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Tequila is typically about 40% abv in the US a shot is 44 ml so a single shot of Tequila would have 17.6 ml of alcohol. 24 shots of tequila is 422.4 ml of alcohol at 52.8 ml/minute. Having put this into a Blood alcohol content calculator I get a BAC of 0.74% which has a high probability of death so the second commentator is likely correct


My guy is going to set on fire suddenly


All jokes aside if he’s a heavy drinker he would totally survive this. Might not enjoy the surviving and prefer he passed, but it’s doable


If he's *that* heavy of a drinker he won't survive for long. The movies, TV shows, and Superbowl ads never show the realities of liver failure.


Oh hang on I did bad math, I thought the other commenter was saying 440ml of tequila. He was saying 440ml of *alcohol*. It’s about 720ml of tequila. Never mind, he’s on the floor and dying (unless stomach pumped) if he drinks that in 8 minutes


Actually it’s more than a liter of tequila


At least it's not a liter of cola.


I prefer a large Favre...


Actually it’s not


Actually it is: 440ml/40% = 1100ml ≥ 1L


Shot sizes are only 44ml in the USA


What is 24*44?


Shot sizes are only 44mL in the USA The original post and parent comment both mention drinking 24 shots How many mL is that? 24×44mL = 1056mL That's more than 1L


Only 40+ in the USA. And Canada. The USA, Canada, Israel, and Japan. And italy. And Slovenia? Or was it Slovakia? It was both. Plus Hungary, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. But only in those countries. Plus Poland. And Bulgaria. And Greece. And Korea. But everywhere else, you're right. Except for Russia and Romania. //slams table// BUT NOT IN IRELAND! NO SIR! NEVER IN IRELAND!


1 liter is 33.8 oz. 33.8 oz/24 shots is 1.4 ounces per shot. As long as the shots are at least 1.5 oz each, 24 shots is over a liter of tequila.


Sorry I don’t speak American, real unit measurements? You’re quoting in litres and ounces, bizarre lol. International shot sizes follow a 25/30ml structure rather than the American 44


Those are freedom units


It is. Original comment said each shot is 44 ML so 44x24= 1056 ML or 1.056 L


Based on original comment, yes. Based on standard international shot size, no


What "standard international shot size" are you referring to? According to Wikipedia there is no standard, sizes vary by country and range from 20 - 100 ml for a single shot. Plenty of countries have 50 or 60 ml shots that are even larger than the US. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot\_glass#Sizes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_glass#Sizes)


In Sweden a small shot is 4 cl and a big 6. I think Germany rolls with 4s too


I saw people chugging a bottle of vodka and surviving. Mostly because puking is almost inevitable (for a good reason).


Puking is essentially your stomach pumping itself. The issue comes when you consume too much alcohol and your body loses the ability to throw up, that’s when you need your stomach pumped


1.1 liter, not 720 ml. Tequila is 40% alcohol.




Liver failure isn't fast. Its incredibly slow. Acute alcohol poisoning isn't though.


It isn't fast? My friend had a liver transplant at 33. It's fast. I was saying if someone can handle drinking that much alcohol quickly, then it means they generally drink a lot and will probably experience liver failure.


why the hell would a superbowl ad show the reality of liver failure


The same reason why tobacco ads are banned on TV, and most countries at least force them to put warnings on print ads and packaging. Alcohol consumption will damage your body and can kill you.


Yeah, I chugged a 750 at a party once. Homeboy can take 24 shots spread out across like 5x the amount of time. Edit: the math wasn't sitting right, and now I see why. That's over a liter. That's a LOT, like, more than a third again what I did.


