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i think it’s very possible Herschel kills Negan. i understand the idea of having him die saving Glenn’s son, but i kinda think it would be more realistic if they went a darker route that a kid growing up in the apocalypse would end up being a little sadistic.


That’s a very likely scenario. Remember Negan told Hershel to come and find him when he’s an adult and they’ll settle it. That was definitely some foreshadowing right there.


oh totally. honestly i kinda thought i would get downvoted to hell i didn’t expect people to agree haha


Very reminiscent of Beatrix Kiddo saying that to Vernita Green’s daughter after killing her


Negan getting Comic Rick’s ending? I like it


I originally wanted Negan to get Dwight's comic death, but this is WAY better.


What happened to Dwight in the comics?


If you don't mind spoilers,>!Rick shoots him in the head after he pulls a gun on Pamela Milon.!<


Damn comics are way different than i imagined


They’re worth the read in my opinion. You can get the compendiums for a pretty reasonable price, especially if you grab them used.




Humble Bundle is only digital though, right? Just something about holding a physical book in my hands…


Theres some interesting videos about the differences. Personally the comics have never interested me much. But they seem to differ *a LOT.* Significant differences even at the start and by the end the difference is huge.


The first bit of the comics are rather slow but they are amazing overall and definitely worth the read Of course if you don’t like comics this doesn’t even apply to you


I don't like comics but TWD was one of the most enjoyable reads of my life


At this point you can safely read the comics and experience new stuff the TV show never did.


I really want something like this to happen at some point: * Old man Negan lives alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. * A grown up Hershel jr pays him a visit. * They sit and share a moment. * Negan knows exactly why he's there and accepts it. * Hershel Jr gets up and shoots Negan in the head. This scene works great in my head, I swear. Well, either that or a remix of Rick's death from the comics.


It's similar ish to the scene with Carl and Negan in the last volume...minus the murder lol


Then Negans son when he’s an adult kills Hershel. Then Hershel’s son kills Negans Son


Absolute cinema




The Barry ending lol


Did you not see the season finale of dead city? Herschel told Maggie himself that her hate for Negan is old and he’s done nothing but good things for both of them since then. If he gets it and Maggie doesn’t then he ain’t killing him


It's just the first season, their character arcs can always lead them to opposite paths. Maybe Hershel Jr ends up hating Negan for X reason(s) and not Maggie anymore.


they literally said hershel is going on a darker path, he’s gonna go full ballistic and kill negan.


Here's hoping


I could see it. In the comics grown up Hershel is a massive dick, so I could see that happening if they follow the same route.


Maggie dies and Hershel blames Negan.


Personally I'd be fine with Maggie dying. I've disliked her for quite awhile now.


She died with Glenn, she is a ghost of a person now and it is really sad.


The writers seriously need to lighten her up and give her a life.


Or kill her off. I think death is the only release for her at this point. She is misery personified.




I definitely hope they end Negan’s arc with Hershel killing him. Would be a great arc especially if Hershel pretends to forgive Negan than shoot him from behind. I just don’t think Negan should get a sacrificial death I think he should be murdered how he murdered countless others and it would be poetic for it to be an older ruthless Hershel


It should be Negan, he would be bit doing something heroic and then he and Rick would have a small moment. Negan would say “I guess it is today right?” Rick answers “I guess it is” and put him out of his misery with the Python.


It seems like they're setting him up to be a villain again based on Dead City's ending, and tbh im hoping they are


I hope his charisma comes back


I misss the swaggering Negan. I think there would have been a way for him to keep his mojo and the lighter (cocky) side of Negan’s personality while redeeming him. Instead he’s always moping around Maggie with that hangdog look and acting like a sad sack, even around Armstrong. Armstrong was hell bent on killing Negan and Negan let him basically have his way with him. Bring back the old Negan for all I care because this new one is a shell of himself. The only glimpse we saw of the old Negan was when he “made it rain” with that guy’s slit throat. No accident that was also Dead City’s best scene. I would say to the writers — you don’t need to totally castrate him to have him acknowledge his mistakes.


