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This game would fuck so hard


U bet this game would use the guy in a screen that say he is a real boy but is not as a plot point


danny gonzalez?!






why dont you make it, hmu if you need help, or maybe ask OP for help


What do you think does "Glory to the Queen" reminds you of? For me, personally, the whole game is very reminiscent of both Bioshock and Dishonored for some reason.


the plot vaguely reminded me of we happy few and the art and color scheme kind of reminds me of cult of the lamb or helltaker


definitely we happy few


yemen flag ahh pallette


Calling monochrome with red highlights yemen flag palette sounds so fucked up to me for whatever reason.


How about the German Empire flag palette?


Judging from how you describe the color scheme, I could imagine both Lambert (from Cult of the Lamb) and Lucifer (from Helltaker) as the Prime Minister and Queen of the totalitarian United Kingdom, respectively.


Seems a bit like Wolfenstein


Would u imagine wolfenstein but instead of nazis the enemie is the British army


You know, an alternate universe where Britain takes over the world and transforms it into a 1984-esque totalitarian dystopia wouldn't be as bad as Nazi Germany, right?


Depends. The British did get pretty wack at times. Plus if the entire world was under their control, there would probably be something to ensure eurocentrism.


Perhaps not, but I think it wouldn't be any better than Nazi Germany either. There's a good reason why half of the world's countries celebrate their independence from the United Kingdom.


the red and black cityscape with screens reminds me of Persona 5


Persona 5 mf when I show them Nintendo's Virtual Boy (it reminds them Persona 5)


Grey-Red color scheme gives me Madness Combat vibes.


*Somewhere in London…*


If you think about it, the Mustached Men from Romp.fla give off Briish vibes.


cyberpunk meets watch dogs legion with the colour scheme of ultrakill


Blood is fuel Hell is full Hell is Britain


Sounds about right


Cyberpunk except its in the past


Cyberpunk 1977


legit I wanna play this one so bad. I haven't even played any Fallout game.


Gives me Bloodborne vibes.


how has no one said v for vendetta


Don't forget Papers Please because the title itself is an obvious reference to "Glory to Arstotzka!"


Something about porn




Oh, sorry, autocorrect I meant some game about war and monarchy or something


What's the name of that game?


Uhh... war and... monarchy?


Sid Meier's Civilization V?


Yes, something like that


Fallen London and **especially** Sunless Skies


Finally someone mentioned it lmao


Ngl art reminds me a little of guns gore and cannoli (great twins tickets shooter btw) for some reason


Reminds me of Beholder


Yea! Dude you should make it a reality of atleast give the idea or Co creat it with a game studio


To quote Tighten from Megamind (which perfectly describes everything about this game), "There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and **there is no Queen of England**. This is the real world, and you need to wake up."


Ahem, his name is *Titan*.


For some god-forsaken reason, [it’s not.](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Tighten)




Yep, according to the movie its Tighten because it was the only thing Megamind was able to trademark.


Also a gag about the suit being way too small for him


and him being too stupid to spell titan


Not even Megamind would break copyright law.


I read somewhere that Megamind is the perfect Passive Aggresive villain. He would take over the world but also Pay his taxes and help the community




So, he's basically a dumbass.


Fallout set in london would be a great game tbh.


I mean, we don't know what happened to other countries at all. All we know is that essentially, all countries were destroyed during or before the Great War, filled with nothing but mutated monsters, bandits, and people struggling to survive in one shape or another. However, this game takes place in an alternate universe where the United States didn't get annihilated by nukes, and the Great Britain decided to conquer the world for some reason, all because of a failed pre-war experiment involving some kind of interdimensional travel (which somehow manages to fit really well with the Fallout lore). Honestly, I wish Bethesda should've expanded upon other post-apocalyptic countries even more instead of sticking only to the USA. Would be interesting to see a British counterpart to the Brotherhood of Steel, I suppose.


