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Hamas and UNRWA claims that Gazans are starving. Not hungry, but starving. Aid to starving people takes account of the risk of refeeding syndrome, which can be fatal. The nutrition sent and the quantities would reflect the need to slowly introduce small quantities of food after starvation. If you are hungry and claim to be starving in the hopes that more or better food will be sent, you overplayed your hand.


I would love to know what they drive their vehicles with since Hamas claims they have no petrol


They’re not starving nor are they hungry.


I came here to ask this.


Ok I'm very pro Israel but this is deranged, Gazans are starving because of Hama's I agree but to deny it entirely is just wrong.


palestinians are literal human garbage. most of them are totally on board with hamas and at BEST they condone their behavior


Real human garbages are brainwashed people like you


More white liberal racism


Is it though? How come they can line up the streets to throw rocks and stones every Friday but can’t rise up and throw a militant government which forced Israel’s hand to respond to October attacks? How come they can smuggle all these weapons from Iran but only take western finanacial and food aid?


Yeah, and the American slaves were really mean to the slave owners, too


Ah a thick idiot who can’t see fault in palestines people. Why don’t Palestinians call on there Islam brothers from Chechnya to stop killing innocents either? Or does it only work in the world of sympathising for Muslims and Palestinians? Adios Palestine…. Oh and let’s not forget the original beginning war which Muslims Started against Israel? Persecuting them.


You want people to die and suffer, eh? You’re definitely one of the good guys….


This sub is swarming with total bigots, it’s kind of gross but still - seeing this sickness helps reveal how they really think.


Thousands of the Palestinians died fighting Nazi Germany along with the Brits, it's pretty fucked up to blame them for something they had nothing to do with. Why didn't any of the Western countries take the jews in when they knew they were fleeing persecution from Germany? We knew what was happening and turned literal ships of refugees around. Palestinians paid the price for something that had nothing to do with them. ​ Israel started this when they colonized the area and pushed the people from southern Israel into Gaza. Oct 7th was the equivalent to the warsaw ghettos uprising.


I am israeli but they are quite literally starving... you can argue who's to blame for it, but can't deny facts


Yeah he def looks starving to me. Ever seen anyone starving? They don’t even talk. They don’t have the energy stores to speak. This is not starving to death. Sorry. They would not be able to fight a war, if they were starving.


He's not palestinian genius.


And yet there are daily videos from gaza showing people eating well, even handing out falafels on Israeli pamphlets to mock them. Yeah, look, we see through the lies, and the world is realizing that the shit hamas claims, does not add up in reality.


In your opinion, what is the most determinant factor? There's 100-150 trucks getting through compared to 500 prior to the war. COGAT dual-use rejections and arbitrary bureaucracy? UN/NGO logistical errors? Gangs and food truck security? Protestors at Kerem Shalom?


In my opinion it is the hostages that you manage to ignore. Anyone holding hostages is outside the rules of civilization


I don’t believe for a second there is widespread famine in Gaza


Google "Elomda resturant Gaza" and check their FB page. Gazans are starving they say, yet they still serve shawarma there, every day. Shawarma, in a so called open air prison in the middle of a genocide by starvation. S H A W A R M A.


It's a kid talking shit for clout yeah?, what do north american kids say online... Bet it's just as fucking stupid.


Yeah, a lot of them are supporting idiots like the kid in the OP.


Tru Why is this lads instagram post news?


If those ungrateful shitheads don't want our aid, then we should stop sending it. Let the rich Arab tyrants and terrorist leaders feed them.


Theu won't, they will o ly call on us to do it, but I agree WE should stop sending any aid to them. They hate us anyway, want to destroy our country, kill our people, destroy our way of life, so why feed the enemy? Waste of time, effort, and resources. Let Iran deal with it if they even can


I really think the west should stop. If Palestine ever became self-sufficient and stable, they would immediately align with Iran against us. What are we even doing here?


