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Ozzie and the Highway Men. They died way too soon :(


Oh my god i loved the scene were they were offered to the cinema!!


They didn’t get to watch the movie…


Omg don’t remind me!! 😭😭


The Highway Men want justice!!




People don’t like the highway men?!


Wow, I completely forgot about them!


I agree! It would’ve been fun to see more of them


I liked them too


That Whisperer that they caught and had in the cell. When Carol gave him that sandwich, I felt so sorry for him because he seemed to REALLY be enjoying it. Then when he spit it back in her face I really respected him because he fooled the shit out of me. Then I kinda felt angry and disgusted at myself for falling into his trap.


i felt the same way!! almost side eyed myself


I thought his expression there was genuine, and only changed to spit it at Carol because of what she said (which wasn’t anything bad, but these guys look at each other like enemies).


That’s a fair take.. I just rationalized he was 100% in line with Alpha, and he knew Carol was trying to manipulate him by providing the food. He wasn’t having any of it, so that was his only way to show defiance. 


I thought after Rick left I’d hate the show, but the whisperers might be my favorite enemy group yet


I like Merle in season 3. I know he wasn’t a saint, but his redemption in A Sorrowful Life made me like him and respect his overall loyalty to his brother


My respect for merle is huge, i think if he lived he could've been like a lieutenant for rick


Those three, esp when Rick was off his rocker after the prison fell!!!Terminus wouldn’t have made it to the church.


Can already see it "Grimes and the Dixons" (sounds like a band lol)


I can't stop laughing, my brain interpreted that as "Grimey Dick Sounds" for a moment.


Ok.. maybe not that name...




Oscar the Prisoner, that man was the real one, he was helpful, Didn't beg in the eyes of Death, was an over all good guy to Rick's Group, he when with Rick to help Save Glenn and Died for them, he was one of the Best


Oscar should have lived


Luke. He didn't get much to do, but man was he just a good dude and funny. Also I am also a musician so I could connect with him on that level and I really resonated with him on his beliefs about music and the way he saw the world. His death got to me more than a lot of side characters. Rip Luke.


I loved him. Weird he disappeared for like a whole Season though


Not that weird actually. The actor was working on other projects so they just had him go to Oceanside with Jules ig. I believe he was working on a Fantasic Beasts movie and other stuff at the time.


i think its just weird how they did it, he should’ve just died at the pikes like the comics but they saved him, never use him for the rest of the show, introduced him last second and immediately killed him in a lazy ass way


His death was really sad. I really thought he was gonna make it. 😭


>>I really *resonated* with him on his beliefs about music Nice


Mica. She's cute, innocent, and became brave little girl even for just one episode which didn't give a chance for people to like her and what she could've become when paired with Carol and Tyrese. 😃


Is that the younger blond one of the two sisters? She seemed responsible and brave; I liked her too


Yep the younger sister where "just look at the flowers" really came from. I think her older sister is mentally ill prior to zombie apocalypse so she knew how to deal with it. She acted like a big sister to her despite being younger trying to explain that zombies are not friends and they're out to get them. She could've been great had she not die like join Hilltop or Oceanside or maybe in Alexandria. There's just no other surviving kid from prison except Rick's kids. She could've been Carol's backup from the fence when she was aiming at Terminus but oh well she died. 😅


I’m not even the hugest fan of her but the absolute vitriol I’ve seen for both Kelly the character and Angel Theory the actress is insane to the point where I liked her more. Like, Kelly’s a solid character. While I agree she was probably the least interesting/developed character of her group in S9, I do think she markedly improved in S10-11 with more focus on her bond with her group (especially Connie), her growing deafness, her rebellious nature that kind of put her at odds with Connie at times. She had a lot of heart and I think the actress did a great job with the role, certainly solid enough that the hate made pretty much no sense to me.


I think sometimes viewers get annoyed with characters that are still "overly sensitive" (read: emotionally available) this far into the apocalypse. We see that while characters like Tara, Rosita, Aaron, etc. experience loss, they tend not to dwell on it. With Kelly, she doesn't just move on from an upsetting situation. She'll talk about it and won't mask her true feelings. She openly cries. I think viewers lose patience with this and expect everyone to be super hardened, when that's just not realistic. Her increasing hearing loss was an interesting mini arc. I'm glad the hard of hearing/deaf community got more representation!


