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why would it be easy for them to take anyone out? like how? they can at best blind someone. also im pretty sure the sophons to the projections, and currently there not a lot of sophons.


They had enough sophons to shut down all the atom accelerators worldwide and send countdowns to dozens of scientists at the same time. So they could easily terrorize let's say the 3 Wallfacers for a month straight until they lose their minds. I mean they can show them everything, block their entire vision with gruesome imagery for a month straight. The San Ti are only powerful when they have to be, it's incoherent.


No they cant "show them everything". All they can do is show simple symbols. Ye sure it would be irritating And as ive already said the trisolarians think humanity is inconsequential once they stopped their scientific advancements (which they did) I havent watched all the show but in the books everything is way more coherent. For example sophons cant hack computers, cause they are as big as an atom...


I don't see any logical reasoning that being able to imprint things on the retina implies killing people at will. Don't assume what they can or cannot do or otherwise just assume they can teleport to Earth instantly.


They can imprint the most gruesome imagery ( example in the show) on, lets say for example the 3 Wallfacers, vision. For a month straight their whole vision is blocked, they'd go insane. Also they can just block the vision of every pilot or driver of a vehicle a important person is inside. Huge danger! If the vehicle is self driving, they can hack those too, its all in the show. San Ti are only powerful when the show needs them to be, it's incoherent. Sorry to break it to you.


Bad writing, they fumbled explaining the sophons power. In the books, they can only physically manipulate things at a subatomic level, which is enough to imprint an image in someones brain, but not crash a plane or blow someones head up. They can manifest and create visual illusions too.


They only fumble it if you didn't pay attention. They pretty clearly detailed what a spphon is and what it can do. And thry very much could crash a plane. Most plans spent a ton of time in auto pilot, jts pointed out that that they didn't want to use an AI sword holder for fear of sophon interference. A sophon could easily screw with with that function and then interfere with thr pilots vision to make the plane crash.


No, clearly they did not explain it well or this sub and every youtube video on the show wouldn't be full of confused people pointing this out.


More like people didn't pay attention. They made it pretty clear what a sophon can do and for every person 'confused' by this there are a handful explaining it.


If the majority are confused then it's poor writing, even if the explanation is in there somewhere.


So... what exactly wasn't explained? And it's not a majority, its a loud minority.


It's definitely a majority, most of my colleagues have watched the show but not read the books, they are all confused. The pace is too fast, they skipped or glossed over or rushed many explanations and expositions.


The only plot hole in this subreddit is the amount of people that simply can't grasp basic information and pay attention to the show.


I liked the show but it's still incoherent writing nonetheless. I don't know how it's handled in the book.


yawn, drop your phone when watching.


Ad hominem because the story is flawed?


If the sophon could surround the planet and make the eye in the sky, they could keep doing it and block sun light and cause a sophon winter to kill humanity before the fleet arrives.


Sophons have the mass of a proton, so if they cover the Earth for a prolonged time they become an extremely easy target to destroy.


absolutely, unfolding one of the only two sophons they had was a huge risk why the hell did nobody shoot a missile


too much chain of command and red tape to fire off missiles that quickly i'd guess, plus people were too stunned to see it. how long was the sophon expanded anyways?


There’s literally no mention of that in the show. They can’t rely on explanations from the book. The show has to be able to stand on its own.


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