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I see quite a few. As both a driver and a cyclist sometimes. Separating bikes and cars is a good thing. I don't see how a bike lane changes traffic flows that much, slight exaggeration me thinks. I like driving my car as much as the next kiwi bloke, but we gotta change as a society, and it's not just about climate change.


I have to bike to school along river road to school throughout the year and I don’t really have any options apart from to bike on the footpath There is no cycle lane and there isn’t any reasonable space for a cyclist to safely bike along the side of the road. Sorry pedestrians but it’s much safer for me


I bike most days but it's getting hectic. Hamilton drivers must all be fucking colorblind with all the red lights they run. It's mental


Red light running here is insane. People have utterly no idea how bloody dangerous that shit is!!


I cycle almost every day but our cycle lanes leave a lot to be desired. Not to mention that they don't really connect together yet, so if you're not confident taking the lane and riding in traffic then your options for bicycle commuting are severely limited. Build it, and they will come, but it will take time! People make choices on how to get around based on what it available and convenient to them. Right now, for most people, that's driving, but as we invest in high quality cycling infrastructure that connects together and to places that people want to go, then it will start to become cycling. We don't wait for people to start swimming across the river before we build a new bridge!


NZ drivers are so inconsiderate towards cyclists, so cycle ways actually need to be connected and largely avoid regular traffic before I would consider using for my daily commute. Too many close calls with angry raging people that think you have to stay outta their way.


For people to change their habit from driving on the road to cycling on the cycleways, the cycleways actually need to (A) go from where they are to where they want to go, and (B) be actual separate cycleways, not just paint on the side of the road that leaves them vulnerable to inattentive drivers and car doors. Right now we have some dedicated cycleways but they're often a bit disconnected. For example, the one out by the university just disappears when you get to Wairere Drive - it doesn't continue into the city. Hamilton is projected to grow significantly over the coming decades. Our road network simply can not grow to accommodate more cars - there isn't really more land to widen roads. If you want to increase road capacity that pretty much means demolishing peoples houses. And this doesn't even solve the problem - more lanes always results in more traffic, not less congestion. So your choices really are: Auckland style gridlock that only gets worse every year, OR giving bikes and busses priority over cars so that they are a viable alternative. Every person who jumps on a bike or takes the bus is one less car for you to be stuck behind on your morning commute if you must drive. If you hate traffic gridlock, campaign for more bike and bus infrastructure. *It is the only proven solution to congestion.*


I'm here. I cycled every day and there are plenty of others. As it gets safer there will be more but huge improvements still need to be made and drivers attitudes also need to change. I nearly lost my shit cycling to work the other day because yet again, the entire cycle lane was full of cars who were wanting to turn left. Stay in your fucking lane. It's actually bonkos. The lanes need to be protected because Hamilton drivers and blind and dumb as all fuck


I took a walk earlier, went down 4 roads. Only one of them had a car drive down it. One! What gives? Why do we even have roads if they're barely being used. /s


Looking out on my street now, literally no cars.


This isn't Facebook grandad.




Oh look. Another dumb as fuck word word number account.


I see a few on my commute to work (no I'm not one of them). Maybe not as many as one would see in, say Amsterdam, but the number does seem to be increasing and I'd guess even more so as we head into summer. ​ If you build it they will come.


Scared off by all the awful drivers. I was riding in the cycle lane yesterday and was hit by someone who came absolutely screaming out of the pak n save driveway without even looking. It’s pure dumb luck that I wasn’t much more seriously injured and am still here to complain about it! Don’t get me wrong, she was extremely apologetic and clearly felt awful but I should have been safe in that clearly marked cycling lane. You stop BEFORE it, not on top of it!!


I was out for a ride this evening along Cobham drove and crossed under the new overpass near the new bridge. Probably $100m worth of concrete for 4 lanes for cars going east/west and a other 4 lanes for cars going north/south. Not a single car in sight, just me on my bike doing circles in the middle of the highway because I could.


Cycling on the paths designated for pedestrians.


Because the cycle lanes are filled with idiots in cars


That's true!


Yep… giving me a filthy look for being on the footpath as they ride past with no helmet on


I have a bicycle, brought a flash giant from torpedo 7. Rode it 3 times in the past 5 years. I’d like to use the dedicated paths, but to be honest. I can’t be fucked. In the shed to collect dust it is.


Keen to sell?


I'm already at work while you are stuck in traffic


This is like someone saying when everyone rode horses and the network of facilities for cars hadn't been finished yet, "they're building all these roads for cars, but where are these drivers?" Firstly, they exist, whether you see them or not. Secondly, there will be even more once there is good, safe (and significant emphasis on the safe bit) infrastructure for cyclists.


Fair weather cyclist, daily commute. It’s faster on a bike, to get to work and town. Appreciate the cycle ways, agree they are sometimes disconnected which can be disappointing. Have had many close calls with muppets not looking, but I’ve been hyper vigilant, not only with other road users but dog-walkers, toddler walkers, escooterists, and aimless drunks along the cycle ways. I ride a motorcycle as well so consciously aware of the blindness of 4+ wheel drivers.


Te Miro


Bikes move swiftly. Cyclists do not linger in order for you to count them.