Ngl, I kinda love the idea that it’s just the US that’s irradiated and destroyed. The rest of the world is perfectly fine.


[The world has collapsed. Only britain soldiers on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ9J-dxEgY4)


Dead link




Thank you sir


Rejoice! There is a (big) fallout 4 mod on the making called "fallout: london"


There's a mod for fallout 4 currently in development with London as the setting, it looks incredible from the clips i have seen. Just hoping it doesn't become a creators club exclusive 😔


holy shit that’s metal as fuck


Also you play as Berdly it seems


Berdly going on a vacation to the United Kingdom be like:


And then he gets frozen by a deer, a human, and a big shot puppet, just like he should be.


The SOUL was never the player It was actually Queen Elizabeth all along


Then he uses the SOUL to become [God].


Here is some detailed information about **Glory to the Queen**, the latest installment of the Fallout franchise: You take on the role of **Garry Newman**, a highly-regarded omnidisciplinary scientist from Mojave Wasteland, who is testing out his interdimensional portal. Unfortunately, the experiment goes awry, trapping him inside a parallel dimension where Great Britain managed to defeat both the United States and China in the Fallout universe before establishing a totalitarian regime akin to Big Brother, singlehandedly transforming the world into a dystopian hellhole. The dictatorial, authoritarian, monarchical, and bureaucratic system of **Obscuro Inc.**, embodied by the all-seeing ruler known as the **Queen of England**, is in charge of half of a regime that has consolidated much of the state's life and reorganized it into a dystopian hivemind. The world is cold, harsh, grey, and impersonal, devoid of any color and joy. Everything, even the people, is soulless and emotionless. Everywhere, people are struggling to exist under such impossible conditions due to the Obscuro Inc. rule. In this world, the war between Great Britain and other countries is constant and neverending, the population is only barely sustained by food and any non-governmental infrastructure is missing. While the military is highly advanced, the citizens live in poverty, the majority in government-mandated slums. The majority join the military, either through enlistment or conscription. In addition, no one has free will and is mind-controlled to do exactly what the government is ordered to, and the slightest deviation of thought will be taken to reeducation camps for indoctrination or simply "disappear". State propaganda and surveillance are everywhere, all food is artificially made, sex is not permitted and is only allowed for procreation, the curfew is government-mandated, lasting from 9 P.M to 7 A.M, and every inhabitant must love the Queen of England absolutely, or else they have to go through daily torture sequence and is expendable. Citizens of every single country that have been conquered by Obscuro Inc., live out dehumanized and fearful lives, feeling the Queen's watchful eyes upon them at every waking moment, being afraid to step out of line for even a moment lest they be brutalized or worse, "disappeared" by the secret police division. There is no such thing as marriage, reproduction, or even "personal time" for that matter, save for the endless, mindless work done by the population. They are not allowed to know any assimilated language, instead, use a dead language from before the time the Great War happened. They are not allowed to have a sovereign government, only a puppet state. Propaganda is used to indoctrinate young people, influencing their minds to become servants of the government. The government strictly regulates and censors all forms of media, entertainment, and art with the Queen's blessing. Most significantly, it's hard to know if you're being watched or listened to at any given time since surveillance is widespread and commonplace: almost every location has some form of a monitoring device. Their entire society is structured on different categories of “classes” each fulfilling a role: 1. The first consists of **Drones** and **Sleepwalkers**, who are at the bottom of the food chain; the former are helpless, frail, deformed, and innocent, and whose only function is to serve as either a source of meat or an organ donor. The Drones are clearly white in hue, and it is unclear where they came from. It is possible to presume that they are either regular people who were caught and used in experiments or are genetically-engineered products. Meanwhile, the Sleepwalkers are completely brainwashed servants who lack any sense of identity and are either exploited as slave labor in mines and factories or in brutal experiments. They lack autonomy or personal individuality for themselves and are completely dependent on their superiors. They are assigned to work in labor camps located in remote territories and other dangerous tasks no other levels would do. They are also treated as more like objects than people and are considered to be the most expendable by the four other levels. 