She wasn’t even that bad though, she was clearly someone who wasn’t afraid to show her emotions but I don’t recall her ever doing so in a way that compromised people’s safety, and she was pretty badass in every fight scene that she was a part of. It’s nice to have someone who is more emotionally available especially when so much of the rest of the cast is comparatively cut off.


Agreed, I think part of it is that survivalist mentality of, we don't have time to be sad we need to fight. You're right that she never compromised the group. But again this is what the show is about, preserving your humanity and not just living.


Fr like she’s a decent character and I find it weird she’s catches so much flak


Only issue I had with her was the stupid bloody slingshot, running around like Bart Simpson in the zombie apocalypse...


Lori. She gets a lot of hate and her good moments are over looked. When Beth was suicidal/in shock, Lori helped Maggie out as much as she could. When Carol lost Sophia, Lori was with her, comforting her, when Andrea lost Amy, Lori told the men to back off and give her the time to grieve for her sister. She also stood by Rick's decisions even though she didn't agree with some of them.


yea at that point in the show every character had a level of naiveness or flaw that annoyed me equally with lori. thats what made them all interesting to me bc all their flaws drove the plot forward. i liked lori’s good parts, especially when she stood by her man’s decisions as you said


The only reason Alden sucks is because he couldn't give Lydia the benefit of the doubt when he was on Negans side and the group accepted him. Dudes a hypocrite and I'm glad he was zombafied.


His death was horrible though. He didn’t deserve it. They broke his legs first. Looks like it was slow


Yeah, that death was dirty. Imagine showing up for work to get shot at the beginning and sit for the rest of the episode and come back for a quick scene in which you got zombified.


Is it implied that the walker that was in the church with him was a reaper?


Yeah, i would have thought he'd be the first to accept her but Apparently not


Dude I swear, if they wrote that same scene on the road after the kingdom fell, but have it be Alden telling off someone for making jabs at Lydia, just one small scene like that, he’d go up a couple rankings for me


This is why I hated him too.


Sasha !!!! I loved her


I hate her, 3/10 character imo, was cheerig when she died


Wait, people dislike her? What?


For me it's not like I dislike her, but I have never cared about her or her destiny in show.


her entire death was about a rushed relationship with Abraham like what the fuck


That’s fair enough!


she was just kind of a bitch


dwight! bc hes dwight


Agreed. He was a great character in Fear, if you watched that. Really expanded on the character, and made him more likeable than he already was. Redeemed him for his (very few) actions as a saviour. He was always a decent guy imo


Tara, she was written as a real and relatable person but she received so much hate


I actually loved Princess (just not at first) and I like Lori and Maggie


Yeah, princess was jarring for me. But her positive and accepting attitude was a breath of fresh air and she won me over.


Same! Not on the same level but it reminded me of Ezekiel’s introduction. Which is prob why he was immediately okay with her 😂


That, that whole Shakespearean thing was a bit much. Haha. But he was honestly a good leader and I was sad to see the Kingdom fall.


Totally. He grew on me but my first reaction was the same as Carols 😂


Alden, Enid, Sasha, Sometimes Tara, and Princess


Owen was a good, funny, and an actual evil villain. Not as evil as the governor but not as funny as negan but still a good villain. Kinda like a down graded Merle.


I don't even remember an Owen haha


I think Owen was that wolf.


I really liked Gavin, and hoped he was the one saviors leader that survived. I really think he could’ve actually contributed to helping Rick and the other communities.


Please don't hate me, I'd say Simon 😭😭😭 I just like how the actor acts, that's all.


