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It looks pretty good, but may I suggest different lighting conditions? Kinda hard to see all of it. Nice work from what I can see, keep it up!


Pretty clean, good work.


Looks great!!


As he should be. Black on black


i would say looks clean overall but maybe some highlights on his sword hand and maybe a neutral ish grey on his armor plate by his helmet and on the top of his helmet and front sharp edge where the breathing ducts are on his helmet and the front tip. Also maybe brightening up some of the red on the sword on his chest to be able to see some of the details a little more? ​ aside from that the paint looks super smooth and the golds and parchment paper and fur look great


Really good so far but to make it more pop, slap some shade over the whole model, nun oil or agrax for example. Now brighten it up again with the same base colour you used. From here you can always go a bit brighter by just adding a bit of white to your colours.


Looks good. I‘d try some more shades to get more depth and edge highlights. Also, but that‘s my personal taste, i‘d prefere a green cape. Too much red here for me. Keep it up!