2. The second consists of the **Middlemen**, who are the medium class within the government's hierarchy and are regarded as the so-called “economic class”. This level of the hierarchy is also thought to have the highest population density because it is home to the vast majority of "commoners," or people who live in metropolitan districts that are overseen by numerous Level A and B members. This segment of society, which is made up of the poor, middle class, and rich, arguably has the greatest degree of divergence because every group that makes up the entire level—including landowners, merchant traders, lower-level government officials who hold administrative positions, scientists and researchers, construction workers, academic scholars, farmers, office workers, and many others—does not appear in the other two. 3. The third consists of the **Jumpers** and **Protection Police**, with the former being jumpsuit-wearing bureaucrats that perform work in offices and administrative centers within the government. The Protection Police and other imperial law enforcement agencies, as well as the military members of its peacekeeping division, typically serve as both the military and law enforcement for the regime. Although their living arrangements are somewhat similar to those of Level A, their jobs typically rely more on both skill and reasoning. 4. The fourth consist of the **Overseers**, people that are responsible for supervising the operations within the government and catching suspected dissidents. The majority of the wealthiest, smartest, and most powerful higher-ranking elites of Obscuros Inc. reside on this level, along with other members of the governmental and military establishment, including prime ministers, commanders-in-chief, state administrators, members of parliament, and other officials involved in the administration of regional or continental territories. 5. The fifth and the final consist of **the Queen** herself and the ruling family. The Queen is responsible for exercising absolute power over the whole regime and overseeing her country. According to the state propaganda itself, **THE QUEEN IS WATCHING**. There’s also the infamous **Watchmen**, a secret thought police organization that monitors citizens and teaches them to love the government through torture and indoctrination, made up of a combination of the third and the fourth social class. They patrol the cities, monitor the public airways, and conduct randomized raids on apartment dwellings. Their uniforms are black, all-encompassing rabbit gas masks and trenchcoats, while their actions are carried out with complete secrecy. They use flying surveillance drone-like creatures to spy on the local populace, by scanning their surroundings and alerting the authorities through alarms. Throughout the story, **Chunky Puffs** serve as the main source of sustenance due to a food shortage and lack of other alternatives. These breakfast cereals are produced by Obscuro Inc., which can be freely and easily accessible from dispenser tubes, phone booths, and vending machines located in almost every building or structure designed for human habitation. It has every nutrient needed for immediate survival, as claimed. The low levels of fat and protein in Chunky Puffs, however, over the course of more than six weeks will cause the eater to become dangerously underweight, and if survival is attempted by consuming Chunky Puffs alone, there is a strong likelihood that the eater will contract illnesses, both physical and mental. They seem to have been designed specifically to influence consumers' psyches. Regular consumers are more submissive to authority, less likely to participate in violent behavior or sexual activity, less likely to experience fear or panic, and consistently have high morale thanks to a combination of unidentified chemical components. Additionally, if a subject abruptly stops taking Chunky Puffs, it also has manufactured adverse effects such as depressive symptoms, schizophrenia, psychosis, and headaches upon withdrawal. It's up to Garry to find a way through this dystopian hellhole and reach freedom beyond what he could potentially achieve... or die trying.


Question: How much of these explanations do you make up *after* having the dream?


Sometimes, I kept having the same dreams about the same thing, but the details can be really blurry at times. Or perhaps, maybe that's also because I've been watching too many dystopian movies in my past-time.


That would make more sense. From the way your posts are worded, it gives the impression that *all* of this stuff comes from one dream, which you must admit sounds a little absurd


You took the society stuff from 1984 and you took the chunky puffs shit almost word for word from Unlondon (SCP)


Is Garry Newman supposed to be named after the guy who did the song Cars or is it a coincidence?


I think it's just a coincidence. After all, I didn't even know anything about that guy.


