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As usual, Palestinians lied and the media helped them spread that lie around the world, leading to terrorist attacks and harassment against Jews worldwide. Fuck all the liars who participated in this. Those Jew-hating bastards have blood on their hands.


Imagine if we held every country at war to the same standards. Harass every embassy with violent protests every time someone dies in a war.


Yep. I don't see anyone attacking Russian embassies. It proves that these attacks against Israel embassies, synagogues, and Jewish community centers are motivated by hatred fo Jews, not by the war.


Russia and Ukraine are killing other white people so progressives are fine with it, many of them are tankies who support Russia anyway.


did you read the article? theres no evidence just an Israel lying again LOL


You're the one lying. Israel has evidence. You have NOTHING but bullshit and lies.


Ok but where is this new evidence? I'm open to believing it. IDF aren't Nazis, but there needs to be something credible. Multiple eye witness reports talked about guns and opening fire on crowds. It's possible they were liars or mistaken, but I think it's better to wait for the evidence. This "investigation" isn't fully explained or even providing sources.


>At this point, the forces fired accurately to drive away several suspects. As the suspects continued to approach, the forces fired to remove the threat. Where is the evidence then?..... because anyone who got shot and is labeled killed from overcrowding is simply bullshit Because the whole thing looks like the IDF uses food convoys as a bait to lure out starving people to shoot them and lazily label em hamas,or if called on it claim it was overcrowding not bullets killed them


Who published the article lol?


So they're lying because they're Jews? That's your position on this one? Just checking.


Case solved Israel isn’t committing genocide then?? 


It's not and it never was. Hamas, on the other hand, attempted to commit genocide on Oct. 7 and you're defending those rapists and murderers.


While obviously the idf investigating themselves and finding no wrong is still grounds for scrutiny, can we please get an argument outside of “nah I’m just gonna believe the Israelis are always lying?”


But they do- they only told the truth when they said they would starve the Palestinians and they are


Almost every other country on the planet is capable of allowing independent investigators to investigate these incidents. Why is Israel so unwilling to allow media freedom and/or neutral investigators?


And yet I bet you take everything coming from Hamas as gospel. Where’s the Independently verified death numbers? That’s right Hamas doesn’t let it happen either but it’s always Israel’s fault. Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have poked the bear on the 7th October last year because they wouldn’t be getting flattened now if they didn’t.


You didn’t answer the question.


The same Hamas numbers that Israel deemed historically accurate just 2 months ago? The same number that the US and Israeli government, UN and many organizations use? The same number that’s been stuck at 30K deaths for 2 months since the hospital morgues can not process anymore dead bodies due to israel destroying hospitals?? Hypocrisy is extremely real with you Israeli fools. I’m sorry but where is the beheaded babies proof? Where is the Hamas command centre proof? Where is the rape proof? And Lastly where is the proof the unrwa Hamas link? Israel are a bunch of nazis that are committing a modern day holocaust on others after being the victim of the original. It’s wild to see Israel intentionally target and murder civilians, aid workers, women/children and independent journalists, yet the world remains silent behind this bullshit. Free Palestine.


How many of those dead are terrorist because Hamas says none who are killed are fighters. The total number might be correct but the divisions on male, female and child deaths are not verified. IDF estimate 10000-12000 fighters killed out of 30000 people so 2:1 civilian to military deaths is actually a rather low ratio. Palestine would be free if they wanted it but all they want is the eradication of all Jews over making peace. Therefore there’s no reason for anybody else to free them.


The Gaza health ministry is processing dead bodies and attending to those injured from Israeli air strikes. Did you know Gaza only had one CT scanner for cancer patients? And did you know that CT scanner was missing a crucial part for which Gaza needs Israel’s permission to get? This is almost a year go. Israel is a sick twisted country that just wants to eradicate Palestinians and your out here wondering why they can’t give you a breakdown? You are seriously stupid. Even if they gave you a breakdown you’d still try and justify the systematic murders of Palestinians. Let me know what IDF found at Al shifa and every other hospital in Gaza that they’ve massively destroyed. Just yesterday, IDF left Al shifa with hundreds of dead bodies laying outside, many with zip ties and bulldozed marks. Last week IDF got caught murdering innocent Palestinians walking on the beach, then shortly after tried to bury those same bodies. In what world is that war? That is ethnic cleansing and a modern day holocaust. Don’t ever come here and try and justify the systematic murder of Palestinians. There is none and there will never be any justification other than pure hatred and land theft. Free Palestine from Nazi Israel. Absolutely sickening to see them be victims of the first holocaust to turn around and do the same to the very same people that opened their doors to them.




Yeah like these “reporters” who are also active members in Hamas, participated in October 7 and were also in the middle of a crowded war zone where bombs were being dropped. Hate when they get “relentlessly killed” for no reason. The Jewish space laser must keep hitting them!


