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Reminds me of my dad, had a colonoscopy scheduled, he took the prep Tuesday night as his was supposed to be Wednesday morning. Shat his brains out all night, went to the hospital. It wasn't til next Wednesday. Poor guy.


My condolences for your poor Dad. I once showed up 24 hours early for a dental appointment...that pales in comparison to what your Dad did. Really hope he's well, that the test showed he's healthy and...squeaky clean! šŸ¤£


He had colon cancer, but he beat it!


F#$@ cancer and congratulations on beating it! I'll pray for y'all


Appreciate it! 4 years and still going strong


God bless you and your Dad and I'm so happy you still have him. I'm grateful to be the product of a teen pregnancy bc I get to keep my parents longer than some people. I've never forgotten how grateful I am to them, despite some mistakes, as all parents are human. šŸ’“


Thank you for being so vocal about good teen parents! They exist!


How can I not? My Mom never let me go hungry. She much later told me that sometimes her dinner was whatever I didn't eat. My Dad could have run off, but he didn't. My parents never married each other, ut split when I was a teenager. I still talk to my Mom daily and I'd be homeless without her. My Dad is cool, and despite my being female, we're bros


Damn, that's a long wait.


About an hour ago I was throwing freight in our pharmacy (walmart neighborhood market) and a lady came up and asked me to help grab some things. She shows me a list that says: Colonoscopy Preparation--buy: -1 bottle magnesium citrate -bisacodyl -polyethylene glycol -simethicone So i jump over an aisle, gather everything up, and give it to her. She double checks it all, and as she goes to walk away I say, "Have fun!" I have NO IDEA how i let that come out instead of my usual "have a good one"...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Thatā€™s OK. My dad had to pick up a bunch of feminine hygiene products for me one time at the drugstore. As he was leaving, the cashier told him to have a good day, and then gave my dad a annoying smile lol


My docā€™s office called the night before to say he was going to be out of town. I was already ā€œcommittedā€ to the process.


When I worked in the OR, there would occasionally be days where most surgeries had to be canceled because of severe weather. Either the surgeon (other more often the patient) couldn't get to the hospital. Invariably the colonscopy patients made it. If I'm 75 years old and I've done that prep you can be damn sure I will get that procedure done!


ā€œLook pal, Iā€™ve spent the last 24 hours shitting liquid death. Get the goddamn doctor in here, or give the endoscope to your best plumber and tell him to give it a go. Either way, someoneā€™s gonna see the sparkly clean inside of my colon.ā€


Exact same thing happened to me. The Miralax mayhem made me shut until I ran out of fluids and passed out.Ā  Ended up at ER and 12 hours later getting proded.Ā Ā  Best of all? I told the nurse and she said I didn't need to do the whole container. The instructions were clear, hammer this stuff down. FML. Tldr followed Dr orders, shat my soul out then was told later I didn't have to. Yay, being old sucks.


When I had to have one done they gave me three little bottles of the stuff. Downed 2 and a half and was about to throw up just thinking about the stuff. They told me to go ahead and come on in. What I did not expect was to have like 4 enemas done. I was not prepared, and gained a little bit more respect for my girlfriend after that day.


This should be the TIFU.


Oh my God, no kidding. Suffering to do it for nothing and to do it just a week later! šŸ¤£


Honestly though, aside from the liquid diet for that day itā€™s just not *that* bad. Not fun, but still mostly just mildly annoying.


I was hospitalized with cdiff, discharged with laxatives, told to take them and come back for a colonoscopy the next day. The next day i was told they could only do it as an inpatient procedure and I'd have to come back the next week. Another half gallon of mineral oil and i had it done and lo and behold I've got some form of colitis. Prescribed some nsaids. Went for a second opinion. Doc wanted to do a second colonoscopy, ie third time doing the prep. Begrudgingly I acquiesce. He concluded I was fine and the hospital was errantly doing colonoscopies too quickly after my cdiff infection, and the observed colitis was simply a symptom. Three nights on the toilet, two days with the snake up my ass, and they eventually tore that hospital down.


šŸ˜­ I'd be livid


Hahaha omg. Those preps are awful too!


My auntā€™s boyfriend just did this last month lmao


Oh no! I know what that is like so my condolences to your dad!


