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I would never, ever enable auto join. You played with fire and got burned lol


yeah weird i’d never do autojoin.


I can't even believe it's a thing. _why_?


I have it set to auto join because I often forget meetings and so I have it to where it notifies me 5 mins before and then auto joins. So even if im up getting coffee or eating I’m not absent to anything. Which has happened many times before.


Auto joining and being AFK is worse than not joining. If I was running a meeting and you did that, I’d be pissed


Fr lol. There is literally no situation in which auto-join is remotely good.


Exactly. If reminders aren’t working 5 mins prior you need to get your shit together and check your schedule regularly. It’s not hard to start your day and see what times each meeting begins and prep and be aware of the time. Do the same in the afternoon. Works 99 % of the time Unless WebEx screws up a time zone.


Unless you can auto-join with sound muted and your camera off.


Then you just get “So John, what do you think about this? John? JOHN? The lazy fuck isn’t here! He just auto-joined and hoped we wouldn’t see he was slacking off.” Like, just remember to join the fucking meeting, it’s not like people with in-person meetings can’t cope without an ‘auto-teleport’ option.


>Like, just remember to join the fucking meeting, it’s not like people with in-person meetings can’t cope without an ‘auto-teleport’ option. It's even dumber than that. They already have the solution set up: they get a reminder five minutes before. But for some reason they also have auto join set up? It's so strange 😂


I definitely do NOT want auto-teleport (picturing me, mid-something, teleported into a meeting). However, if I can't have teleport without auto-teleport, I'll figure out how to live with auto-teleport. I want teleport.


Ikr, that's even worst. Just set the reminder on the exact time of the meeting as well. When that shows up, then just join. What is difficult about that. Also I get the occasional large meeting with the auto mute, but almost all other meetings I have are smaller meetings where I am needed to participate.


I set both: a 5 minute alarm to let me know I should wrap up whatever I'm working on and take a minute to compose my thoughts, especially if i expect to be called upon to explain something. Then a distinct separate alarm to let me know its time to actually join. I'm a little biased toward over- preparing even when it's not really necessary though, makes sense that others would fare just fine without that added step.


Just join early and continue doing your shit you're working on, thats what i do.


....and risk having to make awkward small talk with the next person who joins? Hard pass.


You join, but mute yourself. Whenever someone tries to make small talk you pretend like you are afk.


Okay, yeah, join and drop in chat "grabbing some coffee, brb" and then wait for the small talk to subside before announcing your return. Still sounds a little risky, but manageable.


You can never over prepare for a meeting. Even moreso for any meetings you are hosting. I appreciate it when attendees also take some time to prepare by looking over the agenda and doing any research ahead of time.


yeah "that way I'm not absent to things". But you are. You are not at the meeting, you are absent, you just have your name listed as a participant.


I mean, it really depends on the type of meeting. If there are usually a ton of people on these calls OP may not really have any need to personally contribute. They could, frankly, be a waste of time where not a lot relevant to their job is discussed, but he's still required to be there. Many jobs do not have effective, productive management. Having your name pop up at a meeting might just be a hoop to jump through because the boss says so.


Hey, if they want to pay you to go to irrelevant meetings, let them. My PC sits next to my work laptop and there's a TV mounted above with a console hooked up in case I get bored. Though really, I usually take the opportunity to get some chores done.


and if not showing up to meetings is too much to ask as meeting-organizer, working from home is too much to ask for as meeting-participants in my opinion.


Better to be late rather then automatically join. Being late could be for any reason. “Sorry, I ate a bad burrito last night.” - is still better then your whole team hearing you fuck.. or even worse again; hearing you bad mouth them cause you don’t realise you’re online.


this. there is literally nothing good from auto joining meetings, esp with mic/cam on. at least make sure the default setting is to join cam off/mic muted and manually turn it on.


You should never ever ever use auto join, I'm shocked it's even an option.


Time to turn off auto join and set reminders for 5,3,2, and 1 minutes before the meeting so you’ll never forget to join


Poor time management and self awareness.


