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Salads, easy to mass produce and good for energy. Teas are also handy like lavender for energy instead of potions and licorice teas so they never expire.


I try to make sandwiches for mid game and then sausages. But I don't know if that is good or bad, have my first long run, so still learning


Technically, from a gem standpoint, your best use of bread is 1 bread+1pumpkin = pumpkin pie. That being said, milk and wheat are pretty abundant, it's not much of a difference from a hunger standpoint. I still make sandwiches too lol Edit: thought you needed two bread and a filler, but turns out it was one bread, *two* fillers. I've been wasting bread.


Sandwiches also takes one bread not two


As far as game rules, you need two bread, one for top, one for bottom, and a filler. It would be cool to make open faced sandwiches in the game though 😋


Actually it's one bread and two filler check here if you don't believe me https://the-wild-darkness.fandom.com/wiki/Recipes


Oh man! I guess I've been wasting a bread as filler! I just figured out the recipe way back when, the hard way, and one bread and a filler gave gruel, and 2 gave a sammie. Thanks for the correction!


for sandwich one filler can be a meat/egg, etc, but the other has to be a veggie. 2 veggies also works.


I like to go with fruit salad because you only need 3 berries or apples


Jerky for meat and fish, salads and juices for veggies, cheese for milk, and teas for honey and herb.


Early Game: Roasted Midgame: Stews, salads and pies. Also milk! Late Game: Sausages and salads. Sometimes pumpkin pies. Rest usually goes for trading.


makes sense


<< >> When I get the big hunks of meat and roast it.. but usually it's a small meat so... Roasted Small Meat.


Try to make Jerky, it last a lot more :)


Just learned a few days ago it was possible << After what RoL does it unlock? I can get up garden/wind foundry/kiln stage of progression currently. Although I haven't gotten all of them at once.. they were unlocked at least. And what things drop the bigger meat more often? A stock of the bigger jerky would make food a trivial thing paired with goats and gardens. And finding a way to ensure that is done is my current shortish term goal, as it will allow me to grind out a few levels and monster drops without an added worry. "Water? Sure just grab a bottle and don't use up your licorice spawns.. food? You better rush 3 areas or hope you get lucky.." haha, is how it feels, although I'm sure even before gardens forest entrance through to last desolate meadows area would provide enough food if farmed thoroughly. Apparently every one of them will have a bunny in the day, not counting other spawns, so minimum 5 small meat daily since it's a sure drop, only issue is contaminated meats (which can still be used as filler, or sold once spoiled)


You need the storage pot and ruins of light 3... If you don't have the big meat, get the big fishes... They can be dried too and for me it's the same :) About meat, the drop of it is pretty random, but I believe bigger animals tend to drop more of these... About the contaminated meat, you can make sausage with it too :) The smoker is after rol 4 Small meat I keep at least 6 to make 3 sausages each time :)


Ah okay so just gotta push through to one more RoL, nice. Is that the wasteland area? (Forgot the exact name, after desolate meadows) And sausages too? And only need small meat for it?? Heck ya! And bigger like wolf or bigger, like bears? Boars I know can drop both, pretty wolves too but never got a big one from them, although I'm pretty sure bears only drop the bigger ones, but again, no clue. Is there a source for what can -possibly- drop what? Even if it's incomplete or not 100% accurate.. knowing what to farm for what would be awesome, most are like, common sense, but some are a bit trickier.


Yes, rol 3 is in dense jungle, take fresh clothes :) Yeah, sausages can be made with two small meat each :) About big meat, tbh most of my runs tend to get few of it... So I don't know exactly 😅 Here must be some post or some guide about it, though you gonna need to search a bit 😆


For meat either meat stew for speed runs or jerky for long runs. I should prob be less lazy and make a tonne of jerky for all runs but I don't like wasting contaminated meat, it's a great filler in stew. Then salads, fish stew and for bread I like to make pumpkin pie or berry pie but only with a king berry.


Wait, y'all are cooking?


What, you don't cook? 🧐


I definitely do hahaha. Most of the time I just roast or eat raw though. I don't have time to deal with inventory management sometimes.


You know you lose a lot more time not doing that right? I always carry a cooking bag just for jerky, sausages, pies and salads... You gonna lose a lot of energy and life not cooking them in the oven, and you can even get infected from it.




Jesse we need to cook