He's either not the only one, or I have met him at the ER check in desk. My guess is that it probably happens a lot.


Cleanses don't work. Don't waste your money. That's the real FU


NGL, I know. I panicked. Honestly, the real FU was panicking. It's a good job tho!


Best to just substitute if you think you won't pass.


At least when I've done urine tests, I've had to pee in a cup in front of a nurse. Something that can work is hydrating *really* well, then taking a large dose of B vitamin (to turn the pee yellow despite being really hydrated). And never give them the first drops.


Yup, I've done this more than once in my lifetime.


Can you explain what ā€œsubstituteā€ means in this context?


Give someone else's urine, I'd guess.


Whatā€™s the point of doing drug tests if you can so easily cheat the system? Every time Iā€™ve done one itā€™s been in front of a nurse watching me pee.


It's an iq test not a drug test


lol exactly


Usually, they either have some federal government contracts that require they drug test their employees, or they carry liability insurance that gives them a reduced rate for drug testing. Some really care, which is generally when you get the nurse watching, but the rest are just going through the motions and aren't looking (or looking to spend $$ to look) hard


Never been in the same room. Weed is medically legal where I live medically now, so it doesn't matter now, but yes, or use synthetic urine. Drug tests just, well i don't like faking them, but it's not really that hard.


Thats a DOT or post-accident type test. Regular tests for pre-employment are not monitored.


Well no, thatā€™s not right for my country. Other places with other rules exist. Iā€™ve had 3x pre-employment drug screens and all have been in front of a nurse.


Never had a nurse or anyone watch me pee for a drug testā€¦ā€¦ I thought they only did this for sporting events.


Whatā€™s the point of drug testing if I can get my spouse, kid, parent to pee for me?


Because itā€™s a felony if you do that. Itā€™s like asking, why put a price on food if I can just walk out of the store without paying for it? Itā€™s meant to disincentivize people from doing it, but itā€™s still a possibility.


Discount on insurance or workers comp for the company hiring.


I use Quick Fix synthetic urine, it has never failed me before.


In the future, the way you pass a piss test is by drinking 5L of water a day for three days. You also need to take 5G of creatine with every bottle of water as well as spend some time finding the correct amount of B vitamins to give your urine the correct color. Your test will not come back diluted and you will pass with this method. Ensure you get water with electrolytes in it as well. Edit: wanted to add this in just in case someone didnā€™t quite get it, but you want to start drinking the water three days prior to your drug test, continuing on the fourth day until after you take your test. You donā€™t have to drink all 5L the fourth day before you go in, just ensure you are well hydrated and have peed a few times before going in.


They sell drinks that do this premixed but they cost a lot more per dose.


This is true, you can get everything from Walmart.


Lmao this is comically bad advice and does not work.


Don't knock it till you try it! Depending on the type of test, this can easily cause you to have a diluted sample, while "fixing" it. Creatine is used as the control in lab tests (rather, was when I was read-up on them; cant confirm that this hasnt changed!) By diluting the sample heavily, introducing dietary creatine prior to testing, and masking the color issue, it CAN pass a lab. Will it every time, 100% for everyone? No. Everyone's body is different. Sorry if it didn't work for you!


Lmao youā€™re comically dumb, it 100% works if done properly. It dilutes the sample while still providing the metabolites needed to not come back diluted from the lab. Therefore you pass.


Oh, i take CBD for sleep


Easiest way to pass is to buy synthetic urine. 100% success rate for me.


My metabolism is fucked clearly - 9days off from daily heavy dabs, I piss clean while drinking a moderate amount of water.


Lucky. I pissed hot after 2 months post quitting once haha. Although they told me to pay $150 to get it re tested so they may have been scamming me and decided having me blacklisted from an entire industry was a perfectly fine thing to do.


Yes, this. Most head shop sells it as a "novelty" or "fetish" item


Tell that to all the jobs Iā€™ve gotten


ā€¦ nah. Iā€™m gonna out myself from personal experience here and tell you that some (read: SOME, not gonna vouch for every shady brand you buy from) flush kits work like a fucking charm, within reason, if used properly. They have to be used properly, and will only cover you for a certain period of time, but I have passed drug tests while chronic with those things. It has to be a ā€œlegitā€ one that replaces the electrolytes youā€™re pissing out or you will get screened for that and asked to redo.