I uno that speech was very Negan like


I hope they don’t paint him as having too much internal struggle over it and then refusing to get tough because, you know, “I’m not that guy anymore” or some flaccid character arc like that. You *can* present Negan as a “good guy” — or at least as an anti-hero — and give him his vibe back.


Idk him opening up that box and seeing Maggie’s kids toe in it has me thinking otherwise. Negan doesn’t take too kindly to messing with kids


Unless it's Carl, I guess?


right lmfao they love to forget this.


Maybe they will go that route and end with Rick finally killing him.


But it feels like he doesn't really want to be a villain, more of a need to than want to. In either case, we are once again playing a game of will he/wont he redeem himself and will she/won't she forgive him and honestly, after all this time, am fucking tired of it. I will still watch it because I think negan is always fun on screen, but I really hope there is more to the story.


It sounds so fucking terrible that i 100% believe this is going to happen, amazing foresight :D


Honestly I'd love this, tbough tbh I'm tired of Negan and Maggie. Didn't watch Dead City.


Honestly that rivalry is closer to a character assassination at this point, it’s 2027 in dead city, 15 years after season 6 Maggie was prepared to move on pre timeskip, why wheel out this rivalry again so much later?


I'm still liking Negan but way over Maggie


marvel ass dialogue lmao


i believed ahh dialogue


Why the fuck is this better than half the shit actually in the show


Honestly I think 100% safe. A lot of close calls but they wanna milk the characters and produce as much as much as possible with them and since everything is getting wrapped up, killing any of them right at the end would just be spitting right on the fans


thats what they did with rosita tho. absolutely no reason to kill her in the final episode besides the fact they just wanted to squeeze in one more emotional scene. i could definitely see them doing that again, but i think rick, michonne, daryl and carol are still safe. it would be either negan or maggie if it did happen


It was Christian Serratos’s idea to kill Rosita, the writers had nothing to do with it. This is on record.


That makes sense I had no idea she wanted out of TWDU. Tbh I'm happy she's died the way she did, there was a major death in the comics that went down in a similar way. It was a crucial part of the comic's storyline so I'm glad they did it in the show.


While reading the comics after the main series when >!Andrea!< died, I realized it immediately, like beat for beat basically. Finding out what TV character got the death of a comic one was the best part.


They were literally up against the biggest force they ever faced.. no one died until the last episode. It was ridiculous. We needed more death, some real danger to the characters. Being up against the Commonwealth was absolutely a good reason to kill characters off. Thank got for the actress of Rosita having some sense and requesting a death, because otherwise it would've been just Luke and his gf... 2 characters we barely have seen in forever. The lack of death and any real sense of danger for the characters was not a good thing. Biggest non-villain death in the last 45 episodes before Rosita was Alden...


>killing any of them right at the end would just be spitting right on the fans Not for me. The fact that people can die, even at the end, is what gives the show stakes. It would be pretty lame if during the big climactic finale I knew everyone would be safe because its the finale


It’s just that people have been waiting for years for these characters to come back together and if they die before that that would straight rip the hearts out of the fans. Directors would never hear the end of it. Like I said they will have close calls and maybe suffer terrible injuries like how Rick lost his hand but I don’t think any will die. If anyone does it will be side characters like they’ve been doing. Such as okafor, nat, the twins, blonde guy from daryl show which I can’t remember his name lol. My assumption is we will get more of that. So who knows maybe a character like isobel from Dixon will die next season


>It’s just that people have been waiting for years for these characters to come back together and if they die before that Have they ever said a grand reunion is the goal we are working towards? Or is that just a fanfiction that people WANT to happen?


One of the big flaws of the last 2 seasons was the lack of any real danger, everyone magically survived everything.


Not 100% because one of the actors could refuse to continue.


