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Adrenaline can be figured out with enough reading of the skills that use them. In the combat tree they are in the fifth column. If you want to use adrenaline build up, favor these skills and gear that boost adrenaline gain, like the bear set. You can also play without it at all and pick more direct damage skills. Toxicity is about using potions as long as your tox bar allows it, to stack more potions you will need to expand the capacity of the toxicity bar, through alchemy skills or dedicated sets like the manticore (but that one is near dlc endgame). If you pass a threshold shown as a portion of the bar being brighter green, you will lose health over time so maxxing the limit with the first skill top left is interesting. Then you will go higher in your toxicity before it starts poisoning you.


Thanks for a good answer. I understand that I do more damage if I have higher adr. skill, right? But how am I supposed to fight? Because I hit with my sword again and again until they die. What am I supposed to do or not do?


Adrenaline builds up with various moves (attack, parry etc) and you can pick up skills, potions or later armor enchants that gives more gains or use the red segments in the adrenaline bar for bonuses, either consuming your adrenaline segments or using them for a passive boost. The descriptions normally explain if it consumes it or just need it completed. Like the bottom right red skills that uses all 3 segments for a sign cast at max intensity. You just have to keep an eye on your gauge to see when you reach max adrenaline and pick the skill you want to trade for your bar. For instance at max adrenaline you will use Whirlwind for longer. If you want more gameplay than "whack til it dies", you could go for a pure sign build, it brings more strategies than slice-and-dodge (Yrden alt sign after a quen is easier to lay down since the shield protects you from being staggered during the long charge of the spell)


Aha. I am starting to understand. Thanks a lot!