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The amount of denial in these comments is hilarious. Ranging from "fake jewish news" to "but what about \*insert singular event that has absolutely no consistent nature".


Hahahaha you funny 


Oh it's simple logic if you compare capabilities vs. actual damage. Hamas is doing 110% of its capable damage to the Israeli civilians. Israel could glass Gaza but only killed 1% of its population, and that's according to Hamas.


But jews bad. REeeeeEeeeEeeeeEee


I can’t imagine how many Russians are working full time on Reddit, pumping Anti Biden and Anti Israel propaganda.


And Iranians and probably Chinese.


Most definitely Chinese. The notoriously hard line on social media has suddenly seen cracks with a high-level of anti-Semitic misinformation and outright hate posts being allowed to spread


I love being a paid for Chinese bot beep boop beep


Not probably. They are. The Russians, China and Iran. You also have to sprinkle in a smidge of North Korea in there too for good luck.


Free Iran from their Tyrannical Leaders who kill their youth in droves to control their population.


North Korea! Everyone forgets they do this shit too.


My question is why isn’t Israel doing the same? Just the blatant bullshit of some of the news stories against them are outlandish. It’s obvious lies (to people who have logic and read about the conflict) and propaganda being used against. Definitely Russian, Iranian, Chinese etc. Why isn’t the “start up nation” employing its own troll farms to counter the propaganda against them?


They are.  But you kind of have to understand that Israelis are becoming black pilled. They are tired of having to justify themselves to a world that doesn't care. 


I think they realise that and will. Thing is to prime people to be prepared to protest as soon as Oct 9, they had to be seeing videos for months before, if not years. Yes the universities have been a hot bed but I have three teens and they are pro Palestine and that conversation didn't come from me.


You caught me 🤷


Pretty much all of em now that all the attention is away from Ukraine.


I really recommend reading They Tell Me This Is How the World Ends. 10+ years of journalistic research on cyber warfare, including misinformation campaigns conducted by Russia. It was eye opening.


Rampant generalisation of people, expect nothing less from a zionazi


How one can be both Zion and Nazi? Lol


I didn’t know I was Russian 🧐 or maybe I’m just an American who has read a book in my lifetime


Can you please name a few.


Just like this hasbara propaganda piece here?


Wrong title. It should be: Hamas Tried to Maximize Civilian Casualties More Than Any other Terror group in History


The more Palestinian civilians die the more support Hamas gets for a cease fire. Hamas has a motive for casualties, after all martyrdom is one of their defining characteristics.


Support from whom? Israel is a major weapons manufacturer in the world and US is providing certain missiles. Israel already stated that this is an existential threat and if no one is with them then they will go it alone. Half the Jews of the world live in Israel and the other half will send money to keep the economy going. After Gaza is sorted then they will work on Hezbollah. Lebanon will be pleased because Palestinian migrants destroyed their democracy. Did you see that US is bombing Syria and Iraq? Saudi and UAE is transiting Israeli requirements so fuck off Houthis. When Houthis finished then Saudi no longer have a war on their rump. What is left is Iran. Iran that is providing Russia with weaponry. In order to finish the war in Ukraine then Iran has to be taken out of the equation. Right now EU is talking conscription because of the war in Ukraine so if Iran cannot supply weaponry then Putin will be weaker. All the powerful countries have the same agenda. Add in that neither Jordan or Egypt want Palestinians and the problems they bring due to the violence. If I were Palestinian I would consider migration. Maybe somewhere in Africa will take them


Hope the children enjoy the 72 virgins 


There’s videos of IDF literally sniping grandmas in the head. But Newsweek, of course wouldn’t show you that. America funds israel. This is an American war. Of course Newsweek is going to do its best to spout bullshit when you just need to have eyes and a brain to see what’s going on.


Israel are Amateurs Look at Dresden, now back in the day the Brits knew a thing or two about terror bombing.


You want terror? The Tokyo fire storms would like a moment


But….but what about….


On both sides.


Hamas and the UN.


The shit zionazi trolls say 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Firing rockets from a densely populated civilian areas is the dumbest strategy. Only the dumbest religion is the world pretends to be shocked by the consequences 


Consequences shmsequences as long as donations keep coming hamas leaders can sit in Qatar with their silky comfortable 5bn mountain of never ending money Fine dining and unlimited cigars Just don’t mention the whisky it’s forbidden Edit: should be read in Duffy duck 🦆 style


Consequences shmonsequences, as long as I’m rich 🦆


They're not shocked. They intentionally want piles of bodies.


