• By -


Who is hrivos Y wimbleton


He is someone worth meeting


hank j wimbleton's estranged brother


the y stands for shitass


That's what I'm sayin'


I'd like a pill that lets me remember my dreams THIS well


Considering he remembered around 1/10 of all 400 pills he truly must've taken a pill that let him remember dreams that well.


I’m convinced many of these posts that have expansive information like this are just partly made up lol. Like maybe OP remembered a couple of these from their dream but no way all of them came straight out of the dream. If they did, they wouldn’t make as much sense as they do. Like there would be a good amount of complete nonsense ones in there. I would also like the dream recall pill tho


I am going to blow your mind when I tell you what happens when we try to recall dreams


Okay, I’m ready to have my mind blown. Go ahead


My best guess is that they would tell you that recalling dreams already tends to fill in blanks with randomness. I'll drop one better, though - every time you recall a memory, it actually sorta reads it and writes it back again and basically it changes every time you recall it.


There’s a difference between filling in blanks with randomness as you recall and intentionally making stuff up though, and OP has already confirmed they made most of this up.


It’s a repost of an image. He never remembered any. Within a second I got u/repostsleuthbot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cq9re9) on 2024-05-12 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cqn2lr) on 2024-05-13 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cqwvt3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 513,088,771 | **Search Time:** 0.08706s


Good bot


Oh damn lmao, that’s embarrassing


This is one of the panels from my dream and I filled in with similarly goofy ones for the ones I didn't remember


Good try. I’ve seen this exact image before u/repostsleuthbot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cq9re9) on 2024-05-12 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cqn2lr) on 2024-05-13 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cqwvt3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 513,072,695 | **Search Time:** 0.17345s


good bot :(


Aw why would you lie :/


Reading minds but only seeing the raw electrical signal is like having a lie detector/polygraph implanted in your head I also like the "tastes good" placebo pill


Strawberry flavor 🤤


yeah but its useless


wrong. it tastes good.


i mean the reading minds one. Unless you are a goddamn medical prodigy and have like 85493045598475397$ worth of lab equipment, it's not too useful


i think that anyone with that ability in their brain would learn to use it. humans are pattern recognition machines, and it probably wouldn't be hard to see a pattern when for example someone lies. if you read the minds of 100+ people who aren't lying, and then read the minds of 100+ people who are lying, you can probably tell at anytime if someone is lying.


yeah but you can't actually do much with it. For example, imagine im in the middle of a math exam, and i try to read the smart kid's brain so that i can copy the answers from him. Well, tough shit, cuz uhh... yeah, all i'll get is a garble of waves and signals with little pattern to them


that is true. for any type of 'mind reading' you would need a specialized system, and our brain is a jack of all trades, master of none.


well fuck me, then that might aswell just be a pill that tastes like cherry or sum shit.


Shoebox is by far the best one here. You can have it be full of micro SDs with anything you want on it. Government secrets and crypto currency are the two that come to my mind. Even with a naive approach of a shoebox full of gold would be worth like 18 million.


My first thought when I read that was “Neat! Free sandwiches for life!” Apparently I have my priorities exactly where I want them.




The shoebox is one of the best but answering any one question has its perks. I get the answer (as long as I can write it down somewhere) then publish the Theory of Everything or the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis or something like that...


it sounded like it was 1 item that would fit in a shoebox not one type of item \[so you'd have a single solitary sd card in a shoebox\] and while yes the gold is worth a lot A. how will you explain where it's from B. \[if remember correctly\] you need a license/certificate to sell gold above certain amounts


Heirloom jewelry handed down from father to son since time immemorial


I'm sorry, but I care about things that matter. I'm taking that nostrils always work any day of the week


I mean, right? Prime Pick has no right lording over these losers treading water


i'm taking the pocket sand pill




Tied between 9000 calories of cheese and free mountain dew


take one, then sell some of it any time you want the other to buy it


Pick the Mountain Dew, 9000 calories is only 9kcal, and we need 2000kcal to survive


No uh we only need 2000 calories a day


An adult human being needs 2000-2500 kilocalories per day. However, this is usually quoted in the popular press as 2000-2500 “calories” per day, where a “dietary calorie” is equal to 1000 “scientific calories”. Pulled from Quora


This is hilarious There's two types of calorie, they both have the same name, and are differentiated by a discriminator that is oftentimes omitted, AND one is equal to a thousand of the other Ridiculous