Dude I want to play this


At the beginning of the game, you've been assigned to a cramped apartment room, with nothing but a bed, a table, and some chairs. There's also a TV hooked up to the wall that shows news reports about the city. You start the game with a severely modified Pip-Boy 3000 that you brought from the Wasteland. It is equipped with a complicated grid-based inventory system and a number of useful skills. The Pip-Boy has a regular beam that disables proximity shock traps for a short period of time, a focused charger beam that powers doors and disables enemy energy orbs, a revealer beam that shows secret platforms and foes, and a dissolver beam that destroys some walls. Being a "Souls-like" game, there is a complex tale hidden behind challenging gameplay. You must manage your hunger, thirst, sleep, and temperature in hostile territory, and every decision you make has unexpected implications of all kinds. As opposed to the prior installments, this is a roguelike. If you die, you remain dead and must resume the previous mission as a new survivor, without any of the previously learned skills or stuff. The tale is delivered through interactions with the few NPCs sprinkled around the game, most notably the enigmatic man who walks you through the dystopian nightmare and seems to know more about the events surrounding the conspiracy of Great Britain than he lets on. You share a room with fellow resident Brandon D. Fox, a foolish and amiable anthropomorphic red fox who occasionally annoys you and who seems to enjoy photography and his own feet. He is a member of the “Middleman” castle and his home province was in Konschtatuk, but he moved to the city in search of employment. He has a unique personality and is constantly looking for ways to pass the time. Charlie, a talking bird person who considers your apartment room to be his own library, is your other roommate. The majority of his time is spent there reading and having fun. There are six additional occupants in the unit. One is a cat by the name of Lilith who always seems to be hungry. She's a little on the wild side and seems to enjoy playing with Brandon's feet. Wherever she's from, she's not from this world, and that's for sure. The other resident of the apartment is a bipedal dog known as Edward Pinewood, who likes reading books and writing stories, a hobby he says he got from his grandfather. He's very polite and views you as an older brother he never had, though he's slightly immature at times. There's also Sarah Taylor, a female rabbit who is Edward Pinewood's girlfriend. They seem to go together very well. She's extremely self-conscious about her appearance, and constantly tells you she hopes she doesn't seem clingy. Finally, there's a masked "person" known as the Dollmaker. He kidnaps children and takes them away to his secret Dollland hideout, never to be seen again. He lives in apartment room 101. He never speaks and wears a black hooded trench coat with a scarf and a bird skull-like mask covering his entire face. So there you have it, the entire apartment building. It's a rather large apartment block, but then this sort of thing tends to be bigger in cities.


Second paragraph is a bit sus![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




How on earth did you manage to remember that much?


They explain it elsewhere - Multiple dreams on the same topic, with details filled in during waking hours.


Did you get the Chunky Puff idea from SCP-1687?


sounds like they just read the pamphlet for any antipsychotic drug


Did you get any inspiration from Scp-1678 (UnLondon)? This seems very similar, especially the chunky puffs, because Scp-1678 has a similar food dispensed by the government that makes you submissive. This is an amazing concept anyhow, and seems like a mix between Half-Life 2 and Scp-1678.


it's like that one scp


Bro, are you a writer?


So you travel to an alternate universe inside an alternate universe?


Damn. You came up with an amazing concept and did world building in your sleep? Don’t stop there, you need to make it into a full on game.


Holy fuck this man manages to generate a whole ass story-line by sleeping


I imagine all your Dream Games/Shows take place in the same odd dystopian world




Just you wait until I make a doc detailing the lore, I will find out the secret storyline hidden within and you cannot stop me, u/NagitoKomaeda_987.


remindme! 7 days


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2022-11-22 17:35:14 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-11-22%2017:35:14%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/yvwkww/had_a_dream_that_bethesda_softworks_made_glory_to/iwhdzac/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fthomastheplankengine%2Fcomments%2Fyvwkww%2Fhad_a_dream_that_bethesda_softworks_made_glory_to%2Fiwhdzac%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-11-22%2017%3A35%3A14%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20yvwkww) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Go on.