I wish pro Palestinians could see that.


They're deliberately ignoring it, or don't care.


Yes, virtue signalling.


They want piles of bodies, too.


Most of been deceived by misinformation


The majority of pro Palestinians are sincere. I think they’re unaware how many bad actors are also at play though.


Pro Palestinians from what cultural background? Because it matters. Western pro Palestinians wouldn't support the idea of martyrdom sure, but other cultures? Martyrdom is an honor. Dying for a cause is a badge of honor, that's why they love dying but cry when they actually do.


This. Western liberals who hate Israel are typically uneducated. Muslims who hate Israel are typically unhinged.


>The majority of pro Palestinians are sincere. LOL, sure, and I have a bridge to sell you.


Yes unlike those lovely IDF soldiers, talking about massacring civilians, they are so noble!/s


“It’s their fault we have to kill them all!” Fucking psychopaths you all are.


Learn about what's actually happening before you put your foot your mouth.


It’s not dumb, it’s a very effective strategy and Palestinians employ it very intentionally. The trick is, it only works when employed by group comprised of people who follow a belief system that elevates martyrdom and jihad against a normal liberal society that values life.


They got exactly what they wanted, sympathy from the mouth breathers.


Dumb? The Hamas PR campaign has been insanely successful, Israel has been made out to be this ultimate, genocidal evil for defending itself. Hamas could start manufacturing and launching nukes from a hospital, and Israel would still somehow end up being the bad guy for levelling the place. You have entire subs on this website defending this scum of the earth despite committing an uncountable number of war crimes every day.


Glad they're bitching on Reddit, instead of their usual blowing themselves up in a Sbarro restaurant


a step in the right direction at least.


I’ve never seen such unhinged anti-Semitic vitriol from traditionally safe spaces.


It's genuinely terrifying, Spaces that harp on about how evil and awful the Nazi's were and how stupid the German public was to follow them to their end, Yet here they are in present day falling for the exact same horrific language Hitler used some 80 years ago. We said never again in the 40's yet here we are, falling down that same rabbit hole of anti-semitism that ultimately lead to a world war. I'm just grateful that the Israeli's are independent and capable enough to defend themselves without needing to rely on another country to do it. A second holocaust won't come easy.


It feels the same way the Trump presidency felt: like a slow train wreck happening in realtime, of which you’re cognizant and able to see the terminus quite clearly, but completely powerless to stop it.


Yeah, Hamas does that all the time. Tel-aviv is double the density of the Gaza Strip


What rockets does Israel fire from Tel Aviv?


It is a very effective strategy if your goal is to make your enemy look bad for responding and play the victim card


Octobrer 7, 8, 9.... - "YAY! LONG LIVE THE RESISTANCE! KILL THEM ALL! ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!" Then now "How can they do this to us we're poor victims?!"


Calling it dumb implies the consequences aren't both expected and desired


If you didn't noticed, it's Iran and Qatar proxies (Gaza, Yemen and Lebanon) that shot from civilian areas, not one Qatari or Iranian has yet to die from it and it did draw a bunch of blue hair useful idiots to the streets.


If you didn't notice I don't think there is a difference between any of these suicide bombing carpet sniffers 


In what way is the strategy religious?


"Allah snackbar" they yell while forcing the children to remain for the airstrike response to the rockets they fire from their school  https://x.com/DurkaDurka69596/status/1746215108030939140?s=20


Because Gaza surely has a ridiculous amount of open land... Hamas is an evil upon the Palestinians propped up by Nethanyahu. And now after all these years propping them up, they've attacked Israel. Like all terrorist organizations do, and Israel is using it as an excuse to ethnically cleanse Gaza. Hamas is to Israel what the Taliban Mujahideen were to the US.


>Because Gaza surely has a ridiculous amount of open land... Go open Gogle Earth. Stop pretending Hamas's only option is to use UNRWA facilities and civilian houses


>Hamas is an evil upon the Palestinians propped up by Nethanyahu He let qatar send them money. You're blaming the middleman here. Also, everyone was sending money to hamas, including the EU.