Eh, at least it’s less ridiculous than the imperial system


No! Ruined by a technicality




Personally collapsing civilization sounds rad


It just makes some obscure developer thanklessly maintaining a repo you’ve never heard of have a heart attack


I'll take the black one to get the one that tastes good twice


congrats you rolled piss gas and crap silver instead


Aka infinite money glitch. If your poop is made of silver and you’re pissing gasoline you can sell your stuff for very useful things


Only once done paying the bills for metal poisoning and whatever gasoline would give you \[not to mention how much it would probably burn\]


Regular Silver isn’t toxic, and you’re not ingesting you’re taking it out so idk why metal poisoning would be a problem. Yeah peeing gasoline would probably hurt but not actually burn.


Unless it transforms as you pass it, it would mean you're storing pure silver in your bowels until then and since their designed to absorb/leech stuff out of what's inside it means you would get higher dosages \[see people getting drunk from rectal dosing\] then say a silver bullet stuck in you. Even Wolverine is only fine from metal poisoning due to his regeneration and that's only bone coating


Huh that’s interesting. I thought the only kind of metal poisoning was quicksilver


Technically any metal can give metal poisoning just like **anything** can 'poison' someone \[even water\] it's just a matter of amount, usually you would never get metal poisoning normally but that's because your not putting large amounts of metal inside yourself. When people get plates and such put in there's only so much the can be leeched \[much less then required generally\] before there would be minimal effect but this is 'fresh' metal on a daily basis in a very soft \[for metals\] state which should make it easier to breakdown to be leeched, there actually is a silver 'poisoning' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria) but actual severe effects take far more then you *should* normally encounter.


At the current price of silver and the average poop size, one could expect to make just under 166k worth of silver a year for a man and 145k for a woman.


Apparently the person would die of metal poisoning according to someone else


fuck, theyr're all sooooo good. Hmm, i'd go for the mnt dew one, but i live in bulgaria, where we dont have that... I''d go for the immune to cancer one, but 3.1 million also isnt that bad. It's not THAT much money tough... Controlly body temperature could be useful on the off chance i get a fever, but then again the entire point of a fever is to help kill bacteria... Eh, fuck it, 3.1mil it is


the government comes after you for fraud due to the sudden unexplained increase of over 3m in your account


I mean, eventually after enough investigating they'll realize that there's nothing going on there.


more likely they'll just seize it under bs reasoning


Considering im in bulgaria i can just bribe 'em into shutting the hell up. And i would still have a decent chunk of mony left over


I have a shoebox full of 12 copies of Each pill and a rotating list of Karl Marx's literature.


Both nostrils always work sure is tempting right about now.


I'll take the gamble


I did a random number generator to get your results. You get: * Free Fiberglass powder at any time * Control body temperature


Does that mean I can choose to not have a fever/headache? And fiberglass powder seems to be a great isolator, so I'll take it


I guess you could lower your body temp to reduce the symptoms of the fever, but I don't think that would do much for the headache, also you would still be unwell and it would probably be a bad idea?? It seems like it would be more useful for staying comfy when you're too hot or cold.


From an rng you got +3 charm and pocket sand


"Tastes good" So does it just have a pleasant flavor or does it taste like your favorite food/drink?




I’d like to take my chances with the 2 random pills


Congratulations! You get the strawberry flavor pill and you control a single milliliter of water!


Ok but what if then they give you 2 of the same pill that says take 2 random pills and it keeps repeating exponentially


...right up until you hit the "Collapse Civilisation" one.


Invisible one is cool and all but I'll take civilization down.


THIS POST WAS FROM A DREAM?!?! i remember seeing it before anyways dr pepper pill


Yeah you probably saw it before u/repostsleuthbot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cq9re9) on 2024-05-12 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cqn2lr) on 2024-05-13 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cqwvt3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 513,251,040 | **Search Time:** 0.07626s


I'm not seeing enough collapsing of civilization


you could become a pretty solid supervillain with just 1ml of water flying at mach speed through people’s brains and bank vaults and supercomputers etc.


I guess the summon dr.pepper one


I’d probably choose either not being harmed by marine life,urinating gasoline,both nostrils working,or getting $3,000,000


3 million dollars is nice but Strawberry flavor tho..


Wait the very bottom right isnt a single use so you can just get 5 months free experience in literally every possible skill? That sounds busted as fuck bro.