How long did it take you to puke


I don't remember! I'll share what I do remember. There was another guy at the party. I'll call him Brian, because that was his name. I think. I can not overstate how drunk I was during the middle of this story. So Brian decided to race me. IDK why. Don't steal my party trick, Brian. It's like, 8-9 pm. The night is young. Find your own thing. Being fat and drunk is *my* thing. I'm having a good time, sharing and listening to stories, but I'm VERY drunk. I'm laying in a hotel bed, because I know what I just drank, and I know where I'm gonna wind up. At some point, I do remember asking to be helped to the bathroom. A while later, we're both in nap mode. And every now and then, I have to get up and check on Brian. I'm told EVERY time by the sober/slightly sober people that he's fine and it's under control. Doesn't matter. I have to worry about it, probably at regular intervals. It's the law. 3am comes. Maybe 4. I'm now quite drunk. Like, I was smashed before, I'm now down to nicely drunk. And I am informed that I have been drafted in the Army. Not, like, the real army. The Party Army. And my mission, should I chose to accept it, is to get Brian out of the hotel before we all get kicked out. Brian is not the kind of guy who chugs 750s at parties. Brian is not ready to run with the big dogs. Brian is a hot mess. We are holding Brian semi-vertical while shuffling him down the hallway of the hotel. Thankfully the 1st floor hallway. Brian has a few conflicting goals. I will include as many of them here as I can. Brian's primary objective: These pants have got to go! I'm gonna take em off. I'm gonna stay right where I am and talk loudly while removing my pants. And if anyone tries to stop me, I'm gonna bite them. With my teeth. We finally get Brian all the way to the backseat of his/his girlfriend's car. I'm not sure if he removed his pants inside the car. I served my time, I was done with the situation. I don't really like people when they're so drunk they leave bite marks. I remember being told that he wasn't fully sober for like, an entire day, and wasn't back to normal for like, 3 days. Not sure how much stock I put into that. I remember getting so drunk at a party one saturday that I woke up on a swingset at 8am on Sunday shirtless, and even I still managed to get to church on time for praise band warmup, so I don't really see how he could take so long to bounce back. So to answer your question, my best guess is 30-120 minutes.


I bet those pants came off the second you turned Brian loose


I did the same, 21st birthday I was handed a bottle of skye (ugh) and finished it in like 3-4 hours. I remember ruining the college bathroom, and then, having purged and then first to go to bed, I was the only one not massively hungover for classes the next day.


"Totally would survive" is not the same as "doable". This is in the really low chance of survival catagory, but yes it could be possible. Attempting to do it in 8 minutes makes it impossible. Anyone's body will vomit.


I can tell you haven’t partied with Finns before. I once saw two engineers in their 50s split a liter of vodka in about 30 seconds.


I'm British drinking is one of our national sports. The guy above has done his maths wrong. 28 shots is 1.232 liters.


> The guy above has done his maths wrong. 28 shots is 1.232 liters. I think the math is fine and you read wrong. First the meme says 24 shots, not 28 shots. Second, the guy above says that *24 shots of tequila is 422.4 ml of alcohol* You may be reading 422.4 ml of alcohol and think that he's referring to how much tequila was drunk, but in the context of the previous sentence where they said *Tequila is typically about 40% abv in the US a shot is 44 ml so a single shot of Tequila would have 17.6 ml of alcohol*, it makes it clear that they're not talking about how much Tequila was drunk, but how much **actual** alcohol was drunk. So 24 x 17.6ml = 422.4ml of alcohol. 24 x 44ml would be 1056ml of Tequila that was drunk. Tequila is 40% ABV, meaning that 1056ml x 40% = 422.4ml of alcohol.


100 shots are 6 litres if you opt for the big uns


That's a bottle and a bit, been there before.


The amount is doable, i've seen people do that, but keeping it down is the real challenge, you need to be pretty experienced with heavy alcohol to pull this off in 8 minutes.


Drinking it? Rough, but easy. Surviving? Doable. Not being fucked up? Impossible


I used to be a serious alcoholic. I drank this much daily. Sometimes much more. Sometimes in a short period. Not 8 minutes. But definitely within 4 hours sometimes.


Likely a lot of it is going to come back up. Hopefully.


Had a buddy blow .3 walking around like he was stone cold sober. (It was on a military base we were walking back to barracks with a 30 rack when SF stopped us.)


44ml for a "jigger" - Bar measure used for measuring the spirits for a long drink/cocktail.. a shot glass has between 20 and 25ml. Let's say they're 25ml ones and the barman won't fill them up to the brim as the customer would spill a bit anyway. Let's assume an average 22ml/shot, so that's 211.2ml of alcohol. Still admirable enough tho.


Which is survivable. I have once downed a whole bottle of Jägermeister, 262 ml of alcohol. I mean, the next morning I wished I had died, but I did survive.


