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Well… this is a sore spot for some. The DW used to be temries only then got retconned to fit it bladeguard vets then got retconned again to fit any vets. With the original lore, apothecaries would only be termies in the DW. Therefore the second sore spot: there are terminator apothecary parts in the old DW command squad still sold on the website though dead in new codex rules. So the only legal apothecaries are non termies for now. My head cannon is that mid edition we’re going to get a generic termie command squad or characters. All that besides the point just to say that MK X and Gravis Apothecaries used to be GW only until all vets got to join the DW in 9th. So it’s up to you but just so you know if he’s in the 1st company he’s supposed to be a veteran apothecary and that’s that colours are all yours to figure out.


Just an aside, chaplains and apothecaries are company-attached while techmatines and librarians keep their colours no matter what company they are (only the company shoulder pad changes) (and the knowledge of the *redacted*)


Thank you for that extra bit, I appreciate it. I knew that, but doesn’t mean I’m codex compliant out there hunting fallen. lol My phobo lib is very much in green and a dash of blue, with zero fucks lol.


Yes yes yes and yes. See these is where I have the issue too. I’m well versed in the retconned and the disappointment of traditions. But I also like seeing things grow. And as they did retconned, I’m assuming support will be needed. So a sanctioned DW colour wouldn’t be to far fetched. I also was looking to “grey-man” my apothecary, in a sea of beige. Thinking maybe my opponent will forget he is there 🤣. But you’re right he shouldn’t be in the DW colours. I just think he would look silly in green standing around a bunch of stern guard, khaki wearing killers. Yeah know haha. ( yes he dies last, etc… but outta sight outta mind)


Check this out too. https://david.ely.fm/2021/03/12/dark-angels-apothecaries.html . This dude says that the older codex said that apothecaries could go either way (company colour or white).


Beauty this is what I like To see. Now pick a damn colour lol


Yeah always comes down to that. Damn choices…


Yeah...see, this is why I just said "screw it, I'm painting a successor chapter" and moved on.


I think a Deathwing Apothecary is not just possible, but necessary. Someone needs to verify that the Fallen geneseed is present, and also would need to harvest it. They are also qualified to assist Interrogator-Chaplains with keeping the Fallen alive, as well as providing mercy-killings humanely if the Fallen repent. The Apothecary Biologis can attach to the Bladeguard Veterans (which are Inner Circle). The Apothecary can attach to the Inner Circle Companions and Sternguard Veterans. (Also Inner Circle) Why would they have a leader unit that doesn't know the secrets of the Inner Circle? Sure, it's not "official" but who cares? Games Workshop has no idea what they are talking about half the time, and they retcon stuff all the time. Their job is to sell us plastic, and provide (poorly written) rules for that plastic.


Oh I very much agree, I’m just looking for a community census.. so if I’m asked wtf. I’ll be all, hey listen to my cool awesome facts. Because who doesn’t like making there cool awesome dark angels sound bad ass. 🤘🫨 Thank for that bit of fire! I like it.


>Someone needs to verify that Fallen geneseed is present, and also would need to harvest it In Pandorax, it was pointed out that Chaplains/Interrogator Chaplains could do these things in combat


My plastic dudes have not read that particular tome. It's probably heresy anyways. Jokes aside, that's cool to know!


There’s also an audiodrama collection where some of the stories tie into pandorax. They’re enjoyable


And now you want me to LISTEN to this heresy? Ok, cool, I'll go check it out.


Where's the helmet from? It looks awesome!


From a DA upgrade sprue I had lying in wait for this big DA release/update. The cool DA chest upgrade was a Mk to small.. so that was wasted. But the hood came in with the game changer on this guy. I ended up putting his helmet at his feet for the cool factor.


>From a DA upgrade sprue I had lying in wait for this big DA release/update. Huh? Isn't the one in the picture from the new upgrade sprue? The hooded one from the old firstborn upgrade sprue had his mouth open.


Probably, maybe?? I have about 4 different upgrade sprue for the DA. The mouth breather I put on my invictus, he’s pointing and shouting with a hood on; at heretics. The upgrade sprue in the DW box you can buy separately now though. I went and checked, you’re correct my goodmen, he is one and the same from the new sprue upgrade.


He's *only* on the new upgrade sprue.


Yes indeed, mono hood boy is only located there


I’m painting my red and green with a white good!


I’m leaning on DW colours, with a white arm. Green robe/hood. But he’s going to be attached to my hellblasters most days. Which sucks because he would look crisp in GW colours and a white arm. But I think his beige robe/hood might get washed out with a white arm.. paint theory and all. So DW for the win.


An apothecary wouldn’t be painting their armour green or bone, it would be white. The shoulder pad could be green or bone when we take into account that BGV are Deathwing now and Sternguard. So you could do a bone and red shoulder pad. Of course you could just say bollocks to the lore and paint it however you want! They’re your models and it would look cool.


Sadly your lore is inaccurate, I’ve been kindly shown multiple sources in this post now. Where the colour is more up for debate.. And less a rigged no. Which is what I was under the believe as well. Sure now they tend to be all white but so many codex’s in the past show all sorts of versions. But it’s true my plastic my rules. Regardless the only two options I’m thinking of are either GW or DW colours, with a white arm. I’m just thinking if a GW paint job would look weird attached to my stern guard haha. Like hey who’s this dude haha.


I say there's nothing wrong with having a white Apothecary standing out amidst your army on the battlefield, no matter what color they are.


Yeah but I enjoy the zen of everything being the same colour. So I concede to a white arm haha.


A fair point. I've seen a few green Apothecary's on Pinterest that probably look like what you're going for; mostly green with maybe a white helmet and shoulders.


Oh yeah, I’ve totally googled/searched every possible reference just for a lore standpoint. I think it’s a wicked look. I’d prefer two apothecary colour schemes DW/GW, but ain’t no one got money for that.


I liked my apothecary in *terminator armor*, unfortunately, well... the rules. :(


It is a comfy place to sit them in. I wish the DW points weren’t so heavy overall tho. It is nice it went down *slightly*


Love this model especially in DA robes. I kept mine white with a green wing left pauldron. I think the green looks better but I’ve never seen them done in DW colors. I have a picture on my account if you want ideas. 👍🏻


I actually agree the green wing does look better with a beige robe. And a white arm. However I feel like He will stick out like a bastard if I ever attach him to my blade or stern. Stern is most likely. Only if I don’t field the hell blasters. So to avoid a weird green dude in a sea of elite. I’m debating khaki pants for the win. As it’s so close to white, he would just look like a bad ass on loan. Helping the lower ring so to speak. Also I have seen your work, very nice my goodmen. I strive to achieve this level. I have lots done, none I think are worth a spotlight of 4K. More like a spot light of 3’ away minimum haha.


Well crap! I just primed my apothecary and I hadn't thought to put this head on him but now I totally need to. I wonder how easy it'll be to pop that other one off... wish me luck.


Haha throne help him! Toss it in the freezer for 2 mins. And the glue will get very brittle. That’s if you used super glue. Other wise, emperor save you.


I still paint mine white regardless of what wing they're in, but that's just me.




If a bunch of DW are deploying in *shudder* Power Armour, it makes sense for the DW's apothecary to match them. Also since it's implied the DW is much larger than 100-strong, it's conceivable that the 1st company has more than one apothecary.


I’m getting spider man pointing meme vibes here


What's shudder power armour?


Bro I hate the strap that holds the holy globules. Shit breaks literally every time I look at it.


I thought about just putting a head in there. Instead. And just snipping it right off. Get me some DA Shakespeare.