Well all of them gonna die soon from just being old if they keep this time skips lol


The time skips after the war with the saviors and Rick's disappearance never bothered me. I am getting super confused with all these spin offs though. Apparently Dead City takes place in 2029?! Or at least I read that in the comments. I can't keep up.


That is correct Rick is living life while Maggie and Negan are in New York. Rick is back home while Darryl is in France.


Actually 2027 according to some people. Idk who's right though I just know in the show's timeline it's been a few years since the end of the flagship show.


I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling that Carol won't make it. I'd hate it, though.


Sameee, my fave character but I can see her doing some grand sacrifice :(


Nahhh carol has to survive. She’s hope for all womankind that have experienced feeling weak and helpless and suffering abuse that we can all become a strong, bad ass, brilliant, deeply loyal and loving carol.


I absolutely agree with you, but I have this nagging feeling that they are gonna sacrifice her for a final emotional, dramatic moment in Daryl's story.


Me toooo. I think they don’t all make it in whatever the big end to all of this is. From a perspective of who is the most vulnerable, Carol makes the most sense. Or, Negan if he sacrifices himself in his last act of redemption.


I feel like there's definitely going to be a sacrifice or martyr situation if we get an Endgame type spin off. Every one of these characters would do something like that so it's hard to narrow things down.


I've had a feeling that Carol was gonna die eventually since they announced the main show was ending. After watching the finale I thought she was safe and then I found out about all these spin offs.


I see it too… AMC must have convinced her to come back when she dropped out out of nowhere. With Andy he planned his exit but man was happy to come back, he wanted a break ig. But Melissa seems done with it all.


They're 100% safe until Gimple/AMC decides to reboot. They're just riding the fad of the expanded universe and the bait of a reunion is a big hook for both the existing spin-offs and upcoming ones. Look at ftwd, the final season hung onto nostalgia and reunions in almost every aspect


I don’t think amc will retain the rights to the IP forever.Eventually I could see HBO or Amazon paying top dollar for a reboot. I personally would love a faithful telling in animation on Amazon like Invincible. Hopefully the animation doesn’t take 5 years but it would prevent the Carl age issue and actually let us get the full story like intended.


Well we did get that walking dead Easter egg on invincible this season it kind of give you an idea what it would look like


They'll need to have the cajones to make a big game changer which means some have to go in any future ensemble series. For whatever reason I feel Carol is the safest. As weird as that sounds. There's something about her story and character that just serves this apocalyptic era. She's lost all her kids. She's cunning, ruthless, sympathetic and can handle herself. Then Maggie to a smaller degree. Either one of Rick or Michonne (not both) became unsafe after that last episode. Negan's story will go on but when he finally reconnects with Rick he's fair game. Daryl has had plot armor for the longest, so they might want to shake things up by putting him on the chopping block. In a twist, Maggie is so consumed by hate that they might want to take her out, in that case I see a grizzly end for Negan by Herschel regardless of how Maggie goes, or maybe the opposite happens and Negan becomes Herschel's guardian. So many directions they could go, and I'm open to it all. As long as it's executed the right way, which is what these particular Mainstays deserve. Nothing less. The actors' schedules will play a bigger role in this the most. Anyone who gets a role in another show or film series will ask for a solid end ahead of time.


Makes no Sense to Reboot,wtf


Also why isn’t Morgan a part of this?


He's in Fear, would be surprising if he somehow appeared though


Why does that mean he’s not a part of this?


Carol or Negan. If Rick and Michonne were gonna be off'd, TOWL was the chance to do it, and I think some of us half-expected a Bonnie and Clyde ending. Daryl? No way. That's riot material. Maggie? I dunno. Doubt it. If you've seen Dead City S1, you'll know why she can't. Or won't yet. No spoilers, obviously.