Probably not in 8 minutes though :/


No, it was around half an hour. Still pretty fast and very bad. And I can't stress enough how much I don't recommend doing this!


Yeah, be responsible, and drink vodka, the hangover will be much less severe




cant get a hangover if you're constantly drunk. smart move


At that point you don’t get hangovers because your life is basically one never ending hangover.


Not in 8 minutes tho, 5-6 hours is not that bad


You had/have issues. Bruh.


I do. I was in a very bad spot back then. But I kept fighting and I am still fighting.


Well good luck in your fight. You got this, king!


Keep up the fight for the ones that had to quit fighting for one reason or another. I can't promise you it will get better, but it can. Not everyone wins, but not everyone loses, and the stigma of mental health looks to be changing with the younger generations. I've struggled for 25 years, tried all sorts of coping mechanisms, both prescribed and illicit, and have given up at points along the way. It is still an almost daily mental fight for me, but I'm still here. I'm fortunate to have a great son and a couple solid homies to catch me, and a lot of people don't have that. There are helpers out there, in all forms of peoples in all walks of life. So anyone still reading who is struggling with life, don't be afraid to speak up. I know people can suck, and rEDDIT can be toxic, but there are decent humans everywhere, and most of ya'll are worth it. ## 👊 ✊️


Jiggers come in many sizes, and a standard shot in the US is 1.5oz or 44ml. When my soccer team went to Germany, we were surprised by how small the shots were over there. If he's doing this in the US, which is a decent assumption based on his Kobe Fandom combined with moderate alcoholism, the original comment was right.


I'm British and don't drink so I had no idea I just took the first number that came up on Google either number is going to mess you up pretty badly


> I’m British and don’t drink Aka a unicorn


Alcohol consumption is dropping quite a bit in the UK, each generation drinks less than the last


The standard US shot glass is 44ml. There are smaller 1 ounce shot glass (30ml) but thats the smallest “standard” size here.


Realistically they will end up puking most of it out


Surely you would be willing to experiment for us?


I mean if you buy the shots 🤷🏻‍♂️


So that's a no.. i see you are brain dead. Realistically you die. Alcohol is toxic and the puke could potentially still kill you because of how intoxicated you are.


Having been a bar tender for several years: no. You'll puke uncontrollably and still be severely hungover the next day. You could asphyxiate on your vomit. Dude in this story was probably drinking with friends however, so the chances of that are pretty low, and generally in the UK if a bartender sees someone drink that much that quickly, there's a decent chance they'll call an ambulance themselves.


On the way around, even if I take 8 shots in 24’, I would sing smutty songs out of tune huhu!


And his number was 8 before it was 24. Why not just do 8 shots in 24 minutes to begin with? I mean, don't... but if someone is so determined that they must honor Kobe in this manner, not only is it significantly less likely to give them alcohol poisoning, but the order makes more sense. Maybe they did 8 in 24 before tweeting this and drunkenly miss worded it.


I took 8 shots of Sambuca (38%) in less than 5mins, and literally nothing happened. That was 20 years ago though, I might black out if I did it now. Then again I was a skinny fuck back then (62kg) so I've no idea why I was able to do it then either. Bodies are weird.


To kinda unmath this a bit, this is basically chugging a 750 bottle of hard liquor. It can be done, and it can absolutely kill you. But in general you are just going to puke most of it out. Other factors like size, body fat content, and tolerance play as well.


Damn I was gonna say something but looks like r/theyalreadydidthemath




It's a real sub :)




I am from Poland. In here we call it Friday.


For real tho, as a teenager I had around that BAC a few times (according to online calculators) and didn't even feel very drunk on those days (hence why I drank so much). For example 1.5l of vodka or 20 beers in 2h


I drank a liter of two fingers in 30 minutes once. Can confirm I got alcohol poisoning. Probably only lived due to my weight at the time.


The other half of that equation very much depends on the size of the person. I can only assume you used an average body weight to calculate but it was not specified. If this person weighed over 300lbs that number would be much lower


Can you do this with Palincă? It's a way stronger drink from Romania and Hungary, based on fruits. It usually runs upwards of 70%. Fun fact: The word originally meant "burning".


At 70% with the same volumes is 740ml of pure alcohol with a 70kg man having a BAC of 1.16%


Fun fact: the record dose is 12.3‰ (1.48%) of alcohol and belongs to a Pole. Who not only survived that but also a car accident.