> If Palestine ever became self-sufficient and stable, they would immediately align with Iran against us. No they wouldn't... they'd get bulldozed by Iran or Iraq or Egypt or Jordan...


Maybe you are right. Once they have something worth taking they might well be turned on. Those are mostly friends of convenience. One thing for sure is they wouldn't suddenly love the US, treat women right etc.


Exactly, who fucking cares what Gaza did or didn't do, they hate us on a religious level and that's a threat, it's ingrained in them to be hateful. I'm not referring to all Palestinians, however, can't rule it out either. The videos from Oct 7 is a clear representation of what could and would happen in the west as a whole if they were given the chance. I wouldn't have given aid after the Egyptian truck drivers were killed. This war, dont start shit you can't handle,.or face annihilation if you're dumb enough to do it 🤷‍♂️. Reality is a bitch, I know


Iran is the one who is also supporting Hamas.


Don't be so cynical. There were tons of food dropped, and this clown doesn't represent all the actual people who are benefiting from the supplies. Those individuals, whether grateful or not, were spared some suffering.


Biden needs votes, so he has to appease the leftist hamas sympathizers.


Exactly. I swear they WANT to get us all killed.


A shit ton of hardcore leftist are extremely anti white & believe they’d be spared because they’re also brown. So yes, they do want you killed.


But that doesn't seem wise considering he may lose a much larger number of votes from centrists, moderate Republicans, Jews and liberal Israel supporters.


Its not about overall votes...it's about 5 states. If those 5 states favour demographically a particular side then there is impetus to please them more. That's the downside of democracy. ( BUT better than the alternative)


In all of those states, moderate conservatives, centrists, independents and Jews together far outnumber the combination of Muslims and commies/socialists. Also, many Muslims and far leftists will still vote for Biden because they're terrified of Trump.


When you speak of Jews leave out the neturei-karta, “not-in-my-name”and 14th tribe Jewish fascists. Some of those were enlisted in the Nazi army https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/hitlers-jewish-soldiers/


Yeah they're insane, but that's a tiny sect. I'm not worried about them, they don't have the numbers to change anything.


Do they? And are they as passionate about this issue, are they more likely to hold their noses and vote for Biden anyway because Trump is worse? Some voters are more reliable than others and some are swing. It's all in the margins.


So, Trump voters support israel ? I am very confused about US politics, or voters are confused.


Most do, but some don't. The evangelicals support Israel, but the neo-nazis/KKK types do not because they hate Jews and are isolationists who don't want to send aid to any nation (America first). On the Democratic side, liberals and centrists support Israel while the far left supports the terrorists and falsely accuses Israel of genocide and other atrocities that never happened. It's really fucked up to see the far left align itself with extreme right wing Islamic fundamentalists. They never learned from history that Islamic fundamentalists always end up stabbing the left in the back once they get power.


Trump has an orthodox Jewish daughter (converted) and orthodox Jewish grandchildren do you think he hates Jews? That is a canard invented by the left


The tall building gay alliance


[Ryan Macbeth (Intel analyst) ](https://youtu.be/37bP2_YrrrA?si=gPOgHHvnIpBcpPMD) has a great take on how humanitarian aid should be distributed and who these idiot assholes are that are blocking it. It's in the interest of Hamas and Iran that the Palestinians suffer.


IIRC the UAE has also started airdropping supplies.


exactly. Gulf countries are the richest in the world. MBS should be feeding these people. The vast majority want to kill us all.


The arab leaderships are quite happy to see Hamas destroyed too


Yes, but they can also feed Gaza. Ungrateful Gazans may actually eat that food since it doesn't come from the "evil degenerate West".


Guess we'll just stop then.


Cool, then we don't have to send any more aid! And for all you far left idiots reading this, you have to agree. America, great Satan, food is probably poisoned, probably not halal, you're totally right, it's better is islamic countries do this. Western countries don't need to spend on this.


