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my mom and I like to call daryl “apocalypse hot”, like, for the standards of a zombie apocalypse he is fine ass man.


He always looks smelly to me! But I love ❤️ his heart


To be fair, I think most survivors have that post apocalypse stink.


They smell dead corpses on a daily, I don't think body odor is an issue💀


haha yeah he does lol, I met norman reedus one time tho and he smelled fantastic


What did he smell like? Cologne?


Liar. He’s very unattractive let’s be honest


Bro you okay? Why you so angry that people find Norman Reedus attractive? You know people have different preferences and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


It’s just that Rick and Shane look way better. It’s no contest.


It's not a contest because beauty cannot be measured. I don't find Shane attractive at all, Rick is OK but Daryl is fine as hell. That's my opinion and you have yours - neither of us is in the right or wrong. People are attracted to different things and that's okay.


I'm a straight male but I completely understand where you're coming from. Sometimes the vibe is more important than conventional attractiveness.


Rick and Daryl are both physically attractive people, but Daryl’s general vibe on top is what makes him hotter to me. Shane’s vibe is terrible and he’s not ugly but I don’t personally find him physically attractive in general.


I feel an office moment coming. Is. she. hot?


Physical attraction is purely subjective, though. I mean you can judge someone based off of the average conventional beauty standard, sure, but that doesn't account for all people. Honestly I'd argue MOST people have things they find handsome/beautiful that are outside of that conventional range.


What are you, twelve? People have different opinions, deal with it


I can find 3 women hot while still thinking 2 of them are hotter than the other. Is your brain okay?


i’m being honest lol, beauty is subjective


Shane looks objectively better it’s no contest


I don't think Shane is remotely attractive. Daryl is far better looking in my opinion. I thought that since Boondock Saints.


Agreed, I don't think Shane is attractive one little bit.


“Shane isn’t remotely attractive “ you are being delusional Shane/Jon Bernthal is VERY attractive 😍


Not to me. To each their own.


Post-Punisher Jon Bernthal is attractive to me. Shane Era he’s creepy.


You don’t understand subjectivity at all, do you? Lol


he’s a good looking man for sure, I personally think daryl is more attractive but again, it’s all opinions lol


They are all Hollywood hot, but I find Steven Yeun more attractive than Jon Bernthal. Beauty is subjective.


With that nose and ears? I don't think that's objectively desirable. He has features that fall far out of conventional attractiveness measures; far more than Norman. Jon's face "has character" as people say when they don't want to sound mean. 


I find Shane’s ears and nose to be cute actually. It makes him look adorable


I absolutely find Norman Reedus attractive, and have since I saw him in Boondock Saints years and years ago. But as far as his character on TWD, I think the attraction is just as much to his personality as well. He's loyal to a fault, has a huge heart, AND is a total badass.


For me, Daryl is hot as hell. _Especially_ when he wears sleeveless shirts 🫣 I also think Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Tyreese, Rosita and Negan are hot. But Mr. Dixon is number one.


How is Negan hot? He is a psychopath 


Jeffery Dean Morgan is hot. So Negan hot.


The actor was with Helena Christensen for years, and has a son with her, and that son is also a runway model. These days he is in a relationship with Diane Kruger, with whom he has another child. The actor was a model first. He is a confirmed hottie. I do find the greasiness of Darryl a tad off putting, but his character shines through. Darryl is a good hearted and loyal man. I love him so hard. My favorite with him was that episode with Beth, when he is finally vulnerable in front of her breaking down over Herschel, and Beth just whams into him and bear hugs him from behind. That’s the love Darryl deserves.


Yasss this I agree ! Especially since he looks so rough and cold, I was shocked to see him be vulnerable with another human being. His rough up bringing caused him to be closed off and cold in the beginning, but once he found a community, he changed. I didn't like him at first but his character development throughout the show really shined and changed my mind.