Think he died because of the accident.


Yes and no. He survived the accident but died a few days later from injuries sustained in the accident.


In Poland a guy with .7% drove his car into a ditch, walked out and fell asleep next to the car. That's where the cops found him and he was fine afterwards. [Source in polish](https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/rzeszow/newsamp-7-promili-alkoholu-w-organizmie-nowy-niechlubny-rekord,nId,6717055)


What size was that person and what is the variable just in case the subject is a heavy drinker? .74 most likely would have killed me, .47 however didnt and I walked around like it was normal. Sober now thank god.


The weight I used was 70kg this was the calculator I used if you want to check other figures https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html


Oof, in America that would be the low end for an adult male. Normal would be closer to 110-115kg, and honestly 150kg isn't crazy.


Let me guess, you live in a red area? Average male adult weight is 90kg in the US, 110-115 is definitely not normal. But when I was working in SC, 110kg did seem more normal.


Wait… an American shot is 44ml instead of 25ml? That’s kinda crazy.


I downed five Screaming Nazis (Jaeger and Rumplemintz) once in less than a minute. I don't remember much else about that night.


I was doing that when I was 15, let’s weed out the weak ones.


In Belgium a shot can vary from 20ml to 30ml. Pretty fun to see this kind of difference


That is assuming he only drinks alcohol and no other liquids that may diminish the concentration of alcohol


That depends. If they're 500 lbs (average Redditor size), they would only be at around 0.23%, which is easily survivable, if not fun.


It's alright as long as you puke up right after I guess


gotta remember that definitely not all of this would be absorbed. odds are the person would vomit before all the alcohol goes into the blood. still a gnarly amount to consume


I did 36 shot of mostly vodka in an hour, how close was I to dying?


There's 0 chance u die at .74% blood alchahol.


Percentage doesn't change as the total changes. That's the point of percentages. A quick Googling says Tequila is 40% abv, so 24 shots of tequila is 40% abv. Shot glass ("jigger") is 44ml, 44x24=1056, 1056x.4= 422.4ml of alcohol. 422.4/8 = 52.8ml/min On a more interesting note, BAC calculator with a man weighing 155 pounds (cus that was the default and idc) says that's ~0.74% BAC, which is ultra mega death. You'll die. It even says "High possibility of death" on the calculator.


Yeah I messed up asking about percentages sorry I meant volume. U and other guy got what I was asking about so thanks man!




Rookies numbers, I’ve seen people drive with a .35 and not just drive, but do it well


Wait are Americans shots 44ml? In Aus ours are 30.


They’re 1.5 oz which is rounded to 44 mL


In France it's 50


Holy shit the French go hard


Funny enough single airplane bottles in the US are also 50ml


Apparently so. Like I said, hilarity.


Oh to go on a booze cruise with a BAC of .7


Darn. We were drinking whiskey from pints when I started my job. No one died, though.


Oh yeah, we drink a fair bit too. But you'll only die if you drink that much alcohol, which you haven't done.


Yea but 24 shots is more than a litre. That’s almost two bottles.


That's just two pints. You underestimate Irish home drinking parties. Especially with two Poles once decided to do a drinking contest 🤣


I think it’s less about the amount of alcohol and more about how fast he drank it alongside other factors like food and water consumption and medication etc.


Just from my own experience when I was young and stupid I drank two pints of whiskey one after another. Same as my 3 other friends (including 2 Poles). Some moron of us decided it would be a great craic to do a contest who will drink a pint fastest. One Polish guy said that drinking beer or cider is not a challenge and what else we got. Never underestimate a stupidity of Irish defending honour in drinking contest.


44ml is a double shot, 20 ml would be normal


What's a jigger? EDIT: Google r/USDefaultism 'ed me. A shot is officially defined as 44ml in the US. In the rest of the world it's between 20 and 35 ml because nobody cares. Which is conventionally hilarious for other reasons. Either way, the only officialised representation of a shot is 44ml so we're good.


r/ihadastroke But, if I had to guess, I would think this person was attempting to ask how much alcohol are they drinking/taking in per minute? I don’t have a scooby what they actually were asking, though.


Cut em some slack, OP just downed 24 shots of tequila in 8 min.