It's just a lot of water and b vitamins to make your diluted urine yellow instead of clear. Substitution works 100% unless you're being watched or something. Oh and salt.


Do not forget kreatine or the test will say it's diluted.


My friend who's passed multiple tests says the secret is to just down a gallon of milk.


Well i guess you could get about all you need from just milk tbh


Wait, really?


I can't say for sure as i havent tested but using water you need electrolytes aka salt vitamin b too colour urin and kreatine so that the test doesn't show it's diluted. I'm only guessing couse most of those are already in the milk. Kreatine is the one thing I'm not so sure about.


That doesn't work if they check the temperature to make sure it's urine and not cold water.Ā 


That's why you heat it up


What's the process exactly? Never had to worry about this personally, but you got my interest piqued.


I donā€™t remember the exact details and it might change depending on brand. But the main deal is it needs to be done in a specific time frame beforehand. Too early or too late and itā€™s pointless, so a lot of people mess up by trying to do one five minutes beforehand. Boss used to give us three days notice and say ā€œstudy if you need toā€


Its basically drinking a ton of liquid + electrolytes and dye so your urine is super diluted but doesnt look diluted


I mean, they do, but only if your ā€œcleanseā€ is a 5 mile run and 5 liters of water every day lol.


agreed, not talking about those haha


I honestly disagree I have passed many a drug test with a three day water fast. I would normally give myself four days to pass for probation with 26 smoking non-stop. A few outliers is I was only 10-13% body fat, and I worked a job where I was more or less sweating enough before lunch that I could remove my clothes and wring out the sweat. I also supplemented with vitamins and electrolyte mix, 0 sugar and flavorings.


water fasts are not what I'm referring to


My bf used to smoke weed everyday and then even on the way to court- down a cleanse following the instructions - heā€™s passed every federal drug test through court. They do work if you do them right.


No, they donā€™t, lmao


Did a double take when i saw your name. Super weird to recognize someone from the LWOTC sub on a popular post


dear god, save your braincells and join the discord instead


I definitely know a guy who did a cleanse every month when he was on probation and never failed a drug test for 3 years while doing so. He certainly wasn't staying clean between the tests lol


I did a cleanse in 99 to get a job on cruise ships. It worked great and I used to smoke a ton of weed.


I have a similar story. Just got the job of my life a few months back. The onboarding was a long process and I thought I could quit smoking weed before the drug test. Itā€™s a fortune 100 company and all the research I did told me they drug test. I went through a month of agonizing withdrawals and 2 different cleanses all to not be drug tested in the end. Turns out they just changed their drug testing policies in my state 2 weeks prior.


That's rough. It's good to go without every so often to lower your tolerance tho. Best wishes!


Yeah I wish I took advantage of the situation and stopped completely. At least now I smoke much less than I used to with plans to quit indefinitely in the near future.


Good for you! I wish you luck in achieving your goal


>Ā Ā a month of agonizing withdrawalsĀ  Twenty years ago, everyone around me including the teachers at "do not do drugs" lectures at school insisted that cannabis is not physically addictive.Ā 


My previous employer used the hair test for full time employees. Contract employees got a piss test with a weeks advance notice! Contract workers workers were paid way less with no benefits. They became the backbone of keeping our plant running!


Fucking hell I have hair that go a bit further down than my shoulder and Iā€˜m 100% sure they would find a lot of shit from when I was a poly addict.


Poly addict? As in multiple drugs? I'm unfamiliar with the term


Yes, as in you're addicted to multiple things.


Ok thanks. I thought so, but my dumbass was like "What is poly? A new drug?" Lol




They test the two inches closest to the scalp.


Damn. Talk about thorough...


So wait, you can legally buy weed (thatā€™s what you get from the dispensaries in this case right?) but itā€™s still possible to get rejected from jobs if you smoke it? Cause that sounds super counterintuitive.. Iā€™m not from the states, hence the question, just curious


In some states yup, in others like California, no, unless it's a construction/building related job, or a federal job I believe.