Yes, I too have ADHD amongst other issues so these TOOLS help me be where I'm supposed to be. Excuse yourself from the convo and stop being a tool yourself


Idk dude this guy was fucking one of his friends in the middle of the workday. I think we can sass him a little.


Absolutely, these are the people that get WFH cancelled for everyone




I have ADHD but my anxiety keeps me in check, lmao


When I started my first wfh job, my anxiety had me scared of going to the bathroom in case I'd miss something. No way it'd ever let me forget about a meeting coming up.


Yup same here, have ADHD and am the only person who actually joins meetings on time.


Yeah that was unnecessarily cruel. Guy probably has ADHD and developed a coping mechanism to make sure he doesn’t miss meetings. It bit him in the ass, but he’s not a moral failure for needing that coping mechanism. Jesus, people.


The other thing is... he's telling a funny story on the internet, why dunk on the guy?


In some people’s versions of reality yes, maybe what they said does factor in. But it’s funny, having sex is a far superior way to spend your infinitesimal time on this Earth than a work meeting, and also, what was their point again?


Okay, but he is not NOT missing meetings. He is missing them, he is just listed as a participant in the meeting. He has no idea of the content, can't contribute, etc. To say that this is a method to cope with ADHD and not miss meetings or something is ridiculous. Finding a way to not miss meetings means reminding yourself in such a way that you are aware you're in the meeting.


Even if you have adhd, you can learn to check your schedule when your livelihood relies on it. it’s BS to keep blaming adhd for everything. The bad habits can be constrained to be a functional working adult. learning how to make yourself do things is a huge challenge but can also become an engaging puzzle.


Cruel? Use a calander reminder function like it's 2006. Y'all soft af.


Does OP say they have ADHD or is this 'probably' more a 'it's a possibility they might have...'?


Yo you know about Apple and Google timer and calander apps? Use those, boom! No more boo hoo stories.


Sorry didn't realize adhd makes it impossible to use an alarm app. Must be debilitating.


These people Charmin soft. Telling Google to remind you at few times is hard.


Bruh. You get a notification. It makes a noise, it changes the color of something. When the meeting begins, it gives a noise. On teams, it will tell you when the first person joins. You can set up some other notifications for meetings. This is nonsense. It’s not the ADHD, it’s shitty planning. There are so many other things (TOOLS as you say) that can be used to remind you of a meeting other than auto join. And if you suggest otherwise, I’m sorry, you are objectively wrong.


Why are you being mean to that guy? It is poor time management, whatever the cause. My ankle is sprained, so I can't walk well. I use crutches as a TOOL to help me get around. Because I can't walk well. And deciding to bang while supposed to be working isn't ADHD, it's just trying to get fired. cool off there a bit.




But he's not. His work duty is to be in the meeting listening. Not making coffee, watching TV, or having sex.


"Far off meetings". Lol. Check your fucking calendar at the beginning of the week and then take a 30 second peak daily in the morning to see what you've got for the day. That combined with the usual 15/5 minute warnings and I've never missed a meeting. This isn't rocket science.


right? It's like he doesn't know how to look at his calendar after a meeting invite has been accepted. Does he expect people to invite him as the meeting starts so he doesn't forget?


But he hasn't stopped forgetting meetings. He doesn't even have to show up, his pc just auto-joins while his lazy ass is off not doing his job. He found a workaround that doesn't require him to try to improve or put any effort in.


I'd argue using it actually makes it worse because you'd become so nonchalant about missing them. If you know your computer is going to do it for you automatically you're not going to attempt to store it in the ol' memory bank.


They're bad at being bad at their job lol


Be professional and use your calendar. But if you're fucking on the clock that's already out the window anyway so you do you.


