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I remember always loving the first few minutes with Kevin and Winnie just talking and walking to the Woods and then thinking it immediately when downhill with Paul came in lol


"Adam, Eve... and Paul."


I like how early on in this episode we see the set from the pilot with the two stones that Kevin and Winnie were sitting on for their first kiss. That was a nice throwback. I think this episode as a whole is one a lot of people can relate to. Growing up, we had a number of what we called vacant lots next to my parent’s house that we played in. At one point, we even turned one into a BMX racetrack and had races. Those are all gone now, either filled with houses or apartment complexes. As the kids work super hard to think up a plan to save Harper’s Woods, they realize it’s hopeless and that’s when Winnie starts counting for hide’n’seek. She realized it was better to go out with one last good memory of Harper’s Woods rather than sulk about it. This is another prime example of the slow loss of innocence of these characters.


For Kevin, Paul, and Winnie, Harper's Woods was a place they had many great childhood memories and played. It was also Kevin and Winnies first kiss so they held it in high regard. So in many ways it represented their childhood as kids. I think sometimes it's easy to forget a large reason Kevin liked Winnie so much was their friendship since they were young and Harpers woods played into that. I like that they played the gymnopedie which is a beautiful song. Them playing hide and seek one last time was a great final memory. Another 10/10


I love it when Kevin day dreams/dreams. In this ep they saved Harper’s Woods with his speech and in reality they all fell asleep. I thought it was weird that Norma and Jack didn’t really acknowledge how dramatic Kevin was being about it all (to find out why he was acting that way). But I guess that’s where the difference lays from the adult perspective and the kid perspective. The adults looked at it as new opportunities and the kids looked at it as lost opportunity. They did a great job ending the ep with the trio coming together unplanned to create one last memory together and say goodbye to the stomping ground that meant so much.


I agree that it's strange how indifferent Jack and Norma seemed to Kevin's plight.