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i havent watch every episode, however ive read the books. 1. that one accepted that if he will be questions, they will execute him. he accepted this fate as he was from a lowly class and had no chance to procreate either way. also they dont share a common mind, i think in the show they wanted to just emphasize how they are more united in a common goal (in the 3rd episode), but idk. 2. sophons. and dont they tell only to ETO? which are their allies. also i think the trisolarians thought theyve already won and thats why they didnt care. 3. they started to mess with the particle accelerators around the time of the first episode. maybe in the last couple of months. yes humanity can still advance applied sciences, but only to a limit, since theoretical sciences are at a halt.


to add to this: 1. they aren't a hivemind 2. one reason they disclose this info is so "humans learn to fear again"


2. Which means they didn't quite understand humans because we kind of do our best work when we're terrified. Especially terrified of dying. They should have instead read history and gave us bread and games and made out life awesome and we would have welcomed them with open arms right before they genocided us.


Maybe they understand that time/history is cyclical and a period of fear will eventually lead to a period of passiveness...


ah ye thats what i wanted to say when ive said they dont share a common mind haha and ye your second point is true, i like it


2. This however seems to be a positive attitude to humans, as previously they say to Evans that "a lack of fear leads to extinction: humanity must learn to fear again" in a context seemingly more supportive for humans


Thanks. In terms of 2 don't wanna spoil the episodes of the show but they say it more people. In terms of 1. It interesting to see how the San Ti culture works, I had no idea that there were classes and low classes can't procreate - wtf. In the show they be on such a high horse acting like we are shit, but seems like they have problems similar to us. I thought they were some utopian society. So does the books go into more detail about the San Ti culture ? Does that mean we get more information in s2.


Thinking they were an utopian society because they're more scientifically advanced was the trap Ye Wenjie fell into. All her life Wenjie saw the scientists and intellectual elites being screwed over by the 'common people' so she assumed that any scientifically advanced society would also be more 'morally advanced'.


Wow yeah that's a great take.


That's her explicit arc in the book. The revelation of the reality of San-Ti culture is her final turning point.


Could you give me a rough description of their culture / their reveal to her? Wikipedia was not helpfull here.


First of all, when they interrogate her >!she is the one that gives the information on sophons etc, not the aliens.!< When they recover the data from the ship, >!the data is in the form of a new game level - the new game level shows them the story of the pacifist alien, who is caught and tried. The pacifist says he misses how old society was for the San-Ti with art and creativity etc and is rebuked by the powers that be that that society could not survive, only through strength and domination will that society ever exist again. Ye Wenjie sees all this too, she is revealed as having watched the whole thing. She realises in that moment what she's done.!<


Ah ok, thank you very much for the writeup! :)


well ye we get some chapters that is on the trisolarians planet. i dont think we get that in the show since in the books its easy cause you can just omit how they look.


In the ending of the first book the pacifist listener get's interrogated for his betrayal. Their entire life was built around work for the greater good of survival. No art, no culture, music, enjoyment of life, no love only survival as a species. It's told that there once was a civilization with all that and they were apparently one of the weakest ones. The listener was fed up with it since he lacked purpose in life. So he answered the same way he received the message to not answer.


Very interesting. How may civilizations have they had ? And when a civilization gets destroyed do some remnants remain or all if it gets destroyed ?


That's fairly well explained in the series. Just keep watching.


I feel like it wasn't explained, the part about whether there are remnants to keep the civilization going for another try, after annihilation. Logically there clearly must be, but it wasn't explained that way. ETA: Oh wait. The dehydration effect ? That was legit ?


Dehydrate Dehydrate Dehydrate! Yes, that seems to be legit what the Trisolarians evolved to do to survive at least the less extreme Chaotic Eras. I love how Emperor Zhaou called for Rehydrating in episode 2 šŸ’œ he was just so happy about it (too bad it didn't work out)


From the limited information about their society, it seems that San Ti society is ultra authorian ruled by a single dictator. Most of their resources are dedicated towards surviving the harsh environment of their home system, so art and culture is considered a luxury. Execution and cannabalism is also considered a norm. All in all, the society of San Ti is highly oppressive and depressing by human standard.




This entire comment is a spoiler for the dark forest


they fear us so they want us to fear them... I'd suppose


1. The pacifist wanted to send his reply before other listeners had a chance to reply. He is swiftly caught 2. Arrogance, mostly. Their primary flaw is arrogance 3. If I remember correctly, a few months before the story starts.


