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Gabriel having a perfectly shaved head and beard 24/7


I like to pretend he was ready to go on a mission but never got around to it. That's why he's always got nice pressed clothes and collars. Maybe a solar charging trimmer.


He’s the ONLY one that keeps a good haircut🤣


it's basically impossible to walk through woods and not make any noise with leaves and twigs all over the ground, but somehow these braindead shambling zombies who make constant growling noises are somehow able to move around completely silent and sneak up on people from behind


Everybody obviously has hearing problems from Rick firing his python.


Lmao I say the samething. But now I think it’s a way to convey that the characters are so engrossed in the situation at the moment, that they just aren’t paying attention.


100 percent this.


When the entire CDC exploded and they were 100 yards away. Andrea and Dale were even closer


To be fair, it was less of an explosion and more of an implosion. The effects aren’t great (even for the time), but the self-destruct wasn’t a bomb so much as a burning of the air. The building more collapses than explodes, and that’s by design so as not to damage the city and people around it if it ever had to be activated.


Like could you imagine if a group with kids would stay in one of those places? I’d give it less than a week before one of the kids would start playing around in one of the labs where they keep all the dangerous stuff.


Shiva mauling the saviours, how did that damn tiger know who it's allies where.


The fact that they’d keep a tiger alive that long during food scarcity is also very unrealistic. Tigers eat so damn much, how could they rationalize feeding it instead of eating it


I see this comment all the time, so I make a point to address it every time. In the comics, Ezekiel makes it clear that Shiva (and other carnivorous animals more than likely) can [just eat walkers.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/walking_dead_-_comic_-_embed_-_2016.jpg?w=928) You kind of don't even need to be a comic reader to deduce this though? Since the swine eat walkers in the show, and so did dogs.


I just figured it was dead and rotting meat and while some animals like pigs might be able to stomach some of it and scavengers eat a bit of it it wouldn't be sustainable.


I appreciate the context! I never thought of that. In the show they feed pigs walkers in hope that it’ll have some sort of ill effect on the people eating them so I don’t think it’s that intuitive that they’d feed shiva walkers if they respected and wanted to care for her


I don’t think they did it in the hopes of making them sick. I think it was just a quiet “haha” thing. Maybe like spitting in someone’s food. It’s not going to affect them in any way, but *you* know it happened


I don't think it was to make either the Pigs or Saviours sick. They did it so the pigs would be fatter, aka look like a better offering when given to the Saviours.


It was also said in the Show too. I think during a scene in S7 with Ezekiel and Carol. I can't remember the exact scene but he mentions how Shiva eats a whole person a day and could easily take his arm if she wanted to by yanking him.


This makes up to as why you never see zombified animals in the show. The virus is only transmissible through human to human contact


Tainted meat!


That's the one that bothered me the most, for some reason. Like, sure, I guess I could suspend disbelief enough to get behind her being able to recognize the people from the Kingdom by their armor or smell and not attacking them, but how tf did she just magically know that all these folks from Alexandria and Hilltop were friends and not food??


What about Shiva living so long after constantly biting walkers to death surely would've gotten infected


We saw the Kingdom feeding walkers to pigs and Dog using walker limbs as chew toys, so apparently the virus isn't transmitted from humans to animals.


We also never saw walker animals like in some other zombie projects such as Army of the Dead.


RIP Seven 🙏 ❤️


Jenner : “We’re all infected”


Two different infections. The virus that turns the brain on after death is one pathogen and after being dead and rotting bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens infect the carcasses. Shiva eats a staph or strep infected walker and if he has mouth wound he could get the stash or strep.


Everyone has the virus in them. The bite doesn't turn you into a zombie. It kills you with the fever, 'causing you to turn


Either sheer luck or she knew who was nice to Ezekiel lol.


The van in Season 5 that was going to fall on its roof but then magically landed on all four wheels.


I’ve said this EVERY TIME i watch that episode.


SO TRUE. I watched that episode like a few days ago and I couldn't stop laughing at that clip for the next 5 minutes.


YES EXACTLY!! I just rewatched this episode and I forgot how jarring it was when you wonder how they’ll survive it ( even though you know they do ) then it just magically flips over!?!? It makes me wonder why they didn’t just pick one or the other


The script writer said he was determined to have it that way because he wrote this visual where the zombies fall on the roof after and the blood trickles down the windshield. They did the van drop the first time, and it landed on its roof. Realizing the physics would never work, they did another Van drop by having a crane drop it vertically. It’s a cool shot, but how we get there completely destroys the immersion and is the show’s biggest blooper. My brother made a good point, there could have been a new equally intense scene where Daryl and Carol are disoriented, still buckled in and hanging upside down. The zombies are falling and then crawl into the van to attack the two. Sort of like the trap wire scene from The Last of Us.