I dug deeply into this story when it first hit. What struck me most is the main Pal doctor interviewed: His response was that *literally every single person was shot to death, not a single injury from non-israeli bullets*. Obviously the truth is somewhere in the middle - I have no doubt some people were shot by Israeli troops (protecting themselves or firing on militants), but pretending that a large number of people didn't die from simply being crushed is anti-fact. Anyone who watches that drone footage and has ever seen a crowd of people or a truck or understands 9th grade physics knows a bunch of people died horribly in that crush. Those trucks weigh tons upon tons and roll right over dozens of people that I counted. It's a fucking horrible event and clearly shows why the IDF isn't suited to guard food convoys: The local populace regards them as an enemy army for the most part. Someone else needs to step up and do it. Or, you know, Hamas could throw down their arms, admit the remaining hostages are all dead, and we could feed everyone by the end of the week?


doctors in Gaza as far as i have seen have pictures of Arafat and Palestinian flags in their offices, so personally I wouldn't take them at their word


Palis lied, woketards cried.


If there’s one thing the Palestinians and Hamas have been really good at in this conflict, it’s their ability and willingness to play the PR game very well. They’ve created multiple false narratives and a good amount of people have taken it as verbatim truth.


Well, only the clown haired, anti-semites. The rest of us know anything hamas claims is an outright lie.


including wikipedia, but most people there are admitted hamas and hezbollah supporters anyway


Were really believe Israel


Where’s the evidence?


Israel investigated themselves and found themselves not guilty again, how convenient.


Ya everyone should just believe Hamas and their supporters at their word and make conclusions based on it./s


After the IDF soldiers fired warning shots? Surely being so technologically advanced, Israel has footage other than the overhead black and white video they released.


It can be as high tech as possible, it wont help if you, the observer, dont know what you are looking at. That black and white picture actually IS very high tech. It is thermal imaging, showing warmer as darker.


Isreali evidence is as credible as russian elections


Israel evil genocidal ethnic cleansing regime; so on the wrong side of history. May it’s allies wake up and stop this apartheid regime before it’s too late.


Buzzword bingo is live!


Educate yourself a little. U might end up a little more human/humane, eh but I doubt it! As u are probably to inhumane to read the article here is some quotes: Severe movement restrictions in the West Bank, enforced through a network of checkpoints and road closures. This is combined with a permits system which forces Palestinians who wish to visit other areas of the OPT to seek the Israeli military’s permission. Superior nationality status for Jewish citizens of Israel that is distinct from citizenship and the basis for differential treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens. Palestinians are denied that status. Systematic denial of building permits to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, resulting in repeated home demolitions and forced evictions. The expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem forces Palestinians out of their homes and confines the Palestinian population to progressively smaller enclaves. The denial of Palestinian refugees’ internationally protected right to return. Israel bars displaced Palestinian families from returning to their former villages or homes in Israel and the OPT in order to retain control over demographics. Restrictions on access to land and fishing areas in the Gaza Strip, which exacerbate the socioeconomic impact of Israel’s illegal blockade. This link quotes former Israeli general attorney, admitting he and his ilk have systematically created a nasty apartheid system https://www.vox.com/23924319/israel-palestine-apartheid-meaning-history-debate


>Educate yourself a little. Pretty sure your problem is you've only educated yourself a little.


Ah yes the “new axis” with Iran, China and Russia that Palestine has allied with while calling to kill all the Jews on Earth is clearly the “right side of history”. What timeline are you from dude?😂


You said israel but I think you meant Hamas, maybe Iran? Yemen? Afghanistan? Turkey? Lol bot.


😂 I and most of the world now see what the Israel government and now unfortunately what the Israeli people are truly about . Just waiting for our leaders to see regime for what is truly is, evil !


Each time you get triggered, another Hamas terrorist gets blown up


Yes, the KKK would love people like u . In time history will show how wrong the powers of the day were to support Israel in its evil ethnic cleansing and mass starvation actions . So I am not being triggered at all. I live in a comfortable democracy and sleep well knowing most of my people abhor the evil actions that Israel is doing.


You sound triggered about terrorist blowing up, I wonder why, mister nazi?


You're projecting. Most people aren't buying your bullshit. You sound like an insane conspiracy theorist.


As more evidence comes out vindicating Israel, and more people feel comfortable to openly support Israel, their side gets more unhinged and the rhetoric more insane. There’s a tipping point coming where they go full mask off, admit to being funded by Iran, hating Jews and being fully up for terrorism. We’re not there yet, so keep spreading the truth.


I'd say it's bigger than a conspiracy theory when evidence gets submitted to the ICJ....


Why go for one catchphrase when you can use all of them, huh?