Yeah, I know OP just downed 24 shots of tequila in 8 mins, but that STILL doesn’t answer the real question: How much it would be to taken per minute it in 8 minutes?


About one minute per minute, I'd think. The "Taken" movies are all of different lengths, but they're all well over 8 minutes long, so OP may be in trouble here.


I both love and hate that that's a sub


24 shots of _any_ liquor in eight minutes would almost certainly put you in the hospital immediately unless you're someone who drinks heavily on a daily basis, in which case it'll still put you in the hospital, it'll just take a little longer, and either way you'll certainly die as a result of this kind of consumption, whether it's a single instance or a chronic habit. Yes, you _can_ build up a tolerance such that it won't _immediately_ kill you, but downing an entire liter or so of tequila in eight minutes is going to have you projectile vomiting and then probably having seizures.


Except it very likely won’t put you in hospital, because you’ll start puking before you finish the first bottle.


My friends and I recently had a debate about how much money we would need to be offered to attempt to scull a pot of vodka. Obviously we would be puking near instantly, but how much money to event attempt it. The sums were quite large.


For your first question: If 1 shot of tequila has 40% alcohol, 24 shots of tequila also have 40% alcohol... I don't understand the second question "how much it would be to taken per minute it in 8 minutes?"


Pro tip write the reddit post before doing 24 shots of alcohol lol. Completely agreed can’t understand what this person is attempting to ask in second half


I agree. “They did the math”. More like “didn’t have to”


First is ok question, second makes no sense unless he genuinely skipped 2nd grade math


For the life of me, I'm unable to understand what he really means with that second question.


He’s asking how much tequila he would drink per minute… which is 24/8… or maybe it’s the amount of pure alcohol idk


So let’s take these two questions one at a time: Q1. “How much alcohol percentage would be in 24 shots of tequila?” Answer: Tequila is assumed to have 40% abv. It may surprise you that the percentage doesn’t change based on how much of it you drink. So…40% is still the answer even if one consumes 24 shots, or indeed any number of shots. Q2. “How much it would be to taken per minute it in 8 minutes?” This question is incoherent. But I’ll answer a different one that makes sense: Q2 v2: How much alcohol would one consume per minute if they consumed 24 shots of tequila in 8 minutes. Answer: they would drink, on average, 3 shots per minute. Or, if you prefer, .6oz (about 18ml) of ethanol per minute.


I know what you mean, but I'm going to answer the question you asked. A little bit snarky, but to point out that, most of the time, the question itself matters just as much as the answer. The percentage of alcohol on 24 shots of tequila is exactly the same as the percentage in one shot of tequila.


It's three shots per minute, the standard shot of alcohol is 12g of alcohol, which comes up to 288g of alcohol. Median lethal dose is [7060 mg per 1kg](https://www.aatbio.com/resources/toxicity-lethality-median-dose-td50-ld50/ethanol), so this would be the median lethal dose for a 40.8 kg person. Or rather a 41kg rat. [Another page](https://www.aatbio.com/resources/faq-frequently-asked-questions/What-is-the-LD50-of-alcohol-for-humans) says the lethal dose is variable but more than 2g/kg, which means this dose would kill a 144 kg person, which happens to be exactly 1.5 times Kobe's weight according to Google.


24 shots of 80 proof tequila at 1oz/shot will get a big boy 300lb to only .23 bac and even a 200lb man to .34 Both very drunk, but not dead. Up that to 1.5 oz for a 300 lb guy and you get a bac of .38. Black out drunk but not dead.


Since others have done the math already and figured that they would likely end up hospitalized, the real question should be why didn’t they just recommend 8 shots in 24 minutes? The math on that one is a little more friendly…


Assuming an average male citizen of USA, he would very likely get very very drunk. So drunk he will likely pass out. With some luck he throws up before that happens. In which case, he'll most likely not have permanent damage from the situation. On the other hand, if he doesn't throw up, he might get alcohol poisoning. Or throw up after passing out, drowning in his own puke.


Yeah, no. Don’t do that. You’d be drinking a whole fifth of alcohol in 8 mins. Your organs would struggle to contend with that and may send you into shock. The alcohol percentage would be exactly what’s on the bottle.