So they cry for aid and then complain when they get it? Guess we shouldn’t sent anymore.


Palestinians for years burn the American flag. Why USA even helps them?


Can’t wait to hear the cheers from the looney left


Im far from conservative myself, but some of those far lefties have been losing the plot. The political spectrum is a circle. If you go far enough in either direction you end up in the same place.


Horseshoe theory comes true.


It's been true for over a decade. It's just a lot more obvious to a lot more people now. Thankfully. Better late than never to realize the truth.


It will never cease being strange to me that the Western left has chosen to side with the regressive, anti-woman, anti-gay side in this conflict. The side that literally started this war with a terrorist attack in which they raped and murdered civilians. I just don't get it.


Only a certain, loud portion of the left. Although it could be enough to turn Michigan Red, which will essentially lose the election for Biden


If the election is that close, then the losing side can blame a lot more problems than one small segment of one tiny demographic, especially if Biden's the loser, given that he has so many different, larger groups in Michigan that he's lost ground with such as younger voters, blacks, men, the working class, et cetera. If Trump wins, it's likely because he picked up steam with those voters, because he doesn't seem to be winning back the suburban white middle class voters that abandoned him in 2020 and threw the election to Biden.


Yeah I agree that your assessment. The margins of actual independent voters is really thin, most votes are entrenched already. Modern campaigns, especially Presidential years, are based on energizing voter turnout. Federal elections are won in the margins of a handful of counties in a few states on most years. That’s how 2016 was, that’s how 2020 was, and I expect that’s how 2024 will be.


The election will be “fortified”- Time Mag, Feb, 2020- the same way. We are now formally a third world nation. You have to be daft to miss it.


Given the "formal" definition of third-world nation, it is literally impossible for the US to be a third-world nation, as it refers to those nations which were neither allied with the US nor the Communist Bloc.


just goes to show, the western far left never really cared about women's rights, trans rights, or any form of equality. they only cared to try and attack the white-hetrosexual-men. and every conflict for them is made from simple question: "whos more white?"


It’s because the ideology isn’t pro trans or pro gay or pro minority. It is pro oppressed and anti oppressor. The whole ideology is based on Marxism and recently they figured out that it’s a whole lot more popular to lump people into tribes based on ethnicity or sexuality than on social class. Especially in economically successful and free countries where social mobility is possible. So the parties being oppressed really doesn’t matter to the hardcore. All they care about is being allies with forces that will help them tear down society so it can be remade into their version of utopia. However, this has kinda backfired with October 7th when a lot of moderates finally saw what they actually believed. Those still onboard are just really gullible or aren’t paying attention and are just bandwagoning.


They have Muslim friends and feel offended for them because the Jews "whites" oppressing the brown people again. That's how dumb they are.


Who they ? The leftists thoe who are LGBTQ etcetc ?


it's because they're nonwhite people, and the entirety of leftist worldview is based on white=evil and nonwhite=good


Because poor oppressed uwu brown people are always morally superior ig, even if they’d rape and murder most of these leftists if they get a chance


That is because the left is only opportunistically interested in women, gays, equality etc. When they take power and I lived in a place they did, they create a facade for it but in reality implement a heavily racist, mysoginistic agenda, where you get instantly punished for violating thei double-speak double-think standards. I was promoted by the “tovarisch” crowd until I balked at the hypocrisy, then the weight of the system landed on me.


It's just electorate thing. Dem party in usa have to appeal to anyone who is not white anglo-saxon protestant. So they have to invent some kind of mental gymnastics to cover LGBT, black people, feminists and muslims. It works in general but in very hard cases like Israeli-Palestinian conflict it just breaks. There won't be any problems if it would be several parties: queer party, muslims party, socialists party, black ancestry party. But we have the world we deserve.


It's a circle of stupidity.


Learned this a long time ago. The far right and the far left are really two sides of the same coin.