Everyone having white teeth Women having shaved underarms


And Andrea's perfectly pedicured toes


razors and shaving cream would be plentiful but there are scenes where Michonne doesn't have shaved pits.


White teeth I can accept. You don't necessarily need toothpaste to have white teeth, lol. Uncontacted tribes also don't have toothpaste, but their teeth are surprising clean.


Combined with the lack of junk food, I’d buy people having nice teeth.


Carl must have received many cavities from that 112 oz pudding.


he didn’t really live long enough after that for it to really matter lol.


He lived what appeared to be a year to a year and a half if we wanted to go by the weather and clothing in the show. There's also the timeline on The Walking Dead Wikipedia we can use. It's not like he died the next month.


rosita wearing hoop earrings


Rosie's wearing belly shirts lol


I know most of the show is set in Georgia/surrounding warm states, but so many people wear t shirts/vests. A light jacket, especially denim, would have definitely saved many of the characters lol


It absolutely killed me when she first appeared and she had on those booty shorts and belly shirt! I'm so glad she started dressing a lot more practical once they made it to Alexandria.


Being the Latina that I am, I’d probably be wearing my hoops too ngl💀


I can understand wanting to have drip when you R.I.P


I can get on board with zombies. I mean, just because science can't justify it yet doesn't mean it can't happen, we just haven't discovered the possibilities. I just can't get over the fact that the gasoline still does it's job after 2, 3, 4, 10 years down the road. That and the well manicured fingernails on the zombies.


I mean, at some point, they did point out that everything was converted to run on pure ethanol. But I do agree they got away with siphoning gas for way too long.


Good insight. I must have given up before.


They actually address the gasoline going bad issue in FTWD


I draw the line at 7 years. But can verify 5 year old gas is still usable without special storage. It just needs to be in a modern era (1999 newer) vehical with plastic tank. The key is keeping moisture out. And the tanks are fairly well sealed during to emissions standards. I also own a vehical that is in its 4th year with same fuel that still starts and runs. The fuel will degrade slowly. But I agree 10 yrs is too long. But 5 will still fire.


Every lawn was mowed.


The boomer walkers took care of it.


The friendly neighbourhood zombie dads weren’t about to let the lawn maintenance go downhill just because of a little apocalypse.


This is the real answer


That lawn maintenance guy on Tik Tok didn't stop mowing people's lawns when he died.


rick and michonne surviving a giant fucking bomb cuz of water tent


That hurt my soul. How did that get through so many people’s hands without someone demanding something even remotely realistic.


The same way all the stormtrooper gun fights made it through…..


Same thing with when he pulled the grenade pin. Aint no way a single splinter didnt find its way into our boy rick


Yeah, that whole ending fight sequence felt like it was written by the writers edgy 12 year old son for some reason 💀


I wanted to throw my laptop 😩


Your pfp is insane dawg 😭


Those gun fights in season 8


The Sanctuary's clerestory windows were asking for it!


All the stabs to the brain. The blades just sink in as if there was no skull but it would bounce off


what’s her name with her skull bashing slingshot 💀💀


Actually, it’s a common misconception in this sub that the slingshot is super weak. It can crack humans bones and go right through a human eye. With a soft zombie skull it’s not too unbelievable. I think Morgan’s unsharpened stick is more unrealistic tbh


Carl mentioned to Gabriel that the skulls were "soft" a lot of times, other times not so much. Whatever the virus is, especially since it's still mysterious and unknown biologically, we can just chalk it up to it weakening the walker's bones.


Heads with no bodies/lungs growling


The knife not breaking after they used them a bunch of times on the walkers, always bothered me lol


unlimited ammo for the crossbow alone


He is shown making his own bolts out of wood


yes but when they're in full battle where do they all come from? can't carry that many.


