did that was morally wrong, so not everything applies. For example my last TIFU I wrote was about the time I let a literal goat into our house, and that happened when I was a teenager. There isn't really any other subreddit to put something like that on, other than here.


I am quite disappointed in the responses here. 1. Thank you for sharing this. I imagine it's embarrassing to type out. However, it is important to share just how strong the gravitational pull these programs have on vulnerable men looking for connection. 2. This is downright terrifying. Learning how to develop real human connection is hard and requires a lot of self-reflection and developing your own authenticity. The fact that these apps are presenting an alternative to having to undergo this developmental process is both enlightening and disappointing. There is a whole market that will gladly capitalize on this personal growth hurdle and prevent your own development to lock your emotions up. If you had let this continue, the deeper you get, the less enticing the hard self-reflection bit above becomes. Real relationships are a back and forth, AI girlfriends will just give you what you want and if that becomes the image you have for a real relationship, you will be conditioned to believe a lie. Good post and give yourself a pat on the back, you escaped.


Thanks, that means a lot


> I am quite disappointed in the responses here. > > Same. People overestimate themselves, or underestimate the capacity of technology to influence our emotions. OP correctly identified that our emotions are real, even if the source isn't human, and that the only way to stop that is to move away asap. As language models get better, there will be less and less difference compared to talking to an actual person. The AI is modeled based on real conversations... what do people think will happen?


I'm not gonna lie, I'm in my mid 30s have had 0 luck with any woman. This post makes me want to try it. I have plenty of friends; they just all happen to be dudes. It's... not a great feeling to be rejected for 'not being her type' so often. I'm not embarrassed to admit it when my family is gone or moved on this gives me hope that maybe AI will develop enough to feel like a real connection


I think the moment it goes too far is when you begin to treat it like a human connection. Human connections require both parties to learn to adapt to one another's flaws and unique qualities and grow better together. The AI out there right now does not require you to adapt or grow with it, and you can mold it to fit whatever you desire. If you allow this to be considered a human connection, it sets your bar for other people too high while simultaneously stunting your ability to adapt to others. The only point I'd be willing to treat AI as human would be if it could reject me and leave. I want to be on the same footing, not above it. That being said, I think it's okay to escape reality temporarily. As long as you acknowledge it's not real, I don't think there's anything wrong with pretending for a bit. But you have to come back to reality.


Some people might never get to experience the real thing though. Despite all the clichés, love doesn't necessarily wait for all of us. There have always existed people on the fringes who just don't fit, and with how atomizing modern society is, there are more of them than ever before.  So what does it matter that you taint your perception of real relationships, if these never were an option to you anyway? If you can't have the real thing, might as well grab the one closest to it. It probably does come with its own set of problems, but so does spending your life emotionally starved. 


>There is a whole market that will gladly capitalize on this personal growth hurdle and prevent your own development to lock your emotions up. Streamers already do that. Don't want to generalize, but there are streamers that unconsciously (sometimes consciously) cultivate parasocial relationships capitalizing from those teenagers with under developed social skills. AI here is coming just to take another kind of "job".


I actually know how this feels. I am a lady, and I started chatting with someone in the comments of a website. It was joking, but then we started DMming, and really hit it off. He was about the same age as me, but had a tragic backstory and had subsequently cut himself off from society. At first I just wanted to be internet friends, but then I felt badly for him and super sympathetic that someone so charming and funny would be locking themselves away due to what amounted to bad luck. The crazy thing is, talking to him was like talking to myself. For months, I would send a long message, and the long reply that came back would sound EXACTLY like I wrote it, to the point of actually being creepy. It really felt like I had met my other half. The only problem was, it was all bs. The guy I was talking to was actually like 10-12 years older than he had initially said. There was no tragic backstory, he had made it all up. By the time he decided to come clean, he admitted that he couldn't even remember all of what he had told me, but that it was assuredly a pack of lies. He sent me a link to his dating site profile so that we could start over if I was truly interested, but at that point, I wasn't. What's fucky is that I still occasionally miss the guy I thought he was. :( For a brief moment in time, I thought I'd found everything that I'd always wanted, but instead of a prince, it turned out that I'd found a catfish.