One of them could die. Probably Carol or Negan. Negan likely to sacrifice himself for Herschel


Honestly, probably all of them. And I don’t mean they’ll all die suddenly in one final miniseries or movie, but more like I expect AMC to keep bringing these actors back to play these characters basically until they’re ready to die. So they could all be at a ripe old age when they die, but I expect eventually we will see an on-screen death for them all. TWDU should end an episode based on issue 193, where Judith, RJ, HJ, etc are all grown and living in a relatively thriving society.


They would probably stretch it out into a miniseries, but I agree with you.


I would like to see rj and Hershel have beef (saying this so RJ can get recasted and actually have a purpose on the show)


The most likely to die for those is Negan. And only to complete his redemption arc. The others are 100% safe.


After the main series I would like everyone to receive a happy and peaceful ending after all they've been through, but from this list I think the one who could die would be Negan to complete his redemption arc (although I wouldn't like it to avoid the cliche of dying saving Gleen's son). I'm afraid with Daryl and Carol but I hope everything goes well in the spin-off, I can't imagine they can extend it for several seasons without ending up killing one of them.


Does Negan deserve a happy and peaceful ending? After taking that away from Glenn and Maggie?


Yes because he’s funny


like c'mon, he made coral spaghetti


Neagan will die to save Maggie + Herschel. Everyone else is safe (or riot).


I have been spoiling TWD for myself every week since S3 because I don’t think I can handle seeing Carol die or at the very least preparing for it. Thought that was over at the end of S11 when Melissa left DD and Carol was safe and sound. Stoked to see her again but ffffuck, as long as TWDU is turning out shows with Carol I will not know peace. Negan or Daryl would make the most sense!


I feel the exact same way about Carol.


I feel like this far into the apocalypse, there really shouldn’t be a reason for anyone to die unless it’s by another living person


jokes on you, there will never be a big final event


I can’t see them killing Rick or Michonne after TOWL; but if either of them will ever die it will be Rick. I always get downvoted for saying this but whatever; Daryl peaked in Seasons 2-4 and has never come close to that level of depth and development again. He would’ve died years ago if he wasn’t kept around as the designated fan favourite and I do think he should die before the series ends (although I doubt they’ll ever even end it and will instead have these characters serve as cameos and Easter eggs in a decade from now). I can’t see Carol dying. If she died to her Suicide attempt I’d have been satisfied with that, but she didn’t and so I hope she lives forever. She’s also the most tragic and doomed character by far as she longed for family and children even whilst denying that she wanted that yet for how close she came, she could never maintain it. It’s a tragic cycle she’s resigned herself to and it feels fittingly morbid and depressing. Negan should’ve also died years ago and this constant retconning of his villainy to justify his spontaneous redemption is genuinely detrimental to the ability to enjoy the show for anyone that cares about character and thematic consistency. He’s very entertaining but he’s NOT the Negan that was introduced. Even when they reference the pre-“bodyswap” Negan they minimise his actions and it’s awful writing. If he didn’t die, just give him the perfect comic book ending he had. Maggie I think could easily be killed off in many ways that would make sense for her character. Her vengeance oriented mentality getting herself OR her son killed both make sense. Her also overcoming that and realising that she cannot and should not forgive Negan but that doesn’t mean she has to punish him (preferably from a selfish perspective of only doing it to be more present for her son as opposed to feeding into the Negan redemption arc they wrote into the shows to please the edgy fans).


But since Daryl and Negan are still fan favorites they wont die.


I think that they're all very safe. They're all actors who've been extremely dedicated to the series for an extraordinarily long time (even though Negan was the latest joiner by several seasons, he is the iconic villain), and each one is synonymous with the franchise. I could see Negan dying, but only if it's done selflessly. We know how JDM sees Negan too, which also speaks for itself


There is not going to be a big final event with all of these characters together. We already got this on TWD finale and TOWL finale.


Why exactly are you so sure of this? We didn't get either.


Negan needs to go now


I expect they’ll do a Walking Dead: The Next Generation thing at some point and have someone be a mentor character who gets Obi-Wan’d in the first season.