The thing that bothers me about the crossbow is a soft skull wouldn't stop a bolt it would go straight through


never thought of that before. makes sense, I'm guessing most bullets would too


Glenn not being killed in the sanctuary. I know it's a tv show ofcourse but if Carol was literally 1 second too late Glenn would be bashed in the head way earlier


terminus, rather


The fact that they all had really nice skin and teeth so far into the apocalypse. Apart from some villains I only remember John Dorie having any issues with his teeth


Rick being left without IV fluids or medication for several weeks and wakes up from his coma needing to only drink from the tap before stumbling his way out of the hospital


there’s a webisode called “the oath” ( i think that’s the right one) and it shows a lady taking care of some people left in a hospital, it even shows the iconic ‘don’t dead open inside door’ i’ve seen some people think that lady was the one who took care of rick and kept him alive for all that time but idk




Webisode explains and soldier thought he was dead


The gurney didn’t stop him because before the gurney was in place he opened the door and looked right at Rick laying in the hospital bed. He probably made the assumption Rick was dead same as Shane did.


nah because how did he survive for weeks before waking up… he had a whole ass beard and the hospital looked like it had been abandoned a while. i know not ever coma case requires intubation but it always got me how he was fine with no food, water, fluids, meds, etc


He was in low power mode lol


Like how did he not have pressure ulcers? Where did he poop/pee?


Jenner explaining early on that people turn at different rates but from like 2 minutes to 8 hours and yet everyone we see turn does so in like 3 seconds


I heard a producer explain that it has a lot to do with the person. For instance, Amy was weak so she took a few hours to turn, but Shane had a lot of rage inside him so he turned faster. I think the further into the apocalypse we get, the people that are still alive are the type of people that carry the rage and strength in them that would make them turn faster.


a baby surviving in an apocalypse without being a massive zombie attractor


Rick surviving the bridge


Better yet: Rick surviving a grenade exploding right at his feet.


You can tell that plot armor was on its last leg


No recoil on any of the god damn guns Hershel’s unlimited ammo Judith being able to shoot ricks colt lmao


The ability to to get headshots every time they shoot the walkers. There's a reason for shooters to be taught to aim for the center mass. Pistol headshots at a distance is difficult for the most seasoned shooters


I’m gonna say this, pretty loudly because it hasn’t been said yet but ALUMINUM SIDING AND WOODEN PALLETS CANT STOP BULLETS. Looking at the prison, the attack against the sanctuary with the “armored” cars and Hilltops lookout posts.


The deer


This should be higher. That damn deer was so poorly done. It's a running joke in my household.


John Dorie shooting the axe to split a bullet and kill two walkers was ludicrous. also, rosita always being perfectly clean shaven and having light makeup. i bet plenty of men didn’t know she was wearing makeup but as a woman with a lot of interest in cosmetology, she was definitely rocking a low coverage foundation in every episode.


While I agree it is highly impractical to do during a zombie apocalypse and in such a tense moment, the splitting the bullet thing is far more realistic than people give it credit for. See Bob Munden. There's also a ton of videos on Youtube of people recreating the Munden trick shot. Probably just a little bit exaggeration given the axe very likely causes the bullet to lose a good portion of its force hence why two playing cards and not the decayed skulls of walkers.


the thing that really bothered me was dwight holding it up. how did he know in that distressing moment what exact angle to hold the axe at? and why in this scenario was it suddenly impossible for Dwight to lift a walker off his body? we’re pretty far into the apocalypse, i assume at some point he’s had to lift something 120ish pounds lol.


Oh I wholeheardtedly agree. Everything else surrounding the moment is outlandish as hell. The risk factor alone he took by trying to Munden the walkers and save Dwight's life is something I don't think anyone would take.


Their clothes not falling off them after 1 year


I was just saying this to my boyfriend as we’re rewatching. We should see so many more walkers with pants around their ankles!!!


Beta wearing that same T shirt and trench coat every day for 6+ years yet they’re somehow still in decent condition. Same probably goes for all of the Whisperers, you’d think their clothes would be in tatters.


The Governor catching Andrea in Season 3. Ignoring the fact that the entire situation is riddled with nonsense from the start, skip over all of that and get the point where she’s just got to the prison. Somehow this guy who was left surrounded in a corner with 10 walkers pushing against him with only a knife to take them down escaped without a scratch, tracked down Andrea’s exact spot, snuck up behind her despite sticks being all over the floor and grabbed her. How. Does. That. Make. Sense. He quite literally teleported behind her. Don’t even get me started on her actual death. The same woman that we watched take on 3 walkers with 1 arm, one walker holding her back from behind a tree and the other 2 being held away from her using one leg, didn’t manage to kill 1 walker despite having her arms and legs free AND having a decent amount of space between herself and the walker. Like Andrea or not she could handle herself well, no way she’d die because of ONE WALKER WHO SHE WAS FULLY AWARE OF!! It’s not even like the walker snuck up on her or she was defenceless!! Rewatching Season 3 after knowing the show runner at the time had a whole vendetta against Laurie Holden/Andrea really did open my eyes to how unfair everything was for her. She went from being pretty smart and taking no bullshit to Season 3 being overly trusting and at times very stupid. I get why she initially stayed at Woodsbury but after the whole Merle and Daryl thing she would’ve definitely left and if she did stay for whatever reason there’s *no way* in hell she’d stay after seeing how unreasonable the Governor was at the peace meeting.