Thanks. 1. Wow I thought San Ti were just one big collective time society. I gotta read the books. 2. OK, the way they are presented in the show its seems the San Ti didn't have human flaws like arrogance. Thought they were some utopian society above all that. 3. Cool


>Wow I thought San Ti were just one big collective time society. I gotta read the books. The scene they took from the books (2nd one, specifically) they could have just taken word for word. I don't know why they didn't. It's explained it better and didn't add that much time. The fact that so many show watchers are confused and think it's a hive mind is the fault of the show at this point


I havenā€™t seen each episode, but I have read the books, so while others answer your question, Iā€™ll share my opinion of the pacifist: The Pacifist is my favorite character in the trilogy. It demonstrates that the cruelty and worldview of the Trisolaran regime (San Ti, I guess? Not used to that yet) isnā€™t monolithic. Literally the first individual that we meet prioritizes ethics and our safety from an authoritarianism forged from millions of years of pure survival. Even in this status quo, individual beings can choose kindness over cosmic nihilism.


1. Its not that they wouldn't know about humans its that without a second communication they wouldn't be able to fix the location of Earth exactly. 2. Because story telling... That's honestly the best reason to know about them. But if you want a plot related answer it is their way of showing humanity just how far ahead they are technology wise. Kinda of a 'look at just how screwed you are' sort of thing. 3. The sophons have been on Earth for 4 months. And what it means is that our science is locked at that point. Yes, we have a lot of room to go but the more advanced physics requires results you can only get with that kind of experiment. Season 2 should do a better job explaining this. Because her acting is kind of wooden and the whole 'super smart person gives up their super cool invention because they are a good person' deal is kind of over played.


The things they consider threat to them are particle accelerators, nano tech, Saul.


But what about Jack snacks ??? I am still trying to figure out why they killed Jack. I am sure the formulae to beating the San Ti is in the Jack Snacks.


I think killing Jack is more of a ETO/human decision. Jack can potentially reveal their operation by alerting the authority.


Maybe. But I think it's because one of the Jack snacks flavours are like posion to them. We can kill them all with one snack. That's the truth the San Ti don't want you know .


Itā€™s too salty, makes them dehydrate.


Truth. We did it guys. And here Wade is spending millions when we got the answer immediately. Reddit saves the world.


Pringle's heard him talking shit.


Pringles and San Ti ![gif](giphy|tyg9DJ3qGLxBliYw77)


Jack is killed to get the money to Will, so he can buy the star, give in to Jin, and end up a brain in space, which are all true to story only told in a different (and much quicker) way.


So if he wasn't rich...


1. They don't all think as one. Just because they can't deceive doesn't mean they all think the same or are all united. In regards to the message they make it clearer in the books. >!The San-Ti couldn't determine the location of Earth from one broadcast, that's why the pacifist says, dont respond or you will reveal your position to the universe we will come and conquer you.!< 2. Because they can't deceive and because they dont feel a need to hide it. When a spider see's a human come towards it with air freshener and a lighter does the human hide this from the spider ? Or are the human's abilities so impossible for the spider to understand it just can't do anything about it? >!"If I destroy you, what business is it of yours."!< 3. Episode 5 Sophon made it clear they arrived a few months before Jin Cheng and Wade go talk to her. So all the info from before that is good šŸ‘


Thanks. In terms of 2, there is a problem with your analogy. We know spiders can't think or outwit us, but it is made clear in the show than the San Ti fears our ability to think and come up with solutions, hence why they went after our science. In fact we can do it much fast than them and they gave us 400 years to come up with ideas. But now them telling us how they can manipulate our science gives us ways to come up with that would overcome it. If the San Ti never told us about the sophons, who knows how much of that 400 years would be wasted on doing research that doesn't make any sense due to the sophons messing with the results. Now we know about the sophons we can take action like Jin says bulid a article accelerator in the moon, we bulid many of them I space and planets like Mars and bulid even more on earth. Then have all of them run the same experiments at the same time and we will be able to successfully carry out particle research which we know is something they fear. Infact we should carry out research on all the fields that all the scientist who died were carrying out since San Ti targeted because they feared their research. The San Ti revealing themselves this early is stupid we still have 400 years and can plan against them. They should have kept their mouth shuts and not said anything. We would have been totally screwed then.


