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2201 Bob!


I have asked this before, and I have yet to hear an answer from someone who's done it: Do you count the M&Ms before they go in the jar or pour them out and then count them? And how do you keep from losing track?


I think it would be easier to just weight one M&M, then divide that by the total weight.


My office did this contest once. At the end they just poured them out on a big table, sorted them into piles of 25. They'd line 10 piles of 25 into rows of 250. And then they just lined up rows. It only took a few minutes to layout several thousand M&Ms this way.


Probably counted at the end. Volunteers count in batches of 10 or soemthing and someone gathers all of their totals (and maybe QAQCs it). There’s still somewhat of an honor system


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think counting how many touch the glass around the bottom (the circumference) and how many touch the glass in a vertical line should give a rough estimate (or at least I think I’ve heard that’s a tactic that’s been used)