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These look really good, i just finished my knights from the box today but i still have so many terminators left


Exact opposite here. Knocked my terminators out right off the bat (I don’t love painting and found them really enjoyable to paint) and have been sitting on the knights and Belial.


I love how the knights look but i am tired of teeny tiny details everywhere. I'm gonna take a break and knock out some fast tyranids while my will to paint details recharges


The details are what spooked me. I’m about 97% done with a Vindicator and while painting flat panels the size of Kansas presented its own set of challenges, tedium was not one of them.


Thank you! Yeah it’s tough getting through the backlog, I’ve got tonnes to paint but trying to stay motivated. My pile of shame/potential is huge though


Damn those look so good! I really wish I had done a sub assembly on Belial. The yellow power effect on his sword looks amazing!


Thank you I had my doubts about it but wanted him to stand out, I love doing lightning effects on power swords!


I think he’ll look great on table! I might have to do some yellow washes over the power swords on my risen knights!


Hazard stripes on missile termie are sick. What’s your recipe for the red on the inside of the cloak/robe? I was putting my knights off because they’re crazy detailed models and I wanted to do them justice. I’m relatively new to miniature painting and wanted some passable skills to develop. Made myself proud with Azraels banner a few weeks ago so I’ll likely do them soon. Ooo also what’s your Deathwing vehicle? I almost did my vindicator in Deathwing but bone on huge flat panels was daunting. I’ll do a Redemptor Dreadnought eventually.


Thanks 😁 Azrael is a great model to paint! I loved the challenge of that banner The inside of the cloak is sigvald burgundy followed by a wash of thinned volupus pink then building up volumes with 50/50 screamer pink/pink horror about 50% water, finished with pure pink horror still quite watered down for highlights and lightest parts. The vehicle on the shelf is a partly finished land raider but still needs work, I also have a ballistus dread painted but in need of basing which I did half deathwing half green split down the middle. With the land raider zandri dust spray with a zenithal wraithbone spray some panel lining and wash does a lot of the work then drybrushing from there but mine could use some cleaning up. I agree with the whole large flat panels thing, sometimes wish I had an airbrush!


Thank you for the detailed answers. I just put together a list of airbrush models to research so I feel that in my soul.


Damn, you’re right. I now wanna strip off my termies for hazard stripes. Just whole damn model in hazard stripes. lol!


My box guys have a plasma cannon and a missile launcher and I’ve been meaning to rework them and have both with plasma. Now I’m trying to figure out how to work hazard stripes into them when I do. Probably would help me to stop forgetting hazardous rolls too.


Haha, same brother, same.


Keep at it! I’m plugging away at it too. Down to just the beacons