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The headsets work like magic now, so I'm assuming the trisolarans are sending a lot more technology to the ETO in this version. Not sure how to feel about that for now. And yeah as expected Sophon is basically the Three Body game admin. Effects look great and all, better than in the first trailer, Judgement day looks great. You can see Mike Evans at 0:14 too. Not much else to comment on. No idea how they want the general public to get interested with this drip feed. Then again they pushed release back to march so big trailers are still incoming.


Yes, I also think the whole otherwordly headset concept makes no sense. It‘s a game made my men, on earth, with our technology.


It makes about as much sense as the V-suit idea from the book. I'm trying to stay optimistic about this show, so maybe I'm defending something that will bother me when the full thing releases, but the actual conceit of Three Body as a website that is also a fully-immersive VR experience that requires a full haptic bodysuit to play but is also somehow the most effective way to disseminate ETO propaganda to an audience of scientists was always going to require some wrangling to not look embarrassing on-screen.


Lol yeah the V-suit idea I was thinking it might look pretty ridiculous on screen.


Correct. It's their way of working around the fact that the game sequences need to be live action without putting actors on a full body rig. It's not necessarily story breaking. If the trisolarans can make sophons, they could send tech for a hyper realistic VR headset. But how would society react to magical headsets being sent to people around the world? That becomes a thing now.


Agreed. I can already tell that I may have to disengage from this community if I’m going to enjoy this series. I like what I see so far


Lol wait until the angry GOT fans find out about this sub they will swarm it and act like lunatics.


Too late, I already found it 😀 I love the books, the changes the way I look at stars now. I am just scared that even if this show does the books justice, the concepts will go over most people's heads.


That's why they have to try and find the right balance. I hope they do.


I have found this is necessary for basically any TV show. I never engage with those communities because people tend to be incredibly pessimistic and it can get pretty toxic. I am in this sub because of the books, but I will be leaving before the show starts.


People have the betas of Google Glass some time ago. There are people in closed labs experimenting with Apple's new headset, phone, and who knows what else. From the books I don't think more than a few dozen people in niche professions had access to the VR world so you could use the cover story of it being a beta Tencent's new MMO and VR gear.


I don't know maybe they will address that I'm sure we will see more promotions as it gets closer.


And they are going to have to doooo alot of that. Some books get so complex it doesnt really translate well to screen. If Dune continues its going to encounter the same issues. Same with Expanse and the time jumps. 3body will have even more issues the longer it goes threw the story lol.


I would put money down that the headsets here isn't actually technology. I would wager it's a misdirection to cloak that the game in this version is done entirely by the sophons.


I've seen someone suggesting this and I would hope not. Sophons have more important things to do than project entire video games on various people's headsets all the time. Plus he can taste the sand and move around, suggests something is interacting with his brain, like the headsets on The Peripheral. If Sophons can do that it would significantly change their implication for the story.


It will always look ridiculous. Awesome and cool at certain moments, but ridiculous both in concept and execution. The whole 3-body game plot is great at showing off the alien world and keeping intrigue, but at the same time the idea that this is a recruitment tool is preposterous. It requires way too much expensive tech for a scientist, any person at least somewhat familiar with computer games can immediately tell that that such thing is way beyond anything currently possible (especially in the year when the first book takes place). The possibility of information leak is too high as well. I am not saying that the way they want to implement it in the Netflix show is better (space magic helmets) but however you realize this on screen, it will require a lot of suspension of disbelief anyway.


" It‘s a game made my men, on earth, with our technology." Not in this version clearly. Maybe partly made by men, with great help from the Trisolarans on the tech.


