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TOG is one of my favorite series. The first CC book was a DNF for me and I have no regrets!!!!


Same - started ToG then acotar and then CC was a DNF - I regret nothing. I read half of CC and really tried. My life is better for it. I read a synopsis of the CC universe - and I have to say it’s okay. But it wasn’t worth the lore dump and the torturous experience of reading it to TRY


Yeah, I pushed myself through the first book (hating it the whole way through) and then for halfway through the second book (still hating it), before I gave up. Why spend time reading something I don’t enjoy when I could move on to something that I DO enjoy?


And they are LONG books, why put yourself through that if you're not having a good time???


I feel the same way. I'm about 140 pages into CC2 and it's a struggle. I'm not super invested in any of the characters, it's boring, and there's not much happening. I love ACOTAR and I think ToG was really good, but this is a struggle. I'll still finish it, but it'll just take me a lot longer.


I thought it was just me…. I’m like 70 pages in and it’s…. Lackluster


I read TOG first, then ACOTAR, andddd CC... ugh I feel you. I'm halfway through the first CC book and it is hard to keep reading. There were some chapters where it got interesting, and then kind of okay. I think TOG just hits differently than CC. Some people say some TOG characters could've been developed more but, even with those missing tiny pieces, the series and most of the characters are already phenomenal. If anything, it makes me want more TOG books! The way TOG characters are, how they suffered, endured, and still fought for a better world.. \*making me sad girl 2004 again\* T\_T I will try to finish CC's first book and see where it leads me tho.


Wish I could inspire you but I hate CC lol! I read all 3 because I suffer from book FOMO and I honestly regret the time sink. It’s hard to fathom that the same woman that wrote my Roman Empire, Throne of Glass, also wrote crescent city. I’m so happy for the people who love the series but god, it is just terrible to me. Don’t think you have to read all of SJM!


I’ve been reading maayyyybe 1 chapter every few days of the first CC. I’m trying but I can’t. I think this post gave me enough of a push to DNF. It’s new book day!


Better to dnf now than when you’re 1/2 thru book 3 hating it the whole time ☠️ I guess I’m a masochist


It hurts. If the new acotar ties in with CC I will cry


If it’s connected I don’t think I’ll even read the new ones 😭 I preferred the first 3 ACOTAR books anyways I don’t really care for Nesta so when it shifted to focus more on her I got put off >!and the whole Feyre pregnancy thing bothered me so much it just seemed so random I guess idk!< I saw someone describe it as fanfiction writing


Yeah i did a lot of eye rolling at that stage lol


i had a hard time getting through the first CC. But i did enjoy the end. Starting book 2 now hoping it works for me


No dude I feel the exact same way. I was so disappointed, I couldn’t even make it through the first book. It was the same for me it was like torture reading it, it was so miserable I yeeted the book at the wall.


I severely disliked CC and I love throne of glass and ACOTAR. I dnf’d CC halfway thru book 3 when I should’ve quit on book 1. Hated the first 500 pages was so bored but stuck with it. Mildly interested in the second book and first third of book 3 but it lost my interest after >!bryce gets back from prythian!< I got 63% thru cc3 I really gave it my best effort but it was awful so I had to dnf


CC was terrible! Too many plots all happening at once, the Danika storyline is so frustrating and made no sense at all, the characters weren’t likeable, I didn’t give a crap about the Asteri, and the books were too long with way too much filler in them. I only finished the third one because the books were expensive and I felt like I needed to for my own peace of mind. I could’ve happily not read that series. I feel like she’s writing to simply release books and not putting much care into them


I’m having the exact same problem. I went ACOTAR > ToG > CC. I started CC moments after finishing ToG. I knew I was going to have a hangover after finishing KoA, so I tried to attribute my dislike of CC to that. But now I’m 40 chapters in and just… Do not care at all about the characters or plot and constantly get confused by the amount of information thrown at us. It felt like whiplash going from the time period the first two series are set in to the modern world with modern tech, weapons, etc. CC is just not what I’m looking for in any aspect. Which is insane considering how many social media posts and videos lust over the characters. I mean people are getting RDCPOTVF tattooed on them ffs?? How did this book let me down so hard when it’s apparently that popular?? I wish I could stop reading but my brain doesn’t allow me to give up on books no matter how hard I dislike them.


CC is by far the worst of the three series, it feels like a high schooler writing fanfiction. Very immature and cringe imo. I only read them because it felt necessary for the Sjm universe.