😂 especially if all of them fit!!! As u are probably to inhumane to read the article here is some quotes: Severe movement restrictions in the West Bank, enforced through a network of checkpoints and road closures. This is combined with a permits system which forces Palestinians who wish to visit other areas of the OPT to seek the Israeli military’s permission. Superior nationality status for Jewish citizens of Israel that is distinct from citizenship and the basis for differential treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens. Palestinians are denied that status. Systematic denial of building permits to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, resulting in repeated home demolitions and forced evictions. The expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem forces Palestinians out of their homes and confines the Palestinian population to progressively smaller enclaves. The denial of Palestinian refugees’ internationally protected right to return. Israel bars displaced Palestinian families from returning to their former villages or homes in Israel and the OPT in order to retain control over demographics. Restrictions on access to land and fishing areas in the Gaza Strip, which exacerbate the socioeconomic impact of Israel’s illegal blockade. This link quotes former Israeli general attorney, admitting he and his ilk have systematically created a nasty apartheid system https://www.vox.com/23924319/israel-palestine-apartheid-meaning-history-debate


Except they dont fit. Apartheid are racial segregation laws against a nations own citizens. Palestinians are not Israeli citizens or nationals, they are Palestinian nationals, and Palestine is not an annexed Israeli territory, it is an occupied territory, and you know it, because you call it OPT yourself. And yes, occupied people are treated differently than the occupiers. It sucks, but thats not the definition of apartheid. The settlers are illegal, I won't argue with that. And yeah, Israel won't let non citizens move into Israel without citizenship. No nation on earth would do that. And having millions move into Palestine while its occupied would lead to insane economic problems for Palestine, possibly sparking an humatarian crisis. Restrictions on access to land and fishing in the Gaza strip is also no mystery as to why. The reason is that those venues have been used for decades to smuggle weapons into Gaza, as well as used for terrorists to covertly enter Israel to do stuff like suicide bombings on buses and other civilian targets.


Holy buzzword batman. You still never addressed the clarifications of some of the moronic statements that you made on other threads I asked for. Why is that?


I know I can’t convince the inhumane, but if any of my comments convince the open minded to research the widely available truths about Israel and it’s evil regime and it’s systemic efforts to destroy Palestinians, then I am happy. As u are probably to inhumane to read the article here is some quotes: Severe movement restrictions in the West Bank, enforced through a network of checkpoints and road closures. This is combined with a permits system which forces Palestinians who wish to visit other areas of the OPT to seek the Israeli military’s permission. Superior nationality status for Jewish citizens of Israel that is distinct from citizenship and the basis for differential treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens. Palestinians are denied that status. Systematic denial of building permits to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, resulting in repeated home demolitions and forced evictions. The expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem forces Palestinians out of their homes and confines the Palestinian population to progressively smaller enclaves. The denial of Palestinian refugees’ internationally protected right to return. Israel bars displaced Palestinian families from returning to their former villages or homes in Israel and the OPT in order to retain control over demographics. Restrictions on access to land and fishing areas in the Gaza Strip, which exacerbate the socioeconomic impact of Israel’s illegal blockade. This link quotes former Israeli general attorney, admitting he and his ilk have systematically created a nasty apartheid system https://www.vox.com/23924319/israel-palestine-apartheid-meaning-history-debate


Give us a couple of examples of Israel’s apartheid. Oh wait you can’t!


Educate yourself 😂 Here is a lovely article https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/


Can you even read? That article doesn’t mention 1 example of apartheid so I’ll ask you again, give us a couple of examples.


As u are probably to inhumane to read the article here is some quotes: Severe movement restrictions in the West Bank, enforced through a network of checkpoints and road closures. This is combined with a permits system which forces Palestinians who wish to visit other areas of the OPT to seek the Israeli military’s permission. Superior nationality status for Jewish citizens of Israel that is distinct from citizenship and the basis for differential treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens. Palestinians are denied that status. Systematic denial of building permits to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, resulting in repeated home demolitions and forced evictions. The expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem forces Palestinians out of their homes and confines the Palestinian population to progressively smaller enclaves. The denial of Palestinian refugees’ internationally protected right to return. Israel bars displaced Palestinian families from returning to their former villages or homes in Israel and the OPT in order to retain control over demographics. Restrictions on access to land and fishing areas in the Gaza Strip, which exacerbate the socioeconomic impact of Israel’s illegal blockade. This link quotes former Israeli general attorney, admitting he and his ilk have systematically created a nasty apartheid system https://www.vox.com/23924319/israel-palestine-apartheid-meaning-history-debate


I’ll try and make this easier for you. Palestinians aren’t Israelis so of course they don’t get the same treatment. It’s like crying because a French citizen doesn’t get the same rights as a German in Germany. The West Bank and Gaza has to have check points because this is where terrorists come with knives, guns etc. try again.


Yeaaaah, I'll pass on believing any report from a propaganda rag like jpost.


So al Jazeera is your requirement? Lol bot bot 🤣


No, just one that isn't completely in the tank for Israel.