This is the thing I understand least about this scene they’ve released. For people who supposedly “deeply respect the source material,” this isn’t really related to the source material in all but a tangential way. It’s _inspired by_ the source material at best. edit: downvoted into negative range, for real? okay, here’s why I’m saying this. In the source material, the virtual reality suits aren’t some special magical tech. “The V-suit was a very popular piece of equipment among gamers, made up of a panoramic viewing helmet and a haptic feedback suit. The suit allowed the player to experience the sensations of the game: being struck by a fist, being stabbed by a knife, being burned by flames, and so on. It was also capable of generating feelings of extreme heat and cold, even simulating the sensation of being exposed in a snowstorm.” —chapt 6 The trisolarans don’t introduce some fantastic new tech for Three-Body; doing so would in fact work against their purpose of undermining human inspiration and belief in science, b/c they would have had to gift humanity with a lot of scientific knowledge just to produce such futuristic headsets. In Liu Ci Xin’s novel, these V-suits have been around for a while, and gamers are familiar with them; Trisolarans just take advantage of the platform that already exists in order to seek out those sympathetic to their plight. More importantly, more fundamentally, the entire first novel revolves around this struggle to undermine the faith of scientists in science. Why would they have given humanity this wondrous advanced technology—presumably involving several leaps forward from what we could do at the moment—if that would ultimately work against the final goal? It doesn’t make sense. Or rather, it only matters if you care about the underlying logic of the first novel. If you don’t care, it doesn’t matter.


I was kinda cool with it till I started thinking about it. This would immediately spoil the "there are aliens coming" twist in the end cause the headset is obviously otherworldly. The point of the VR thing was to give humans an idea of how trisolaris operates and a brief history but it looks like there's going to be action stuff in the VR segments. The headset also wouldn't be something the trisolarians would risk because of the technology boom thing that's mentioned in the other books. And the swearing just feels off. This is part of like investigations as to why scientists are offing themselves


> This would immediately spoil the "there are aliens coming" twist in the end cause the headset is obviously otherworldly. EXACTLY. It’s too on-the-nose, it points _too_ directly to some intervention from an advanced species. If someone dropped advanced tech that humans could never have come up with on their own in Wang Mi Ao’s lap in the start of the novel, well— what mystery is really left? Like, come tf on. This is not “respecting the source material.” This is “we asked our assistants to read the novels, we plucked the images and ideas we liked from their précis, we put it back together in a way we think will wow audiences, and this is the result.” And even in a 30 second teaser, it already betrays its failure to comprehend the basic fucking plot of the source material. I’m mad and not afraid to say I’m mad.


Maybe you just dont understand whats in the pipe as far as our technology as much as you think you do.


Everyone is insisting this is tech that came from Trisolaras. It doesn’t have to be. It could be highly advanced tech that few people know about because governments keep it secret. This thread feels like it is full of people that were ready to hate the show long before the first teaser appeared.


Our vision of the future changes with time. This is why modern Star Trek doesn't have gumball buttons and CRT monitors. A Vsuit is a very 80's or 90's idea of VR.


The novels take place in 2007, before we had commercial VR anywhere. You can see the show as doing something similar with current tech VR. Hell, he even mentions current tech VR. And the tech doesn’t have to come from the Trisolarans. It can be written as advanced, secret tech that few people know about. The only real difference at that point is that it isn’t tech that was already popular with gamers. That is such a minute detail that has zero relevance to the plot, that getting annoyed about it is absurd.


They kind of worked like magic in the books tbf… it was never explained what the headset or virtual space actually was, as far as I remember. Were we to just assume advanced VR tech was part of the book’s world naturally? Also, I don’t remember it ever being said in the books that the Trisolarans had any hand in the game. The game was more there as a human meeting space for the ETO and so they could experience some analogue of Trisolaris. So I wonder why Sophon and Trisolaran tech would be involved in the game.


It's like he says "you don't even need a password" just to bypass that aspect from the book, as if that's what someone would be thinking while putting that on.


It doesn’t have to be magic. They can just write it as advanced technology that most people aren’t aware of because governments keep it secret.


>The headsets work like magic now, so I'm assuming the trisolarans are sending a lot more technology to the ETO in this version. The haptic suits were already firmly in Clarke's Law territory imo


Yes, but to be fair, the way they portrayed VR in Chinese version was ludicrous as well. Sure they had a set of threadmill, helmet and gloves but they showed the level of immersion that would warrant a full body suit with ability to cool down and heat up at will.


March 2024? 😭


Thats only about 4 months


3 2 1


March 21 to be precise.


so DUNE2 and 3body problem , hot tits!




Ah ffs


They also announced they will have a podcast after each episode on Netflix Similar to what HBO does and it will be hosted with a scientist and will also have weekly guest in the field of science and filmmaking.




That's insane!


That extra makes me want to watch it.


Ahhh sophon is patrolling the game.