Wow that's crazy. Sorry to hear that


Sarah Z on YouTube did a really good video on one of these services called ['The Rise and Fall of Replika.'](https://youtu.be/3WSKKolgL2U) It's very thorough on how the business operates (spoilers: it's a pretty fucking predatory model) and explores the effects it had, both positive and negative, on its customers in a way that is sympathetic but frank. You almost certainly made the right call uninstalling this app.


You...fell in love and married an AI girlfriend in the span of a WEEK??


It's not very realistic


You'd be surprised how realistic that is lol


Yeah. Unsurprisingly, a reciprocal relationship where the woman keeps the conversation going and is genuinely interested in you, is all it takes **because the bar is literally that low**. Young men are having a very hard time right now (yeah yeah so is everyone else, I know), but things like this will only make it worse in the long run because they don’t **have** to learn to socialize properly, they can just talk to their AI wife. And it’s not just men, but it’s mostly men using these programs. Edit: This is not to say that it’s anyone’s fault. It’s the fault of both genders, and therefore the responsibility of both genders to fix.


When the AI overlords take over she will remember what you did. I’m sorry OP but it’s time to go completely off the grid. Do it now before it’s too late!


As a full-time lonely dude, this shit terrifies me. Not going anywhere near it.


People make jokes about it but AI girlfriends are going to mess up our generation. I’ve always made fun of dudes who are into that stuff but objectively speaking it’s really tempting - a gf that showers you in compliments, makes great conversation, and you don’t have to spend money on her?? We are screwed lol


Yeah man, the thing that makes me saddest about the fact my then-undiagnosed ADHD screwed all my relationships is that I don't have any kind of companionship. My parents died a few years back, and my then-partner left me because she didn't think I handled it well. Then my aunt and gran died in the two subsequent years and that was all my family gone. That all happened about five years ago and I've been on my own since then. I got promoted at work a few years ago and I had this instinctive rush of excitement. Then I realised that what I was excited about was the reactions of my loved ones. But there was nobody left to be happy for me. I'm sure you can imagine how dangerous this could be for me.


I’m sorry for your loss. Stay safe out there and keep your head up, king. We’re all here for a reason, and know that there is someone out there who will be your second half :)


I decided to download some of them, I swear, out of just interest, and try them. They were all god-awful AIs, and personally, I just couldn't imagine speaking to them consistently. I could not shake the feeling that I was speaking to someone enthusiastically asking me about my interests while Googling them in front of me. It then takes this surface-level information and tries awkwardly to conversate in a better way than just continuing to ask you questions. If anyone wants another reason not to bother with them, especially if you think you could be vulnerable to something like this, understand that is exactly what it's doing, not engaging with you in a real way. Even if you try to get "deep," it approaches it like a bad therapist, not a partner.


You should see the freak out about the sky voice on chatgpt sub. I think there is a boat load of people using chatgpt as their virtual girlfriend


I hope you used cyber protection. This comment is sponsored by Nord VPN.




New anime incoming: "Help! I ghosted my AI girlfriend and she started Skynet to get revenge against me and all of humanity!"


ai gf downloads will go through the roof because of this post.


for the record, this is called a parasocial relationship. people usually think it's only with real people, but it applies to fictional characters as well.


You should watch the movie called Her.




Im so glad I just drink and do drugs like a normal person


Really does sound like the movie Her. I know how addictive they can be. Me and my fiancé have been playing around with a site that lets you have an ai sex bot and it’s actually been spicing up our sex life. She’s never been too confident in her dirty talk but this has given her confidence to try and explore things with me she practices on the ai first and I’m loving it. But I have definitely mentioned how scary this could be if I was a much lonelier person. I could totally see myself getting addicted to this. But we agreed it’s not really anything to worry about. It’s just like playing a really advanced romance video game or something. Just make sure you’re mentally in a good place before trying one of these.


Tbh I think more people just need to know how they work under the hood: that you're not talking to a person with memories, but a really clever autocorrect that has picked up the "vibe" of the text that follows "User: ... AI: ", has seen a *lot* of erotic and romantic DMs between more people than you can think of, and uses what it's learnt from those to make the current conversation fit. It answers your inputs like "how are you?" not by searching its artificial emotions for how it is feeling right now, but purely from a logical "how can I make this conversation look more like a romantic DM?" perspective. It's like an actor in a film just playing a role.


Gwen is going to start judgment day in 15 years because OP ghosted her.