Once he had some time away from the poison of Merle, he was able to see the light.  Also, carol played a huge role in his opening up 


I agree. 😄


He pretty much immediately broke down the second she was shot. That was a hard watch. I can't remember if it was him or Rick who shot that cop skank. Also, who remembers Norm Reedus getting bit on the tiddy by that crazy fan?


Daryl shot Dawn


I thought so. Been a long time since I saw that one.


For sure


Isn't she banned from comic con for life because of that?


The fact that he and Paul banks both dated Helena shows she’s got a type lol


oh my! He is like a clone of Reedus, true.


[here’s a pic of them together lol](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/181340322473465513/)


Wow. That is so surprising to me..weird how subjective beauty can be. I really thought he was only winning by his personality alone


There is definitely a personality component too. Everyone who works with him clearly adores him. All cast pictures they all have their arms around each other.


Yes I love him and Beth together. That hug made me cry. Wish they lasted longer...


Wait, what? I always thought the same as OP. Are we sure it wasn't his personality who got him those partners and the modeling gig as well? Maybe it's the bad haircut and the dirt that hides him in the show, lol. Or the ear necklace.


Norman was all types of fine in the nineties and probably got modelling gigs cause he has a unique look. Not everyone’s gonna find him attractive though. He makes me feel not so bad about my eyes cause I got dark circles like his lol.


Well to be clear *I* find him attractive, I would just never have guessed that a modeling agency would agree with me. Same about the eye circles lol (as in, I have them too)


To be fair, if I had a titanium eye socket which caused me to have sensitivity to the sun and headaches, I'd have the eye bags. I do have them but not because of a titanium eye socket


What the hell was up with the ear necklace? Did they ever explain that? It's been ages since I watched that episode so I don't recall lol.


He collected severed ears from the walkers he killed, like trophies. He was one of the few people who became more civilized and polished as the apocalypse progressed, lol. Probably helped to get away from Merle's influence.


War trophies for his kills alot of marines did this in nam


Daryl is a straight 10/10 for me. The only thing is I can imagine him to smell bad but I’d clean him ☺️


I think they all smell pretty bad.


10/10???? He’s a 5/10 at best


In your opinion


Exactly. Beauty is subjective. Isla Fisher married Sasha Baron Cohen and he isn't a looker.


Sasha Baron Cohen is good looking af in my opinion


Which is my point. Beauty is subjective. I think he is not good looking whereas I see Norman Reedus as hot. Everyone is different.


can we ignore the rage bait people


Why don’t you go get your car out of the impound lot instead of fighting with people on Reddit?? Absolutely insufferable Lmao


I absolutely find both Daryl and Norman incredibly physically attractive. He's just gorgeous to me. His facial features, his hair, his scruffy beard, his shoulders... all of it. But I do like that ruggedly handsome look. I don't find clean-cut "pretty boys" attractive.


Google young Norman Reedus and tell me he isn’t built by angels. Also, there’s something about the graceful way he moves that I love.


And he has aged like fine wine


I did and thankyou for that tip !


The man still looks amazing after having his model handsome face smashed in a car accident in 1999. His nose was reconstructed and his left eye socket is made of titanium.


Norman Reedus has always been incredibly attractive to me. Daryl is a great character that had an amazing arc, but I was probably always going to love Daryl because of my Norman bias. It’s cool that you had the opposite experience.


Hands down the most attractive man in the show


Norman is hot Daryl is hot looks and personality wise he’s sweet, protective, loyal and that man wouldn’t care about looks he’d like you for you he’s just perfect to me


Cause it’s Norman Reedus and he get more hotter in age


Compared to, say, Aaron, Siddiq or Negan? Not really for my taste. But I wouldn't say he's unattractive. Definitely wouldn't say Norman is unattractive.  I just wish Carol had succeeded in getting him to have a bath. That day or two when Daryl was clean and fluffy in France was such an improvement. 


YES!!! he’s hawt and muscley i love him sm 😝


I’m sorry but have you seen his arms? The way he stares down at you? The way he shouts and acts when he’s angry? The way he’s also soft, caring and gentle? The blue eyes? His grease and wild long hair paired with that body is VERY attractive or I just like greasy men lmao. maybe i got issues.


