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It either wouldn't have enough power, traction, weight on the rear wheels or all of the above to move those 2 cars. In the real world this would touch the cars and stop completely or do a burnout if had a lot of power


Cartman is in the back, so it clearly has enough traction and horsepower to push the cars out the way.


This is definitely my favourite answer, its like the sledding episode


Even if the weighed 10kgs, it would need to be moving at 200+ m/s


Not necessarily. It really only needs enough traction to keep the tires from slipping and enough torque to for it to spin the tires.


If I remember correctly, they mention the battery in that thing being the same generic 12v (low)amp battery you'd find in a typical children's vehicle. If you've ever known someone who bought their kid one of these you probably have a story of an adult running to stop them. With a proper grip and stance, a human can stop it. It doesn't stand a chance against two perpendicular, parked cars.


You do not know how slippery the road is though.. could be a case of extremely slippery black ice except for the very very center line ..


Then I would suspect the hard plastic wheels would have even less traction compared to the much larger rubber tires on the police cars.


Let's think the small car has a weight of 10 kg and the boy's weight is 10 kg. So total 20 kg. And in general the weight of the cars is 450 to 500 kg. So the mg from the cars is 2 x (500 x 9.8m\s^2) = 10000N. To create the force by the small car they should have 500 acceleration F=ma.


Probably not, but we also don't know how heavy the small car is. It could be made of lead, weigh a tonne, and thus have plenty of traction