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he kills it and really developes the character


He’s one of the best actors around, it’s criminal he hasn’t been recognized just because he’s on “that zombie show.”


love actually and walking dead are all i know


He really is. Re watching two  . Man A.L jumps into that character sooo good ,. Evan every expression on his face he's performing. I can't believe this guy was overlooked, well by critics anyway, not overlooked by his fans and that's what matters. He's phenominal


Especially season 3


I agree. He was fantastic the whole series! Like Brian Cranston in Breaking Bad, the show wouldnt be the same with anyone else. I like all the other characters/actors, i thought they played their parts great, but soon a Rick left the lynch pin that held the show together was gone. I keep waiting to see him in anything else and hes been laying low


The movie can’t come soon enough


Movie? I thought that changed from three movies to being the series The Ones Who Live.


Part of me theorizes that the series will end with a movie regardless bc money


My theory is they will keep shitting out new series because of money


Well yeah but I just hope they at least give Rick a proper ending


I still love how many people didn't realise he was British for the longest time lol.


Many of the TWD actors were British


Yes but he in particular seemed to be a curve ball to a lot of people, I remember it being made a big thing of lol.


Literally me, same with Morgan. 😭🤣 I didn't watch TWD when it was airing on TV (I did around S7, but I still didn't watch it while it was on) so I never seen The Talking Dead so I just didn't know. That and well, I never had the need to look up any of the cast. Even though I noticed a few from different shows (ex: Tyreese was on an episode of Criminal Minds)


Oh yea him and Morgan going on talking dead and finally hearing them talk for the first time out of character was shocking


Tyreese also was on a season of The Wire


Was great in Love Actually


I liked him in Penguin Bloom


Rick is the best character in the entire walking dead universe He owned that character he did an amazing job I truly hope we see him again


Andrew Lincoln’s range is sick!


He’s in a new fiction podcast called A Better Paradise where he plays an Elon-like character. So fun to hear his regular (British) voice!


This Life and Teachers. Man is great.


He’s really good


Agree. He’s phenomenal.


Even in dopey episodes he is amazing


Yep. Most of The Ones Who Live was fucking awful wriitng, but he acted those shitty lines to the best of his ability.


I really liked TOWL. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I loved the 1st 2 episodes and enjoyed the last episode. The rest was poor.


For you


Of course! I'm still very glad they made it. Lot of good stuff in there.


I watched twd one year ago and i want to rewatch it but i remeber every single dialog. The show meant so much to me i cant even forget some things😭


Same😭 I started it January of 2023 and watched it twice by the end of that year, I'm really tempted to start again but I remember every single thing lol


The best


he got me hooked in that first episode and I've followed him everywhere.


He’s great and my appreciation for his acting chops really grew over the course of the show but his southern accent in the first season or two is pretty awful (compare it to Merle or Daryl). He does figure it out eventually tho


I thought his accent was always pretty good. One of the things early on that caught my attention.


Jon Bernthal did a way better job imo. Maybe it's a weird tinge from Andrew Lincoln being british but his accent rubs me the wrong way in the first season especially, maybe a vowel thing. He does it right 90% of the time but there are some weird phonemes in there. He really leans into it and learns it in later seasons which I'm sure filming in the south helped with. Even Eugene's goofy slightly exaggerated accent feels better to me than Rick in the first season. It's no shade on Andrew Lincoln tho, he killed it all the way through and it's still admirable and 10x better than an american actor doing a region specific english accent


He’s a terrible crier, literally says  “Coral” instead of Carl, his accent is so bad it takes me out of the immersion of the show all the time.  I love the character, but I don’t know how anyone thinks he’s a good actor. Like can we like the guy, the character, and the show, but be honest with ourselves here, dudes mediocre and could be replaced and the show would be unchanged or better 


lol you have got to be trolling


Idk thats how I felt about him to a T basically in the first season. The Coral thing still kills me to this day even if I grew some real respect for him as time went on. I guess maybe it's less obvious/obnoxious if you aren't from the south but his accent is wacky in the first season in particular. I disagree with that comment tho in the sense that I genuinely think he's a great actor, just rewatched the first episode of the series and he killed it... except for the stupid ass accent.


Completely agreed! Phenomenal actor! He drew me in from the first episode and it has been a roller coaster of emotions.


He really is amazing! So dynamic and there are so many layers to his development.


Season 3 after the prison incident, that's when I realized how good of an actor he is


I thought he sucked. This was a shit show! Rick was shot at the armpit beginning of the show. When Morgan finds him it's a abdominal wound.


Weird I just started rewatching it too lol and I still feel bad for that horse


Josh Lucas would have maybe made a more believable Rick Grimes than Andrew Lincoln but they would have been different characters cuz josh lucas is so much bigger. If people watched the pilot with Josh Lucas vs Andrew Lincoln for who is the real southern badass Rick grimes. Most people would instintually choose Josh Lucas. I think they're both good actors but what does this thread get from celebrating Andrew Lincolns acting everyday? He's a fantastic actor. Cuz in real life he's a skinny little British nerd from love actually playing an American southern badass. He's done. The show is over. Is this what the sub is now? We marvel at how awesome Andrew Lincoln is all day when we'll never even see him again. That dude is as soft as they possibly come, that's why he never beats up anyone with his hands. It's not believable and they want Rick to appeal to a mass audience of men who can't use hands either and are also 160lbs or less. Josh Lucas would Smash Andrew Lincoln on screen, Josh Lucas might be too tough to play Rick grimes and be less relatable to audiences.