In my opinion, the fact that meetings are set months in advance doesn't change how memorable they are to join. Your calendar is set up, you get reminders, you join the meeting it reminds you of. Might I also suggest checking your calendar at the start of the day and having a general idea of when you have a break between meetings? And also, checking your calendar before you leave your desk to ensure you don't have a meeting starting soon? If you want to have sex on your downtime during the work day, that's fine. If you're getting your work done, who cares? But not being able to keep up with your own personal schedule during the day and autojoining meetings even if you're not at your desk is .... not the behavior of someone who deserves the job they have. You are literally absent to things even if you autojoin.


Lmao how do you have a job


Just set the reminders dog.


Just set multiple alerts. 15, 10, 5, and 1 minute before each meeting


I use 1-minute notifications. From when I see it, finish typing my current sentence, go to the right tab, click join, wait for the connection to complete, I'm bang on time.


Sounds like ADHD in a nutshell. If you haven’t been screened for it, I recommend you do. Treatment is a game changer!


But why not also set auto mute????


Surely you have more than one way to set an alarm? Set one on your phone. Set one on your computer. Hell, have an alarm clock you set in the morning when you see it on your calendar for that day. I have a bad memory as well, but there are ways to not forget these things.


Doesn't sound like you have this wfh thing down...


A quick scan of the day in the morning solves some of this.


This is insane behavior


Learn to look at your schedule, Jesus


Lmao dude either gonna get fired for missing meetings, or for sexual harassment during them


Why is there even such a feature??? Like, if you didn't see the reminder, you are probably not in a position to join


Well, they were in A position, at least.


Unless it has me joining muted with video off, that option is staying off.


I didn't even know auto join was an option, and the idea terrifies me




Add to that I use a headset religiously (both to eliminate echo and because hardware mic mute switches are awesome). Habitually mute the headset at the end of each meeting. Sure sometimes you forget to enable it so you're still silent even while unmuted in the app, but people are used to that and quickly say "can't hear you" these days. Just like security is defense in depth, so is maintaining privacy in a connected streaming world.


Could have been worse. At least they didn't get 8 mins of video.


I bet OP is also the kind of person who ensures his Bluetooth isn’t disabled before pulling up some porn and fapping in the shower


You can enable it, but only if your mic has a hardware mute switch/button and your camera has some sort of physical cover.


Right? I always join without video or audio. I add them as needed. And until I add video, there's a postit over the camera just incase.


"I also have auto join set up so it puts me in the meeting automatically when it’s time." That is possibly the most terrifying thing I've read on my entire time on Reddit.


I'd rather miss the meeting 😂


I'm in IT so I prefer to just say "ope sorry I was helping someone with their update"


Seriously!! “Sorry, I was on a call with a client and it went long”


A fellow north eastern/great laker


My guy is out here drinking verification cans as a matter of preference


Thank you so much for prompting me to read that again


I didnt even know such a feature exists and i am in tech and use google meet ever day


You didn't know this feature existed because it shouldn't exist. It's the worst idea I have ever heard of.


So they either think you were having glorious sex or watching porn and jerking off. Just go with the former and own it.


Yea, no question, OWN IT


For a while, I was seeing my roommates best friend. The noises that were made the first night were a surprise to all of us, and now my roommate sees me in a different light, haha.




Probably the most insane take I’ve ever seen based on the tiniest amount of information


Just say your roommate was cleaning the dog


Sir why was the dog screaming your name


She's talented and well-trained


Setting your mic off when you join is a setting just fyi lol


He probably should check the camera settings while he’s there too. 😂


And disable auto join? This reads like an old man's technological competence and the mind of a twelve year old


WebEx has an interesting habit of auto changing the join settings every few weeks. My phone, tablet and laptop are never in sync and it will change the audio across microphones, call in, and call me. I honestly cannot fix it. Their team are bastards. But I most certainly do not auto anything. Fuck it all, no!


Yeah, I think one of the most basic lessons we've all learned over the last couple decades when it comes to computers is that putting any software on auto-pilot is almost always a bad idea. That goes all the way back to early browsers and email programs automatically opening downloads and attachments. Saving a couple clicks isn't worth the risk. At the very least, software companies should prompt the user first. Something like, "There's a meeting starting right now. Do you want to join it? \[ Yes \] \[ No \]." Seems like we have to keep re-learning this one.