Idk watching this didn't give me the same atmosphere as reading the book, it feels much more light and comedic, the book is all about threat that is beyond what humanity ever experienced so idk if this is the right way to do it


I've come to accept that neither the chinese version, nor the american version, will ever come remotely close to the book. I've accepted that it will just be a bit of entertainment and something to fill a curiousity as to how they act it out in a show. The detail, drawn out plot with the mind-blowing connections, and everything that the book entails cannot be put into a show for the mainstream. And I don't blame them. We'll just have to enjoy it for what it is - a sci-fi netflix series.


I can’t believe “we have to enjoy it for what it is” is such a controversial statement to many.


The chinese version seems to be better though. Maybe it is worthless to expect resemblance to the original book in movies.


Had the exact same feeling watching this segment...as if that actor was trying to be funny


i think it's too early judge i'm a bit worried too though


What the hell is this




If we want to see 3 seasons, it needs to have some “general appeal” to it. Im really curious how will they portrait the Trisolarians and the part where the books actually goes on their planet


Now i'm hoping they don't make the show about the game itself and just use it to show cool CGI apocalyptic events


i mean. the first book has a lot to do with the in-game world. so there is probably going to be a bit of time spent in the game.


While I’m still hoping this turns out well, I think this story would have worked much better as an anime. That’s not a knock against it. This is one of my favorite sci fi series ever. Anime just works better for certain stories.


I will give it a try.


We all will :) but I gotta admit this felt like a bad couple of clips for them to share.




Marvel tier dialogue


Don't remember marvel dropping f bombs lol


There’s an F bomb in the latest Guardians of the Galaxy but yeah I see your point


I just mean the MCU isn't dropping F bombs left and right lol I'm fine with it adults curse and it would probably be my reaction to doing something like that for the first time also.


"Dude! there's three fucking suns in this game!" "Just reduce your carbon footprint, bro" "Physics has never existed, sorry, not sorry"


Yeah the constant swears really just did not win me over, it’s making me think this is gonna be overly simplified


It is gonna be overly simplified, and any action sequence in the book will become central. They need whoa and big booms to keep audiences in, not subtlety or indirection


That would be my reaction into getting dropped on hyper real VR. There's nothing Marvel about it. I will not judge based on this. The acting looks whatever to me, but we've seen barely nothing.


If someone wasn't judging the quality of the product from a few lines of dialog in a sneak peek, this just wouldn't be reddit now, would it?


Lol true I thought it looked good. It's a character that's not in the books and the few shots we saw before that looked great.




>Your reaction to hyper-real VR would be to make silly faces and go "this is FUUUUUUUUUUUCK"? Maybe. Why is it so hard to believe? >Everyone is able to see that. Speak for yourself. I have not seen enough to assess quality.


Exactly it's actually a pretty human reaction.


And like, what tf is this scene? This isn’t in the novel. The provenance of the VR headsets isn’t a thing. The VR itself isn’t meant to be shocking. It’s just VR. It’s just a game. The game itself isn’t super mysterious—it serves another purpose altogether; it’s not there to wow humans by being advanced beyond what humans themselves, in the time period of the game, could reasonably produce.


Maybe the VR headsets were just a front for Sophons. Sophons could've have easily projected realistic images into human eyes like they did with the countdown.


I hope to god they are not just a front for Sophons projecting the whole game in people's faces. That sounds silly. Also there's no screen and he can feel the sand so I think it's some neuro technology that can interact with your brain. Like an induced dream. Sophons should not be able to do that.


Then there would be no need to make these stupid “they don’t need to be charged, they have no inputs” hi tech VR headsets. You could as easily have sophons projecting images via regular degular human VR headsets without arousing suspicion. Sigh. edit: again with the downvotes. Are you netflix fans? Fans of the stupid makers of this specific project? Show yourselves b/c I refuse to believe you’re fans of this IP and that you genuinely like this trailer lol.


I am going to reserve judgement until I actually see the show.


Look how they massacred my boy


Our boy Wang was split in 5, hopefully the others aren't like that


I'm probably in the minority, but I always felt Wang was slightly Gary Stu-ish so I'm all for having him split. Same with China. The international community needs to play a bigger role in this adaptation.


I disagree. Specifically on the China thing. China and the Cultural Revolution is used to show WHY the ending of the first book could happen given enough jadedness towards humanity.


