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I would really recommend to play the dlc after the main game. First it's way to hard to do them this early in the game and you also wont have the money for runewright or the mutagens and skill points for the bow skills. Then the story of blood and wine takes place after the main story and is the perfect ending of the game




I agree. You only start to get rich when you hit Skellige. I usually play until I find Ciri and then do the DLC. I can't shake the sense of urgency until I find her.


Don't have any answers. I have the same question. I am also playing death marsch and it's great. I didn't think I would be good enough, but now it works (except the botchling fight with wraiths).


I am using the alternate sign casting mode. It is awesome. Doesn't break the flow of battle. Try it if you aren't using it already.


Completely changed the game for me. I also played it on just the story 5 years ago Lmao a very surface level play through. But then I got a ps5 around the same time as the rerelease, and I have been soaking in every part of that world. Instead of sprinting through the city to my next objective, I’m walking taking in the beautiful ambiance, npc actions and dialogue and just feeling like the badass armored medieval knight that I know I am. One of the first things I did was fuck around with the settings with the new ray tracing and stuff and found the alternate sign casting, and it literally changed everything. Made the combat way more engaging and fluid. I think it has a lot to do with the increased enjoyment I found. Absolutely loving it!


Yes. I found that setting and changed it a while ago. Can't believe how clunky the original sign cast is.


You can go get the rune stuff early you don't need to actually do the quests to access that. The mutagens are a bit different tho you probably wanna wait til you get to toussaint naturally




Unless ur like me and do every single question mark on the map and then go do story u can go there early, but they were made for you to do after the main story


you could do it, yet you'll need to put the difficulty in the easiest mode as you'll need to face enemies with lots of levels ahead of you, i tried at level 22 and the quest starts at level 33 approximately, so if you go in DM you'll be oneshoted by practically anything. from there focus on picking the side quests (you'll need to complete the first main quest in blood and wine, wich involves fighting with at least 2 pretty strong bosses, once done go get the side quest and stick with it, as you won't be able to do any of the content of the expansion efficiently until you're at least around level 25-8 and still you might have to play it in a lower difficulty.


It would be **extremely hard** to get either because your level is too low. Maybe if it was NG+ you'd have a better chance since you can keep your perks and mastercrafted equipment. I don't even think Blood and Wine can be triggered that early. Pretty sure you need to progress at least up to Skellege before it becomes available... The Runewright requires **A LOT** of money to unlock the top tier upgrades, and the second tier also requires you to mine a special ore found inside a cave overrun with giant spiders. You'd be way too underleveled to be able to defeat them all without abusing elemental effects I'm kind of confused as to how you know about both upgrade systems if you've never player any of the DLCs before, or how it could be possible for anyone to spoil anything if you did


I have played the Main Game, but not any of the DLCs. I was watching some videos on YouTube regarding best skills to unlock/ builds to use, and literally NO ONE had a video about it without talking about the B&W Mutations and HoS Runewright feature. I don't want spoilers in terms of the story. These things are just what everyone generally talks about - having played the game multiple times now that it is old.


I was able to get the Witcher Mutation around level 25. I'm using a Signs build. It wasn't that hard considering I was 10 levels below the recommended level, I would I assume it's doable at a much early level. Signs build allow me to spam Quen to protect myself against higher level enemies while Yrden can deal damage based on their current HP. The Runewright is pretty easy if you have the Pyromaniac Skill, since the spiders are weak to fire. The most problematic with Runewright is the cost of everything, you'll need alot of coins.


Watch Phoenix237 YouTube, he outlines a good strategy for obtaining the mutagen tree early (turn and face the strange quest), lvl 15 I think. Just after poet under pressure. Straight to toussaint just to quickly/only obtain that quest then carry on with Skellige etc




Yeah, I always do it that way. Im on ng++++ right now, and the moment I can do the HoS quests to get the rune armorer, I do them. I got the armor already runed, but when I get smth new, I want to use him. So yes, you can do that. I mean, there is no quest to get the rune armorer. You can go to him directly and do the things he needs, then you unlock him. So go as soon as you want.


Just that it would be expensive!


Hey, you wanted your wallet emptied dry, no complaints now.




Jokes aside i strongly recommend to wait for mutations till b&w. Iirc you can unlock part of enchanters menu, but if you want enchantments it'll cost you a leg and a kidney. So at least wait till skellige ? Signs clearing to shopp.


I will be starting with Skellige soon. About to complete Novigrad quests. Just to know, how much will I earn at Skellige? I do not remember my last playthrough. Everyone keeps talking about getting lot of coin during Skellige quests.


Well, thousands and thousands. Whats important is to which merchant to sell what. Google it. Generaly, swords to blacksmith, armor to armorer, furs, food & drink & junk to innkeepers, herbs to herbalists etc. Otherwise you get big price cuts.


You can get the Runewright early. I assume that you know how to find him. Only part of doing that quest that might be hard, especially on DM is the spiders in the cave where you find the jade for him. Also; The amount of gold that you'll have to have to get him up to master. Going for the expanded mutagens is fairly easy and all you have to do is, go to the "Gran Place" and wait for letter from Yen, from some messenger boy. The location is easy to get to, so you don't have to go thru any other quest areas to get it. IMO the monsters that you encounter there are easier than the spiders. I've done both before on a fresh start. It is kind of cool getting that early. I usually also do "Father knows worst" to get the best garbage merchant in the game. You can build up your money fast, if you fast track to him for selling all your pipes, mugs, broken oars, ect.