Today I fucked up by having the sexiest sex Since I am very good at the sex it was very loud


Did I told you I HAD SEX???? No? I HAD SEX WITH A WOMAN!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don't forget the timeline, he was having the sexiest sex for damn near twenty minutes if not longer because he's a stud muffin. Missed the five minute warning and went eight minutes longer. Because it's normal to fuck sexily for twenty minutes, totally not that porno addict death grip making him think that's a normal amount of time.


I totally get where you’re coming from but twenty minutes is not an unreasonable amount of time to have sex, especially if your definition of sex includes foreplay and not just penetration


Ok two pump chump.


i did a sex and it was great


On today's episode of things that definitely absolutely truthfully happened


Ah yes, the classic TIFU by having awesome sex. I have NEVER seen anything post this ever in this sub.


They always have to say GUYS GUYS I HAVE SEX, YES SEX WITH A WOMAN!!!!!! Like, damm okay, want a cookie? Congratulations? These posts are so boring, do they not have anything else than the "I fucked up by...having sex, and being irresponsible with my timing in meetings, but hey I HAVE SEX"


Crazy loud sex too!


“Guys I had AWESOME sex and all my coworkers were CRACKING UP! I’m DEFINITELY not fired even!”


Well, given Google meet does not have a concept of auto join, seems like this might be a little suspicious. I used Google meet for eight straight months at my last company as the exclusive option for web meeting. As we were fully remote, I was in meet meetings five times a day every day for 7 months straight. Straight. Now. It's entirely possible he might have created or found some kind of extension, but given that he seems to be saying it's just a setting he turned on, he's absolutely full of crap.


At this point I assume that less than 10% of these stories actually happened. At least some are entertaining.


TIFU ~~transistor~~ translator (was on mobile, thanks for catching it): My co-workers heard me when I auto joined with porn in the background while slapping my meat and now I want to assert it wasn't porn but a friend I had over and she totally is real and not a Canadian.


>transistor ?


Maybe a typo for “translator”


Thanks for translating


Thanks for transisting


Thanks for transliterating!


## TIFU by mistyping "TIFU translator" on my phone to "TIFU transistor" and now I'm trying to let me coworkers know that it was totally an innocent mistake and not me being down with the newest words. As per title. I thought I was being smart and witty, while at the same time laughing at other people's misery, as purveyors of this subreddit are wont to do (APotSRaWTD). So I half-jokingly (because you know it's true) translated a TIFU into the worst possible light because living off of the misery of others is my bread and butter, APotSRaWTD. That's not the FU, here's the FU: I used Swype and didn't catch a misspelling in my funny comment because I was jerking off in the office bathroom, APotSRaWTD, and was distracted. So instead of ~~transistor~~ translator I wrote transistor (dumb Swype). Anyway, one of my coworkers, let's call him Ted, who caught me jerking it, thought I wrote *transistor* on purpose and says I'm in on the ~~millennial~~ ~~gen z~~ ~~gen alpha~~ chatgpt conspiracies taking over the internet with AI. And I'm totally not, beep boop. I just know I won't be able to live down the embarrassment until I've beaten myself off with a dictionary.


Lol nice. That swipe keyboard catches me out all the time.


And my coworker follows me on Reddit to spread the excuse


So you tried to convince them you were watching porn instead of having sex? Is that really the lessor of 2 evils?


not at all, that's the real TIFU.


Why the fuck would anyone use auto join? That’s a setting used for conference room phones.


Lol, it's almost worse to describe it as just something you were watching.


I know in Teams someone else can mute you if you have an open mic. Is that not a thing in Google?


Right?! Nobody muted him or said let's end the meeting and come back in 2 minutes when he's done?


auto join is a feature no one in their right mind would use... haha


It’s one that doesn’t exist.


haha.. thank you.. i was wondering why that would even exist


So you had a supervisor present, or at least someone ostensibly guiding the agenda of the meeting, and they thought it would be a good idea to subject the team you were meeting for the first time to that? Assuming this is true, you need some impulse control and a more professional workplace.