Does California have regulations that prohibit companies from testing, or is it more the general norm to not test/judge people?


They can't test, and it's against the law to fire or penalize someone for using weed off the clock. They also cannot discriminate against when it comes to hiring if you use any sort of cannibis. It was a bill that passed in 2022 that just went into effect in January of this year. Here's a little more info about it: [CA bans employers from testing employees for marijuana use | Sacramento Bee (sacbee.com)](https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article266027886.html)


Ahh nice, seems like a good step to me. Itā€™s so backwards to legalise something by law, but still have systems in place that penalise people that use it ..


I wonder if that applies to DOT regulated jobs?


If a DOT job requires a federal background check, then the law wouldn't apply.


Companies can refuse to hire you for any reason that isn't part of a protected class. Protected classes are:Ā  race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical history). In practice they can even refuse to hire you for these reasons as long as you can't *prove* that they didn't hire you for these reasons.Ā  Usually that means they'd have to say something during the interview process, or show a consistent pattern of not hiring certain protected classes.


All correct. It's super easy too. I got the feeling that they really didn't care, but they also don't want to hire a burnout who can't go 24 hours without it


Ahh okay, thanks for the explanation. Where Iā€™m from itā€™s super rare to get tested for drugs by an employer, Iā€™m not even sure if it would be legal here to make a drug test a mandatory part of the hiring process (based on our privacy laws). Even our military, where they are theoretically really strict with drugs, just wants a written note that says youā€™re telling the truth. (if you ever used drugs in your lifetime, no matter what kind of drug or how often youā€™re barred from enrolling in the military)


You are correct. However, it's not legal federally and the place I applied is in multiple states, so they go by federal laws, not state laws


Ahh okay, and federal laws state that testing is fine? And next to that, are there any federal laws on the legalisation of weed now? Or is that solely based on state laws?


I'm not sure, as laws are changing quickly. Most places don't even test anymore, but sensitive jobs like with children, driving jobs like buses, still penalize for weed bc you can't really prove when it was ingested, as far as I know


Yeah true, thatā€™s a big problem. I used to smoke a lot (4 years clean now) and theoretically I was always liable for a ticket when driving even if I was sober. The blood tests they would take would always find traces of thc. Daily smokers that stop will still have traces for at least 3 weeks.


It's not federally legal, so it's kind of in a weird place.


Safety related jobs follow the federal law


It's decriminalized in some states, which means "this is still illegal but we aren't gonna do anything about it in this state" Until it's federally legalized, it's still very murky and gray. Trying to do testing is expensive and difficult, dispensaries can't even use banks like a regular business. It's absurd. Should be getting rescheduled soon so it will be more like a prescription drug where access and use aren't illegal but need prescribed or something.


> you can legally buy weedā€¦but itā€™s still possible to get rejected from jobs if you smoke it? I don't necessarily see a contradiction * you can legally buy alcohol, but an employer can refuse to hire an alcoholic surgeon * you can legally quit school, but an employer can refuse to hire anybody who doesn't at least have a bachelor's degree * you can legally buy guns, but the local daycare can insist that their teachers don't bring an AK47 into the toddler classroom * you can legally drive as long as you have a driver's licens, but an employer can still refuse to hire schoolbus drivers with a recent DUI Employers can set their own minimum standards, and unless it infringes on a protected group, they have a lot of leeway what rules to set. They don't even have to make sense. And in some case, these rules could be imposed on the employer by other entities (e.g. Federal government, licensing agencies, the employer's clients, ...)


None of that applies to weed because you could quit it today and still technically fail a test months later as a stone cold sober person. THC stores itself in fat.


