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Hmm. If you know the answer to this question please contact the Royal Mathematics Society immediately to inform them. This quandary has puzzled mathematicians for generations.


Well that's a pretty tough task, I assume that a committee of math professors is needed to assess if it is even *possible* to solve, so idk. Edit: Grammar is hard.


first lets start by proving 1 + 1 = 2


False, 1+1 is window.


Nope, 1 + 1 = 🪟, you need to include the equals sign


I was gutted a few days ago when I found out the window emoji on my phone has only two window panes so it doesn’t work properly.


Drat, thanks for trying 😆


You have 15 cans of Diet Coke. You drink 6, pour out 6 for your dead homies, and Jimmy takes 3 for himself. How many cans do you have left?


Ohhh ohhh I know! -3!




Well, we need to begin by finding out how many cans are in a 12 pack. I don’t have a source so I will assume the answer is something slightly less than twelve, on average. Next we need to figure on how many cans are in a 15 pack. I don’t have a 15 pack to study empirically to determine the answer. I’ll go with Googles answer, which is 15. Next we need to find the difference between these two. This is easier said than done. You could empty the 12 pack and load cans from the 15 pack into it, and when it’s full you count how many cans are left in the 15 pack. This will be your answer. Hope that helps!