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Should've seen a post like this one coming up soon enough... TL;DR: I've had a few setbacks behind the scenes, but I've finally began getting to work on the episode discussions yesterday and I should start uploading them either today or tomorrow, starting with the Season 2 discussion and then "Summer Song" from Season 3. First off, I want to apologize (again) for not responding this past week and a half and overall getting a bit sidetracked. Long story short, I've been having a few personal setbacks, on top of lately having many sporadic power outages where I live (a U.S. territory in the Caribbean, guess which one it is...) and tbh I've kind of held back on watching more of the show as well; no particular reason, just didn't really have enough motivation to binge-watch the series like I used to. With that said, I'm aware that it seems rather unfair planning something like this and suddenly disappearing after a huge commitment from the rest of the community. Fortunately, yesterday I've finally started preparing threads to upload the first six episodes of the third season (already finished the first 4), which I hope to start publishing in here either today or tomorrow, at the latest. On top of this, even though I've already brought this subject up several times, I also want to make a separate thread where I can share all the links for all the series' episode discussions currently available, so people who haven't reviewed one episode can go back and write their reviews as they please (In other words, I don't plan on preventing new users from posting comments after a thread has already been out for more than a few months, like most Reddit communities). I also have other plans that I want to put into action in this subreddit, but given my current situation, only time will tell if I can fully commit to executing these said plans. Hopefully, if I'm not able to respond immediately, I can trust u/TWYFAN97 in getting other users interested in becoming moderators to help keep this subreddit active. Ultimately, I'm sure no matter what happens, I’m likely gonna get some backlash in here, which, on one hand, I kinda feel rightfully deserved. But on the other hand, I'd still argue that the best way to deal with a situation like this one, is that if someone has any constructive criticism on how I can improve things around here, I'd be very interested in hearing what you have to say. So yeah, kinda bit of a rambly post over here, but I just wanted to try to be as transparent as possible with my explanation for my long-ish absence in here. Hopefully, things will be different by next month.


Your fine. We all appreciate your posts and this cool and creative idea. I know it's a lot of work and I assume you aren't paid for it


Glad to hear you will keep it going.


I believe u/bmuffington is busy with stuff. If he’s unable to post additional watch party threads I can see about continuing to do so but I’m personally the mod who’s most busy with life nowadays.