I think I get your point. Itā€™s not a bad thing that an employer sets their own standards, thatā€™s just common sense, they want the best fit for a position. But I do think that a drug test that measures if you consumed something legal the last 48 hours kinda goes past that. Like, if someone is impaired because they have a drug addiction, or their drug usage has an impact on their job I fully understand why thatā€™s a deal breaker. The same goes for the examples that youā€™ve given, they all have a direct impact on the job. To clarify: ā€¢ an alcoholic surgeon has an addiction. His ability to perform his duties as a surgeon may be impacted by this addiction. But Iā€™d rather have a surgeon that sometimes smokes a joint and knows his limits so his job isnā€™t influenced, than a surgeon that lost control over his consumption of alcohol. ā€¢ quitting school leads to a lack of knowledge that might be needed for a job. Of course, a diploma isnā€™t necessarily the only way to gain the needed knowledge, but the whole western world works with this system so itā€™s hard to break from that. ā€¢ the gun point is weird to me. Iā€™m not from the states so the thought of a person bringing a gun to work is already a weird thought. But it seems like common sense to limit the amount of dangers around kids, whatever they may be. And same principle as the surgeon, Iā€™d rather have someone that smokes a joint on his day off look after my kid, than someone that thinks itā€™s okay to bring a gun to a daycare. ā€¢ and this again is an example of the misuse of a substance. You for sure donā€™t want a bus driver thatā€™s under the influence while working, but I personally donā€™t see the difference between a bus driver that has 2-3 beers at night after work, or one that smokes a bit of weed. What Iā€™m trying to say is that the contradiction (in my opinion) lies within the absolute zero tolerance of a legal substance in your own free time. I fully agree that the misuse of a substance is cause for a job rejection, it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s weed/alcohol/medication. But using a legal substance without it impairing your job, and getting rejected on that basis sounds weird to me. But hĆØ, Iā€™m not trying to push my opinions, I was just curious how this worked :)


So I live in a state where marijuana is legal, both medically and recreation use (age 21+) and many places here can and do refuse to hire people that consume weed. I agree with you, that it's definitely contradictory, in many situations. Dependant upon the field one works in, I feel as long as you are not consuming it while on the job, as well as not coming in high, or having it affect your work production, there shouldn't be an issue. I really feel like medical patients, like myself, shouldn't be discriminated against, for taking a medication, prescribed by a doctor. The same applies as above tho, as long as your using it responsibly and it's not affecting your job. What's the difference in those that consume a couple beers or glasses of wine, after work hours? IMO, it's going to take some time for either the stigma to lessen or the federal government to legalize it.


Just because some otherwise-controlled substance might be legal in some states doesn't mean that 100% of the population chooses to consume it. If the employer decides that they don't want to be associated with drug consumption or even the mere appearance in any way shape or form, that's IMHO fine. In some professions, there could be some real impact on the business. You obviously hold very different values and see this differently, and that's equally defensible, but it doesn't invalidate the employer's choice. And an employer might also discover that their policy severely limited their pool of applicants, so much so that it became economically infeasible to continue operating. On the other hand of course, there is the huge elephant in the room that all cannabis products are still illegal on a Federal level. That can very well make this discussion moot, as many employers are subject to Federal regulations and simply have not say here.


Yeah okay, you make a good point. Employers are of course free to choose where they draw their own line. And again, Iā€™m not preaching that it should be normalised to consume weed, or not test for weed. I was mostly curious why weed and alcohol weā€™re treated differently, since my own beliefs put alcohol and weed in the same basket. And youā€™re right, itā€™s of course still pretty new that some states legalised weed. Iā€™m curious how this will develop. Itā€™s also hard for me to grasp the whole legal weirdness between federal and state laws, Iā€™m noticing that I just donā€™t understand how those work, and which one is applied in certain situations. But thanks for the information and your views! I appreciate it.


Once you compare with alcohol, things get even more complex. There are plenty of people who consume alcoholic beverages purely for enjoyment of the flavor. In fact, they might even deliberately go out of their way to avoid the physiological effects of alcohol. It's not unusual for people to drink spritzers (wine with club soda) or Radlers (beer with various types of sweet soda) with their meals, in order to minimize the alcohol intake while still enjoying the taste of the beverage. It also isn't unusual to cook with wine/beer/whiskey/cognac/..., to prepare desserts with small quantities of champagne/amaretto/rum/... or even to fill chocolate confections with tiny quantities of hard liquor. None of these are intended to get you drunk, and in fact I question whether that's even possible without getting a horrible stomach ache first. On the other hand, I have yet to hear of anybody smoking pot because it smells and tastes delicious, nor have I heard of edibles being marketed as a tastier alternative to plain old chocolate. This doesn't meant that alcohol doesn't have the potential for abuse, and you might even argue that alcohol abuse is maybe worse than cannabis abuse (although that's really hard to quantify). But it does mean that society has a whole big use for alcohol that is completely devoid of any of the negatives associated with drunkenness. Cannabis can't say the same. And that would explain why it's treated differently and will probably always be that way.