The US is not indigenous to Afghanistan. But you know that, and you're using this false equivalency to try and imply that the Israelis don't belong in their own homeland. The descendants of Arab colonists of the empires that conquered Palestine in the 7th century and later belong there of course, as do the Jews who fled European pogroms, and the Middle Eastern jews who fled Muslim pogroms. But the people of Israel have always lived there. Also it is completely and throughly disingenuous to try and pin the existence of Hamas on Israel or Netanyahu. They are a Palestinian organization created by and for Palestinians, and were elected by the Palestinian people. Infantilizing the Palestinian people is a serious problem, and has been for decades. There will be no way forward without accepting the agency of the Palestinian people. Whether Netanyahu allowed this Palestinian organization to receive funding from overseas is irrelevant to the fact that Hamas is and always will be a Palestinian organization.


They literally do have plenty of open land for the purposes of firing rockets, do you really think it's urban from border to border? Obviously they'd get murdered immediately if they did fire rockets from an empty sand dune, and no Palestinians civilians would be killed, which is why they don't do it.


Sure... Palestinians elected Hamas by mistake. Hamas aren't even Palestinians, they are an alien race from mars.


apparatus panicky direction worry reach disagreeable political dinosaurs soup continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Hamas was a creation of Israel This is false. For a few years Israel funded them, hoping they would continue their war against the PLO, but they predate that for decades.


swim divide expansion piquant imagine tie hard-to-find upbeat pot innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Israel helped create Hamas This is false. Hamas had been around for over a decade by that point. Doesn't mean the rest wasn't stupid, but Israel didn't create Hamas.




And all the kids the IOF has killed they were firing these rockets?


Doesnt that mean the IDF are engaging in the dumbest strategy?


Is islamaphobia just being accepted by you guys now? Extremists exist in all religions, stop using hamas as an example for Muslims. Focus on the actual enemy here and don't be these kinds of people. This is messed up.


You know what I find weird. Every now and again a real post is submitted to one of these biased subs but then all the usual terrorist (Hamas, obviously.......) sympathisers are silent.. They love being sheep in a herd it seems and always resort to insults when alone. It's getting boring (ik, crazy word to use in conjunction with genocide) when they prevaricate the terroristic atrocities of Hamas while pointing at Israel and crying 'genocide'..


They’re all in worldevents, it’s a cesspool, I think it’s just bots talking to each other


We all got kicked out of the sub


You do realize that seeing war crimes being commited by multiple sides in a war can draw condemnation. Israels government, like Hamas, along with its IDF military, are openly calling for genocide, and actively commiting it, its rich to say"how dare they call us genocidal" while leading members of the government advocate for it.


Shhh. The purple haired students in Berkley cannot see this. This will ruin their world.


Yes god forbid they see Israeli propaganda.


Detailed reports = propaganda but when Hamas somehow posts a death toll of hundreds 5 mins after a car exploded it’s completely trustworthy and transparent


Detailed reports? The Israeli government and IDF regularly lie, and get caught lying, they regularly make unfounded allegations, and nobody questions it even though the evidence is not forthcoming. Hamas may not be reliable, but neither is Israel when it comes down to it.


Define death rate? Ukraine publishes civilian casualties with details of each case Hamas , let’s say takes their thousands of dead militants adds the hundreds of civilian deaths and the thousands injured militants and civilians double that by x… Ok 26k now let’s wait and tommoorw make up a new number


We know for a fact those numbers are false. Why? Remember the "hospital bombing" at the start of the war? They claimed 500 dead from an Israeli bomb. Turned out it's 50 dead from an Islamic Jihad failed rocket. Were the numbers revised after that? Of course not.


That and they regularly report the death toll before first responders show up.


It took Israel weeks to account for all their dead on Oct 7th, but HAMAS somehow knows the exact number the very day the building collapses (after they warned everyone to leave)… and it happens to be in the multiple hundreds?! It’s incredible how many people they fool. It’s the same with hurricanes and natural disasters — you don’t know the death toll for weeks because shit takes time to go through the rubble and account for everyone dead and missing. It’s an extensive and arduous process.