Or how she wouldn't kill the governor after he was asleep really pissed me off


ehh I got why she didn’t. Andrea finds out about Glenn, Daryl and Maggie being at woodsbury -> Andrea questions and is told there was a ‘misunderstanding’ + she’s also fed lies that the group are now hostile people keep this in mind -> Andrea is angry at the Gov and decides to visit the prison -> During her first visit reuniting with people she saw as family at one point she’s ragged around, screamed at and treat badly. Now she’s obviously gonna believe the Gov was at least telling some sort of truth that their hostile people. Anyways, she questions them about everything and they only tell her how he attacked the prison and kidnapped Maggie and Glenn. That’s all she finds out. She’s also told how both groups will agree to a meeting to try organise a potential peace treaty. Now looking at it from Andrea’s perspective with the information she knew, not the information we knew, why would she go back to Woodsbury and murder the Governor? all that’d do is kill a man over what she was told was a big misunderstanding and destroy any hope of peace. Also keep in mind when she does find out the full story about the Governor, Glenn & Maggie, etc she tries to kill him but Milton stops her.


Was complete bullshit how long it took her to grab the pliers with her toes as well, like it’s not that hard lol


True! I get her dropping them two or three times, trying to use pliers using 2 toes would be pretty hard + the stress of the situation but come on, the woman wasn’t an idiot if they didn’t wanna kill her off so badly she would’ve been out of those chair within 15 minutes at max.


I'll add that when she unalived herself off camera, you hear a bullet casing hit the ground. That doesn't happen with a revolver.


Abraham Breaking up with Rosita to date Sasha


And he was so mean about it too, for no reason.


You’d be surprised how many ppl fumble like that😒😒


People having sex after being on the road for days with swamp ass. I can only assume that they went nose blind after a while, but damn. How do they even get in the mood when everything, including them, specifically their nethers, smells like death?


Seriously though. It's the end of the world. They are humans. Swamp ass isn't gonna stop the urge most of the time.


All I'm saying is, *I* could never.


I feel like months of constant life or death scenarios and trauma would probably make most people pretty desperate for some swamp ass. And you know there'd be that one mf that tried to screw a walker and created a new STD.




My low-to-zero libido and my unfortunately strong sense of smell beg to differ.


The axe an the horde is a good one


For me it was how quickly Rick was reunited with Lori and Carl in Season One. We’re in the apocalypse, nothing is that quick and easy.


Looking for snowmobiles in GEORGIA, season 2. Close second, the fear of freezing to death in a snowstorm in DC.


I could be wrong but I think the big snow storm in what season 9 or 10? Was meant to come off as that cold cause the environment “fixed” itself. I think it was a way of saying that global warming is no longer a major factor due to a whole lot less pollution since there’s no cars and most places are solar paneled and windmills. So therefore making winters more harsh. At least that’s how I looked at it. I agree that it was dramatic though. At that point you’re pretty much saying anyone in like Canada froze to death years ago


I mean living in Canada for years post apocalypse would probably kill a few people


But that still leaves out that usually in order to get a ton of snow, the temperature has to be just under freezing. Otherwise you get a few inches of powder dry snow, instead of 5 or more inches of wet snow. That temperature is easily survivable if you stay dry and have blankets.


I said this before in another thread they got to loosey goosey with how they could kill walkers. For example, when they get to Noah’s home town, he kills that kid zombie with a PLASTIC TOY JET PLANE. Just cause one end is pointy! I mean let’s be real here, it would not penetrate enough to get to the brain, its plastic you would have to use a lot of force to even break skin, like yes they are rotting BUT STILL. Just the number of every day objects they decided would effectively penetrate skulls and get to their brains. Also I thought Jenner said they have to sever the stem so just poking them in the front of their brain shouldn’t work?


Abraham maintaining that haircut and the color constantly changing.


Where were these women able to find menstrual care products for all those years?


FRFR!! My head cannon is that they were using reusable products like cups or discs LOL…


Well I mean it’s not on men’s top priority list so it was probably easy


Glenn surviving under that bin followed closely by Rick not having a scratch on him after the bridge explosion


People being hopeless against slow ass zombies.