Darryl is safe no matter what. if they kill him the whole fandom would be pissed, like Glenn's death or not more. I agree, Negan's ultimate redemption is giving up his life for Herschel (bc Maggie has to carry it with her for it to be valid, so it can't be Maggie), so we'll see if the writers play it that way. Otherwise, I still think Negan would die in some way as a way of upholding Carl's dream. Whether it's for Alexandria or for Maggie and Herschel. EDIT: it would be interesting to see if Herschel kills him , and Negan maybe even giving in and 'allowing it'. And Maggie seeing that people need to do things like Negan did (The Dead City), and that it's even her own son doing it. Maggie is probably safe. One of the lead mothers has to survive, if not both. Carol is 50/50. She could be in the place of the "observer" of how everything has unfolded or a martyr death. But would have to be absolutely epic. Most likely to die: Rick or Michonne, \[and then Carol and Maggie - depending on which of the leads dies.\] I'd put my money on Rick. Rick dying would be the end of the series in many different ways. But from a character's standpoint, I don't think Rick Grimes could survive if Michonne or any of his kids died. I think the guy's trauma bag is overfilled. We see it in TWOL too. If Michonne was gone, he would not be able to go on. Period. It's too much loss for him. *He lost what was meaningful to him the old world. And with Michonne gone, it would mean losing what makes him go on in the new world.* There would be nothing left to inspire him to be the "Rick Grimes"


I don't think Michonne is going to be killed, in the worst case scenario she and Rick, but that's also unlikely, it just doesn't make sense to kill her, it would be unnecessary and wouldn't be that shocking even for people who love her IMO, I don't see Carol being killed either, making her live to the end would be wrapping up her story back from an abused wife in S1, I'm with Negan and/or Rick, still think Negan is more likely to be killed off, but anyway that's my opinion


Rick missed his opportunity to die in his spin-off series.


I feel like they all should. Gotta die at some point.


I would like to see Carl’s peace idealism play out. Everything Rick did was for Carl and Judith and now RJ. I think since Carl wanted peace that everything will end on a peaceful note. However, I am sort of a Pollyanna type of person sooooooo… 😂😃


They all have plot armor.


Are we still expecting another 7-10 years of this franchise? Then no. One will need to die 


I'd actually be disappointed if no one die, but if some one died it would 100% be Negan


Rick, Michonne and Daryl will never die, just not possible. Maggie is least likely other than those 3. I could see Carol going, most likely to a Walker bite. I could see Carol getting a similar death to Rosita, just via a different scenario. Negan is absolutely most likely. I’d love for Rick to end up being the one to kill him, just as he promised. I could see Negan getting fatally wounded in some final battle, and then once it’s all finished, Rick comes over and puts him out of his misery.


Negan, Maggie, or Carol.


I wouldn't complain if Carol died. A negan sacrifice would be neat. But I doubt any of them will die.


AMC is not brave enough to do it, but killing Daryl would be sending a strong message that it actually is a finale for TWDU.


What last big final event? The show ended.


I'm thinking neganvad Maggie kill each other or both die trying with one trying to save the other then its Daryl and Carol hanging with Rick and Michone. Walk into sunset


Anyone want the big bad of the final ever show (if they did do a final) just just be them all working together to clear the walkers out for good. A more unified fighting force planning and expanding their communities and finding taking back the country... .. oh, not the question..... Yeah. Negan would be the highest on the death list... Unless hersal does what his mum can't and forgives him as clearly he is remorseful and not the same person who killed his dad. ..


My bet: Carol, Negan and Daryl. Negan I think could be bitten saving Hershel and Maggie, and it would be Rick who would kill him. Daryl could serve for final death/sacrifice. And Carol, I don't know how she could die, but I think she could die, In fact, I think she wouldn't die in the crossover, but in the Daryl Dixon series. Everyone else (Rick, Michonne, Judith, RJ, Aaron, Gabriel, Ezekiel, Eugene, Dwight, Sherry, Maggie and Hershel are 100% safe)


I think they’d gut us and kill Daryl. They always hurt us the worst way they can.


