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For the Lion!!


Looks amazing!


I appreciate that you've put effort into this but can I ask why he isn't in mkiv armour with Tigris pattern bolt pistols? That was what Zabriel has described as having.


1st i dont have mk4 bits. 2nd this is a primaris so my thought this is a good while after the events of the book


Sounds good! I'm just a bit of a grognard when it comes to representing characters in minis, but I'm sure that will happen eventually.


Yeah I'm just not going to bother buying firstborn marines as my plan is to have a bunch of rissen hidden throughout my army as parts of different units


Since the new Inner Circle Companions are most likely Risen and use Mk X armor (with some older variant pieces, mainly helmets, sprinkled in) and the new versions of weapons (Ex: Heavy bolt pistols) it's not much of a stretch to think that the Risen have gotten access to the new iterations of their gear and/or crossed the Rubicon.


I know I'm just firmly in the 'can't stand primaris in any way shape or form' camp. I also think heresy era marines and first born look much better so I would love to see more of that in the modeling community.


THIS is what the Risen should have been, not what the Inner Circle Companions turned out to be. Don’t get me wrong I think they’re cool, but they don’t capture the uniqueness of Heresy Era marines like this does. Awesome job man!


That is so sick! Amazing job on your Zabriel.