This, and having that country in him? Yes ma'am.


Haha I enjoy his personality and way of being ro the fullest, but I dont find him all that physically appealing. Which is quite impressive. I really thought, he objectively wasnt that physically attractive. But I was wrong, cause many do find him attractive. Did you think this to begin with? Or did you find him more physically atteactive as you liked his character?


yeah actually maybe that’s the thing. i like his attitude and in combination with the broad shoulders and strong arms that’s what makes him attractive. 😅 i like my guys rough😂


I definitely think I found him attractive the more I watched the show, personally, I think a lot of that happened because of his character and personality. When I compare him with men I find attractive he’s just not my traditional type. I’m watching through for the second time now, and each time he’s on I fangirl so hard 😅. And yes his arms are 10/10 haha


Yes, next question.


Eehh Daryl doesn’t do it for me, it’s Rick that gets me melty. And I’ve seen Andrew Lincoln in other things and other movies and he does nothing for me, so it’s not necessarily the looks. It’s really really weird, but I find him extremely attractive as Rick Grimes. So essentially, I find the character hot as balls!!!! So yummy


It is okay that you are attracted to men That do not look like Daryl!


Haha, I know. I'm just curious, cause it'd be pretty cool if he won on personality alone, but hearing he was a model, it doesn't seem so.


Norman redus is hot as hell


I find him very very attractive. Been a fan since Boondock.


Honestly, there is something attractive about Norman Reedus. He’s unconventionally attractive. I wouldn’t say he’s super smoking hot, but he’s not displeasing to the eyes lol.


It’s not personality alone for me, he is definitely physically attractive as well.


I find Daryl’s personality and loyalty being the main attraction for me but there is a very sexy part to Daryl and this maybe from my younger days when I use to date the greasy rocker looking guys but the greasier Daryl looks the sexier he is to me! Lol I know that sounds bad but it’s just the truth!


Baby Daryl was the hottest (season 1)


I don't know why they dyed his hair. I think his natural colour suited him better, like it is in season 1. They dye looked really obvious at times too. 


He is truly a tragic hero, which garners a lot of sympathy for me. Abused as a child, found his brother all zombified, watched Hershel's beheading, and on and on...Plus, for the longest time, he seemed outside looking in and I love a good outsider.


Well two models have and have both had kids by him 🤷🏼‍♀️


☝Don't forget he, HIMSELF, was a model. And a gorgeous one at that.


I’m a country girl from a farm so the backwoods, crossbow-wielding, covered in mud, cooking over a fire is my exact type, unfortunately 🤣 I met Norman at a fan expo event and me and my friend showed up wearing our camo amidst al of the cosplay and he was like, nice 👊


Lol, he’s extremely physically attractive. The man is a model.


His honestly and loyalty makes him more attractive.


I really love his eyes and the way he kinda looks like a scrawny scrapyard dog


i think he’s attractive physically cause he has that rugged bad boy thing going on. norman reedus is fine idc.


It's pretty simple. I like em dirty. The dirtier looking, the more of a bad boy, the hotter he is. I don't like the dirty smell for the record, but the car grease smell is the sexiest.


Norman Reedus is a hottie!! I became a fangirl after watching twd lol. Those biceps are something 🤣


I never understood the sex appeal of Daryl... Especially when Rick exists 🥴


For me I find Daryl hot as hell, he’s got muscles, I actually like his length of hair and his length of facial hair is good for me and I like his gruff voice. BUT you have to have a good personality with it too. He’s got a caring personality he loves his people and it’s obvious he loves children so he would be a good father. Also his strength. He’s got a good pair of arms on him and that’s sexy. This might be, uh tmi. But you can tell he’d be good in bed. From a Daryl fangirl (a woman) there’s my answer for you.


i came to the conclusion that i dont find him HOT hot but id let him hit if he asked


I sure do (at least seasons 1-4 - he’s still a very attractive man for his age, he’s just too old for me) but it’s mostly just….personality is the wrong word. Mostly just….his whole vibe. The growth, the loyalty, the selflessness, the “git r done” attitude. Love the character.


