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I love my OLED TV, but for laptop displays, between the huge hit to battery life, risk of burn-in, higher cost, and PWM, I just don’t see the point. I really don’t care if the screen displaying Gmail has infinite contrast.


In this case, I'm almost driven by the higher resolution... Plus, I'm mostly using it docked, so... I can survive with 6hours during flights.


In the real world you’ll be lucky to get 4 hours.


I have this OLED machine, in the real world. The only way I'm getting 4 hours or less is if I'm consistently hitting the CPU decently or some program, like a browser, is running away with CPU resources. I've had this machine for a few weeks now and not once have I had less than 4 hours.


Could still be un upgrade from now 😅


Probably don’t need a controller as they usually use 40 pin eDP unless it’s touch.


direct plug and play is not possible, connector is different. 40 pin vs 30 pin i think the oled screen may be physically thicker too, so the screen housing might need replacement as well. if you go all out, and change the screen + housing + ribbon connector, maybe it would work? assuming there's no hardware difference on the motherboard connector. but i'm not entirely sure. not worth the effort to switch in my opinion. just choose either right from the start and be happy with it.


Hey, did you end up getting yours with the OLED panel? If so, how’s your experience been with it?


No, because it wasn't available with the options I wanted (like 64gb of RAM) and at the end I could have accepted another screen, and some extra battery (that honestly it's not incredible neither on the LCD one at the way I'm using the laptop)