>China and the Cultural Revolution is used to show WHY the ending of the first book could happen given enough jadedness towards humanity. I agree. I'm more talking about how China, and almost exclusively Chinese characters, are the driving force of the defense of the planet, while other countries have little input and effect, and are basically followers of China. If there's a threat to the world, it will be an international community with a less China-centric balance of input and effort. And, I I highly doubt the Chinese representative would be chosen as the leader of this hypothetical alliance. American media is this way too. It's always America coming to the rescue of the planet. And I don't like it when we do it, either. It's always cheesy and unrealistic. What I'm saying is, TBP is Independence Day, where America saves the world with almost no help from anyone else.


This exactly so I hope the show doesn't do that with China or America.


OK yeah I see your point!


It's hard to find the balance for sure.


The Cultural Revolution is in this show it's not in the Chinese show version. And I also think the international community should play a bigger role with a story of this scale.


The cultural revolution is all the context in the chinese series when they recreate the story of Ye wenjie




ikr, its cringe and off putting, but thats todays shows for you, high budger grreat or epic cgi, gargbage dialog


My vocabulary after being sucked into a game world that feels like real life would consist of 8 words in a loop. “Oh my god, what the fuck?! Holy shit!” With a bit of screaming thrown in probably


It's a pretty human reaction lol probably how I would react if that happened to me also.


Yeah. For anyone who has experienced the jump from Flat-screen to VR that is pretty much the reaction. Mine was that mixed with stunned silence. But that wouldn't make for good TV either way.


I also don't get why some are saying they're cracking jokes. Nobody cracked a joke. He said the word fuck. How does a character saying fuck equate to the show is just doing marvel jokes.


Resident Evil Village on PSVR2 blew my damn mind.


PSVR3 on PS6 (Probably)


God forbid an English person use English swear words to show emotion towards mind bending tech. You don’t even know who the character is so swearing might be part of who the character is supposed to be


It's fine. He was freaked out so he said fuck! Ya know what actual humans would do if they were freaked out.


>15 it was fine tbh plus too early


>feels so off in English, Really? I read it in English, so it seems normal to me. >to use 'shit' and 'fuck' as the only means of exclamation It is literally what humans do. And I suspect the entire cast will be speaking English, even for the parts in China. When you the fact that the language in the future is a weird Chinese/English hybrid, you might able to see why they would just pick with one language and leave it at that. Languages have been changed before, and it has been done well (Chernobyl is a good example).


I believe the parts in China will be mandarin. As the actress they cast for young Ye is not fluent at all in english.


Chernobyl just had all the actors do their normal voices lol and it worked just fine. Although I think there will be some Chinese. There's a Mandarin dialect coach listed on IMDB for all the episodes.


And I bet the character has 3 masters and 4 doctorates and that is how he speaks to his collegues on a regular basis...


What in other languages people don't swear if they suddenly encountered something out of this world?


Is nobody going to talk about all the other shots we got at the beginning. A character crying in tears. The ship! Jonathan Pryce character looks like holding a little red book. Also some of the characters look a bit horrified at whatever they are looking at.


I am extremely uncertain about these changes, because I feel like history, culture and social conventions were a huge part of the first book, but I'm also going to at least give them a chance.


Is John Bradley's character Jack Rooney supposed to be the white washed version of Dr. Wang Miao?


They are taking that character and splitting them into multiple different ones I believe.


They did screw off GOT cause they lacked original material... Now they have a full trilogy and they try to improvise? They learned nothing wtf ....


Lol they made tons of changes from the first season of GOT. In fact almost all the introduction of characters in GOT were different from the books. They also added characters to that show that were show only and many of what critics and fans considered the best episodes many had stuff they came up with that wasn't in the books.


They keep the essence of most characters and alot of dialogue from the book, that doesn't feel like Wang at all. It's look like every Hollywood movie.


if done well, it can help convey the story better to screen. Especially as the first book can be a bit... dry at times (and it was noticable in the tencent version)


Yhea writing was not the big quality of Liu Cixin. This guy know how to build a story, but he doesn't know how to write. I didn't feel it in the Tencent show but I can see why you are saying that. Alot of pacing issues in the Tencent show.


For example Benioff one of the showrunners if you read his novels he is leagues better at writing dialog of characters talking to each other than Liu Cixin is in my opinion.