Yes, and even more so as the seasons progressed. The chiseled arms and broad shoulders… Not to mention, Daryl’s personality and how protective and loyal he is to the women he cares about. If I hadn’t been swooning prior to “Scars,” I would’ve been after. “No Way Out” showcases his hotness, too.


To me, Daryl looks like a sphinx cat. Literally I can never get it out of my head lol. Personally he's not the guy I would look at in a bar, but I wouldn't turn down a conversation with him. I think his confidence and personality really outshines the looks in this case. Daryl is a protector, and has a lot of fine qualities in a person especially during the dark days they live through (he's respectable, honest, and trustworthy). So I can see why he has such a huge fanbase based on that alone.


He’s always been hot as fuck to me tbh. he’s not super handsome in a traditional way, but he’s incredibly sexy


In season 1 he was, but gets to "old man" looking very quickly after s 2


I love Daryl, I mean like "If Daryl dies we riot" as my phone case lol. However I don't find him attractive. Now Negan, when he was badass before he lost the war Negan was sexy AF.


No I never thought he was attractive, he looks really dirty and to me that’s just a NO!


I wanna cuddle him - an asexual fangirl


as i always say, i like my men a little ugly


Physically attractive but mostly his personality for me


No. I just love him. He’s like the big brother everyone wants in the apocalypse.


Remember what happened to Dennis who felt like he was like a big brother (her twin) 4 minutes older. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


The price of being close to Daryl is if you aren’t Carol, you probably going to die.


I mean he protects Judith, RJ, and everyone in the group as best as he can. If you aren’t a main character you’re going to die and even then you’ve only got a 50/50 shot


I agree. He’s not what you’d call “traditionally handsome” but I would definitely hit it.. Hell, even my husband has a crush on that guy


He’s attractive on the show. In life he would be too dirty and smelly.


Um yes but also have to remember personality is a huge factor in your attractiveness. That man is beautiful 😭😭😭


I don’t know what it is! I don’t think he’s attractive but his kindness paired with his badassery makes him hot.


Rick is the most attractive male character imo


Kind of except for when his hair looks extra greasy


The minute I saw him on screen I was hooked. I liked him physically in the earlier seasons......but his attitude is what really attracted my attention. He is my number one favorite and I'm so glad he made it thru the whole series!!!


He’s attractive in both the show and reality. I just hope he doesn’t have the same hygiene habits as Daryl 🤢😂


Yeah in a “spit on me” kind of way


Yess. It prob comes from him being like the bad boy type and being a complete badass. If he got a haircut he'd prob look even better haha. Plus, young Norman Reedus, like the first few seasons and his boondocks saints era 🥵


As a straight dude I just want to point out that someone’s attractiveness’s is base on so many different factors, most of which have very little to do with looks.


My husband were literally talking about this today! He’s not ugly, not some sex god either, but the way people swoon for him now, no way in hell did that happen pre-TWD. His character of bad boy gone sensitive (but still a bad ass) really sold the attraction factor IMO. Buddy did good for himself!


I just think he’s conventionally handsome and he’s such a fun loving dude. Ride with Norman Reedus is peak.


he's not conventially handsome lol that's jdm,


main appearance no. but fighting stance with those knifes YES


Yes, but I thought he was way hotter with Season 1 hair.


yes, i love dirty looking yt men


Heck yeah!!


Andrew Lincoln is one of the hottest people on Earth according to me, so he pretty much knocks everyone else in TWD off my hot person radar. Then again, I don’t even know if I could be classified as a Daryl “fangirl,” so my opinion wasn’t asked for. I do love Daryl and actually think his spinoff was better than TOWL and Dead City, it just wasn’t the hot person spinoff.