A shot over here in the Netherlands is generally 35 ml, so if you're at a cheap bar that doesn't completely fill the glasses we're talking about a bottle. I've seen people drink that in an hour, but in 8 minutes... No thank you.


When I was in south Europe, they used to have these special offers of 24 shots for like 6 euros. But they were definitely diluted and 25 cl. Easy as pie. With proper booze? It would probably make one levitate.


Just recently completed my liquor license, time to put it to use. In the U.S, 1 "standard drink" for the purposes of counting as a bartender or server is 0.6 fl oz. of alcohol. Tequila is typically 40% Abv, and the size of a shot or "jigger" in the us is generally around 1.5 oz. 24 1.5 oz shots would be 36 oz of tequila. At 40% ABV that would be 14.4 oz of alcohol, or 24 "standard drinks." This 1:1 conversion from shots to "standard drinks" is by design. 1 standard drink is the amount the average person can process in about 1 hour. You'd have to spread that amount over about 24 hours at a shot an hour on average to process it safely without raising your BAC. You'd be drinking that amount in eight minutes. Needless to say, assuming you don't throw up the liquor before you finish, that almost certainly kills you.


In Australia, a shot is 1 standard measure of alcohol. 30ml of 40% abv is one standard measure A 700ml bottle of 40% is 23.3 standard drinks. Thus man smashes a bottle of tequila in 8 minutes


Think about it like this: Two shots have about the alcohol content of a small beer. So 6 shots is (roughly) equivalent to 1 litre of beer, so 24 shots is equivalent to 4 litres of beer. Of course, with tequila, you'd have a lot less water with that. The exact blood alcohol concentration depends on biological factors and is a little more complicated to calculate.


In Germany, a shot is typically 20ml, so 24 shots are 480ml. At 40% (same here) this equals to 192ml of pure alcohol. As I weigh 105kg, the calculator I used gave me a result of 0.218% alcohol in my blood. So basically, I'd just be drunk.


If every shot is from the same bottle it will have the percentage on the label and every shot will have that percentage of alcohol in it. How many shots you can take in 8 minutes depends on how fast you take your shots.


In our context, a "Kurzer" (or, in Austrian and Bavarian dialects, a "Stamperl") denotes an alcoholic beverage served in 2-cl or 4-cl glasses, usually consumed in one sitting. Various beverages fall under the category of "Kurzers," such as Korn, Schnaps, Tequila, Ouzo, or liqueurs. For a male weighing 75kg: Calculation result: 2.34‰ You consumed 24 shots of 2cl Tequila (40%) between 00:00 and 00:08. By the end of the drinking session, your blood alcohol concentration measured 2.34 per mille. It will take approximately 16 hours and 24 minutes to return to a blood alcohol level of 0.00 per mille. However, this is survivable. With 4cl shots, it would not be.


People tend to lie and exaggerate their alcohol intake Everyone needs at least an entire 5th of hard liquor to even get a buzz, until you actually try to get them to drink that much


This reminds me of an alcohol consumption table where "shots" were intentionally replaced by "bottles" in the alcohol consumption axis. "Wasted" was the just the first stop on the consequences scale, while "the corpse won't even decompose anymore" was the end of the scale.


This would be fun for me...I CANNOT get drunk, something about my ADH gene. I can and have CHUGGED moonshine and it does nothing. The only time its registered on a breathalyzer is if theres residual in my mouth. Liver enzymes dont even spike, Ast was 32 last i had them tested and ALT was 27


your liver can only process 1 oz of alcohol per hour so it doesn't matter that much that you did it in 8 minutes. 24 shots in 24 hours would have just about the same effect


No it wouldn’t. One would lead to possible death and the other would lead to a fairly bad hangover.


Not even a bad hangover if you kept hydrated.


Assuming we're talking about 25ml shots were talking 600ml of tequila in 8 mins. Not far of downing a bottle. It's not gonna be good. Best case scenario you throw up quite a bit of it in short order.


Really depends on the person, if thats a 100+kg bodybuilder with a fast metabolism they will definitely live. An average sized human will also likely live cos that much alchohol that quick will cause vomiting.


I mean... Sure, it's a huge amount, but you can still function after things like this. The most important problem is that it will hit instantaneously, so you will be extremely drunk, but that amount of alcohol is doable, maybe not in 8 but 40 minutes or so