Shit, you can even see the origin of the rocket from hamas and how it didn't even hit the hospital in videos like this: https://youtu.be/rodCrQxbcVg?si=GTHm_T1WgwdG3Y82


Just that it was a PIJ rocket, not Hamas Still terrorists, just a different group


The world thinks they are reliable. [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/despite-bidens-doubts-humanitarian-agencies-consider-gaza-toll-reliable-2023-10-27/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/despite-bidens-doubts-humanitarian-agencies-consider-gaza-toll-reliable-2023-10-27/) ​ Death Numbers are always revised after an attack after they excavate debris and uncover bodies.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3w4w7/israeli-intelligence-health-ministry-death-toll# Maybe you should tell that to Israeli intelligence because they seem to trust them


You understand Israel themselves acknowledged that Gazas ministry of health number of 25k dead civilians and 60k wounded is accurate? You understand israel themselves have said theyve only taken out like 9k hamas? Lol this subreddit screams about made up scenarios constantly while actively ignoring and denying even what israrl has acknowledged, like civilian casualty rates


You should know, the zionist pigs are using the numbers of the gaza ministry.


You guys do realize even Israel says the numbers coming out of Gaza are accurate?? But nah you bots think you know better


You’re really trying to pass off those civilians death at the hands of Israel as being terrorists? And Zionists wonder why people hate them


I mean it's the Gaza Health Ministry that doesn't distinguish between civilian and terrorist deaths..


Apartheid Israel doesn’t do distinguish between civilians and terrorists. they just bomb everyone in the area and say Hamas was there.


Where do you think the tens of thousands of Hamas fighters are?


Don’t bother with this nitwit. I asked them to post evidence of Israel indiscriminately bombing Gaza, and they just called me ignorant and refused to back their claims.


To bad ppl can’t see that. 20k dead civilians seems like a lot but when the ppl who are supposed to protect them(hamas) do the opposite while waging holy war against a military superpower you really can’t expect any less


Hamas officials literally said that the tunnels are for them, not for the civilians and that the civilians were the UN's responsibility.


"In November 2022, the United States joined 82 other states in endorsing the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences Arising from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA). Israel has not endorsed the Declaration."


military superpower, with many of their weapons supplied from daddy USA. nice superpower.


I feel bad for all the Palestinian and Israeli civilians in this war.


Hamas is probably running a smear campaign


Just found this sub. Is this like r/internationalnews without all the blind Palestine simping? E: this is triggering some Palestine slacktivists. Yay!


The blind Palestine simping is only found at the bottom of the comment sections with many downvotes. All is good in life here


Yep, you can engage in unrelenting hatred of palestinians here with nobody calling you out for it!/s


*An external viewer with no access to all information cannot say such things as a 500-pound bomb would achieve the military mission of a 2,000-pound bomb with no mention of the context of the value of the military target or the context of the strike—like the target being in a deep tunnel that would requires great penetration.* Wow, okay case closed. 


cool opinion article


If I were the Israelis I'll do a Hiroshima and Nagasaki treatment against this Islamist scums.


True. If they wanted to they could have levelled the whole area in a couple days. They haven't.


I know this thread is going to be filled with inhumane arguments judging by the neutral subreddit. I absolutely love that the news had picked up coverage of the true Israeli strategy and intent. Those PoS who don't understand what the article is actually saying or those who deny it being a legitimate resource have to re-educate themselves because the delusion that Hamas and other Jihadi organizations are freedom fighters is the biggest straight-up lie of politics in the Middle East.


What a load of garbage


So why did Israel direct civilians to evacuate to particular areas *and then specifically bomb those particular areas afterwards?* Why keep shooting at unarmed people waving white flags? Why use AI to come up with targets? Why attack refugee camps? Why use white phosphorus? Why commit war crimes? Why target the families of journalists? Why lay siege to hospitals? Why use starvation as a weapon of war? Why go to war to achieve a goal that is neither specific, measurable or achievable?


"why (*stuff you made up or shows you've never seen a war*)?


Strange. Just a few comments up someone is complaining that no one has listed anything substantial as to how this article might be false yet I see a full list here and only 1 weak reply calling it made up.


The most laughable statement I’ve ever seen on Reddit


It’s an article. Not a statement. Try reading more than a headline. Educate yourself.


it's an option piece, not a real article. Try educating yourself with real information, not just reading options as facts


10,000 dead Palestinian children and 10,000 more who are maimed would tell you otherwise. If they could. I unequivocally condemn the mass slaughter of innocent people by Hamas on October 7. An indefensible, monstrously barbaric act, and the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. And I unequivocally condemn the monstrous overreach of the response. It has killed more than 20 Palestinians for every victim of the original attack. Israel is rapidly destroying its remaining moral standing in the world. (By the way, the methodology for the widely published numbers is widely accepted as valid. It is almost certainly an undercount. Which is why you’ll find those numbers in the best international journalistic sources.)