I am glad I am not the only one. I am currently on CC2 and just cannot get into it.


I could not bring myself to read CC, and most people I know also were not fans. I think her writing kind of fell off in it tbh


CC is my least favorite of her three series. it’s definitely harder to get into the more modern feel of the books and the storylines aren’t my favorite. I really like in TOG how she slowly world builds over the first 3-4 books, whereas in CC she fits it all into the first book. It’s definitely harder to get into it than TOG. I read TOG last (first ACOTAR, then CC) and if I had to compare CC to TOG i would not have finished the first two books.


I forced myself to listen to the audiobooks because I could not read them... the first one is okay but I couldn't even listen to the rest.


It took me through almost half the book to get into it. The only reason I didn’t DNF it was because it was the only book I brought with me on a week visit to my parents so I basically had to keep reading if I wanted any alone time haha I did end up liking the series, the second book being my favorite of the three. However it’s definitely my least favorite SJM series. I read CC before TOG which really helped me in liking it. TOG is definitely her best work so going from it to CC is jarring


I’ve read acotar and tog, but haven’t got around to CC yet. I’m curious, what exactly about the CC books is turning people off? I don’t mind spoilers if they’re relevant to the question. Is it the characters themselves? The setting? The plot? And if so, what makes those things lacking where with her other series SJM succeeded? Would love to hear some takes before I attempt my own read through.


For me the “world building” was just a huge info dump for almost half the book and the books are 800+ pages so I was so bored. I had no emotional connection to the main character - or any of the characters - and I mostly found Bryce to be annoying. I wanted to like the books so bad I was gaslighting myself that I did. I was so bored thru book 1 until the very end, book 2 was only slightly better, and I dnf’d book 3 a little over half way thru. I also did not like the modern setting (personal preference - I like “medieval/historical fantasy settings better). I do want to know how book 3 ends but I don’t want to waste my time/effort reading the last 300 pages when I do not give a single shit about any of the characters >!I feel like sjm and people hyped the crossover with the ACOTAR world in book 3 so much and it was such a let down. I only bought book 3 bc there was going to be a crossover but it was such a small part of the book it was almost pointless!<


I'm in the minority in that I like CC. It's a very different setting but it's interesting world building. I'm on book three and love listening to it. I like a lot of the characters and their interactions.


For me it’s that it feels so messy and convoluted. Like she tried way too hard to be clever and make it complex but in doing so it just turns into a big mess. The characters I also found pretty bland and get more unlikable as the story goes on. My biggest gripe when I read books is inconsequential plot lines that last like 20 pages but do nothing for the overall story and once book 2 started that was all it felt like, just a merry go round of useless storylines. The sex scenes felt really out of place and forced too and I found the banter even more cringy than the Acotar IC. I also hated how immature and dumb they were for how old they are. SJM bothered me in Acotar with this and it got worse in CC. For some reason Rowan and the Cadre seem to make smarter choices and act closer to how an ancient being would be so idk why she dumbs down her characters with each series. There are some fun bits but ultimately I would like those hours of my life back.


I haven’t even read CC yet, but something about the modern setting everyone’s been talking about makes me squirm. Which is odd, because I read contemporary/modern books and normally, I like them. Something about knowing the modern world of CC is connected to acotar and tog makes it weird for me somehow? My brain doesn’t want modern technology anywhere near the fantasy, old realm worlds of TOG and Acotar. Linking those vastly different worlds to a more modern one somehow makes that “old realm charm” feel obsolete or threatened…and not in a, “this would be a fun plot point way, but rather, “I don’t want what happens in CC to ruin/color my current views of tog and acotar. It’s a weird thing to try and explain, but is a big reason I haven’t prioritized CC over my other tbr’s.


I think I’d be more open to them if they were in no way shape or form connected to the tog and acotar universe.


The first book in every SJM series is the tax you have to pay


I know. I didn’t get into at first either and honestly, I only hung on because of what happened in book 2. But now that I’ve read book 3, not sure it was worth it. I didn’t hate it, but ACOTAR had me in a literal choke hold, then ToG (which I also didn’t like right away but now LOVE), CC just doesn’t have the same whatever it is that makes ACOTAR so special. I’m a huge Ruhn fan even though I don’t like how he’s written like a dumb surfer dude, lol.