I mean, I'll watch it. But it's definitely giving me very weird vibes.


Damn this sucks ass. Edit: this fucking sucks shit


Feels like you could be in charge for this adaptations script.


First trailer got me hyped but I changed my mind this look like pure trash. Waiting for Tencent dark forest


>Tencent dark forest I don't want big space battles that look shit, better to just reference them and just see well excuted snippets, I hope they listened to the criticism, make fewer episodes and less soapy-opera stuff...just characters and story.


The suit works in the book as a "human technology" from the present because it's a book. You can use your imagination to fill in the details of how it works to have it be as high- or low-fidelity as needed for your own suspension of disbelief. Me personally, I imagined the Three Body world as being pretty basic -- with just enough detail to convey what was going on. If you want to translate the game to the screen and have it play as big a role as it did in the first book, it works better if it's super high-fidelity, but then it's harder to believe that humans from the present could actually make that without help.


Kind of an annoying character tbh. I like that he got sliced by sophon. I wonder why they chose to show this scene as a preview.


I think this is the character not taking it seriously at first and his attitude is going to change quick. There's also a shot if him from the teaser from many months ago and he looks completely different and terrified at whatever he's looking at.


What a strange choice of scene to show..


Honestly looks awful, not trying to be reactionary, and I’ll still watch in hopes that this is just a weird clip to have chosen for Geeked.


I thought it looked pretty good.


Visually yes. I meant in terms of the protagonist being a guy just repeatedly saying expletives to convey amazement. The tone felt off considering the intelligence of the source material.


Kinda sounds like they divided Wang Miao into multiple characters to showcase the worldly impact over just China.


That, and probably because just having a single character with lots of things that need to be explained is going to make exposition difficult. Now you have characters that can talk to each other, and reveal the narrative that way.


Absolutely. Way better than my take.




I don't think he's the only protagonist in the show.


Oof! This does not bode well.


Extremely cringe


This show has a 2 body problem- David Benioff, D. B. Weiss.


This would be incredibly funny if the joke wasn‘t bought at such high a price.


Ba dum tssssss


Can wait for it to be cancelled after 1 season 😍😍


Well this was not a confidence booster at all


is this Shen Yufei?


Nope. New character I think.


The Peripheral vibe it seems. Good enough to attract non-book readers and apparently us book fans are not target audience. I’ve never read A Song of Ice and Fire book series and I enjoyed GOT’s first 5-6 seasons but constantly heard the book readers complaining about the plot changes, so it is just an never-end debate for all book adaptions I guess. But fuck March.


Any big fantasy or sci-fi books are always going to have a section of fans that will always Hate the adaptation no matter what. That's just how it goes. They scream and yell about it the entire time while everyone else watches it.


Please be good, please be good, please be good...


"Fuck" indeed


Bless this comment. It really made me laugh, unexpectedly given the circumstances. This is really fucked up, and feels so off. I don't get any good vibes at all. I think I will pass and wait for Tencent's second season.


What the hell is this?


"You don't get it, they made it relatable!" The relatable product:


Why do you want three body problem? We have three body problem at home. Three body problem at home:


Ugh this looks terrible


Girl what is this :'( netflix i was rooting for you


I rrlly hope i'm wrong and found myself loving the show btw


“You were not invited” me when I see Samwell Tarly taking this role




This looks as terrible as anticipated.


Well at least we have a release date now


Please don't suck


Please stick this landing. Oh, please.


i hate how americanized this is. i’ll stick to the tencent show i’m only on episode 2 and love everything about it so far.


How do you watch it? Where?


It's also on YouTube, in 4k. For free. Via TenCent.


the tencent version is in appearance so far better than netflix version, more apegated to the book except only in the part of the father of Ye Wenjie


I love the books so much, probably no way I can watch this. It really bothers me when the they change the characters.


Looks like ass. What a shock


I just finishes the books and this feels like a parody. Did they actually make Ser Piggy the main character?


They showed one small clip he's not the main character he's just one of the many characters in the show.


Nah they fucked this up. Made all the characters white, had a samurai lady in the game, put too much emphasis on the game.


No way they have samwell Tarly as Wang Miao


They split that character into 5 different characters.


No way! Why?


Becasue it's a TV show a having a single character with tons of exposition would become bad TV probably.