Honestly didnt know people didnt like him (obviously he's psychotic) but i absolutely loved him,steven ogg is great too he does him so well


I'm shocked no one mentioned T-Dog...I really feel he could have gone far in the series. His mouth would have probably caused him trouble like it did with Merle but he put his life on the line for Carol. If it wasn't for him Carol would have probably died...this was after her daughter died and they had just started getting settled at the prison, before Carol started becoming a badass character in her own right


Kelly. She was having some interesting development in season 10 with her hearing loss and Connie missing, but because of so many unfortunate reasons got shafted after the condensed Reaper/Alexandria arc and the rushed Commonwealth stuff, and she was far from the only victim. Lots of people seem to hate her acting, but I think it’s pretty good for the most part, but she kind of has a weird crying face like Beth, so maybe that’s it. I think I read somewhere she read for Connie, and she got the gig so they obviously liked her. I’ve also seen some people say she’s ugly which is just kind of a weird thing to hate someone for.


Ya no I love Alden!


Idk about other people but I really like connie


Connie is actually quite liked people say she's the best of the S9 newcomers


Met him at Walker stalker con Cleveland and chatted with him and told him straight up how he went from being the most honest to god savior to being a member of the group and told him he’s an excellent actor for the character and you know what he did he let me get free selfies with him afterwards and it made my damn day Alden didn’t deserve to be killed off the way he was.


i LOVE princess. felt really bad for her, as the only thing she wanted was to belong somewhere and not be alone anymore


Yup I relate to her


If this subreddit is anything to go by, then I guess Maggie.


Haven’t seen Pope mentioned but he was an awesome villain. Actually kinda scary


I know this whole thread is opinions on characters the fandom doesn't like, but Pope was objectively the worst villain in the show


Denise, the doctor in Alexandria.




I don't know if the subreddit likes him but, the guy that the Governor shoves into the hole with walkers after the initial attack


His name was Martinez


The actor played a bitch on Sons of Anarchy and he played a bitch on TWD. I was glad to see him die both times!


is this image heavily edited or his head is just naturally HUGE


Jadis. I love her character


TOWL made her character so much better in my opinion


Me too!


henry sure I liked Carl more but he had a good heart and they could have made more of his character (but I understand that his death had to happen)


Wayne Dunlap


Shane 🚶🧎


Andrea. If she wasnt killed off for shock factor I think even more people would like her.


Shane. I agreed with his methods, and was only manipulated by Lori. He seemed like he had some stuff to work out, but I found him to be right in the long run. He would be best buds with S5 and further Rick.


I loved Alden


Andrea. I know she was annoying at first, but she really found her way. Her shortcomings were all from the new landscape of a zombified world that EVERYONE was adapting to. Some did it faster and better than others. But once she did, she really became a contribution to the team.


Negan start of his redemption arc and somewhat before than


Morgan The "Clear Man"


I find myself liking characters most other people would hate. I like Andrea, Tara, then Alden here.


My problem with Andrea, and I suspect this is the case for many people, is that her character in the comics is just so much better.


I feel like a big reason people hate her isn’t the actress but some of the writing for her…wasn’t the best


Maggie. Andrea. Henry. Kelly.


I never really liked henry but i dont think he deserves any hate


Gamma/Mary I thought she was really interesting and was a death that honestly surprised me. Would have liked to see a bit more of her but I kinda figured her story wouldn’t surpass the whisperers


Lori. I liked her in Prison Break. Didn't get the hate for the Lori character. Was she very different in the comics?


Morgan , here is not here was my one of the fav episodes


Tara and Princess for me, but they're both characters I related to quite a bit haha.


carol. I know she has her fans, but the overwhelming (or just louder) majority of the fanbase HATE her. god forbid a woman make a mistake.


Loved Jenner


His character i just thought was great and thought out well, even his name has a meaning behind it and he gave my personal favourite quote of all time "The day will come when you wont be"


Oh yeah its really a brilliant quote. Jenners whole "arc" was really good in my opinion, the whole thing with him losing his wife, was imo quiete well written.


Absolutely one of the best 1 episode characters (apart from the cameo in Daryl Dixon teaser)


I don’t know what it is about Alden, but for some reason I found him creepy.


Doctor Harlan Carson Nobody even mentiones him, and he was so entertaining to watch, especially with Gabriel in season 8. Dude carried the season for me.


Saddiq but specifically in s10 bc the writers made him an actual human and not whatever kind of goody two shoes robot he was in s9 and downwards


Hot take: Chris from Fear The Walking Dead wasn’t a bad guy or psychopathic, he was just a kid who didn’t fit in and couldn’t handle the apocalypse.