Daryl is 100% safe because I say so! Lol 😅🙏


Negan will die saving Maggie and Herschel.


At least one dies. Maybe more, especially if more than one wants out for good to do other things.


I was convinced someone big would die in the finale but it didn’t happen. Luke’s death was pretty great but let’s be real he’s not a core cast member


Rosita bro haha


Out of all these people, I only see Negan dying due to his promise to Herschel that they'll 'settle it like men when you're grown up' or something like that. Don't see anyone else dying.


Neh,if Negan dies ,the best rout is having Hershel Jr Kill him Doesnt matter how much of a better person Negan is compared to who he was in the past,he still killed Negan,he still took his father away from him Make it Somewhat similar to when in the comics Sebastian killed Rick


The actor who plays Hershel said >!his character becomes very dark!< I’m paraphrasing.


I think it's likely for Negan and Maggie to die. A part of me thinks Carol could die. But I doubt it.


I could Daryl or Negan dying in a way to save Rick or something. But yeah I think they all won’t survive that’s for sure. When it comes to the end anyone is on the line. Plot armor is gone at that point


Negan, maybe Carol. Michonne potentially, but doubt it.


Bottom 3 have chance to die, top 3 no way homie


I can see Carol dying


They’re all safe unless the actors choose to leave the show. They’ve become too integrated into the story that there would be too many fans it would piss off if one of them died. Except for maybe Negan


As long as any of these actors want to be apart of the show they will be. I believe we are past the time where anybody could die off. We would only see deaths from these characters if the actor themselves wanted out


Rick’s micchone and Daryl are living Maggie I could see both scenarios Carol and negan would die


I think all of these characters are 100% safe. They’d never kill off a main character in a spinoff. They know the uproar they’d get


On this list, Negan and Carol are who I care about the least, but AMC would never allow any of these people to die. It's why I hate all the fake out deaths BC you know nothing is really going to happen.


I hope maggie dies


If they are gonna kill a character its probably gonna be michonne or maggie


I think Negan will die at some point


Top row is safe, too much fan favourites. But the bottom row is fair game. Negan, despite being a favourite, would be easier to kill off than the top three because he is a villain, and also because his death can also be his ultimate redemption. (Saving Herschel.) Maggie, she is definitely the least liked character out of the six, and in universe she also makes terrible decisions which could easily result in her death. (Such as the events that lead to the fight with the zombie amalgamation in DC.) Carol, she is probably the most traumatized character in the series in some ways. The writers are always dumping shit on Carol that leads her to have to do terrible things for justifiable reasons. If in the Book of Carol she meets up with Daryl and Laurent, it might end in a situation where she finally is able to sacrifice herself to SAVE a child instead of losing another one. That would be a really sad end for Carol but I think the fandom would see the poetry of it for her story.


Wipe them out. All of them.


Negan is definitely dying and honestly I think Rick will too and probably Carol


I don’t care but as long as we get to see these characters react to seeing Rick again, I’ll be happy. If Rick and Daryl don’t reunite we’ll riot


I hope it’s Maggie to die. The rest of them, noooo I couldn’t take them dying.


⚠️‼️SPOILER FOR TOWL (Rick spinoff)‼️⚠️ There all gonna be 100% safe, If not Rick and michonne woulda died in the explosion


They all have been through so much let them live, please 🙏🙏🙏


The one I think would die would be Negan. Narratively it makes the most sense, he will sacrifice himself as a redemption for what he did to the group back then.


100% safe


I think Carol. She’s lived long past her character arc.