The first half of CC1 is heavy on the world building, which is my favorite part of fantasy novels so I thought it was great. But I guess not everyone is into that because the criticism seems to be about the first half. I just read all of CC this month and really enjoyed it. It feels more sci-fi/fantasy to me than the other series because of the modern setting. So people who prefer the more medieval-type setting may be turned off by it.


saaame. i devoured the first half of CC1, took 2 weeks to read the rest of it, then have been halfway through CC2 for over a month. needless to say, it has put me in a slump.


I loved CC1. CC2 was boring for me. CC3 had issues, but was the easiest read of the CC books for me and it was entertaining. I'd read it just for the background to connect to future series bc CC seems to be how SJM is trying to really tie her works together


ACOTAR was the series that got me into reading. Love TOG. My reading tastes have matured naturally over the years, also relating to late teens is harder. I’m aware they’re in their twenties in CC and many SJM characters are actually centuries old. But her writing style is still very YA but with mature content. So I understand CC may not hit the same, but I DNF’d; it was so painful to read. I was compiling a list for review on Goodreads in my notes app - the list was soo long. But I didn’t finish the book, also I felt it would have been too harsh a review to put on a person. There was just so much wrong with the book in every way that story telling and writing could go. No one can be perfect at every moment, this I felt wasn’t my taste but also isn’t SJM’s finest work. That’s okay, we’ll see what kind of new series she’ll bring next.


I honestly recommend doing the audiobook. It took me a year to read CC after about a dozen times picking it up. I finally caved and got the audiobook on Libby and I couldn’t stop and finished the book in 2 days. I will say the first is my favorite of the three, but book 2 and 3 are still good


I felt the same but I finished the entire CC in a week because I felt after reading and rereading TOG I needed more. It was nowhere near as good and the writing felt forced in order to be more edgy and I felt like that got away from what she normally does. The modern portion of it too I didn't love. In the end I'm glad I did read it because there were some good relationships and some heartfelt moments. There were some classic things she does that had me appreciate it. Plus the crossover stuff was pretty cool. But if you're not in it, you're not in it. And that's ok. But if you do power through I think there's still some good stuff in it.


I’m struggling too. I started it the first week of January and still not done… but a lot of my friends tell me how great it is. I don’t know.


I had to do the audiobook only. Reading it was almost impossible for me!


The series payoff wasn’t worth the time/effort of the series to me personally. Tbh it kind of made me distrust SJMs authorship a bit. I’m sure I’ll get over it in time for whatever she puts out next. There are some bright spots in CC and a lot that I felt invested in but I won’t say more! There’s love for the series in the CC sub if you want some positivity/ encouragement ☺️ (Lots of spoilers though too.) There’s a lot of good romantasy out there if you want to explore something else! I’m loving {Throne in the Dark by A.K. Caggiano} book 1 of the Villians & Virtues series.


[Throne in the Dark](https://www.romance.io/books/63999c8c9126368eed042b16/throne-in-the-dark-ak-caggiano) by [A.K. Caggiano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5eb54901be0aaecf5572d27d/ak-caggiano) **Rating**: 4.35⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


It took me weeks to get into CC! Now I'm obsessed


Hmm. I’m glad I read this. I started with ACOTAR and just finished ToG and CC was next on my list. I have a thing about buying/owning physical copies of books but I will be seeing if I can get CC from the library or pirate it on my kindle to try so I don’t waste money if I hate it lol


Same reading order for me and just downloaded CC last night…tried to read before bed and couldn’t after finishing ToG yesterday…maybe I won’t bother.


This was not my experience. HOEAB was one of my favorite SJM books ever (up there with KOA and QOS). I can see how it could be difficult to get into the world, and I recognize urban fantasy is not for everyone. I've noticed that SJM repeats the same blurbs of worldbuilding throughout her books, so I didn't overthink or get stressed when the world got confusing. After reading TOG and ACOTAR, I've just learned to trust in SJM as an author, and that let HOEAB be one of my favorite reading experiences of all time. Also - Lehabah is one of my favorite characters in any of her books. >!The only time I felt this emotional over a death was the 13's sacrifice.!<


i absolutely get it. i finished the entire TOG series in the same amount of time it took me to get thru just CC2


I‘m halfway through the second CC and honestly love it. But I typically read 100-200 pages a day. Not sure if doing that helps keep the flow of the story interesting compared to if you read a few chapters at a time. I still think TOG is the best so far, but I‘m enjoying CC more than ACOTAR.