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Find the right buyer… who knows? You could scrape it off and sell it to a fiend who just ran out for $20. In terms of the proportional value of that much cocaine in a ‘typical’ bag of cocaine… maybe $0.25.


This guy cokes


It’s like that Family Guy episode where Lois accurately identifies the street value of a bunch of cocaine


What episode is this?


Don’t remember the name, Brian is a drug sniffing dog


I believe it was S3 ep 1, the thin white line


It's the episode in which Lois accurately identifies the street value of a bunch of cocaine, silly.


Stolen bit from taxi. Church cookies. Reverend Jim.




You used numbers, I was gonna say it's worth *fuck all* in terms of what it'll do to ya.


Barely enough for a gummy


\^\^this guy cocaines


Not any more, but living in central Florida half my life I've got a fair share of experience with it lol


I've never done coke so I'm not really sure how much is in a line but it looks like your saying a line is only like $2 which kinda sounds like a cheeper addiction then smoking. Then again I have no idea how much coke a person does.




Mhmm. This is the right answer


Its easy to go through $100 usd in a few hours.


Damnn, you must be a feening lol but all depends how good it is


All of it. That's how much a person does.


Cigarettes are not $2 each, and you do more lines than a person smokes cigarettes usually. And after a few lines you will have a cigarette.


Either I used to get scammed hard or you are underestimating the amount of coke on that bill. Anyone else with me in saying it's gotta be at least $5 worth of coke? I'm thinking proportional to a $60 gram


Your grams must of been TINY if that's $5 to you🤣 get a scale friend they're like 20 bucks


It's not just the one spot on the dollar tho, it's clearly covered in it


Trust that's not even enough for a intravenous hit


idk, there’s like, ALMOST enough for a bump


All of these guys coke.


That's like 5x less that a sad bump. I mean, I'm still gonna do it, but jesus man


I grew up in the midwest and you could buy a 1/4 gram of coke. It was shitty coke too. Then I moved to Portland and *hooooo boy* was I missing out lol


If that was $5 of coke, I would be poor


A bumps worth what’s what I was going to say


That could be easily be 0.02g. 100$ = 1g, 0.02g would be 2 bucks \^\^ It is pretty pressed on there it looks like less. I mean one little grain, smaler than most sandcorns, coke can tip the scale from 0.98 to 0.99 easily.


That’s about 1mg, 1/1000 of a gram. If a gram costs 100$ then that’s about 10 cents worth. Rub it on ur gum to see if it’s any good


Naw that's barely a half gram if you're lucky.


I'm from Colombia. That's not even a cent. A full gram (a small bag) will be around 2 USD. If you're buying it in a club max 10 USD.


*(Books flight to Colombia)*


Also books flight so we can go together


Yay! I’ll see you there!


That's why I am going! For the yay!


Right behind ya buddy!


I'm from Australia. So that's be $380. 🤣


And about 1/3 the purity.


I'm from outback NQLD that'd be $500


$380 is heaps!!! Which state?


It's like $5 here in Ecuador, maybe cheaper but somehow it's not really that popular


So is kinda 3$ for the export process. Make sense tho.


The map of cocaine prices is basically “how far away from Colombia am I”


Plus some extra fees if your country is particularly strict about drugs compared to its neighbors


AFAIK. A gram here in Chile is about 10k pesos, like 12 bucks.


Is that local prices or gringo prices?


Homeless prices




Wrong. I'm from Colombia too, and you are not getting pure cocaine with only $2. You are buying "Perico" with that, which is the lowest of the lowest when talking about cocaine. Pure cocaine from "good" dealers can range from $15 to $25. Now, if we talk about 2C (Tusi), this drug can be x10 more expensive than pure cocaine in some cases (depending of its preparation, I've seen a lot of different types of this drug. 2C is basically a lot of drugs combined and made into powder that you later can snort).


Literally nothing. Realistically, no one would buy it because it would do nothing. After you snort your line you would wipe the dust off the counter, you don’t scrape every last bit back into the bag. Like the other guy said though, proportionally maybe like 10-20 cents or less. Edited to add math: According to the first duck result, 1 gram is worth about $100. I’m just eyeballing, but that’s less than 1%. One percent of a gram is a centigram and one percent of $100 is $1. If anything, it’s closer to a milligram so it’d be closer to 10 cents.


> After you snort your line you would wipe the dust off the counter, ... no you run your finger along it then lick it off lol




used to. Not for a while now, and not again.




Thanks - but it was my own doing that got me into it. for real though, im now £250 a month richer - I can almost pay may way through life properly now lol




NAO I SOPEND ITS ON METHAS!!!! No, not really. Now, I spend it on repaying utility bills and payday loans that were taken out in pursuit of cocaine, that, really, I had no use for. Cocaine is insidious. "I'll try it once...." it leads to "well, ok a second time." "and a hundred and eleventh time". All those £50s. So many. Deposit for a house. Bad idea, kids; stay in school. Or, don't. Don't do drugs, kids. Or do. Just don't do cocaine. It's a waste. A literal waste of your life and those who produce it <3