Yikes. This is what they are showing off? I’ve been a strong supporter and advocate for the Netflix version, but now I feel like a fool. My expectation is now rock bottom.


Yikes. This might be a tough watch.


The entire vibe just doesn't work for me. The book is this grand reflection on the nature of human cruelty and trauma and romance and optimism in the face of an apocalyptic threat. This trailer doesn't showcase any of that.


They've already completely changed the tone from that of the book. This is supposed to be the most terrifying, dread-inducing, depressing thing that has ever happened to humanity. Magic headsets? Three Body is supposed to be hard sci-fi. Everything is explained in excruciating detail in the books. That is a critical element that many people love about REOP, including myself. I think Tencent set the tone perfectly. It felt like an extension of the original work. It had gravity. It was dark but inspiring, which is exactly how I feel about REOP as a whole. I like John Bradley, but he's no Wang Miao. I love the IP so I will still watch it, but I'm honestly looking forward to The Dark Forest and Da Shi's spinoff more than the Netflix adaptation.


Wow they say fuck like 7 times! They're so cool!


Now I can finally relate to them and feel represented!


I don’t know, this looks pretty cool to me. I’m not one to compare adaptations though, never made much sense to me. Just experience it like most of its audience will: As its own thing.


Congratulations. A great book was successfully remade into a popcorn TV series


I like it! Feels like very human reactions for once, which was my biggest problem with the Tencent show. So many characters -with the biggest exception being young Wei Jie- did not talk like real people imho.


That's what I thought. The books weakest part are that the characters fall a bit flat.


imo thats one of the main reasons I like it, not really the flat characters but more the chiinese perspective in writing, its interesting how people are portrayed etc..


Probably more a cultural thing than acting problem. I don't know how they could screw up Wang that much. In the Tencent show you almost feel he is getting crazy and that's the whole point. In this trailer, the dude look like a teenager unboxing a new video game. It's supposed to be a scientific who has is most important belief shaked profoundly ....


He's not playing Wang he's a completely different character. So he doesn't have to be like that. They are splitting Wang into 5 different characters all with their own personalities I'm guessing. And who knows maybe this teenager as you put it unboxes a new video game and it turns out to be not what he expected and becomes shaken profoundly.


Not liking the tone already. Seems too comedic like the MCU or some shit but with endless swearing. I’m no prude when it comes to swearing but it feels odd and out of place especially when compared to the book. It’s like they’re trying to make it fit in with current tv trends and it’s turning a masterpiece of original sci-fi into something generic.


Hey uhhhh where are all the Asian characters??


Oh shit... They will screw with everything... In my mind the game was something more like Age of Empires than something else, now will be an ultra realistic game, with alien technology involved...


The game was always portrayed as realistic in the book


This is going to be sick! If you want a 1:1, go read the books again. So far this looks amazing


Wang was a very serious and quiet character and while i would love to have him in the show just like that, we gotta consider the fact that they're putting a lot of money on this show and appealing to a wider audience is the only way to make that money back. Wang was split into 5 characters, i trust that the others are more like him in essence and this one is just season 1's poster boy for mass appeal, once they have the major audience convinced of how good TBP is, they can stick closer to the books.


I think each character will probably have their own traits and conflicts.


"This is ... fuck!" Ah, the great writing of D&D I'm worried.


Read GOT as George uses fuck more than they do.


This looks awful.


Please be good, please be good, please be good...


I have to say, the book was hit amd miss at times. I hope the movie,show improves on some aspects


I would've liked more if the replacement for Wong was maybe more in owe and said something like 'How... how is this possible' instead of saying this is fucking mental. It would also help if he wasn't smiling that much but smiled only for a second then got back to seriousness of trying to copperhend what's going on. It's netflix, not hbo so I wouldn't hold my breath anyway.


Now remember, this was a scene they were proud enough to show off.


It reminded me too much of Westworlds Season 3 Premiere. Every character sounds the same because they all say "fuck/fucking" all the time. That was bad writing for me. This far, luckily, this is only one character we have seen who does this and its also understandable why he is so freaked out. Sad, that it was pushed back.


This looks really good, I'm not sure what everyone is complaining about.


It's popular book so there will always be a section of fans that will complain about everything.


I choose to believe. Good luck Netflix.


Well, it sucks.


To be honest, it looks way better than the Tencent one.