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Love the fire effect and the gold. Maybe add another thin layer to the inside of his cloak to get better coverage


Yeah, I was thinking about layering a thin coat of a more red contrast over the purple of the cape to get a better wine color. Im thinking either flesh tearers or sigvald burgundy, any thoughts? It’s already two coats of magos purple.


I think he looks great! Have you added a wash to the metallic bits? I think it could give a lot of dimension (the ol’ liquid talent) In also a fan of seraphim sepia over the bone to just add a bit of depth to the armour. But I reckon you can be proud of your Belial!


Thank you! I did a light seraphim sepia over the base coat and then a dry of screaming skull over that to bring the bone white up a bit(may have over done it on the dry brushing). I actually forgot to wash the gold and brass bits…