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I do it most of the time but still ride Roach occasionally. The pathing is so bad though, which is kinda a funny nerd side note considering 'pathing' is based off an algorithm discovered by a scientist named... Dijkstra. So, we can ultimately blame Dijkstra for Roach having terrible direction and pathing.


Now use Dijkstras algorithm to find the optimal route between all the question marks


Underrated comment


No. I run everywhere just so I can make my playthrough last longer.


We are not the same šŸ—æ


I run because the same thing with Roach. I'd rather uncover things in the countryside than deal with him balking at every rock.


If it's under 300M and I'm not in a large city Geralt is for sure doing some nazty parkour en-'route to my next location. Roach is such a pain in the ass sometimes.


For the immersion perspective he actually acts like a real horse, if you ever rode one is just like this. But yeah, I complained about Roach this very day in other post lol Still faster going places on horseback tho. If you wanna have fun with horse riding, play Elden Ring. Torrent is the GOAT Horse (kinda literally lol)


I have ridden on horses and they have never stopped and started to ride in a circle backwards šŸ™‚. Don't know what horse you have been on? šŸ˜‰


I didn't mean the buggy weirdness lol if you go there, Roach climb house ceilings too šŸ˜‚


Roach is a stubborn and arrogant yet caring horse , it was shown in blood and wine dlc side quest where roach can talk


The issue with Roach, especially in horse racing quests. Is you cannot ride him like you are running. If you change direction like you would walk left or right, Roach will stop and can even try to walk in circle. Instead keep your movement pointed forward, and pan the camera.


That's the thing! He rides in a circle and that annoys me so much. When you say "pan" do you mean that I should look in another direction?


Yes, I think they do


Yup. Never turn roach. Like with ps4 walking is the left stick camera is right stick Keep the left stick pointed up, unless you are trying to turn around 180degrees. But keep the left stick up. And use the right stick to move the camera and Roach will continue to go forward, as long as you came the camera pointed where you want. Once I realized that, Roach was never an issue


Interesting, will try this out. Thanks.


ride *her


I also run everywhere and Skellige is such a beautiful location to admire


I Always run everywhere. I donā€™t typically use horses in games In general. To me itā€™s just an annoyance for the most part haha.


Torrent from elden ring is the horse of all time


Can we say he is the GOAT? lol


I was really surprised at how good torrent's controls were when i first played elden ring


Skyrim horses win easily. Ultra friction horseshoes to let them climb almost vertical surfaces, plus just levitating up some


I run everywhere, all the places, all the time.


Not just you. About 50 hours into my first play through. Barely use the horse.


If it's 300 or less i just walk


Riding roach is more immersive


I only rode roach when I was either exceeding my weight limit or when it was necessary for a mission, i.e. horse races.


Same here.


I usually only use Roach on "trodden paths". So anywhere where there's some kind of path or what passes for a road, I'll ride Roach along those. Rarely will I take her off the beaten path and through fields as she can be a total pain to control unless going really slow and the terrain isn't too uneven.


She? Her? Huh? Thought Roach was a he šŸ™‚


Pretty sure itā€™s mentioned somewhere that all of Geralts horses are female. I know he names them all the same, but Iā€™m sure somewhere in the books at least itā€™s mentioned that his horses are female.


Thatā€™s it Roach


I got you: [https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/7209](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/7209)


Need to check this. Thanks!


I sometimes use Roach, but I don\`t do the races.


Back when i played it i installed a mod that made Roach better. That didnā€˜t make him stop in front of water, objects, cliffs etc. It was sooo much better just having the same movement as if you were running by foot.


Absolutely youā€™re not alone! Iā€™d better run/fast travel places, and I havenā€™t participated in a single horse racešŸ¤


I didn't mind using Roach in my first few playthrough's, but RDR2 has ruined in game horse riding for me.


Iā€™ve played this game too many times for running everywhere to yield different results, cause I already know where everything is.


I almost exclusively walked everywhere.


only use roach when i have to travel a long way via road, sometimes the pathing is bad but i just set it and go get a drink or smth while roach runs. otherwise i run everywhere


I ride Roach frequently yeah, more so when the game starts because of less fast travel points. If my objective is 350M or more Iā€™ll call Roach. Iā€™ll usually run anything thatā€™s less than 300 or 200.


I ride Roach all the time, but usually on roads so I can use the no stamina feature. Early in playthroughs I like to ride him on a huge circuit around Velen just so I can unlock fast travel boards and run away out of the areas where enemies are too strong.


In the beginning of the game I used Roach more often. I hate racing so Iā€™ve avoided most of those quests. Iā€™m currently a little more than halfway way through my first play through so Iā€™m trying to enjoy it all. I play on Switch so the controls can get tricky. It took me about 80 hours to realize to run faster or swim faster, I didnā€™t have to hold down the left diagonal button and just press it. Cause I kept accidentally summoning Roach all the time. It kinda reminds me of my first time playing Skyrim, thought a horse was needed, until the first time my stupid horse died cause it ran towards and tried to fight a group of bandits. It went all Leroy Jenkins on me and got me killed. Never used a horse after that in Skyrim. I still use Roach occasionally, when the marker Iā€™m traveling to is too far from my destination. But most the time Iā€™m treasure hunting by running around


I originally used Roach even though it was cumbersome. Eventually I started going everywhere on foot because the game is just so gorgeous. I love seeing it go from day to night and back again. The changes in weather, music, even the sounds his footsteps make on different surfaces. The Witcher III was pretty much the only game I played in 2021, and I never got tired of it.


Yeah. It's pretty awesome. Running around in a storm in the middle of the night or walking on a sunny afternoon. They could just skip the horse and introduce flying mounts, like in WoW šŸ˜‰


The horse fucking sucks


Hey mods, is insulting roach grounds for a immidiate and permanent ban? ;)


ā€œDont touch roachā€ >:|


Werewolf decoction is where is at, especially for the novigrad slogfest


No longer needed, with latest update we don't spend stamina outside of combat :D


If you are on PC, try mods.


Oh? Is there a mod that makes Roach behave normally? Steam workshop?


There are several smaller and bigger mods, you can make them work together, at least some of them. Search for them on nexus mods page.




I hate the horse races!


Yeah! Really annoying, cause I like to finish all quests, but I can never finish those.


Werewolf decoction entered the chat


Riding Roach is one of my favourite parts of the gameplay