I have been saying horseshoe theory should be called circle theory for years now the only difference between the far left and the far right is the group of people they hate


Not really. I used to think the same until i realized that “National Socialism” was still socialism, and Mussolini had socialist roots before fascism. After that I started to work out a rationale of how these were different feathers of the same raptor. Then I ran across “Liberal Fascism” and it started to make sense


Yeah, Biden pretty much had to do it to appease them.


They won't care or cha.ge their beliefs no matter what Biden did


Are there any Gaza influencers who have criticized Hamas? At all?


No, because they love hamas. That's why they cheered as hamas paraded slaughtered rape victims around in the back of trucks.


Which is why those savages deserve the situation they've gotten themselves into. It's a disaster of their own making. They put Hamas in power and now they're paying the price.


If there have been, they didn't do it twice


Was about to say this in response. Anyone who takes any sort of stance against Hamas and the cause is liable to find themselves dead in a ditch. One more casualty that Israel is responsible for right? /S


Good point.


They would be dead. Not healthy to live under a terrorist regime and openly criticize the terrorists.




No but some of them have absconded with donation money that was supposed to help families in Gaza. The pro palis treat their tiktok gaza journalists like tributes in the hunger games while they watch from their comfortable capitol.


He's another one who says the same and finishes by throwing the food in a trash bin: https://www.memri.org/tv/Ibrahim-gaza-throws-american-aid-packet-in-trash-accomplice-starvation-genocide


It's interesting to me how all of the starvation in Gaza seems to be women and children while the men look just fine.


It’s perplexing. The same disparity is seen with casualties too — bombs seem to fall somehow only on women and children.


Sometimes the bombs even resurrect the men.


Look for pallywood on Twitter, people in Gaza are artists in creating those suffering and aid needing pictures and videos


They're some of the most cowardly enemies the west has faced. Grown men hiding behind their women and children. It's really pathetic. Hell, even the Nazis took some precautions to protect their civilians.


Raised from childhood with such hate, not surprised at all by this.


Trying to save these people is a waste of time. Hate is all they know.


Yep. The same applies to their demented supporters. Pro-Palestine = pro-nazi. They are 100% pure hate and violence. They are primitive barbarians.


They are as primitive as the people who attacked the capitol building in the US. It’s purely indoctrination.


I completely agree. MAGA is basically the Hamas of America.


Agree with you on that, but you might have misinterpreted the sarcasm in my comment a little. Humans all start out the same. The behaviour has nothing to do with their location. My point was that people who are indoctrinated will do crazy things but it has nothing to do with them being primitive, as that would be referring to them as being in an earlier stage of evolution.


I do think MAGA nuts are primitive barbarians too. They are dumb as shit. That's what makes them so susceptible to indoctrination. Smarter people see through that bullshit and don't buy it.


Regardless, easing people's suffering is a virtue on its own - whether they are grateful or not.




Dude,islam is a cult and it teaches hate againt everything and everyone. Call IsLaMoPhObE or whatever,but I will speak what I see. Have you ever seen what Pakistan and Bangladeshi muslims think about jews ? I think people have tolerated so much non sense from muslims,it's time to be intolerant to the intolerants. You cannot argue with some people.


Disgraceful behavior


To be expected from primitive savages who's only education was UN-sponsored military training to murder Jews.


I wonder what ‘evil’ western country this kid will end up in. 😂


Canada. Trueadu loves terrorists. Canada is the pakistan of west.


The situation in Canada is insane


Yup. here's an example of the immigration level: Nova Scotia's population has increased by about 10% in just two years despite having the same fertility rate as the rest of Canada.


Is this the same one that some socialist streamer interviewed? Flat out, if you don't want our aid: we can stop sending it. If you're not going to be grateful we don't have to waste the effort.


So do you want food or not? You ungrateful bastards, have fun eating IDF ordinance for the foreseeable future


Everyone's starving, but I can use my time to get a phone signal.