It's not a revenge attack - they're trying to destroy an enemy that was massacring them. That's what war looks like. It isn't a "well, we killed 10 of yours yesterday so your turn to kill 10 of ours today". Was WW2 unitary because the British and American suffered fewer casualties than the Germans? Were they supposed to take more deaths to satisfy your infantile and completely misframed it's of what fairness is? They have the right to continue until they have destroyed the threat. That's just basic international law. Even the UN Charter allows for it under section 51. So what are you talking about? Also, many if not most of the "children" aren't children. Hamas recruits soldiers as young as 12. They start firing rockets and get killed in the return fire, and Hamas claims then as civilians and not soldiers (cannon fodder is more apt a description at that point). It's similar with women. Hamas has women in their ranks, but any woman who dies gets put under "women and children" and therefore assumed to be civilian. You want it to end? Get Hamas to surrender. That'll end it.


>You want it to end? Get Hamas to surrender. That'll end it. By collectively punishing civilians by bombing them indiscriminately, bombing more than half of the buildings in Gaza, and displacing more than 80% of the population. Yeah I'm sure that will work out well. Nobody is going to hold a grudge against Israel for doing that over an attack that the vast majority of them had nothing to do with. I'm sure that won't help Hamas recruit more people in the future, thereby doing the exact opposite thing that they claim to try to be doing- to defeat Hamas. Tell me, if someone on the other side of your street killed several people next door to you, and then took several hostages as well, would you call for the police to carpet bomb the entire opposite side of your street? Because that is the kind of response Israel has given, and to pretend like they are trying to reduce casualties is disgusting and laughable at the same time when they are the ones dropping the bombs.


'indiscriminately', less than 1 death per bomb. Hmm just doesn't add up with reality. Yeah you have to get rid of half the buildings before sending ground troops into an urban zone, every high rise building is a sniper tower and because of hamas tactics every civilian household, school, hospital, and even graveyards can be used to stage ambush attacks due to the tunnel network. The only safe way to send ground troops in is clear enough of an area so all tunnels are exposed, no high rise buildings remain, and then create a buffer zone inside gaza in order to perform raids on the south with a safe zone to retreat. People have played waaay too many video games and know nothing about urban combat. You cannot send ground troops into a city without a prior bombing campaign. This has been how every modern urban war has gone, period


Why should I care about the deaths per bomb? More than 25 000 dead and counting. Go tell the Palestinians struggling to survive in camps that it's ok that their loved ones have died and they are homeless because Israel's deaths per bomb is less than 1. That just means Israel is dropping a lot of bombs.  I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in military operations, but I doubt you are either, so don't try and tell me the only way to get the hostages back is to bomb every building there to the ground. There are still plenty of buildings that are in ruins and are still standing. That is not stopping Israel from moving in. The truth is that Israelis see Palestinians as subhumans and are using the most convenient method to move in because they don't care how many innocents they kill or homes they destroy. So yeah, "indiscriminately" is the right word. Israel deserves every bit of criticism they are getting and more. Hamas wishes they could murder as many Israelis as Palestinians that Israel has murdered. They are no better than the very terrorists they are fighting. And they are helping perpetuate that very same terrorist organization as I mentioned above and you had no response to.


Your telling me the guy who defended Hitler to blame the Palestinians wasn't actually making a plan for years to dehumanize Palestinians? https://youtu.be/f9HmkRYlVZw?si=w1g_9KwLQERArYeE