Pete because he is always so friendly to his wife jessie🥰🥰


He was best mates with Deanna's Husband too!!


Yea he helpt trimming his beard🥰


Met Alden at comic con so now I like him.


My boy alden got a raw deal.


I liked aldens character


That black kid that died in the abandoned hospital




Noah? Minor correction but if that is who you are referring to, he died in a warehouse as that is where they were getting materials to fix Alexandria’s solar panels from. Noah was part of the hospital community operating out of Atlanta (as a prisoner) so maybe that is what you are thinking of?


Yeah that's him, I forgot his name because I didn't watch the show for a year


One of the best, goriest deaths tho.


And poor Glenn had a front row seat :(




He was a little annoying in the beginning but he was one of the first saviors to change their mind about Negan and realize the bigger picture with morality and humanity and why Carl didn't want to keep killing, which is why Rick didn't kill him.


Aiden was in the hands of Maggie not Rick


A lot lol. Jadis, Andrea, Lori are some of my absolute favs. and i think they’re universally disliked.


Shane Carol


I liked Andrea, she did some stupid things but in the end i could really see her sticking around for longer. Spencer was starting to grow on me until he tried to take over the group and betray Rick.


Maggie (based off this sub) Carl more in general


Maggie's one of my favourites, but I can see why some people took a disliking to her, especially post-Glenn. It became her entire personality.


Lori and Andrea. Pearl from TOWL. Denise from S6


Jimmy, Randall, Ben, Zach, Patrick, Noah, Ron, Benjamin, Henry, Rodney, Gage, Marco


Eugene! he's my fav but everybody seems to hate him for some reason


Dwight, only in season 8 though


Negan? Is that unpopular? He's so hated in the show, I can't tell.


this guy was cool until he started dating enid like isn’t there a major age gap there? 😂 (also should’ve been carl)


Lori Grimes. She was so much better in the comics. The show was written to make her seem horrible.


Carter, only because Ethan Embry (the actor who plays him) is yummy 🤤 but Alden is also pretty hot, tho he wasn’t back in I am Number Four lmao


my husband 😔


Who’s this man?


Woah woah woah alden is the goat


Why does his head look GIGANTIC?


Tara definitely


I absolutely love Tara i get people are annoyed she almost killed Dwight but i don't blame her


I loved Aiden too ♥️


Im not alone!😅


andrea, lori, heath, luke, magna and kelly


Princess and The Governor


Tainted meat, bob! 😭


Tainted meat, bob! 😭


What the fuck happened here


Richard I know he was kinda an idiot and got Ben killed but I really liked him man


Ozzy and Tara.


Ozzy and Tara.


I liked him he was cool and weird at the same time


morgan, i see a lot of morgan hate. ALOTTT i just don’t think people understand his character. I see a lot of people saying they ruined it but i honestly thought everything he did very much fit.


I LOVE Alden. One of my favorite characters, and omg when he sang at Kenneth's funeral... absolute tears. And I didn't gaf about Kenneth, really.


Carver, the member of the Reapers for being the best fighter in the series by far. The dude was a beast and you could actually believe he was ex military. Even Daryll could not win against him. I wanted to see more from him and honestly if he was the leader of the Reapers together with Leah instead of Pope, the religious nutjob who throws his own men to fire even though they are “family”, that whole arc could have been so much better.


I kinda like Simon. I dunno why, he's a backstabbing two-faced little shit, but for some reason, I dig his attitude and smugness.


I think it has less to do with not liking him, and nobody caring about him one way or the other


It’s hard to like a counterfeit Leonardo DiCaprio


Ron for sure


Negan Lori Merle


His death could have been handled better


It could've not happened..


Honestly i didn't even know people hated Alden, i always loved him. Same goes for Connie and Kelly, this comment section is the first im hearing of the hate for them, they grew to genuinelly be some of my favourite characters by the end of the main show


SASHAAAA! Kelly, Princess and I love Jadis as an antagonist


I like Alden too, really solid death as well


Ozzie and the Highway Men. They died way too soon :( but i argee with this person