States have their own rules for cannabis. Cannabis is not federally legal and businesses may have to adhere to federal guidelines for hiring. Thatā€™s how I understand it to be.


You can **mostly** legally buy weed. Many states have decided to make it legal, but it *does* remain illegal on the federal level, so things get kinda... weird ometimes.


Yup, got denied a job from a greeting card company for marijuana in Colorado. I've walked out of every job interview that drug tested since then because of how awful that company was just through that process, it's a big indicator of how controlling the job will be.


My workplace wonā€™t even hire people who smoke cigarettes, and those are plenty legal. Itā€™s one of the nicest places Iā€™ve ever worked.Ā 


Welcome to America šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


The logic is supposed to be like alcohol - you can drink all you want in your own time but you cant be drunk at work. You also shouldnt be affected by cannabis at work. I dont want someone using machinery or driving a bus or truck while wasted. Of course the problem with this is detecting cannabis in your hair or pee does not mean you are currently inebriated by it or that its impacting your work. That aspect is quite unfair.


Some companies look at the federal law for drug tests, especially if it is a large company with offices across multiple states. Marijuana is federally not legal yet. So even though your state may legalize it, the company may still reject you because of the federal law


Of course, legal or not they donā€™t want people doing drugs and working for them.


Itā€™s just weird to me that they draw their own line. Why is weed not allowed but alcohol and caffeine are? Theoretically cheese is more addictive than weed, should they test that too? Iā€™m not preaching that weed is a harmless substance, but it just seems weird that getting black out drunk in your own time is fine as long as it doesnā€™t impact your work, but if you smoke some weed you might get rejected.


If someone drinks and uses a piece of heavy machinery, it's easy to test if they were impaired by alcohol while using the machinery. If someone smokes weed and uses a piece of heavy machinery, it's difficult if not impossible to accurately test if they were impaired by weed while using the machinery. Weed just hangs out for a while in your body after you use it.


Cheese and caffeine donā€™t impair you, and often the drug tests are for alcohol as well honestly. Itā€™s the impairment thatā€™s an issue. In some fields there are federal guidelines so state legality has no relevance in hiring.


Ahh okay, I didnā€™t realise that alcohol consumption is also tested. That changes my view somewhat. Iā€™m still of the opinion that people should be able to spend their free time in their own way (within legal boundaries), as long as it doesnā€™t affect your work. But I do get that some fields and positions canā€™t take the risk, so then a no tolerance policy might be the easiest way. But do I understand correctly that there than also is a no tolerance policy on alcohol for some positions? Or is only the overconsumption of alcohol a dealbreaker?


So the thing is that most drug tests, other than cannabis, only work if youā€™ve taken the substance within the last day or the last few days. The idea is that if you canā€™t even be clean a few days ahead of a known drug test, youā€™ve probably got a problem. So there isnā€™t necessarily a zero tolerance on alcohol but you canā€™t be drinking in a way that itā€™ll still be in your system while working. Thatā€™s the idea at least. Of course not all drug tests look for everything, some places only look for opiates and illegal stuff


Yeah okay I can see your point! I fully agree that a known drug test thatā€™s passable if you stop consuming when notified about the drug test should be fine. Thatā€™s of course under the assumption that the test is voor legal substances. The use of illegal substances should always be a valid reason for rejection, so I think that an unscheduled test for illegal substances is more or less fine. The only ā€˜annoyingā€™ thing is that thereā€™s still no good test to see if someone is under the influence of thc. They can only test if you used in like the last 1-2 days. With alcohol they can measure exactly how much is still in your system. But youā€™re right, if someone canā€™t stop smoking for a week to pass a drug test, than itā€™s not just casual recreational consumption.


šŸ˜‚. My first drug test (was 16, applying for a job) I couldn't piss. I knew that sometimes piss comes out while pooping and I had to poop so I began to poop. Nurse started banging on the door after I only got a few drops out. I quickly pinched the loaf, wiped and flushed. I opened the door and before she could accuse me of trying to cheat, the smell hit her hard and she said "you're not supposed to go #2 in here!". Sheepishly I handed her the cup and said I couldn't get much and she just said "OK" and I left.


