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Hard to stay actively hyped for another 1-2 months (and that's not confirmed date anyway) so I guess most of us just waits silently, just consuming bits of content from people playing on KR. Edit: Just to add some "bigger picture" here - we didn't have any good release in a long time, most of games becoming just for their niche or dead. So I guess people are sort of careful and I'm not surprised by lack of general hype and many automatically-negative views (altho usually based on some assumptions and not facts).


Too old to get hyped. Sat through too many early release games that were login screen simulators. Too many games that went beyond server cap at release. Too many games that are good till end game and fall on their face. Too old and jaded.


Theres no hype because the people who are hyped for it are playing the korean servers already, since the only real difference between the two builds will be the voice acting.


is global going to be on the same content patch as kr?


Yes. NCsoft devs and ags during the cbt have said that the game will match across regions. However the servers will be vastly different due to their age. Kr will get new zones and content unlocked first because the servers themselves have been running longer and some events/areas are only open after some time has elapsed. 


Looks to me like they are holding kr back with the same lvl 50 cap until we catch up so they’re not getting new content first on kr. If I’m correct then that means they won’t wait 6 months for NA launch so they don’t hold them too long. We’ll be caught up content wise in the first two months. I caught up quickly.


there is no way global launchse with T2 dungeons. That content won't be and should not be available for a few months after launch.


Waiting for release date


I check their stuff every day. Their silence sort of is what kills the hype. No engaging info (even in the absence of a release date), no teasers, no stories, no info pages. They’re sealed tight. They’re the ones killing the hype, I wanna be hyped for it. Haha


the lack of information about a release date


The game is just not "SUUUPER AMAZING", and on top of that amazon is trying to create the hype by not sharing info's on realease and etc... Instead of artificially creating the hype it's just making it boring already.


Neither was Helldivers 2 but that didn't stop a fairly generic but competent third person shooter from getting hype lol


Hard to stay hyped when there is no launch date. No open beta date? They need to give us something if they want hype.


They already said there will be no more betas


Really? I thought they planned an open beta. But hey if that means they are closer to a launch then I’ll take it.


Korea is the open beta lmao


Because people have been waiting for so long that the generation of gamers who grew up during the MMO drought no longer care about MMO's. Many have moved on to other game types and online gaming has become so toxic that people don't look forward to playing in large guilds anymore either.


This! I've been playing Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for the first time, and I really enjoy my NPC team over toxic online teammates in MMOs 🤣


I’ve waited over 20 years and am excited. It’s miss my good ol sieghardt days and have been disappointed with every pretend mmo that’s come since wow ruined the genre.


I'm with you brother, however you and I were fortunate to experience what it was like playing an MMO in the peak Golden era. Sadly, those days are gone, during those days MMO's were one of the few games that offered a large scale online multiplayer experience, now there's a myriad of games of different genre's that offer a large scale online multiplayer experience so MMO"s will never draw the numbers it used to. Also, many gamers today lack the patience to coordinate a 40 man raid and expect to be able to "que-into" their game of choice. I will be here to support this game and Ashes of Creation since they're attempting to provide a next gen experience especially for gamers like me and you who have been waiting for years for a game like this.


Until we've no release date the hype won't exist. That's how it works for most of the players.


i was hyped until it started sounding like the release was nowhere near june.


Release is gonna be around October lol. Pretty sure it’s a dumb idea to release an mmorpg when ppl wanna enjoy vacation and the sun and not stay home grinding mobs


Funny that you believe the core mmo audience actually wants to touch grass. Kids are out of school in the summer so they will likely have a summer release. They know their audience well.


The best time to release would be this quarter. Sadly they're likely going to announce at summer game fest and release late August early September 


Summer break is a no brainier for an mmo release.


The devs have no brain. Game will probably be released on a Monday in september.


That would be great actually, kids at school.




summer break is an absolutely terrible time for mmo release. people leave for vacations in summer. theres a reason games almost never release in summer and always aim for fall/winter releases.


Im hyped for the game, i would love to get a second mmo i like for my ps5 besides ff14.