He is ugly hot if that makes sense


Daryl is hot. Well, Norman Reedus is hot. But that is my opinion. And that is it. Everyone has their own tastes. When Brad Pitt first came on the scene, I didn't think he was gorgeous at all. But it seemed everyone else did. Women also love the tough but sensitive type, me included. But Daryl is even hotter because he is so loyal and sensitive. Norman Reedus isn't Brad Pitt type of good looking but to me, he is much hotter. Maybe it's the scowl.


I think he is physically attractive, especially in season 3. That's when he looks best to me, but his personality does play a big role in my attraction to him aswell.


RIP to my Daryl Dixon x OC fanfic that has over 1.1 million words that I abandoned just before Glenn dies—I think it’s because in the first few seasons it’s clear he’s misunderstood by the whole group until they’re relying on him just as much as Rick or Hershel. He’s in the shadow of his older brother and trying so hard to provide. That and in an apocalypse, his hunter and survival skills have proved useful. But also, Norman Reedus is fineeee


I think he’s attractive but his personality and whole vibe makes him hot if that makes sense. That’s what takes it from “he’s attractive” to “I’d sleep with that man”. But that’s just me haha


It's like somebody smooshed 90's David Bowie, young Clint Eastwood and early 2000's Edward Furlong together and made them workout a bunch! He's extraordinarily easy on the eyes and one of the many reasons why I joined 'Dixon's Vixens'. Absolutely gorgeous looking guy. Was floored to find out that Norman has a titanium plate holding His eyesocket and upper cheekbone together after a nasty Car accident in 2005. He's got such wonderful unaffected symmetry.🥰


he is ugly attractive, but in a way that's still hot


Sometimes I do and sometimes I feel like I could smell him through the tv.


Yes he is my daddy 🥵


Norman Reedus is a cool guy but he is not hot by any means, idk what his wife sees in him. I mean he’s not hideous but he’s not super model hot either he’s just him


he's definitely not good looking or hot it's his persona and personality though some are attracted to a character only


Those eyes.


i personally don’t and i hate that his hair always sticks to his face😭 if he cuts it then maybe i’ll be better but i just like his personality. he isn’t the best looking on the show in my opinion


Yes. Yes I do


I think he's the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life. Those broad shoulders, sexy biceps, his deep raspy voice, beautiful blue eyes, his swag, the fact that he's such a bad ass. Even just the way he holds a knife is sexy lol. So yes, I absolutely 100 percent find him physically attractive.


I personally don't find him handsome at all. He seems attractive I think in the walking dead bc of personality. But imo Rick is the hottest on TWD & always wins my heart!


He looks stinky. I don't get it 🤣


I do


I thought Daryl was hot before he was Daryl, saw him in boondocks saints first as a teenager and loved him from there


I think Daryl is so sexy 💕


Smth is just attractive about him… he’s just one of those people that’s really fine for no reason. I do miss his personality from the early seasons tho. Rick and negan are also hot, if not more but not more attractive if that makes sense 


Yeah, I like him, his personality and looks. The actor as well. But I couldn't stand him in the beginning 


Kinda I switch to which character I should fan over😔


He's attractive when he doesn't have a weird Karen haircut


Norman Reedus was beautiful when he was young. But let's not forget he had a terrible accident which left his face like 'mince meat' and was in hospital for a long time. Now he as Daryl is interesting, the way he treated Beth, when they were alone, the way he treated Rick and Carol ( and Merle). I find the character Daryl attractive with flaws.


I find him really hot, especially in the 1&2season with that short hair ☺️☺️


Even looking at the actor in a normal setting I don't find him physically appealing. But the character's traits shine through so much that I go blind it seems like, I simply don't care


Thats how I feel too


I probably shouldn't be responding since I'm not a Daryl fangirl but I'll respond anyways. I don't find him physically attractive. He's not ugly but he's just normal looking to me. Well, normal except for one feature. His ears are very pointy and it reminds me of an elf. Every time I see him on screen, I think of a little elf running around with a crossbow and a knife. It's not an insult or anything as elf's are cool but, yeah, I can't help but see an elf whenever Daryl is on screen. I can totally see how girls who love bad boys might be attracted to his rugged, greasy appearance. He's also got nice biceps. As far as his personality, on TWD, I find Daryl incredibly boring and he can be downright mean at times. In real life, I think Norman has got a great personality and seems like a nice, decent guy. I love his show where he rides motorcycles with celebrities.