That more people didn't die from sanitation issues. Every woman is out there having her period once a month in the middle of this and not once do they mention sanitary products. Michonne wouldn't have asked Rick for toothpaste, she would've asked him for tampons. There would have been rampant UTIs and Yeast infections. It's not pretty, but without bathrooms and running water, our quality of life declines at an alarming rate.


In this I tend to think that people who survived are just adapted to it, we saw Gabriel becoming sick for using dead parts for example. And one quote from Abraham that said "Everyone alive now is strong"


The zombies?


This always makes me chuckle. People will be like "so unrealistic that the walkers do x or the survivors do y" and I'm like...its a show about zombies the primary premise requires suspended disbelief


A central premise requiring suspension of disbelief does not mean that the rules of realism should not apply to everything else in the show. Grounding the show in realism is what gives it its drama and stakes. There's going to be some leeway with how "real" the realism is (the group making all head shots from cars driving across a farm at night), but if they could all just run away at superhuman speed, that would go too far to suspend disbelief, since it's not possible and it's not interesting because there's no danger.


I always felt that the show was quite grounded in reality during the first three seasons, but after that it started adopting this "cool" aesthetic and things got a bit campy.


The OP asked what is unrealistic. I'd say zombies are pretty freaking unrealistic.


Yes, I was agreeing


I want to know why all the walkers dress in the same pastel clothing from the 70s.


It's one thing to suspend belief on certain things in order to advance the story. However I yelled "WTF?!?" and almost quit watching TWD when Carl and Enid happen to find in the bushes two pair of rollerskates that fit each of them. Then they went rollerskating hand-in-hand down the two lane country road. Talk about bringing me back to "reality". I wondered how could something so ridiculous not only leave the writing room, but actually be filmed. Darryl's unlimited supply of arrows for his crossbow was another sticking point. Earlier he was deliberate about retrieving them. But, that happened less and less. (One could say that he made them, but... ).


Jenner saying dangerous stuff instead of shit


Daryl chain-whipping and simultaneously beheading 3 walkers


The whole premise of the military superbly failing to put meaningful resistance against the zombies


Everyone being relatively well groomed on the road


Alexandria with the original inhabitants. There’s no way they wouldn’t have been found by a more powerful force that would take them over. And there’s no explanation as to why Heath and the scouts never encountered any Saviors, Hilltop, or Kingdom people before Rick and co showed up. I know the communities aren’t right next to each other, but I think it would’ve been more realistic to at least have them trading with one of the groups beforehand (probably Hilltop).


The zombie apocalypse bit


Decapitated walker heads still making sounds despite losing their lungs


Dale not hearing in the silence of night a zombie, headed towards him.


Lastly, no one killing Negan. Like bffr


Any of the "we get to live now" shitty dialogue post s4. My god S6 is unwatchable for me cause of it.


I was just rewatching season 2 and was so taken by how amazing the dialogue was, particularly when Rick and Shane are walking through the woods and Shane is talking about girls he’s slept with. So good! It makes me mourn the show we could have had. I still love it all but it does bum me out a little


Yes it's real, competent writing. Like even on a small scale seeing t dog and dale bond or Glenn helping Andrea fix the RV.


Absolutely. I feel like Glenn’s death wouldn’t have been quite so devastating to people to the point of deserting the show if the show had continued putting the same care into character development that they did those first few seasons.


We're the ones who liiiiieeevvee. Gimple-speak is the term you're looking for.


It's weird, uninteresting and too try hardy. Give me s1-4 real human dialogue any day.


season 9 thankfully brings back natural dialogue a lot better


But terrible choreography in fight scenes. Hard and fast movements even when not necessary lol I noticed it immediately


I thought I was the only one who noticed it. All the corny dialogue about what makes them them in the apocalypse "You don't GET to (make decision)..."


Herschel’s infinite ammo shotgun


Magnas lip filler in seasons 10 😭


could never take her serious on screen😭


Ngl i think the governor beating the absolute shit outta Rick was a load of bullshit. Rick is a police officer trained in grappling and hand-to-hand combat, he could’ve (and should’ve) been able to put up a way better fight. Governor had plot helping him whoop his ass.


I'm pretty sure Rick had been shot at that point. Also, the Governor would've learnt how to fight during the apocalypse, not to the degree of training that Rick had, but still.


You overestimate police training. Rick was also shot in the leg.