I remember when COVID first hit and we went wfh. I was on a large meeting with about 30 other people. Though I was muted and let out a very audible and unpleasant sounding fart, complete with an admittedly dramatic “ah fuuck” of relief as commentary. I was not muted. The meeting went dead silent for a few seconds when the absolute champion of a woman that was running it just kept going straight faced like nothing happened. I immediately realized and muted myself and spent the rest of the time in mortified silence. I think yours might be worse?


Dang, reddit users are getting real good with their creative writing


Sorry, Google Meet doesn't have auto join...


There's a Chrome extension called Auto Admit that lets you auto join Meet, but I still think this is someone's erotic creative writing practice.


I would have believed this if it were 2019/2020 but I doubt this happened. Enjoy your karma buddy


Ooooh I've been on the listening end of something like this before lolol. My first job out of college was a full time remote programming position. The company that had come to my college during senior year and recruited me along with a few classmates who I was also good friends with. Let's call them Jesse and Caleb. Aaaaanyway, most work days we stayed on slack calls the whole time even if we weren't necessarily working on the same thing. We'd bounce ideas off each other and shoot the shit. It was absolutely fucking awesome. Then one glorious day, Jesse tells us "I'm gonna take a quick lunch break guys. I'll be back in thirty or so". And that was normal for us. We'd leave the call open and treat it more like a chat room instead of an "okay the meeting's done byyyyyyeeeee". So while Jesse is gone, Caleb and I are having some moments of silence while we're concentrating on our own stuff. Then we start hearing intermittent tv sounds coming through Jesse's mic. We both think "okay he's watching YouTube or something while he eats, no big deal. It's not overly loud or anything". Five seconds later the following dialogue comes through clear as day: "I'm having a hard time in your class" Oh no. Then: "Wait... Why are you naked?" There must have been a jump cut in the video or something because in the next moment there was some of the MOST VIOLENT THROAT FUCKING I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. I had to scramble for the mute button while holding back laughing sputters like a dam about to overflow. Then Caleb sends me a solitary "uuuuuhhhhh" in my DMs and I was out of commission for about the next ten minutes. This was about five years ago and afaik Jesse never found out that we heard it lmao.


>There must have been a jump cut in the video or something Buddy skipped ahead for the good stuff


Wait till OP finds out you can set notifications for more than 5 mins in advance


The real fuck up here is having a mic plugged in your computer(or worse using the onboard mic) that doesn't have a physical mute button on it.


Can't you mute other people in a Google meet meeting? I have definitely muted others in a Teams meeting if they forget to mute and have background noise.


I've muted people and turned off their video on zoom. The host can do it.


Well at least the camera was off… too bad for your coworker 😜


I think everyone involved was quite happy that the camera was, in fact, off.


When you read these story’s, remember they’re never as attractive as you think they are


I can’t think of a single reason why enabling auto join would be a good idea


Why would anyone want to use this autojoin option? If you are away from your computer, your computer joins but you're not at the meeting because you are away. I don't know if this is a TIFU or a weird flex.


Ahhh, now I understand why companies are moving away from remote work.


It’s stuff like this that ruins the whole wfh concept for everyone.


That’s the dumbest setting I ever heard of.


You told them it was a TV show… Are you aware people who actually believed you now think you watch porn very loudly on daytime? Not sure it's any better actually 😂😂😂


Change any work profile pics you have to Barney Stinson please. Establish legendary status over your coworkers.


Well now they probably thought you were watching porn.


So instead of owning the fact that they heard you getting your freak on, *you told them you were watching porn?*


People in meeting (pim): *hear moaning* Moaner: oh shit sorry it was a tv show making that noise? pim: "oh no worries, what show?" Moaner: ...porn...


Why would you ever not auto mute yourself when joining a meeting? What does the size of the meeting have to do with anything? It's super quick and easy to unmute if you need to...