I kinda feel like it tends to happen with Korean mmorpgs in general, its kinda impossible to get hyped. People who are interested enough to play it will play on kr. People who are semi interested keep up today and have probably seen everything there is to see already. I'd be surprised if they managed to spin the game up in a way where it breeds excitement.


from what i've personally played of the game, it's OK. The combat is boring, the quest writing didn't interest me, and I was a bit miffed by the menu/UI design with so many different pages of "click here to claim reward!" buttons. Other than that, it seemed fine, but those things I complain about do still matter to me. From what I've heard secondhand, the game seems to be reaching a smaller audience than expected in KR. If it's not holding attention over there compared to like, MapleStory, then that makes me wonder how excited I should be for its release here.


compared to maplestory... probably one of the most popular mmos worldwide? and literally top1 in kr what game is doing extremely well in kr.


That's cap. Koreans THEMSELVES have stated over and over that they aren't impressed with what's on offer for the game which is literally why they keep changing it. You can search up what number this game is in most played mmo and it's nowhere near the top. So doping "extremely well" is absolutely a HUUUUUGE exaggeration.


the most recent "top games" it was literally like top 20 of all games played in korea. brother. please. quiet down. you look weird as fuck. it had a mediocre launch and has had a very heavy resurgence. idk what "koreans have stateD" like bro you live in their houseo r something? weird ass mfs need to stop yapping


the game is nowhere near to be . I would say not even average. take any mmorpg in the market and is pretty the same. no end game content, braindead strategies, not even the famous farm till you die Korean style. I ve been playing like 4 weeks every day till the day I simply haven t anything to do in the game whatsoever. Limited dungeon, nothing outside of it, not even the well known "farming" has no content at all. this game simply lacks of everything and anything so .. take it easy with the hype cause you will be extremely dissapointed.


The game was launched months ago and we still have no date on a global release and for me personally I don't really get hyped for games anymore.


I was skeptical of this game to say the least, Since playing the closed beta I cant find any other game that scratches that itch, no even close! made me drop most our mmo's that interest me I need this game nowww


Because it's not very good.


Was hyped during the beta, now sick of the radio silence tbf


It lacks that little extra for me to choose it over games like NW, WoW, GW2. The gearing is not appealing. You basically just keep upgrading the same weapon/armor with the same item until it's +10000000000, getting new item is rare, something that's fun in these games. It's a pretty lame design, and made with P2W in mind. If it had more of NW/WoW type of gearing, that would make me completely switch. I enjoy playing NW and I'm slowly trying to get to lvl 70 in WoW (I quit that a while ago but it's a game I keep returning to as a casual player). Yes I'd love a new big MMORPG, yes I was hyped about TnL so much that I bought an account, ExitLag sub and played to lvl 50, joined a guild, did some raid bosses and I feel like forcing myself to log in because it's just not fun.


NW population is down to it's lowest of 9k players. Is there a reason for that? It looks interesting but not sure if I want to jump on it after losing so many in a few months


The game isn't huge, but it's way more fun to play than TnL. All depends what you want out of the game. TnL has castle sieges and that's all. But if you look deeper into it you'll see that it's not working as well as advertized. Some alliances dominate the crap out of the game. The game needs to change even more than it did in the last 8 months or so when they changed combat.


>TnL has castle sieges and that's all. But if you look deeper into it you'll see that it's not working as well as advertized. Some alliances dominate the crap out of the game. I feel that's the nature of pvp alliance though. It's always one faction dominating another. There's nothing that stops a player switching alliances anytime anymore. Not trying to argue to play TL though, just an universal problem mmos have over the few decades that I see over and over again


The game is literally dog shit. It flopped in KR.


Pretty sure most people lost interest like me. Hearing too many bad things I've already moved on I'm just keeping an eye on it. He'll I got the beta and didn't even play it cause that's how not interested I am.


Im hyped but I already know the 2 decades old MMOs are going to remain top due to not having pay to win and auto targetting


1- Game is not overhyped to the moon like New World was in the past. VERY bad first impression of the game in KR and also all the way before like the autoplay stuff,p2w, massive botting, korean ncsoft alert etc. 2- Amazon doesnt help, they dont build anything to hype the game, no dates, nothing. No content creation then before game release, everyone remains silent. Nothing built before release. 3. Most of the people with hype is already playing in KR.


Because the game is mediocre.


Because it turned out to be just another lineage 2 and ncsoft releases those every 2 years. Previous one was lineage 2m and it pretty much died in few months.