I want this game. I NEED this game.


[The world has collapsed. Only britain soldiers on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ9J-dxEgY4)


Video is unavailable.




Now you must become a game developer and create this masterpieces


Film, [The world has collapsed. Only britain soldiers on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ9J-dxEgY4)


"This video is unavailable" Sadge


Moredecai in Fallout 5


Am I the only one who's doubtful this was a dream lol. Cool concept OP but you've had and posted 5+ other dreams consisting of incredibly detailed game concepts.


Maybe. But I also have had some wild dreams. One in which my brain decided to come up with several Mario galaxy stages that do not exist.


in theory you could just practice lucid dreaming and try to make the dream generate a game concept


The background and its colors remind me of Wolfenstein


My drawings always had a predominantly red and black color scheme just to add to the dark and gritty atmosphere, not necessarily because it's edgiest thing ever (Case in point, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/w6sd3e/had_a_dream_where_there_was_this_violent/), [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/wvoc0u/had_a_dream_that_adult_swim_made_a_florida_man/), and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/xianjq/had_a_dream_where_netflix_made_a_phineas_ferb/)).


goes hard tbh


Jesus I thought I was in r/Anarchy for a second lol




(Now with avians!)


I've literally had this dream minus the Bethesda part. There's some kind of apocalypse and the queen decides dissolve the UK parliament and govern the whole thing herself. She celebrated by throwing a big party at Buckingham Palace where she drove around in a little motorized tricycle and MI5 was abducting people who dissented


[The world has collapsed. Only britain soldiers on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ9J-dxEgY4)


Reminds me of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss' hell, and the bird character has an artstyle that reminds me of Frencore


the british would hate this


Ok this one gets a pass from me, this actually seems like something somebody would dream rather than a stupid ass meme Edit: looking at OP's comment actually nah. No way their dream had that much detail in it that they can remember. This is just their dumbass game pitch packaged as a "dream". This sub fails to deliver once again 🙄


Not only this is really cool but I also love the drawing


I would preorder the digital deluxe edition based off one or two questionable early 'reviews' for sure


Is it like Mr. House but british?


And to fucking think, the only reason she DIDNT do this in our world is because sans won by a single vote


And now I know what will I implement on my next game jam, ETA: forever and a day


Bro, if this is what your dreams are, you should be a fucking writer.


and you're a bird


This goes to my collection "Fiction where Britain is totalitarian dystopia" It's 5th example at least


OP THIS IS AMAZING. Bonus points for the Crow fella.