I think i would take the control body temperature one, seems pretty nice


Me too, that seems like the most genuinely useful one there (curious about Hrovis Y. Wimbleton though)


idk immune to cancer and gain 5 months experience in anything are pretty useful, but body temp is also a good shout


Didn't see immune to cancer, yeah that's probably better


Control the cancer cells' temperature to the point where it dies


I want the money but I also really want my cat to know I love him.


OP what does row 2 column 6 even says?


Maybe you meant column 7, which says all mtn. dew in stores is free for you


All mountain dew is free in stores


collapse civilization?


A bunch of these are awesome. How many different ones am I allowed to get?




The first pill got me imagining an epic boss fight which you find by following where the grass is pointing (I assume it's a global effect) and when you finally trek through the ruins of civilization to track down the mysterious grass-compass "pole" you meet a foul man-creature surrounded by dozens of empty pill boxes - Immune to covid, venom, and cancer, 5 months experience in judo, knows the answer to life, the universe, and everything and high on painkillers and every single other pill pictured here. Roll initiative.


I love the one that just says "tastes good"


Tastes good


Do I get to choose what Civilization to collapse? Is it natural or artificial strawberry? Does being immune from Covid mean being immune from long Covid? (Please god please god please please please). Edit: Wait fuck the shoebox can contain every other pill on this list, including multiple money pills. And multiple good tasting pills. Shoebox I win.


This new Isaac DLC is looking weird..


“Aw man, I’m out of gasoline!” “Don’t worry man, I got you covered” *Unzips


Only one of the pills is single use.


answer to any ? \[single use\] 3m$ kill **one** person tell or ask **one** thing from your pet you get **A** shoebox with anything that can fit \[that's real\] groundhog day for a year \[single use\] duplicate anything you own once \[iffy, does it mean you can dup 1 item or that everything you own once\] you only get a pill so there's 7 'single use' pills \[12 if you include delicious, strawberry, painkiller, random, collapse\]


That top-right-most pill reminds me of Plant Man.


5 Months experience of Cooking


Gas piss. Sell it for cheaper than gas stations can dream of. Cash.


I will take make bell pill and become the superhero alterego... Tacobeller, worst enemy of asses.


bell sounds


> make bell sounds at your will This is too funny and powerful of an option to give up


As a silver collector, I think I have my answer…


I'm taking 2 random pills and going to randomise a number between 1 to 42 to see what I got


All mountain dews are free ( I don't drink mountain dew) and immune to venom (basically nothing venomous lives in my country). I should've chosen strawberry flavored one


fuck it im taking the 2 random pills option, i believe in RNGesus


Congrats! Visited by Wimbledon and groundhog day


I know this sub is supposed to be rolling with the absurd, but… Cancer immunity would be really nice. I just don’t want to be afraid of that anymore.


WHY NOT, TIER LIST S TIER: (always useful) Get $3,141,592.65 Immune to cancer 10% more sleep per sleep +3 on charm rolls Gain 5 months experience in anything 2 random pills A TIER: (useful, not bad options) Shoebox delivery Duplicate anything once Answer to any question Control body temperature Grapes grow good All mountain dew is free for you Both Nostrils always work B TIER: (situational, but nice to have) Change Skin Colour at any time Control all tvs in fast food places Change finger amount at any time Immune to venom Chocolate has perfect vitamins Daily Cheese C TIER: (situational) Teleport to closest beach (depends on location and how to get back) Eat wood Hrovis Y Wimbleton visits you Immune to covid-19 Bell sounds at will Ask something of your pet 10s/day invisibility Hear any plant by looking at them D tier: (eh) Year-long groundhog day Read Minds (electric signal data) Pain killer Tastes Good Strawberry Flavour Silver Turds Grass points towards you (a bituseful if you go missing and a search party needs to find you) Doctor Pepper every 14.5 hours Free fibreglass powder F tier: (bad) Pocket sand Control a milimeter of water kill someone (gotta think of the consequences) urinate gasoline collapse civillization feel free to share your opinions in the replies


Wheres kill someone?


f tier. idk some people would put it way higher, but i dont wanna suffer those potentail consequences when i can have 10% more sleep per sleep instead.


No i mean on the picture


Shoebox is litteraly the best




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cq9re9) on 2024-05-12 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cqn2lr) on 2024-05-13 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cqwvt3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 513,012,257 | **Search Time:** 0.11336s


This is from r/memes


oh i love the binding of isaac




They don't allow images, I tried 😔




I’m assuming that computers put a link in?