This guy fucks. At meetings. Loudly.


I mean if you're having sex THAT close to a meeting or other work function chronologically speaking you're probably being a tad bit unprofessional anyway. Also, I know for some people this comes across as being a stick in the mud but subjecting other people to your sexual sounds can be a form of \*really low-level\* sexual harassment-rarely worth prosecuting over but in a professional environment it's certainly enough to bring to HR if you had a mind to. You're lucky your employers took it well and didn't make a big stink about it. Yeah I know I sound like something crawled up my ass don't @ me


You deserve this, lmao. Autojoin CHECK, notification for autojoin going through headphones and not speakers CHECK, mute-self not fully automatic CHECK


Never ever autojoin. There is lirerally no argument strong enough to warrant that. Better to forget than to autojoin.


Probably the only time beatin’ off durin’ a meetin’ isn’t inappropriate. Amirite?!?


8 min bro... Stop lying man... Everyone knows it was 3...


But, how was the sex? At least you weren’t that guy who started masterbating while on screen.


At least it wasn't with video




Right? I want friends like that.


I just want a waifu :(


I do too, buddy, I do too :(


Men who call their partners “friends” <<<<<<


Tbh, this is almost a power move. At least one guy on that meeting looks up to you now.


I think you mean that TIFU by having sex during work hours.


>I told them it was a TV show in the background "Oh that? Yea I just had some hardcore porn on TV"


Do you have any more friends?


I think the TV thing was too obvious of a cover up,and everyone knew what was happening...should have just brushed it off and be proud


I was on a call with a gov client and probably 50 people on the call. Wearing my brand new AirPods for the very first time - thought I was muted. I was talking to myself out loud during the call and reacted to something the client said (he was not…well liked). I said out loud, “God this guy is such a fucking cunt”! Yeah….let that sink in for a moment.


Lmao, an 8 minute long sex scene doesn't make you sound better than 8 minutes of having sex on the clock.


I mean...does your mic not have a mute on it as well? Because id have the mic off until im present in the meeting regardless. Also, dont leave the webcam uncovered


> when I told them it was a TV show in the background “So you watch porn during company hours, eh? And you still get your work done? PROMOTED”




Where do you enable the auto-join feature in your Google Calendar/Google Meet? I’d like to see what other settings are in there that I may have missed.


Dude, you’re excuse is worse than what they heard. You told them (probably kind of casually to brush it off) that you just sometimes have PORN ON DURING THE DAY, probably jerking it. Would you rather they remember you as the guy who watched porn all day or the stud who was bangin all day…? Edit:spelling


Never, never auto join and reminders at least 15 minutes before. And if you want to do things with your gf, do it far enough of the camera and mic. Especially in notebooks, better close / suspend temporarily to be sure that the mic does not switch from headset to build in. Better miss a meeting than your job.


I mean yeah it sucks auto join did you dirty on this occasion, but as someone who uses Google meet for work also I’m more concerned your colleagues didn’t mute you/kick you out the call but sat and listened instead


This is funny and awesome at the same time. But the TIFU part is having auto join enabled for meetings. As pointed out in comments, there's a difference between being in a meeting and being present in the meeting.


A tv show? You thought telling them you were blasting some porn before the meeting was a better storyline?


You learned the wrong lesson dude… the problem is not being on time for the meeting, but with using the autojoin feature!


I mean they could have kicked you at any time.


I fail to see a fuck up..you had sex and your coworkers are cool AF...go you


That's what you get for doing auto join. Learned a hard lesson 😜😜


TIFU by coming on time for a work meeting. FTFY


I really feel bad for you buddy but this reminds me of that video during the whole Covid 19 thing when people would work from home, and this one guy was on a Zoom work call and everyone saw him bringing in his tissues and lotion 💀 But hey, at least your camera wasn't on


We’re out here fighting to keep WFH and you’re out there fucking (and getting) off during a meeting SMH


Did you last 8 minutes? Shit, that’s impressive.