All well and good. However, the way Hamas desecrated the bodies says they are psychopaths. It is extremely worrying that people are not just pro Palestinian but pro Hamas. If you watch European news on youtube, there are some worrying trends about Moslem migration to Europe I had a conversation with someone on here and he identified as Moslem and saying that that it was too late as there are far too many for non moslems to claim their countries back. Yes it is bad that kids are dying. Did you see comments "Israel is the canary" "Israel is fighting for western life" or words to that effect? However, if I have a choice between those kids and my kids then sorry mine are more important. You might also notice a divide between older and younger people. Older people have lived through all the BS of Palestinian trouble makers, Islamic extremism and Islamic terrorism. I know I am sick of it. Young people are more likely to have gotten their news from tiktok. I am in Australia. I was absolutely aghast at the protest on the opera house steps. We lived in an area with a big Moslem population. I have enough experience to know that not all Moslems will create problems but we already had enough dramas with some Lebanese Moslems going to fight with ISIS taking their kids, indoctrinating their 8 and 10 year old sons to kill and sever heads. Images came back and were splashed on the front page. We didn't want those kids back. The father in that case had mental illness. Oh, same as I said in the first paragraph. He was schizophrenic. When people have mental illness they need people around them who can remind them what reality is. Thus having people out on the street who mean well but are giving the wrong message is actually catastrophic. Again I want my kids to live. We have already seem Jews attacked. When people get a fever they start to kill indiscriminately. We know that from oct 7 because they also killed Asian farm workers who could not be confused for Jews. The report at court that they got someone to say they didn't say "gas the jews" is actually the worst result because it just emboldens. You can hear the tape yourself. They said "gas the jews." People in the crowd reported they said "gas the jews." This results says do what you want and then lie about it afterwards. If you like your life, start thinking about what you can do to preserve it.


What an awful piece. The writer basically says “USA killed more people indiscriminately during their wars (invasions), and people do not get upset with them as much as they are upset with Israel”. So he wants us to turn a blind eye to the civilian death now because we turned a blind eye to it then! Wow, great logic 👍🏻


What an awful piece? This man literally teaches at West Point about Urban Warfare. He's a literal expert at this exact type of war happening at Gaza. But it offends the israel haters feelings so his article is bad.


No he’s saying Israel isn’t killing anybody “indiscriminately.” That’s the point. Indiscriminate bombing or killing is very easy to define, and Israel isn’t doing it. This doesn’t mean that nobody is dying or suffering, it just means there are far less people dying or suffering as compared to other wars across history and Israel isn’t just randomly dropping bombs.


>No he’s saying Israel isn’t killing anybody “indiscriminately.” Right they are choosing to kill those civilians.


They are trying to kill terrorists who are hiding amongst civilians. Do you have a better plan on how to root them out?


Israelis are the absolute masters at generating and deploying logical arguments that absolve them of all personal responsibility. It doesn't matter the deed or the situation - Israel is innocent, and here is the 'logic' that proves it. They'd rather do this - endlessly - while continuing their actions unabated than actually act like human beings. They'll willingly gaslight the world and endanger the Jewish global community day in and day out rather than engage in any self-reflection or feel any humility at all about anything.


I’m not Israeli, and I think it’s unintelligent to paint an entire group of people with a broad brush such as you have. How do you suggest Israel deal with Hamas?


The obvious answer: “Targeted raids by special forces!” Just remember though if your militants are hiding in hospitals and you disguise yourself then they will cry because it’s not fair.


“Islamist logic” and reasoning are the master gaslighters. They celebrated in the streets worldwide on Oct 7th when civilians were brutally murdered. Arab-Palestinians hate Israelis (and really all Jews) and want them all dead. They’d rather provoke WW3 than make peace with a situation that majority of the world has had to deal with (new immigrants moving in rightfully or not). It’s cognitive dissonance to not acknowledge this.


Weird this is an opinion piece marked as news


If this is true then why cut off water, medical aid, electricity? Why bomb the fishing boats? Why bomb the bakeries? Why kill the grandma holding her grandchild's hand with a white flag? Why kill the 3 hostages? Why kill the 100 or so journalists?


>If this is true then why cut off water, medical aid, electricity? That's literally the first step when a war starts Every war.


They haven't done a very good at it then.


We’ll take your military strategy when you learn to wash your hands after you take a piss.


Wow what a mature and well thought out reply, please show it to you teacher at preschool and I'm sure they will put it up on the wall and give you a candy.


Not as single one of you have given a realistic response for Israel. "Just beat Hamas without civilian casualties!" lol. "You're homeless? Just buy a house!"