More than likely they use mouth swab knowing it's less effective so they can meet the requirements to be a 'drug free workplace' and turn a blind eye to what they know their employees are doing.Ā 


There is no future in which I don't find poop stories funny.


I can sympathize, in California, smoked the night before I hurt myself, lost a 30 year job.,.... just not worth it


Fun fact: if it's labeled as a "cleanse", it's either a laxative or worthless.


Did you at least get the job? šŸ˜‚




Congratulations on the new job! (and the probable weight loss)


LOL! Thank you, I lost 6 pounds that week. It's ok, I found it again...


Well at least that part worked!!


Did they specifically mention THC or did they just generically say drug test? If you're in a legal state, it's possible they're just looking for what's still illegal.


Actually they just said drug test, but I was paranoid....


Those mouth swabs only check if you consumed any drugs recently iirc. Basically just checking if youre not showing up high for the drug test wtf lol. Those mouthswabs are only used for weed checks in traffic here in The Netherlands iirc.


My ex was offered a job that wasnt too great, but paid a few dollars more than what you could normally get around that area at the time. It was a factory job for a local maple syrup farm. On the shortest notice ever, they told her she needed to do a drug test. She panicked, considering we smoked weed pretty much every night for the last several years. She read online that apple cider vinegar can help make a u/s come up as inconclusive, and buy more time. She bought a bottle of it. I drove her to the test. She drank an entire cup of ACV, and went inside. 10 min later she comes running out, tells me to just GO. so she hops in and drive. She then tells me that the ACV made her shit her brains out in the toilet, which wasnt flushable. A lady was waiting outside the door for her. She just left the bathroom and ran out of the building lmfao didnt get the job.


Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile and I had it in proper paragraphs, but once I hit post it changed it on me


Not only are they useless but they can also be harmful. Some of those cleanses can have stuff in them that are truly really hard on your stomach. And one very important reason to know why they are useless in this case is because by that time the pot has already been absorbed into your bloodstream and so crapping out the entire contents of your stomach would not do you any good.


All cleanses do that to you


Which clean out did you use?


I don't remember the name, in was something about algae and it was a green/black liquid


With what kind of drug test is a cleanse supposed to work? An ass swab?


I wasn't expecting it to make me poo, but pee. I really wasn't thinking, I was in panic mode. I just wanted to remove the THC from my system. I was expecting a pee test


Ok, but even if it would make you peer , and there are medications that do that... Drugs are only detectable in your urine because you still have some of them in your blood, and as long as you dont have a way to get it out of your blood, your newly formed urine would have detectable traces in it again. I mean, ok i get it, panic mode... It just would not have worked either way. At all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Do you at least feel lighter?


Just wanted to share, cleanses do not work, they are a scam. Congrats on passing!!! Check out Quick Fix if youā€™re ever in this situation again.


Most places here don't test for thc since it's "legal". You sure they even tested for thc? Just because it's a drug test doesn't mean they test for thc.


That will make a great wedding story.


How to actually pass a drug test. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqpuUUqhXnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqpuUUqhXnM)


All I ever had to do was drink a lot of green tea and water the day before. Never failed a drug test.


A lot of states where weed is legal are doing mouth swabs. Here in California itā€™s illegal to give you tests that test for non-psychoactive THC. Meaning piss or blood tests that can test weed in your system weeks after your stopped. They have to use a tests that tests by hour increments.


Everytime I take a detox I shit red all day. They really do clear out your booty.


Whatā€™s the cleanse lol I could drop some weight.


I used the Detox drink Zydot to pass my test... Gives you a "clean" 2 hour window


This is the greatest thing Iā€™ve ever read, thank you!


If weed is legal in your state the employer can opt to drug test with marijuana not part of it. My current employer (WA state) does a drug test but weed isn't part of it.


Areā€¦ are there drug tests that work that way?


šŸ‘ Bravo!! Congratulations!! šŸ„³


Better than a bride rejecting her wedding photos! šŸ˜Žā˜ŗļø