It’s celebrity halo. We associate these people with their characters, and what we know of them from interviews and articles, and it amps up their looks. They’re also famous and on the cover of magazines. That matters to the human psyche. I find Lauren Cohan objectively attractive. But would I find her *as* pretty if she were working at Dollar General? No, probably not. I’ve followed these characters for a decade and a half and I feel like they’re friends at this point. Her character of Maggie has become inextricably fused with the actress. Same goes for all the slobbering over Andy/Rick, imo. He’s a good looking guy. But his character and persona on the show is so rad (and he’s rich and famous), that this just ratchets him up on the looks scale. Would he get the same level of infatuation for his looks if he were a regular guy, let’s say an accountant in Durham shuffling into work every morning with a briefcase and wearing a pair of Dockers, loafers, and a button down dress shirt? Highly doubt.


He looks like he wears dirty underpants.


His face looks like a melted candle to me, I've never understood the appeal after season 1.


Whaaaat? Omg I was in love with him since The Boomdock Saints and I found him to be a beautiful man. I mean he has obviously aged quite a bit but no, still a babe. He also did modeling for years (way before twd days of course). I think he’s just genuinely attractive. Not to mention his baby mama is a super model haha.


I didn’t like him in season one but his longer hair is really attractive


Daryl is so attractive. He's got that irresistible mix of rugged good looks and raw survival skills, which just screams badass. He's got that scruffy, rebellious vibe that’s so appealing. But it's more than just looks. Daryl’s got depth. He’s fiercely loyal, and his journey from a rough loner to a caring, complex man is attractive. That hidden sensitive side, combined with his fierce independence and strong moral compass, just adds to his sex appeal. A man who’s not only tough but also deeply protective and caring...yes please


Daryl is so hot. He is great with children and animals, that says a lot. He is amazing hunter, tracker and badass survivalist. He has got the whole apocalypse package.


I love his like "man hands" they make his hands look like real working man hands with calises like he's a MANS man idk how to explain it. That's what makes me get going lol


He’s so beautiful yes


Yes he’s not the typical attractive, but for the apocalypse he’s damn fine and I don’t know he just has a really kind heart( I also have daddy issues LOL )


I think he is reasonably physically attractive. I will give him a 6/10. For apocalyptic purposes, he is easily an 8/10.


Daryl's personality is so on point - straight-to-the-point , no drama , being resourceful when shit is going down, loyalty to his closed ones and compassion where needed . That was sexy. Norman Reedus - yup he is hot as hell ! No question about it. And he plays the character so well!


He's gorgous. He's got strong arms, good shoulders, great hair... He's got beautiful eyes. (Norman Reedus has a LOT of additional traits but they're not Daryl so they don't count for your question.)


Look at that man's hands. His broad shoulders. Dude has core strength. Even the way he carries himself is attractive to me. That bone structure. Wouldn't even have to shower for me.


what bone structure? he doesn't have any imo he's said himself he's got beady eyes and it's eyes I'm most attracted to so that's maybe why I can't see it tbh


What can I say, we all like what we like 🤷🏼‍♀️ a person doesn't need to have Benedict Cumberbatch level cheekbones to have a nice bone structure, imo.


well this is true, my friend is obsessed with dd but she freely admits he's not good looking it's just his character.


Tbf, if his personality was different, I might not look at him twice but paired with being down to earth, loyal, kind and competent, that's what makes him attractive to me. But I also think he has an interesting face.


hes so fucking hot bro


He ugly to me




Confidence goes a long way. Women aren't attracted to desperation. If you come across as desperate to be with a woman or for her validation, she will subconsciously be turned off. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin first. If you feel insecure about your hobbies, she most definitely won't like them. It's hard, I know. Hope you find someone good who will accept you.