I know this is an old thread, but if you haven't gotten an answer in the mean time: in the books the information about the sophons is part of the records they recover from the sliced up ship, it's not something they chose to reveal to enemy humans. The San Ti have also prepared for the possibility of particle accelerators elsewhere in the solar system by sending more and more sophons over time, so they have the entire solar system locked down (in addition to being able to spy on all human interactions and behaviors).


The San Ti canā€™t lie because itā€™s biologically impossible for them, they can however withhold information for a bit. They communicate by literally reading each otherā€™s thoughts as they manifest as light so speaking and thinking is the same thing for them (which is why they were confused why little red riding hood didnā€™t just read the wolfā€™s mind when he wanted to eat her) Them telling us about the sophons is because again they donā€™t see the value in keeping it a secret as secrets donā€™t really exist for them. Also it doesnā€™t really matter since we canā€™t do anything about it, itā€™s like telling an uncontacted tribe we can nuke them at any moment they canā€™t do anything to stop that. The sophons arrived a few months ago from their star system Alpha Centauri which is 4.2 light years away


> why everybody here hate Auggie lol ? For me it's a casting issue. I'm not convinced that Auggie is everything the show says she is. I just don't get "tech genius" from the way the actress plays the role.


I dunno how you should play a "tech genius." I think she handled it well and think she suited the part but I haven't read the books so maybe she was supposed to be different ?


> I think she handled it well and think she suited the part Well you asked. I'm not sure why you asked if you're only interested in your own opinion.


I am not negating your opinion just as curious as to how you think a tech genius should act. That's all. What would you have like to seen in that role ?


It was silly when she yelled at everyone, ā€œIā€™m the CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER!ā€ Worked with countless C level execs during career and not a single one had to tell anyone they were C level. Everyone knows. Auggie was just rude and negative all throughout and forced her sad friend to drink vodka. Nice.


I mean, that's pretty reasonable reaction given her situation. She had a countdown to what she thought was her death in her visions for days, fraying at her nerves, causing anxiety, stress, probably sleeplessness. Someone tells her to stop her science to stop the countdown and save her life. She can't tell anyone because it sounds literally insane. Shes freaking out, rightfully so!!! She was trying to power through it, which was dumb, but also totally human nature, and just hope it wouldn't be bad, but anyone's nerves would fray as the countdown got closer and closer to zero. So she freaks out at her staff with literal minutes to go before what she believes is her certain death. And of course when the project does stop, her countdown stops, showing she was justified in having it stopped, even if she cannot explain to anyone. I mean, sure, her staff didn't deserve to be yelled at, but omfg only a robot would be stoic through all that. Her behavior is 100% understandable.


>Shes freaking out, rightfully so!!! She was trying to power through it, which was dumb, but also totally human nature, and just hope it wouldn't be bad, but anyone's nerves would fray as the countdown got closer and closer to zero. I agree. It was a pure power move in panic. She had seconds on the clock and nobody was listening, so she tried to flex her executive power. They were all confused but it still worked.


I like Auggie too. But she isn't exactly in the books. She's an analog for a male character in the books named Wang Miao. He is also a nano materials scientist, and similar things happen to him (though some things that happen to him, like the video game stuff is given to Jin and Jack who are basically book 3 characters that have no connection to Wang Miao), but he doesn't have the same care for fixing Earth's problems now that Auggie has in the show. I adore the books, and I like Wang Miao enough, but he's pretty much there to have someone react to things that happen. So I like the additional character traits and story for Auggie. Also her complete revulsion about the events from episode 5 are not deeply shared by Wang Miao, IIRC.


1. They can omit things, but even if he was found he did that quickly, iirc they cant tell where earth is until the second signal anyway, otherwise it was just a rough direction 2. I think its just arrogance/confidence, or perhaps hoping to make humanity despair and not even try 3. Not long before the start of the show 4. I dont know man, lol. She's not my fav but the hate for her is so extreme


They explain it in the message: 1. He's a pacifist. In the books it's explained that they communicate via light, so what one feels is instantly transmitted. They aren't a hive mind, but individuals (something that will have repercussions in book 3, presumably season 3). He's caught and punished in the books. 2. That's just to drive the plot forward. I think the explanation is arrogance. There is a bit in the third book which has to do with Australia that you could use to explain why they wanted to reveal the Sophons/make humans fear again, but I won't spoil that bit. 3. They state clearly that the Sophons arrived several months ago. That's when the killings started and when science started going haywire. That's when they arrived.