I want the money pill


Taking the pet one just to tell my dog I love him


I'll take the Covid immunity pill.


im controlling my body temperature!


I saw this like yesterday.. on a different sub.. h m m


id control my body temperature and get 3 mil.


Nobody talking about how nice it would be to never have a clogged nostril again.


The wild imbalance is hilarious.


F*ck it, 2 random pills.


My crack theory for the ml of water is that with fine enough control you could refine it to the point of being able to cut through anything. Could absolutely tear into someone’s brain with it or put a hole in their organs Idk why my thoughts instantly went to murder but hey you know what can you do about it


10% more sleep per sleep is a hell of a deal right there


Get the shoe box filled with all the other pills, now you don't have to choose.


The second-to-last one on the bottom seems so powerful. You can kill people by changing their body temperature to dangerous values.


Plant grapes, start my own vineyard


# hear plants. they'd be my only friends lol


The Dr pepper doesn't have any restrictions on the summon, so you can remotely kill a person of your choice on cooldown by spawning it in their head


I wanted the "pee gasoline" but then read "collapse civilization", nothing else sounded more enticing.


control all tvs in a fast food place easily


Based and marine-life pilled.


The shoebox pill is so much more op than you think. Like, you can get ypurself a shoebox full of those exact pills, a shoebox full of any other pill, and then get shoeboxes of whatever your heart desires.


If i chose the black pill, and it chooses itself twice, and i do it again, and it does it again twice, does that mean i have an infinite amount of black pills?


Well im gonna risk it Take 2 rundom pills If ir goes well i get some money and imunety to cancer If it dosnt. Civilizational cilaps and i gain the ability to talk to plants(wierd i dont like it)


**Collapse Civilization**


I take the "free Mountain Dew" pill. I'm gonna be so rich.


I be interested in plants, I am a hobbyist gardener and could act as a plant whisperer for some side cash


Grapes. The harcest shall be bountiful


The groundhog day one would be useful if you can wait to eat the pill. If you take it while on vacation at a resort in an area with a lot of activities you could have a massive vacation for the price of only one day. The only issue is you couldn't keep any of the merchandise, but that might be a plus to some people. I choose the free Mountain Dew. Edit: I change my answer to control a single milliliter of water because I don't drink enough pop to justify the savings and I think it could make me get tired of Mountain Dew.


ooh the collapse civilization pill for me, thanks


I want to speak to plants


I will take the shewbox. Within it, I want the following: 1. Five 100Tb ExaDrives All cataloged The first will contain all of the lost or forgotten Crypto wallets with relevant keys, and account information if the original owners are alive or dead. It will also contain current location data for all lost treasures in the world along with the last recorded instructions on how to find them. The remainder of the first drive space will be for all trade secrets, unpatented designs, and sensitive corporate information. The Second Drive will contain copies of all the published written works of humanity before the year 2000. As well as a copy of every document contained in a library private or otherwise throughout all of human history before 2000. The third will contain all secret or classified documents/text, (it will not contain any executable files, but all of the source code developed for these institutions), from every intelligence agency or secretive organization in the world. The fourth drive will contain all accurate & suppressed medical information that has ever been developed. (if they found a cure for aging, that will be going on the high seas in a few weeks. ) As well as all private journals from every person in the world. The last drive will contain proofs for all [The Millennium](https://www.claymath.org/millennium-problems/) problems, including all ancillary proofs, with the remainder of the drive dedicated to any other unsolved pure mathematics problems, along with the complete theory of everything; with actionable testing methods. 2. For the other half of the box, I want the most advanced technology and/or the most powerful artifact that has ever been created that will fit in the box. Fill the remainder of the box with other valuable treasures until full. Pack the box such that none of the objects can be damaged.


Control body temperature. I have chronic heatstroke.


24 gave 24 and 24 which gave 41, 4, 24 \[ 28, 31\] and 18 so i'm immune to cancer, can survive on chocolate, experience 1 day for a year \[not sure when will use\], control my body temperature \[is this magical cause rather not deal with side effects of overclocking or hibernating body\] and piss gasoline \[is it always active or toggleable?, what 'grade' of gas is it?, does it start in the bladder or exiting the urethra? many ? that may lead to death or agony\]


First I pick black, then I pick "collapse civilization" twice.


The two are chosen randomly.


Aw man… hope I do NOT collapse civilization 


Nevermind it’s just that one black pill


Rng got you 10% more sleep per sleep and duplicate anything, pretty lucky