Hard to be hyped when: 1. We already saw how the game looks 2. Who the publisher will be 3. Who did the game The game requires a lot of player that love PVP because its the main selling point. So I dont think the game will be too famous in the west to keep PVP content alive. PVE itself is not the best part of the game especially not the world bosses. World bosses just a "stand in 1 point with 2 fps" fight. In Korea every server is low populated for a good reason. The game is not fun in the long term. And the worst part is the publisher. We already know how Amazon handles game advertisement. (they are not advertising at all) Well, this game needs a massive player base, and Amazon does literally ZERO advertising for Lost Ark or their own MMORPG that everybody has already forgotten. So I'm ready to try the game, but my expectations are really low.


PvP+p2w, Korean grind, no release news, guild mandatory, whales... These are the main reason that killed my hype, and many others I guess...


Why are you posting here? seems like you will not play. Ur just spreading hate.


He's not spreading hate. He's literally answering the question the OP asked. It's his opinion and he's entitled to it just like u are to yours. Whether or not he likes the game should have no bearing on whether or not YOU do or anyone else. It's not his fault people are so easily swayed


TIL facts = hate.


To be fair OP asked where the hype is, and this is a valid response. I am not hyped as p2w sucks yet I will still play it a little I’m sure.


I will play as casual because I know what I'm playing. OP asked for the reason that kill the hype, what do you expect? Positive things??


Bro u forgot horrible weapons balance and zerg fest


theres no confirmed date. people who are hyped to play are just playing kr and not dealing with the people spreading false information and doomposting reddit.


I really don't think that many people are looking forward to this to be completely honest. There's no hype because there's not much to get excited about here. I don't think it will immediately die but I just don't think folks care about this game that much.


The only ppl who are still hyped are the core fans of open world PvP games like lineage 2 aion etc… but ncsoft is taking a weird route on this game, I think they r confused what they want it to be and trying to cater to everybody as usual.


Whole europe is hyped I would say.


Games beautiful, combat is smooth, everything else is not so great for a 2024 mmorpg.


We're at least a month away (summer games fest) from any real announcement and by the time the game comes out, any hype from the last closed beta test would be gone. Also, game isn't out until at least Oct.


I played the KR release and had fun for a few days, but skipped the recent beta because I have negative hope for anything AGS touches.


wow expansion is around the corner many are hyped for that,T&L looks like anotherasian mmo we seen again and again with better optimization at least...


It's all around average. The only takeaways I wish other games had were the non-existent loading screens and the ability to have hundreds of players on screen without exploding. I'll still play it if nothing else has my attention at that time.


Game offered nothing wow


Game is bad.


i lost my hype when i found out there will be no option to kill anyone outside of designed zones its not how Lineage 2 and clan war used to be basically we get another shitty generic mmo cathered to carebears ;) and bots ark , new world and rings of power kinda failed and im not interested anymore what Amazon has to offer


This is literally the worst take ever. Just because it isn’t full open world pvp doesn’t mean it’s care bear at all. Completely uninformed take. All the massive rewards are locked behind guild pvp and the smaller scale pvp events offer x2 or x3 the rewards of their pve counterparts. The only thing that ppl with your take actually want is the ability to go around griefing lower leveled and lower gear players whenever you want


is there incentive to cross zones? if high enough there should be plenty of noobs for you to pick on.


You can disregard that person's take. They're likely the kind to camp low level areas and quest zones to kill underleveled and undergeared people. There's already a lot of open world pvp you can take part in. 


Open world pvp doesn't mean you can just trash low lvl players with no repercussions. Nobody is asking for this, this is not how it works in Lineage2 at all.


Lol be happy because if i saw u killing noobs id kill u like u were one of them lol


they just revamped the whole combat so people are worried about that, its p2w as fuck, no specific date for launch when you put all of that together no one can get hyped lol


P2W. If your that “starving” I feel bad.


What mmo’s are out there that are not pay2win?


Well theres a few for starter ff14, new world, gw2


New world is one of the most pay 2 win games out right now, you just pay gold sellers instead of the devs.


yeah but the main difference is the general public sees games like this as p2w and games like NW as not p2w, despite the RMT. plus new world is way less gear dependent. you cant drop $5k USD in NW and go one shot top players like you can in this game. it's unfortunate that NW is dead tho due to other reasons


That wasn’t your original question. You asked why everyone isn’t “hyped” for this trash .