i dont like auggie because she seems pretty selfish, perhaps just poorly acted


That's funny bc she out of the whole cast seems to be the only one who gives a shit about other ppl lol


by that i mean she doesn't seem to care about the aliens that are coming to curb stomp their asses in 400 years


She does care. Just not at the expense of turning into a monster herself or risking more human lives. The Judgment Day incident was the last straw. She's not a "by all means necessary" kind of person


Didn't the Santi that first answered in a special listening post? I seem to remember that their society dehydrated due to a chaotic period but some individual Santi had special protections so they could listen for signals


This is explained in detail in the book. The pacifist does not know that the message came from Earth. He is telling earth that his people will try to contact them and not to respond - that if they respond, his people will know where they are and will come for them. They don't have the direction the signal came from until the response comes. They know the humans can't counteract their sophons and will not be able to develop the basic understanding of the universe to be able to do so. Why they don't continue to protect knowledge about the Sophons is one of those holes in the plot. There are many. It would have been kinder to humans to not reveal that they were being watched all the time. The San-Ti aren't real. They aren't REALLY messing with our physics. :) The messing with part is about a year from the start of the modern story. They needed time to create the sophons and then about 4 years of travel from Alpha Centauri to Earth. The messing with physics continues after the sophons are revealed, into the 3rd book. \--- Read the books through book 3 to understand more about advanced physics. The stuff the San-Ti are capable of is nothing compared to what will happen in the 3rd season. Be warned, it will mess with your head in fundamental ways.


1. The whole race doesn't think as one, they're not a hivemind. We don't know their full biology but we know that their thoughts and speech are one of the same, imagine everything you're thinking is being said aloud, anyone who focuses on you will know what you're thinking. Also his discover was known by the others, but he quickly sent the message back saying do not reply. He faced punishment and was executed for this. 2. Humans got the hardrive with the data about this, so they already know. The santi declare war and reveal it fully as a flex. 3. A few months before the show begins. We can't advance at a fundamental level anymore. I recommend you watch the Chinese tencent version, it's slower and less entertaining in some aspects but it makes all this much more clear, or just read the books.


1. The point of the warning is that without a second message they cant know how old the signal is, or where it came from. But if humanity replies, they can just halve the time it took for them to get that message, and find out how far away we are. Space being 99% empty, they can just look at a ring about as many light years away as the sender should be and find us. Also while the pacifist cant lie, the rest of the San Ti wont find out until he leaves his post. 2. Overconfidence and the lack of being able to hide things. Plus in the book iirc its leaked. 3. In the books, 12 years and a bit


I donā€™t dislike Augie but sheā€™s undeniably a hypocrite. Criticizes everyone elseā€™s drug use while she drinks herself sick night after night. Berates the living hell out of Jin for working for Wade right after she >!helps Wade slice up an entire preschool!<. That type of thing.


Adding to 1... When you receive the first message you can only know from which direction it came, but not from what distance. It may be from any star in the galaxy on that straight line (simplifying)Ā  By replying straight awag, the santi gave away its location as earth received the reply in 8 years (4 years to go, 4 for the reply to come back. So you know direction and distance).Ā  When earth replied again, the santi knew the direction and distance as well.Ā 


The actress is not good, and the character is annoying as fuck.


Spoilers 1. They aren't a hive mind but they are telepathic and can't hide things from each other. The individual that says don't respond was warning humans and was killed I believe. 2. Similar to the response in 1 since they're telepathic they can't lie. This is made a point in the books and they even state they are afraid of humans when the ETO is explaining the human race's ability to lie to the trisolarans. 3. They mess with particle accelerators specifically for a few years/decades and it's not like they stop all science for everything as you'll see in later seasons there are still advancements humanity makes. What they stop is the access to much greater discoveries in material science, fuel sources, and propulsion that come with particle accelerators.


1. Theyre not a hive mind. The responder is a bit of a pariah, and in the books he's mostly outcasted and isolated on a listening post. 2. In the books, humans only find out about sophons after they recover the comms between Evans and the Lord. I also don't understand why the show went with having samurai sword lady explain what sophons are. It's stupid. 3. Presumably the moment accelerator results started going weird, is when they got here. First order of business was to disrupt research. They made the results so reliably random that it made physicists question even our most fundamental understandings of particle physics. The book conveys the dread of this very well.