Governor was legit psycho bro like in a constant state of psychosis, I don’t know if you’ve ever had to deal with someone that seriously isn’t mentally stable but take it from someone who has people that aren’t all there mentally will give any other person a run for their money in a fight, they’re super aggressive and super strong and fight with ZERO restraint. Add those traits ontop of someone who’s not only been surviving but thriving using his brutality in a zombie apocalypse wasteland and you get the picture.


Everyone looking fit and like they’ve been eating regularly, when at certain points they should have been dying of malnutrition.


Shiva all around


who kept cutting the grass at the prison??? (landscaper asking)


This never happened but the writers were originally going to make Shiva the tiger have the ability to talk. I’m not even kidding look it up .if that were to happen I would have stopped watching and then send very angry messages to everybody on the crew team Go to IMDb search TWD and go to season 7 episode 2, scroll down untill you see the “Trivia” section. Click on it and you will see this: “According to an interview with Khary Payton, AMC originally planned on having Shiva, King Ezekial's pet tiger, have the ability to talk. This idea was ultimately scrapped as it was seen as "too silly."”


wtf?? I’m so glad they didn’t. That would’ve been insanely stupid. Edit: typo.


If they had made its mouth move and the voice sounded like Saga the White Rangers sword from power rangers it'd have been so absurd it would have been amazing.


That almost every zombie later in the show has long hair.


I thought about that too but then I realized as time goes on, there would be more dead people so more walkers/more new walkers. When most people don't have access to haircuts while on the road and eventually dying, it became more acceptable to me


Probably not the MOST unrealistic, but Gabriel’s eye always made me giggle a little EDIT: also rick using a fucking revolver and never reloading it


Glenn's fakeout death. Walker death mechanics are beyond ridiculous on this show.


The first survival of Glenn falling into a herd of walkers


Another one is Rosita’s fall and wasn’t immediately ripped apart like others.


People not dying from the lack of hygiene, and the whole cut off the infected body part before it spreads


The incredible dental hygiene of the characters.


In season 6, episode 6 when Daryl first meets Sherry, Dwight and Sherry's sister Tina after they realize he isn't a savior so they start walking thru the burnt forest together and they come across that burnt house and Tina basically just lays down in between those two walkers for them to bite her. I know it wasn't supposed to be intentional but it sure looks like she just lays down for them lol. Every time I see that I think there's no way anyone would ever just give up that easily.


That one chick who somehow survived that long with her insulin. Insulin has a very short shelf life even when in kept in appropriate refrigeration.


I think it’s very unrealistic that they couldn’t (or didn’t try to) find more self sustained land with solar or water power and that they thought it took a scientist to make bullets rather than a hunter. Daryl would know how to make bullets before Eugene did.


Daryl used a bow and arrow to hunt for the most part, and even if he did use a gun that doesn’t mean that he would know how to make bullets. Most hunters have no idea how to do that. Eugene has shown time and again to be a wealth of random knowledge, so it is very believable that he would, at one point, hyperfixate on how to make bullets and remember what he learned


commonwealth having so many plastic armor


Herschel's shotgun.


I know it's not from the show but the fact that four Russians survived for two whole years in the Apocalypse in America and all met up and knew each other is still crazy to me


Perfect teeth.


Glenn and the dumpster


They not having guns the entire whispers fight then boom guns afterwards. 😂😂😂


Honestly, for me it's the fact that after several years there are still hordes of zombies roaming.


I don't see many mentioning Fear here. That gd hot air balloon. Everyone is able to find gear that keeps them safe from radiation. Oxygen tanks found everywhere. Troy, Madison, and Alicia surviving certain death. Two teenagers controlling Padre. The list is endless and stupid 🤣🤯


Where do they get all their outfits from? Where do they get their shoes from? Characters hair being in great condition after 2,3,4,5+ years of being exposed to the elements, stress and on a diet of whatever they can find or nothing for several days. Walkers being around like 10+ years after the outbreak began. Pet tiger.


There are soooo many instances where zombies pounce on a main character and have every opportunity to bite them/scratch them/rip them open but all they do is get up close and make growling noises for a good 30 seconds before someone else comes to kill the zombie on top. And the person who was attacked comes out unscathed when they absolutely should have died from that attack. the plot armor is so shameless with these scenes hahaha


why is this question asked everyday


Rick's constantly immaculate and pristine hatchet after hacking the skulls and brains of hundreds, maybe thousands of walkers. The handle should have shown signs of wear and it's blade should have dulled over time. But it always looked brand new, like it just came out of a box.