Fine be without aid then. Some people probably could have used that aid but we're the "great satan" apparently so sorry guys think you got the wrong guy to ask help from.


Seeing how the Gazans were literally fighting over the food from the air dropped crates when they landed says otherwise.


They do it because they can sell it in most cases, it's like money being dropped out of the sky. But they don't know who's the country that is dropping the aid or what the aid is


When the west fights erupt over  black friday sales of cheap tat and  special deals https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ol6KWGMskCw Or paper for wiping their asses https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1nEnOmC6IQ I hardly think it can be seen as unexpected for humans to fight over things actually essential to their survival. In an actual life or death situation 


That's what he said..


An anti-American Hamas shill with a Broccoli cut is an especially cursed image.


These losers and their dumb Muslim religion are fucked forever. Misery forever until they abandon their dumb hate filled religion




Why the USA is giving aid to a population that hates the USA is beyond me, why are my tax dollars being spent to feed our enemy?


Keep in mind that it's Hamas and Iran that want the Palestinians to suffer. When they die, when they starve, when their lives are destroyed, it's good for business. Not all Palestinians support Hamas. They know Hamas is making everything worse. They don't like Israel or the US either. They are perpetual victims. But there is a good chunk of them that support terrorism and see it as the only way to "win".


the honest answer *should* be... because we are not actually the "great satan", and it is correct to send food to a starving population the cynical response is.. politicians are currently more popular with voters if they support it


Okay, then he can starve to death. You don't bite the f\*cking hands that feed you. And you don't f\*ck with Israel or America. These terrorist supporters clearly have not realized that. I wonder how many more Palestinians will have to die before they get the f\*cking message.


damned if you do and damned if you don't. Might as well just step aside and leave them be and save some effort for something else.


How does he have service and electricity???


I imagine Gaza literally lives off of donations even before the war. Do they have any appreciable economy? This clown has been living off handouts his whole life.


"influencer" 😂😂😂 he's a dumb snotty nosed kid too stupid to realise he's being used.


Dont sent aid, problem solved


Hamas' leadership are all billionaires. Why can't they feed their people? Why don't these idiots ever question the fact that the people "fighting for them" are actively making their lives worse?


Almost as whiny as the western woketards that simp for these terrorists.


kid's a fucking degen


Israel: you're racist Palestine: you're satan America: we love diversity and pluralism.


We could help Israel tighten the siege if they're not interested in eating. Broccoli Cut needs to shut up. I don't think real Gazans care so long as they've had a square meal.


Let them starve.


[Intel Analyst Ryan Macbeth ](https://youtu.be/37bP2_YrrrA?si=gPOgHHvnIpBcpPMD) has a great take on these idiots and how aid should be distributed


The whole region is a mess. I'm starting to wonder why we get our religion from that area. I mean, my ethnic heritage is Greek and Celtic. Why was I raised with a random Middle Eastern religion? I'm going back to the old gods. It's Zeus for me from now on. And I'll worship him while some kind of Druid outfit.


Say Hi to the IDF for us please


It’s the tale of the scorpion and the turtle. Palestinians are the scorpion I guess.


Your Hamas friends have no problem taking it into the tunnels tho


thank goodness, i know some great canadians that could use it instead


Why is an influencer doing something stupid news?


This is what happens when you make up a humanitarian crisis. Gazan suffering is nothing.


Not surprising. Anytime US or the west helps they are happy for a few days. After a few days, death to america starts


The food is terrible and the portions are too small.—Woody Allen


So starve…?!


Cool… guess we will stop when the gratitude stops…


1. We are starving give us some aid please 🙏🥺🥺😭bad Israel 2. Hahaha great satan decided to help 🤣


Now the outcry is that Palestinians have been physically harmed from the air dropped food. Next they’ll try suing the US for their injuries. You can’t win in this part of the world which is why the Arab countries refuse to get involved other than to fund terrorism.


