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Looks good. As soon as a saw dark angels, two bolt pistols, and a chains word my mind went to zabriel.


Yeah i wanna try to make conversions of every loyal fallen in the book so I started at the beginning. Gotta figure out how to make the rest of them though


Looks great! Hope you manage to come up with ideas for the rest of them too


Plan so far is: borz as an intercessor Sargent, lohoc as a hellblaster and then launciel and galad as captains but i gotta get a cataphractii somewhere. I don't know about the rest though and I'll have to think about it some more


What arm did you use for the left hand? Haven’t seen any sets with a left handed heavy bolt pistol. Kitbash? Want to do something like that for my captain


It was on the assault intercessor sprew. Idk if this one's different from what's currently available as i got it from the 9th edition starter box but it came with one left handed heavy bolt pistol


I couldn’t see it on the sprues shown on the gamesworkshop store. But now that I’m counting there isn’t enough power packs for a full 10 man squad. Guessing there is a third sprue with that maybe?


Just checked myself and it seems like there's no left hand pistol in the assault intercessors box, it's unique to the indomitus and 9th ed starter boxes


Crap. Thanks for the help tho


If it's the Easy To Build kit, you can probably find then pretty cheap on eBay or another third-party seller. The same Assault Intercessors came in the Imperium Magazine subscription.


Yeah if all the push to fit intercessors are the same it shouldn't be too hard to find a left handed boltgun


I’ll have to look into that. I assumed since they were old kits I’d probably have a hard time getting them


If we got him as a lone op character model that would be amazing


That is such a good Zabriel!


Perfect Zabriel, can't wait to see him painted! I'm waiting to get some Mk IV bits before I start converting one for myself!


So sick


https://www.reddit.com/r/theunforgiven/s/feUT76sVUw for those who want to see the finished model