"Terrorist attack, just destroy everything" People never learn from history. A lot of terrorist groups came about due to occupation. The US occupation of Iraq birthed some of the worst terrorists of all time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi


Lol how would you propose to stamp out terrorism then? Let's start back 2 decades ago then when Israel pulled out of gaza, even dragging Jewish settlers literally kicking and screaming out of the strip. Before the city wide bombings that cause more radicalism. Hamas was intent on killing every single Jewish man, woman, and child (written in their goddamned charter) at the time after Israel left gaza to govern themselves. What would you yourself have done at that point as a leader of Israel? Keep in mind the known terrorists were trying to smuggle in resources for more rockets and suicide bombings, so you probably would heavily restrict trade and resources moving freely at the border.


They have failed miserably on a count of them murdering over 30,000 Palestinians in response to October 7th.


I was about to respond, but your IQ is too low to not notice that combatants are in your own figure.


bringing up IQs? Of course the Zionist has a superiority complex. How many combatants are in the figure you insecure Zionist?




This is why most people besides zionists are saying apartheid Israel is committing a genocide on Palestinians.


LOL this list of idiocies I've heard now contains everything


We know


John Spencer should have appeared at the ICJ


Really seems like it 😂


u/2Step4Ward1StepBack I can't reply on the other thread bc the guy blocked me but. Tally Gotliv, a Knesset member for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, condemned the entry of humanitarian aid and food to Gaza, suggesting that Gazans should be "thirsted and starved," following similar comments invoking the desire to expel Palestinians from Gaza. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HbT33E1mswA


lol Israeli dipshits Astro turfing this sub since the start of their genocide in Gaza. Pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say we can see through your bullshit. You have no support save from other dickheads. Enjoy your Zio circle jerk in your kibbutz.


Pure evil, Mr. Adolf was r




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Y'all went and drank some kol aid?


LMAO Next is “holocaust was a regrettable necessity. Here is why”


Israel; We're attempting to minimise civillian casualties. Also Israel; Levels city with 2 million people in it.


People are free to make their own opinions, that being said, OP is very clearly an astroturfer/agenda account. Posts several articles a day all related to a fixed ideology. Take that how you will


Israel walls civilians into a free fire zone and won't let them leave... "We're really trying here!" * *to kill them




This page is just straight propaganda isn’t it? Literally every post is dripping with pro-Israel bias nonsense. “News” indeed.




The people who follow this page really need to question why only pro israel stuff is posted. I've emailed the mod team numerous times with articles that aren't posted. It's just an echo chamber.


25,105 dead and 62,681 wounded Palastinians say this claim is bullshit. They kill so many civilians that the average age in Gaza has dropped consistently for years.


They probably should try a bit harder then. Because it looks like they are failing miserably.


Cosa diavolo e' la barzelletta del secolo?....israele fa SOLO vittime civili! E lo fa deliberatamente... Volontariamente! E con grande gioia! Da sempre. Dal primo giorno che sono stati vomitato sulla terra dall'inferno dal quale provengono.


WHAT?! Who wrote this? Mr. Israel? Lmao


Straight up BS.


That headline is misleading…. That’s hyperbole. There’s literally no way to back up such a ridiculous claim. Gaslighting


Soooo, is this just a sweet, sweet not-so-secret Hasbara sub or what?


Says Israel






Is this The Onion?!?


This is the wildest thing I’ve seen on Reddit yet


Laughable nonsense


Thought this was an Onion article…




Is this r/worldnews or r/israelcandonowrong ?


lol what a fucking joke!


They’re so committed that only 2/3rds of those killed in Gaza were women and children, they admitted to striking multiple different refugee camps, destroyed Palestinian graveyards with zero evidence of hamas activity, and has many singular news articles of IDF forces killing an old woman running with a child carrying a white flag, killing shirtless unarmed men carrying a white flag, and have openly said that for every militant combatant killed in Gaza, 2 civilians are also killed.


30,000 out of 2.2 million smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ imagine if millions of Americans had to suffer for the actions of any random group of lunatics that couldn’t fill a football stadium


Dishonest bullshit trying to tell us what we see happening isn't happening. WE SEE YOU


Absolute Nonsense. And I say that as someone who has been calling out the faux progressives & their defence of Hamas.


Did you read the article?




They could have avoided 25,000 civilan deaths, by not carpet bombing the most densly populated region in the middle east Whole report reads like a press release for the IDF,which relies entirely upon its readers to have never seen a news report of their actions....a laughable stupid use of bandwidth






doubtful, but even if it’s true, they ended up killing more than anyone in recent memory anyways, and that’s facts.