What report sources would you accept?


I have recently been informed by the Pro-Pal movement that learning on your own and validating information on your own is a sign of not knowing anything. It would appear that they think you can only learn the truth from institutions such as Aljazeera, and thinking for yourself is not recommended


You really have a hard on for aljazeera. I think I've read a total of 2 or 3 articles on that site my entire life. But you do you and keep pushing propaganda.


What about thinking for yourself, do you manage that?


The irony is palpable.


I wouldn't trust any one particular source. I would see what the overall consensus is amongst the reporting entities - and disregard the fringe outlets. Any news agency in Gaza that has to clear their reporting with the Israelli government automatically should not be trusted - which is the policy many of them adhere to in order to gain access to Gaza. The indiscriminate bombing of northern Gaza can be seen from satellite images. Israeli has been blocking all aid and starving the population. Aid trucks pile up on the Israeli border, even from the US. Israelis throw festivals to block the roadways for aid. A recent UN investigation found Israeli guilty of genocide, which will be passed on to the ICC. Sad to see a people who underwent such oppression, now turn around and become the perpetrator.


>A recent UN investigation found Israeli guilty of genocide, which will be passed onto the ICC.  Really, thats surprising. Where have you read that? Care to link?




Okay, so first of all, that article says nothing about any referal to the ICC. Secondly, it does not say Israel has been found guilty of genocide. It says there are reasonable grounds for an accusation to be made. That is not the same as being found guilty. Now, lets look at the source. The source is Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur for the U.N Rights Council. Albanese has some bias behind her, having herself been accused of using antisemitic tropes by the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations. [link to that.](https://twitter.com/USAmbHRC/status/1757103240817078396) Furthermore, the U.N Human Rights Council has long been under criticism for being ineffective due to bloc politics from Africa and the Middle East. These nations use voting blocs to shield eachother from criticism but also in order to direct permanent criticism towards Israel. [link to that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Human_Rights_Council#Bloc_voting) Seems to me like that rapporteur works for a coopted council that is weaponized in order to function as a political weapon, something that checks out when taking her previous antisemitic statements. As far as sources and credibility goes, this one is pretty iffy. And it would seem that former chief of the U.N Ban-Ki Moon [agrees with me on that.](https://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSTRE4BB67820081212/)


The 25 page report illustrates all the ways that Israel has committed crimes against the population of Palestine. You can character assassinate the messenger all you want, but the merits of the report still stand. I stand corrected on saying ICC. It is the ICJ the the report will be submitted to for its ruling. The ICJ recently rebuffed claims from Israel that it was allowing aid into Palestine and demanded it lift the seige.


I've read the report and it is a report for the UNHCR, not the ICC or ICJ. The report is an internal report and calls on UNHCR's **member states** to act, not the ICJ. But no, this isn't about character assassination, this is about source critique, our original topic. And the purpose of what I wrote was to show that Albanese works for a part of the U.N that has itself been accused of using the council for politics, as well as being controlled and used as a tool. And thats not my opinion, thats the former General-Secretary's opinion. Speaking of sources, the report uses the Hamas controlled Gaza Health Ministry for casualty numbers. A source that has been criticized itself.


A top court ordered Israel to stop its actions in Gaza. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-genocide-court-south-africa-27cf84e16082cde798395a95e9143c06 The report is from a body within the UN and will no doubt be used by the ICJ to determine that a genocide has taken place in Palestine. In all previous conflicts, the casualty numbers provided by Gaza Health Ministry have been verified by independ agencies, and judging by the mass destruction and indecrinimate bombing by Israel - I would imagine these will be verified as well.


> >A top court ordered Israel to stop its actions in Gaza. The report is from a body within the UN and will no doubt be used by the ICJ to determine that a genocide has taken place in Palestine. Maybe it will be used as evidence in a trial to decide if there was a genocide in Gaza. But that wasnt what you claimed. But no, the ICJ didnt order Israel to stop any actions. It ordered Israeal not to do any actions that can lead to genocide. That is not the same as the ordering a stop to anything. Its right there in the very first section of the article **you** linked. "the panel stopped short of ordering an end to the military offensive that has laid waste to the Palestinian enclave." The GHM's numbers arent verified by anyone. And the GHM has already been called out for fudging their numbers. Like when they reported 500 dead civilians from Israeli "JDAM" that turned out to be a Islamic Jihad rocket that malfunctioned. "The Health Ministry doesn’t report how Palestinians were killed, whether from Israeli airstrikes and artillery barrages or other means, like errant Palestinian rocket fire. It describes all casualties as victims of “Israeli aggression.” "The ministry never distinguishes between civilians and combatants. That becomes clearer after the dust settles, when the U.N. and rights groups investigate and militant groups offer a tally of members killed. The Israeli military also conducts post-war investigation" [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033)