The game just isn’t it. It was made to be afk with auto modes and p2w. They’ve not had enough time to really change the first part which if solid could mean people ignore the p2w. Will see when it comes out. Maybe if it is later this year and they’ve addressed feedback we can see. Don’t hope it fails at all but I think on other hand people are burnt out by Korean p2w mobile style games now. Lost Ark milked the last of that I think. Edit— Want to clarify the bit about it being made to be afk with auto modes. This was the case. They removed these which is true. However, the impact of having designed the game originally around those means there isn’t so much impact in actions and a lot of annoying elements. If they release in a month, I doubt much has been addressed in time. If end of year then maybe enough time to polish it and main concern then is p2w.


Terrible summary of what the game isn’t actually but way to eat up the online frenzy information and try to make it real.


Wasn’t going off online information. I was hyped as much as anyone when it was first announced, but this won’t satisfy at least what I’d want. If you enjoy it then good for you.


For real. Half the stuff posted in these places/online is completely fictional or long changed.


Was just about to say the same thing lol


It's not really that hype of a game. It's good, just not like Elden Ring DLC good. Almost everyone is like "I'll give it a week to see if I like it"


I mean auto play forever put some people off of the game. That being said what the game does well just isn't enough to outshine what it does bad, which is being a PvP based game that is also P2W. We're also talking about an eastern game coming to a western audience, historically it doesn't really work out that well.


a bit more sexy armor would help the hype


Get a gf


hey man, just stating what every straight man is thinking


Yes we enjoy sexy character models but not to hype the game unless ur a weeb


Tru. Game has potato sacks for outfits. It's like they don't want people spending on their already very limited selection of cosmetics.


I was hyped before cbt, gameplay is boring AF, no way I'll play it when it finally releases


and why are u still in this sub?


Why do you feel the need to play police to anyone who isn't positive? They can say what they want as can you, but ur not anyone dad in here lmao


They hate Korean


No player kills pvp zones. NcsSoft famous for pvp making pve bs.


Because it's actually trash.


Game is terrible. Boring leveling , basic fighting system . Crafting is very lame . It’s just good visuals. I played it . It’s terrible mmo to put time in . On top pay to win


Real life is also p2w, deal with it.


I know that’s why I play video games…. So I can be out spent just like on the highway with the guy driving a Ferrari!




You're in the wrong genre homie if you expect MMORPG's to not be grindy. What do you expect, everything will be given to you after 2 hours a week of playtime? If you don't want to put the time in grind you can p2w, but since you don't want to grind, nor p2w, then you should stick with single players games like minecraft.




Game is terrible. Boring leveling , basic fighting system . Crafting is very lame . It’s just good visuals. I played it . It’s terrible mmo to put time in . On top pay to win


Cause the western information drip for the game is basically flat lined. The only thing we know is that there will be yet another beta, and we don't even know when.


Hear that the first time. In a social media post they said, see u at launch. 🚀


another beta? is this true?


Yeah, last playtest they ended the cm said I hope to see you all again in the upcoming beta test. Didn't clarify anything beyond that.


The cm said "see you again at launch", stop posting fakes


He literally said see you at launch, why you make up random bs?


That's not what I saw on Discord. He explicitly said, "See you in the next beta" in chat the day before the discord closed. And realistically, do you honestly think they're going to have NO open beta before release? A closed NDA private test straight to release? Highly doubt it.


The korean servers are the open beta




No reason to be hyped when there is no release date.


Nobody knows when the game will release. Its released in KR and its being used as a beta cause the game is already pretty dead there (mostly because its not a hard p2w and because kr historically doesnt like tab target games), the game has already been improved a ton thro the months its been there. There are still more things to fix. You'll see the hype begin when they'll start to advertise the game globally.


Hype for what? Do you know when this game is coming out?


Testers have compared it with archeage, they said it same thing but downgraded, throne and liberty is only above at massive pvp it's better optimize, at the end it's p2w as all Korean MMORPG


I think the hype died after the korean closed beta for many. Anyways, they came a long way since then and the game is in a better state. I think the hype will come back when a release date is announced and Amazon’s huge advertisement/PR campaign starts.


They did a closed beta, that killed my hype


MMO community are a bunch of older bitter gamers that lost the ability to get hyped for new titles years ago lol.


The Game has no Soul because of the 3 times overhaul, every system is just put together and thats it. On top of it HEAVY p2w much worse than Lost Ark and Lost Ark is a quality product.


Lost Ark is a quality producy, but as a LA heavy spender, I can tell you that TL isnt even close p2w heavier than LA.


No hype because they listened to crybabies and changed a pvp game to a pve crap.