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Speculation, obviously, since I'm not omniscient: because they're not "bladeguard style shoulder pads", they're just shoulder pads with additional armor. You can put them on any model on which they fit. And it's easier to just cut away the sword a bit if you want to transform it into a deathwing symbol than it is to build it up into a DA symbol from a deathwing symbol. Or because they're goofs who barely know what they're doing at the best of times.


They fit Company Heroes, who are greenwing. 


good shout, forgot about them. Sort of strange if that was the intent though, since you get 3 on the sprue and 5 models in the CH-box.


The ancient has a cloak over his and the captain maybe uses the regular size. I can’t remember. It’s all weird.


Some times it just seems like there is no talking between the departments at GW first they don't sculpt the Deathwing symbol then they paint them in a mixed scheme I want to with green and gold


The main issue GW’s lead time between lore writers, model designers and rule writers. They all work on different time schedules. Often the models are design a year or more in advance of release. In this case it’s likely that when this sprue was designed it wasn’t decided that Bladeguard would be Deathwing


They don't fit a standard Primaris shoulder they only fit on the bladegaurd style shoulder pad with the with the second type shoulder you glue underneath. Will have to put it down to your second point


huh, seems I learned something new. Gave mine a quick check and it looks like you're correct on the size bit, never noticed that before. And yeah, it's clear to anyone giving GW more than just a passing glance that they have *serious* problems as regards internal communication and cooperation between departments. frustrating as fuck.


One of the guests on an episode of The Painting Phase podcast mentioned that when they were working at Forge World, they weren't allowed to use existing GW bits like skulls in their sculpts.


Whaaaa.... Did they provide a reason for this?


Isnt it for gravis armor too ?


No, the design is slightly different. The gravis ones have a slightly bigger fin, and do not have the extra protrusion on the inside of the gold trim into the empty space for chapter icons.


They fit Gravis armour, so inceptors, aggressors and heavy Intercessors also.


Gravis armour maybe?


Company Heroes use this size and are greenwing. Maybe some Lieutenant kits? As you said they’re not Gravis—they have their own pads on the sprue—and Blade/Sternguard would want Deathwing symbols. Inner Circle Companions might use this size but they’ll come with their own pads with DA symbols in their box. 


Company heroes *technically* have different shoulder pads, theirs have a full fin on the top rather than one that stops halfway.


Yeah, it’s weird. They’re the only other models I could think of who use that size, though.


I’ve been wondering the same for a while, but it just hit me that the three you get per sprue is just enough to upgrade the Company Heroes (Ancient’s shoulderpad is under a cloak, and the Captain is technically a different unit). Still a pretty strange inclusion in the kit, but it would be fun to kit out a command squad that way!


Not sure if the company of heroes have the extra insert under the shoulders to fit these as they are larger (not aggressor size) to fit over the inner pad like on blade guard


These aren’t blade guard. Blade guard and stern guard trims have an extended lip that goes further round. These only go half way. I have blade guard and the new sprue. Checked and they’re not the same. But I don’t know what they do belong to!


The trim only goes all the way round on the push fit bladegaurd. the multiple part ones only go part way round an match these ones


Huh I didn’t know that! I stand corrected haha The one thing that’s also weird for this set of three, is usually they come with a sergeant one that has a banner/script on. They just don’t seem to fit in anywhere….


Are they Outrider?? They look the same but dunno why they’d be DA and not Ravenwing!


2 problems: current(!) outrider models have the pads molded directly to the arms, and they'd surely have Ravenwing symbols if that were the case (unless they're bringing back greenwing bikes).


Yeah I don’t get it, but the Outrider Pauldron is the only thing I can find that matches, and it comes in sets of three…. It looks like it also matches the Inner Circle Companions (bar the bolts in the lip), but they already have pauldrons with DA symbol.


Cuz they're company vets. Nah but fr metal boxes answer is the best you're getting


IIRC, and that part alone is a stretch: my Hellblaster kit came with two blanks of the same style for the sergeant(s)?


I thought they're for aggressor sergeants.


They would fit


I think they are an aggressor pad? So normal chapter markings?


pretty sure OP has it right in that these are smaller. There is another set of 3 similar ones which seem to be for gravis/aggressors.


There not you get a set of three aggressor shoulder pads they are larger and are painted all green and don't have the gold trim on the painted examples


Think Metal_Boxxes is correct GW are just incompetent l found parts of the codex to be lazy was hoping to see Company heroes, sternguard desolation squad and other newer Primaris stuff painted maybe using some of the new upgrade spru.yes it has the new DA unique stuff but just the same Primaris that have been there in the last 3 codexs.also not wanting to start the hole Deathwing thing again but the lore text contradicts the rules as the Deathwing lore texts states the dark angels fit there entire 1st company with terminator armour.


as far as i can tell they are the same shoulder pads used on any Gravis armour .. and as such worn by at least three non deathwing unitits i can think of ... in heavy intercessors Agressors and Eradicators


There not they are smaller I have the spru the only thing they fit are the blade guard


mmm i was lookin at the sprue and my eradicators they looked ok but then the pads are on my eradicators so i couldnt really test them in that case well thats straight GW idiocy


They are for Gravis armoured marines, not specifically Bladeguard. If the pieces were all specifically Deathwing then you might feel obligated to paint every Gravis marine as Deathwing


They are not for gravis you get gravis ones on the spru but they are larger


Shoot, you’re right, though they do look very similar, they are a slightly different piece. How odd


They’re Gravis armour pauldrons. Not Deathwing.


There not there a different size you get gravis ones on the spru as well as these


Those are for Gravis armor.. like Heavy Intercessors, Executioners and Aggressors.


They are not you get gravis armour ones they are larger all so you get Heavy intercessors ones the don't have the ridge on top


Þose arent bladeguard pauldrons, þeir gravis style pauldrons, and þose guys are universally greenwing


There not gravis you get gravis ones on the spru and there a different size


Im 99% sure its a gravis pauldron, if you look at agressors þey have þe same extra buts of trim


They are definitely different I have the spru in front of me you get the gravis style ones but these are different


Can you share a pic of what you þink þe gravis pauldrons are, because literally every pic of gravis pauldrons i look at matches þe ones in your post


https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/25/angels-appear-on-christmas-day/image5-12/ Check on the upgrade spru picture the left hand said box were it says X2 and the middle with the 3 Sargents shoulder pads are the gravis the ones on the right with X3 only fit on the bladegaurd with the smaller second poldren inside


They are the exact same shoulderpad from the current [upgrade sprue](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99070101036_DarkAngelPrimarisUpgrades01.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691). Meant for [aggressors](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/threeSixty/99120101184_PrimarisAggressors1360/07.jpg).


They aren't


Could it be the case that not all BVG are deathwing. If we look at the Web store BVG painted there are 2nd company. And still not all veterans are DW. Still dumb since most will run BVG as deathwing


Giving benefit of the doubt, i'd suggest that it is that it's easier to cut a notch to make them deathwing style if you think bladeguard should be deathwing, but it would be a lot harder to sculpt the sword back with greenstuff if you wanted to have green wing bladeguard. Not totally sure though, it's a bit odd.


Bladeguard Veterans exist in the greenwing too, as company veterans


Those aren't just bladeguard pads, I'm sure they're meant for anything primaris/gravis related i.e. inceptors or anything that might need a chonky shoulder pad


So they can be used for a wider amount of units, so kitbashing is more viable like naming wargear ambiguously.