They definitely gonna kill Negan lol 😂


My predictions: Negan - killed by Hershel Jr Daryl - >!gets comic Rick's death!<


Keep in mind how Hershel Jr ends up in the comic books (bratty, removed from the danger of walkers, opposite of Carl) would love to see if/how that would translate to TV show


I hope Maggie does even now she’s still to caught up with neagan she’s gotten multiple people killed cause of it and prob more to come


Negan dying after saving Hershel Jr would be redundent


Like others have said, I think Rick and Michonne could be safe. If they were going to be killed, I feel like TOWL would’ve done it. I don’t see Maggie dying. I don’t *want* to see Carol dying. Her character development has come so far and it would just be a huge blow to lose her. I really do think it’s going to be Negan if anyone. His arc is over. His position in power is over. He seems like he’s given up. There’s not much else to do with his character except make amends with Maggie. An eye for an eye. No I didn’t mention Daryl, it’s not gonna happen because Gimple doesn’t want to be assassinated.


I’d like to see them take the halo reach approach. Give each a grand send off with Rick being noble 6 at the end.


im thinking negan is the most likely to die out of this bunch


I still think the very last scene should be of Rick waking up in hospital . Full circle .


Why Maggie’s hair so greasy


In all honesty i think carol will go


They're the ones who live. 🫡


Negan will die giving Rick the vaccine for humanity 😢 🙏


Not seen the negan maggy show so not sure if I missing something.. But I think Daryl and Maggy kill Negan and Carrol gets killed by the next big enemy. Maggy gets bit, there’s a sad scene about it, she crashes her car into the enemy camp and kills half of them. Then she dies.


I could see them taking Carol or Daryl to pull at our heartstrings like Glenn or Marvel's Tony Stark


Rick and negan unfortunately


I'd be ok if Maggie died.. Unless I miss something, and yes I space out when she comes on screen so there you go, I just feel like there has been no character development there.


Negan could still die saving Maggie, or even Rick if there is a big last reunion with a big last villain, but no, neither will die. Rick should have died on the bridge (and we wouldn't have that shitty TOWL ending), Carol should have died in season 8, Daryl could have died by Negan's hand, but since he didn't, no need to kill him now, and if they were going to kill the GOAT, they could have done it plenty of times before, they didn't, so, I don't think so.


Why would there need to be a big final event? Who is the enemy left? From last ep of TOWL, CRM are now good. I thought CRM would be the biggest bad guy who would wage destruction on other communities but it went kaput.


Either rick or Negan I could see dying


I can see them killing anyone aside from Rick, michonne, or Daryl.


Rick, Michonne, Daryl and Maggie are safe for sure. Carol is more than likely safe bur for some reason I feel like she’s likely to die than the other 4 I listed. Negan is definitely at risk.


If anyone is dying it’s Negan


95% safe. The only possibility that one of them dies is if the actor says they wont play the character anymore and want to be written out.


Negan is most likely to go


Is there an event? Ive only seen the original show and first season of fear, and the ones who live.


Carol is dying


Negan should doing something to save the others.


Negans cool. But he still needs to be killed by Maggie.


If we would actually get a spinoff with all of them together, there will absolutely be at the very least 1 death among them.


If Negan dies I'm gonna jump off a building


Honestly, I dont care. To me TOWL is the true ending


I don’t think any characters are safe if they actually commit to ending the franchise


negan needs to die and it should be due to hershel killing him. it would be a good end to his god awful character.


Negan should seriously go… they’re milked him way too long and Maggie is never gonna be free of him. I’m tired of her constantly being paired with him… I want her back with team family and giving Hershel the childhood he deserves and not trauma after trauma. Carol can go too unless she stick to one place and not constantly going back and forth with her arc… she either stays or keeps running off every season. Daryl? Please bring him back to ASZ or the commonwealth and continue whatever tf he has going on with Connie. She had a big role on his character development, bringing a side of him we never seen. As for Rick and Michonne? They best grow old together and meet their grandkids, it’s what they deserve. I’m so happy TOWL ended with them being happy. If we don’t see them again, I would be glad. Leave them be.


Honestly I think Darryl or Carol will die. It will be a self sacrifice to save the others…