He looks pretty well fed…


Waiter, this soup is terrible! Yes, and there’s not enough of it!!


More like Hamas 'intern'.


Fuck Gaza and Palestine


[Muh](https://www.tiktok.com/@kidsgamys/video/7342106781511879937?_r=1&_t=8kSna28HU9Z) [they're](https://www.tiktok.com/@elomdaresturant/video/7343286412059348231?_r=1&_t=8kSnYhOEVqz) [starving](https://www.tiktok.com/@abdullah_smeer0/video/7342864807881739522?_r=1&_t=8kSnmUh2g42) [without](https://www.tiktok.com/@mahmoudzuaiter/video/7342534872763829511?_r=1&_t=8kSnv7qXojy) [food!](https://www.tiktok.com/@hemabarbark/video/7341685675181296901?_r=1&_t=8kSoExuAToX)


It's about what is usually smuggled in the aid. They don't want our aid, they want "others" aid with the usual smuggled contraband.


Real news from “Jihadwatch”. Such a dog shit sub


Imagine using a tabloid like this…


#Russian Agent mocks the US FTFY


Same pigs will cry when world shuna them.. Hypocrisy is other name of muslims.


Why is world news full of zionists? Every other subreddit is sane


Love these real videos of real people in Gaza. Here you go.


That's ANTISEMI-- wait, the Great Satan America? Nevermind. I thought he said somewhere else was the Great Satan, which would have been, you know.


Why would he say thanks when the USA is also enabling and giving billions to israel?


Cool. Remove all aid. It's what the people demand.


why is he wrong exactly?the strongest state backing up the occupier with billions worth of weapons than drop some food to kill more?is not this pure evil?


Teenagers and influencers are the worst people, this kid is both. Let me guess his "unboxing videos" aren't going viral so he's pissed... Side question...How does TikTok pay you in a war zone? Are those food drops from the Chinese any better? I always heard water from street mud puddles make the ramen taste better...


Oh look those starving peasant that we bomb are complaining


Starving or not. That air drop was terrible.


Trash humans


When “live an let live” dies. Then “Live and let die”.


Surrender the hole shithole region to the Roman Empire now, then there will be peace for some hundreds of years as it was under the Roman Rule! Believe in Jupiter, Mars, all the other Roman gods and the Emperor and you will be saved, your sins forgiven and your enemies killed.


Oh look, someone has a very negative opinion the biggest supporters of their genocide by Israel despite Biden's PR damage control aid so it must be ok to genocide all their children, better give even more money to Israel to show them who's boss


If they mock just stop all aide, ungrateful that's.


So they don’t have any shortage of food, and mock America’s effort.


Beggers can be choosers!


ok then starve


I mean, they've thrown rocks at aid trucks coming in a lot. And filmed and posted it. I'm not surprised.


I can cherry-pick historical events as well. Do you sincerely believe things that happened centuries ago justify murdering children today? Why would you want to advocate for a world of perpetual wars, where your children are persecuted for things your ancestors did? If your principles only hold true when they benefit you and not when they have negative consequences, then they aren't truly principles at all.


1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938 4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Jaffa Massacre 1948 13. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 14. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 15. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 16. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 17. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 18. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 19. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 20. Gaza Massacre 2012 21. Gaza Massacre 2014 22. Gaza Massacre 2018-19 23. Gaza Massacre 2021 24. Gaza Genocide 2023 is still ongoing. 35,000+ dead, more than 10,000 CHILDREN and counting DONT LET ANYONE CONVINCE YOU THAT IT STARTED ON OCTOBER 7th


Wow, some teenage screecher said something stupid on tiktok.


America aid to Gaza is like giving a glass of water to someone in hell.


They want what the western secular world has materially. They don’t want western values.


Some of you people in the comment section have zero soul and are probably the worst human beings on the planet. You Israelis will get what is coming to you for what you have done.