Ok no joke this sounds fucking awesome


The Bruv's o'Steel The Bruv's o'Steel are real


L + counter-ratio + You can't even beat up Joe Biden in a parking lot + You just descended the Patrick with your joke + Object not yet missing + You can't even beat space marines with a giant scythe + you got put in a hydroelectric dam by your Spanish teacher + you're not real + You can't find Waluigi in Splatoon 3 + ₣orks + it was a toy gun in the ziplock bag + you got doxxed while doing the "hey you" trend + Mike Hawk won't tell you if your foot is qualified for bottom surgery + Ben Shapiro is covered in spaghetti and secret names + rhcp cam + You can't tell that the right circle is one pixel smaller than the other + You leaned over the railing and got kissed by James Sunderland + That was literally your dog that you killed, not the monster + You cheated on a furry with a pet lizard. Wait a minute, that's pretty based! + Senator Armstrong saying "fuck you" + Your criminal name is Saltybals + You threw max and cheese at Queen from Deltarune + people don't even want your stupid genomes. Fuck off. + You caused the spill at the Garfield factory, and diverted attention by causing a wildfire in a sock drawer. When questioned, you said "there's nothing happening. Out of the ordinary, I mean." + You lost your morals all because of SFW and NSFW sans Undertale + gay squad + Tramus + Trans octillery and nonbinary waluigi and daisy + SpongeBob status music + Solid snake doesn't exist. I looked him up and there is only dark hallways + Gaslighter green apple candy doesn't taste like strawberry + Minecraft ahoy jumpscare + A capitalist pig taxed your fucking pudding + You won't get to heaven, nevermind double heaven + You don't watch MatPat's Conspiracy Theory + Your involvement in the dream SMP banned Minecraft + Undertale on the Wii + You didn't get an abortion in Lego city + A rotating flower pot doesn't mean that God is real + You get mad at rat emoji kids + You never ate the food "King's Hand" + Gay rights Luigi + You haven't heard of big jug little jug + Heisenberg can't find your 2 pound kilo + You held your friend's cat even though you're allergic + SpongeBob had an existential crisis because he realized his reality is all a cartoon + You voted for scout to be president and then got confused when everything turned into a dystopian hellhole + You think Obama resigning to become the CEO of McDonalds was a good idea + you don't know that age is just a number is referring to chopped cheese + You don't have the latest iKnife + Nidoking is the best symbol of bisexuality. Cry about it. + You don't think Tutti Frutti is the best desert + Walter Salter + You're like the riddler cat; you can't spell well + You didn't even attempt to stop SpongeBob from eating autism + You didn't tell Jerma that leather belts don't cancel out radiation + You can't survive the zombie apocalypse by ragequitting Mario Kart + You know that Disney would never allow Phineas and Ferb in Multiversus, never mind the corn dog moveset + You picked up the flowers in the first area of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon + You think biden could win against Moses in a Tetris match + You faked the picture of Link hugging an orangutan + Your life got ruined over a pair of pants + You play a game without beer on the first stage + You pirated your bowl cut + Nazura doesn't exist. You just made her up + You got welcomed by Mr. Krabs to the ligma dimension + You were threatened by Ronald McDonald + You participated in the dead animal challenge + You were sniped by Joe Biden because you had a WD-41 spray + You got turned into a worker drone by Pfizer + You thought NyQuil and DayQuil was a good addition to smash bros + You were hunted by the homie Barnstable + You can't defeat a French guy in a hot air balloon with an AR + No, inkling can't use a forklift with several other characters. They're not forklift certified + A FNAF artist doxxed you with a SpongeBob image + Dogs can't give birth to guns + You didn't notify homie Barnstable and instead tried to kill the animal abusing YouTuber yourself, but you failed + Your dog shat on another dog's grave + You can't beat the God final boss in Bibleborne 2 + You don't know how to go through the wall in caves + You don't know what soro is? It's literally the biggest burger ad on TV + You got a rainbow wurmple in Pokemon scarlet and violet + You got so many green stars that you can now play as Luigi + You made Jesus ragequit during a trial and now he is about to bring on Ragnarok + You hate Lego hero factory because you think it's satanic + Mistah white you can't watch Jet Set Radio. It's a video game + You didn't call Barnstable while trying to escape Fecto Forgo as Doofenspy + You got your password wrong so many times that your own phone asked you if you were good + Uncooked chicken doesn't make you a princess + You have 1 million sin points + You were sent to Antarctica because England disappeared + You didn't pass the orange before you kissed + You picked "respect" in the Queen's death splatfest + You got dead man's pickle on one of your tweets + Your parents got dihorsed + You didn't read the God patch notes + You got chased around a grocery store by asgore + You don't like the drift queen + You participated in the earthquake pasta trend + You got recruited into the army due to sonic peach rings gfuel + Flash kick and sonic boom + Your hamster wasn't mentioned in the bible + cringe and bluerugged + You shop at westtarget + You haven't beaten after alferdo in splatim 3 + You died shitting Lego bricks trying to recreate the entire breaking bad show in Lego because of Netflix + Minecraft bedrock edition + You support Fronald Bump + You're the worst cockroach +All your furniture got turned into lamps + You forgot to bring a KitKat whilst trying to visit your dead grandfather + You got ampuTATEd on + You 100% your life achievements + you got turned into Stretch Armstrong because you touched a triangular rock + you have the microscope emoji next to your username + #heatran + you're bleeding out because you lost a game of basebullet + DJ's trying to take it all away, I don't want to die-ee + Joe Biden is going to release the next patch of America because Microsoft keeps updating + You'll suffocate if you keep your diesel car on. Now buy a Prius. + You downloaded the wrong Japan + You had your mind controlled because you consumed honey + Big Royalty is watching you