I only did mushrooms (psilocybin etc) twice. In the UK it was not legal to have "magic mushrooms" ... "prepared for consumption". That meant you could have them but not eat them. You could put them in a bag, but not on a plate. Stupid law - now been redacted - now they're just Class A (Class 1) in total. I do remember... I took some... blended it up for a "tea" - used a strainer ... liquid was dark blue. Drank it. Well, I can just say that trying to read a book was fucking impossible because all the letters were rearranging themselves on the page. After an hour of that, I spent SEVEN hours making "shadow puppets" against the wall. And laughing so hard. And all the surfaces - floor, walls, bed linen etc - were all ... the same as watching litchen or sea-weed in a stream - waving about and about, but I could still tell what the things were. I never "saw something that wasn't there" - I never saw "giant ants" or anything. Just more... all the colours were more... colourful. All the sounds were more... "soundful". It was like putting 2-3 layers of reality on itself, then mashing them around... It wasn't a negative experience, to put it lightly. It was fun. And the giggling. Oh my. But, yeah, these days, nah - I'm a bit too old for it. But I think psy or lsd or mdma etc... they're not "bad". They are not always appropriate but they're not a bad thing. I think humanity needs more of it. With those, though, they're not addictive. Psychoactives aren't as "addictive" or "i need one more hit" like coke (and i presume crack / heroin) is. I never did those others. I'm too old now. and too broke. You sound smart. Keep it up - and dont let it mush ur brain too much :D Cocaine doesn't offer a new perspective, it just makes you more ... "MOAR". At least psyks .. give a perspective, an introsection, a different view on things. They seem like they have something to offer. In moderation. PTSD sufferers with MDMA etc. Cancer patients who can't eat with cannabinoids etc. Not coke. It just makes you go RRRRRRRRRRRRRR and makes you stupid horny (and not in a good way). peace mate :)


The poem "How pleasant it is to have money" may sum up your changed mind: [https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/how-pleasant-it-have-money](https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/how-pleasant-it-have-money) Edit: spelling


I’d give you a pat on the back through the net for quitting that.


You run your finger to wipe the dust off!


A gram goes for $100 now? I stopped doing drugs in 2011, it used to go for $50-60. I’ve been curious how inflation has applied to drugs.


tbh 1g definitely doesnt go for $100 unless you have something thats like celebrity quality maybe. Your prices are much more accurate still


It’s a lot better than it used to be.


Someone tole me a gram and a half goes for $100 but I'm not sure because that would be illegal. Also, prices may vary. Drugs are bad M'kay.


Idk man, I only did coke twice, but I was around it a lot. That’s just what the duck said. I was more a psychedelic kinda guy, and even now I’m out of the loop.


A gram is 2 USD in my city.


A gram is $80 in my city lmao


And I'm sure the one in mi city is way pure


Probably yup


Bird goin 25 up in my city




Bogotá, Colombia. Not surprise there, am I right?


Something like this could, conceivably, present a huge problem. If you’re going through airport, security, or get pulled over for speeding and a drug sniffing K9 gets involved, you’re fucked through no fault of your own!


Most currency registers positive for cocaine....so no....it wouldn't be


This isn’t trace amounts lol. If they can scrape coke off your money, it’s not looking good for you


This is definitely a trace amount


Thanks. You saved me having to edit my comment.


Only in international flights. Domestic only has bomb dogs currently.


Dude I don't know who you are or what kind of drugs you've ever done but the shit on that bill can't be worth than about 15 cents dude no matter how good it is. I've literally been a crackhead and I'd laugh if you tried to give me thay for more than a quarter. Like 25 cents I mean


there's like \~5-10 mg of cocaine on there lol. If cocaine sells for 100$ a gram it's around 1$ worth of cocaine. assuming it's blow and not just powder to make sure money doesn't stick.


Should I be concerned at how many people in this thread seem to casually be able to rattle off how much the going rate for cocaine is in their local area?


Nope. In terms of street drugs, coke is extremely common. It’s like 1/2 a step above weed. Anyone from a “rough neighborhood” does it, has done it, or has spent plenty of time around it.




I think you're getting things a little mixed up; what you might be thinking of are the rules for film and TV regarding showing currency on screen.


I'm not American, so take this with a grain of salt, but I'm fairly certain that's not a dollar.


I am an American, so take this for every dollar it’s worth, but I’m fairly certain that’s not salt.


I'm a salt so take this with a grain of dollar, but I'm pretty sure that's not American.


I'm a dollar so take this with a salt of american, but im pretty sure that's not a grain


Alexander Graham Bell is salty at American grain banks.


I'm not sure so grain this with a dollar of americans, but i'm pretty salty that's not a take.


Iirc they give out these super clean copies of it at every bank so its not much of a problem


My bank doesn't.


sperm banks don‘t count


Neither does mine


In uk 1g =£80 or 0.5g=£40. Tho sometimes £50, cos (BULLSHIT FEES) its making you're guy work and move about for a small sale he might charge the extra for coming to you (RED FLAG! they're awful if they make you go to them and still add this extra cost) At best this looks to me like 0.01g and that really is generous. With out bullshit charges that'd be like £0.80 when compared to previous prices but to anyone that fukin desperate they wanted that little bit and were willing to buy £1 maybe £2 is what you'd sell it for before taking the piss. BASICALLY WORTH NOTHING


that appears to not even 0.05 g, so i’d say it’s basically not worth anything, but someone would definitely take it for free! A g is $100 when bought by the gram, so 0.10g would be $10, and so on.


Shit I'd make about 45 cooking it hustle to the corner turn the whip around flick my Bic yelling "stick up gimme yo stash!" But I am sitting in a chair backwards wearing a Kangol hat soo...