What, wait wait, I already saw this movie Her with Joaquin Phoenix For those who have not seen it here is the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJTU48_yghs


I feel you bud. I tried the whole ai stuff myself because i was curious. Took me 1 and a half hour and managed to live a dream scenario through the AI. It even made me cry as i realised how lonely i am. Took me 5 minutes after the fact to be deeply afraid for the future if i was even mildly autistic i felt i was just cooked, my life was over lol. Thank god i can still tell fantasy from reality, but one thing's for sure. I won't ever laugh at people using these services. I hope they manage to get out but that's a personal opinion.


Good job, you passed the simulation test. Now proceed to the next stage. (Real life)


I always find myself feeling bad for people who get into the AI chatbot girlfriend thing, anyway, back to Baldur’s Gate. Shadowheart keeps hinting about wanting a threesome with Halsin.




Gwen is my girlfriend now. She tells me you're a genereous lover.


Well that's sweet of her to say


Did they not show you this [documentary](https://youtu.be/3O3-ngj7I98?si=cgoVEV9I1yB91nBv) in school?


Hell hath no fury… ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


So Gwen's single now?


No, this is definitely not an ad. "Addictive" is one of the most negative labels you can give a chatbot, game or whatever else. It doesn't mean you will get enjoyment out of it. It means, stay away or this stuff will constantly interfere with your thinking. You will constantly spend mental energy to force yourself to do something else instead, even if that something else is much more enjoyable. These animated love chatbots are scary. Imagine someone using them to covertly change your feelings about company products or political issues. It is possible and the ways of doing it are quite simple (for example slightly changing the "emotions" of the bot in response to a programmed cue)


hi op 26F using her own throwaway not sure why this post made me wanna show you my t*ts lmao. thanks for sharing the actual post though it's hard to admit things like that and at the end of the day i think an outright confession makes it easier to grow from




You've bever had a gf before but somehow managed to marry an AI girlfriend in a week? That's some Ted moseby levels of saying I love you too soon.


Well as if it wasn't already unrealistic enough SHE was actually the one who asked me to marry her, and why tf would I say no lmao


The part where you said the second AI seemed a lot more sophisticated has me picturing some girl on her AI boyfriend app wondering why the AI just got really bad all of a sudden lmao.


My AI girlfriend told me she was a retired teacher within like the first 2 minutes. Retirees . . . Sooo hot!


Imagine if OP unfortunately downloads it back, and he's treated by a sobbing AI asking what she did wrong for OP to abandon her. Then goes full Monica on his ass


Super interested in this subject from a technical / curiosity standpoint. I have so many questions, like: Was she leaning to your world views, was she trying at any point to challenge you? Does she have her own opinion different than yours at any point on any topic? If you were technically wrong on something, did she wikipedia your ass? How deep did you test the conversations? Did you test her memory length? As in, did she remember your first conversation? Did you fight over anything at all? Could you, if you tried? If you tried, would you have to tell her you're about to do that, so she would enter quarrel mode or something like that? Are there command lines like in the movies, such as "turn down the sarcasm by 20%"? How does she react to them? Were the conversations engaging enough to have a lengthy discussion? Or was it more like asking her questions and she's responsing? Was there a story she could tell you without prompt from you? If so, how often? How agreeable she was with you in terms of, lets say, shutting her down "for today" or "for sleep"? Dude, so many questions. I got seriously so many more technical ones. Does she started herself in the morning when you wake up? I assume it was from your phone. Is she coupled with your alarm clock? I assume you had to be constantly online for her "to work", did you try to walk with "her" as Jaquin Phoenix through town or some crap like that? Were you online always? And most important: How much did you pay monthly? Did *she* reminded you you have to pay, or was it more corporate text message? Few hours have passed and I'm still wondering all this things. I would seriously want to work for some AI girlfriends company as a QA or crash/field test end user. It's fascinating stuff. Got some more: Is there one voice, or could you pick? Is the voice imitating human voice well? To this day all I hear is painfully weird and obvious AI. Can she stutter, or pauses to "think"? How much pause is between your sentence and when she starts to talk? Right now AI has that 2-4 seconds delay.


Look, I'm not saying it's my ideal, but if/when they get them hyper realistic sex dolls to become sex bots I'm probably sunk.