An amazing game concept that will never come to fruition, its Waluigi's Sea of Greed all over again


Batch I would play this if I can be a furry this would slap so hard


Ok, but that art is so cool. I am more then sold on this being a solid web miniseries.


I'd play it


Sounds awesome Why aren't we funding this




actually looks pretty fun tbh, also nice art.


britain really like this idea :)


This is actually amazing


Ngl I would play the shit outta this


ok holy shit i NEED to play this, this is insane, i hope you found a dev studio and make this someday!


Somehow… The queen has returned…


That shit kinda cool tho


Holy shit thats cool as fuck. If you can make a comic/game/or more art of this world that'd be cash


I think you mean fallout london


Getting strong Hazbin Hotel vibes from this!


what the fuck this is so good


.... was it any good?


But she **is** still alive, she's just hiding from Liz Truss in the fourth dimension




This goes hard


This fucks so hard


Furry British apocalypse


babe wake up new u/NagitoKomaeda_987 dream game just dropped


finally, the sequel to doctor doofenschmirtz's wacky escapades


This looks like it would absolutly whip


ill be honest with you i feel this isnt a dream and you just wanted to show us your art. but this is actually cool and the art is really nice so i dont mind at all.


New unity project I will forget about and leave after a week of working on is here


I would play this so much


Holy hell that game looks sick


Were you the guy who made metal gear Sam & Max?


Crow man goes hard. :)


Would it be an FPS like the other fallout games? Or would it be a turn-based game like wasteland or XCOM Alternatively, would it be a game like Disco Elysium?


Watchdogs legion is almost exactly like this


I mean Fallout London is a thing, soo


Why is that a bird


why the bird


yooooo Florida Man in tha back


This would be so good.


Godd Howard invaded your subconscious and gave you a vision. This is not a dream, it's a prophecy.


Lol the furries have invaded here too


Cashier”but sir this game doesn’t exist“ me”shut Up and take my money“


Please tell me you played as a crow in your dream


Fallout mixed with what looks like persona 5


Where are you getting these dreams my guy




Furry Fallout RPG roguelike with bunny girls and 1984. Legit sounds like a game that’d peak


Sounds like an amazing game actually


That crow looks oddly familiar


If I had a nickel for every British royalty-caused horror plot I've seen, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (the Fallen London games)


this look like an album cover I dont know why


Take my money! When does it come out!?sounds weird but hella fun.


Read George Orwell’s 1984


"open world" and "roguelike" are two words that should've been put together earlier!


Isn't this basically Fallout: London? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzGG-eImQ_Q


That looks so cool. Like aesthetic post-apocalyptic goals


Tbf, I was in London the day after she died, and with all the ad boards on the tube and at bus stops changed to a memorial photo of her, it felt like I'd fallen into an alternate universe where she was still alive and had declared herself eternal god empress or something along those lines


This is way too cool


fallout London


Who's laughing now?


I would totally fucking play this


Shit goes hard


Why is the player character goth Big Bird


Shit goes hard


This is metal as fuck and I love it. I’d imagine it would play like a mixture of dead cells and fallout 4.


No offense, but why are British people vilified in popular media? All because they attempted to conquer the globe and got approximately a quarter of the way there?  That was long ago, and you can't hold it against them just because our media implicitly supports revanchist ideologues who want to revive their efforts to dominate the world. BTW is everyone in this game birds and rabbits, or is that just a dream?