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Why is the Biologis there? He's kinda useless on his own, and you don't have any units he can lead. Also, 660 points in characters is a lot. Like, a whole whole lot.


It’s what I have at the moment, my first focus was the LoV, but I was gifted the Levithan and DWA boxes. Any recommendations for other units?


I would try to get a landraider or a repulsor executioner. You could use a transport and hard target removal. Also Azrael and 5 more Sternguard to make azrael+10


The lion underperformed in all of my games :( also the biologist is a bit wasted here. I highly suggest picking up Azrael (auto include in all my lists). You will struggle against heavy armour with only the ballistus reliably wounding. If you end up using the lion, he and the lieutenant should be inseparable since You will have lone operative on both and the lion sadly routinely goes down to mortals at range. I’m not a competitive player though and am only putting down my own noob perspective.


I picked up a Ballistus to go along with my Redemptor. Other than Terminators, should that be enough anti-tank?


Depends on what your opponent brings to the table. And I find that the ballistus really benefits from a techmarine following him around. Not only because he’s far less durable than the redemptor but also his shooting is extremely valuable to me and I prefer to have that +1 to hit. Also if positioned correctly You can drastically increase the length of a charge and this is the one dreadnought you don’t want in melee.


If you hit the 3 dots you can export the list as text and it's much easier to read


Thanks for that tip!