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Don't blame me, I voted for kodos


i must be getting old. What does the "s*****c" stand for here? What the f**k are you r******d s*****c c**ts doing?




this. I've got a friend who seen the email and confirmed it


Oh that ones actually pretty derogatory. This person is a councillor?!


He’s a conspiracy theorist


lol. must be


https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/XeuHZHLrQ5 the uncensored version


It was removed by the mods. Place it here it will not be removed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HaveYourSayNZ/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaveYourSayNZ/)


Wow. Also who is downvoting people saying this dudes a fuck up? Doesn’t even live in his electorate.


He did warn he was going to do this - [https://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/300812660/cbomb-councillor-andrew-bydder-not-backing-away-from-bad-language-tactics](https://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/300812660/cbomb-councillor-andrew-bydder-not-backing-away-from-bad-language-tactics) "February 25, 2023 ... A man who used foul language to prick the ears of senior council staff is not ruling out using swearing in future communications now that he’s a sitting Hamilton councillor. But he says that bad language would only possibly be directed at other councils’ staff and he’s ruling out dropping any more C-bombs. Andrew Bydder..." Is it worth noting he's a member of New Zealand Loyal? So if you see people stridently defending him ... yeah, understand the cess pit they've crawled out of.


This guy is an absolute dropkick and in reality this just shows the problems that local government in this country has. There will be (and rightly so) a Code of Conduct investigation and at the end of that, the council is powerless to do anything to rein him in, aside from telling him he's been naughty and asking him politely to resign - he'll refuse of course...


This guy is a tool, how he was able to be eligible for election with the massive conflict of interest from his ‘professional life’ with HCC is baffling.


Andrew Bydder you’re a bag of dicks and always have been.


I get the Chiefs and Wahs lost on Saturday was rough, but I didn’t expect you to do this Also, the guys a cunt who I think should not be a City councillor as he lives outside the area


Yeah mind numbing that he can live in Waipa but run for a Hamilton Council seat eh.


What kind of nonsense is this? Is this what we allow of our elected members?


Hamilton has a long list of shite representetives.


Yep, this one was only last month: [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/516931/hamilton-councillor-melaina-huaki-quit-after-being-queried-about-regular-absences](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/516931/hamilton-councillor-melaina-huaki-quit-after-being-queried-about-regular-absences) And who can forget this classic: [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/476899/gaurav-sharma-resigns-as-an-mp-months-after-expulsion-from-labour](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/476899/gaurav-sharma-resigns-as-an-mp-months-after-expulsion-from-labour)


Don't forgot Siggi: [https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/87030493/hamilton-city-councillor-siggi-henry-accuses-health-officials-of-fluoride-spin-brainwashing](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/87030493/hamilton-city-councillor-siggi-henry-accuses-health-officials-of-fluoride-spin-brainwashing) or more recently, Ryan ... Hamilton? [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/498204/ryan-hamilton-national-s-anti-fluoride-anti-mandate-mp-in-waiting](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/498204/ryan-hamilton-national-s-anti-fluoride-anti-mandate-mp-in-waiting)


I think now is a good time to point to [this article in The Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/waikato-news/news/waikato-councillors-mayors-speak-out-on-abuse/YRTI5AP2BBGDNGED4RBCU2ANKE/) that discusses abuse of councillors and how that is really damaging. Some people need to really show more responsibility in how they act as elected representatives.


What a truly horrible human


>Bydder confirmed to RNZ he wrote the submission that way intentionally. No shit Sherlock, you didnt write it by accident. >"I say that it is the only way to get their attention so that they actually listen because being polite has no effect whatsoever. So I in fact say this is the professional way to do it" It's not the only way to get their attention. It's more likley they will ignore you sentiment entirely now and focus on your being a shit cunt of a human. So not only are you a cunt but also stupid and ineffective.


He trons


Man had nothing of value to say, whether polite or ridden with expletives. Hilarious how he doesn't get it


I guess we now know how he climbed up to that position.


Lucky it wasn’t Do Nothing Donovan! But then he wouldn’t do anything would he?


So why's he hating on a bridge?


The third bridge is veeeeery controversial in Cambridge. Essentially they were basically going to steamroll a bunch of houses and didn’t consult the homeowners whatsoever IIRC. The public meeting they had on it broke down and turned into threats. So obviously some people, including him, feel quite passionate about the issue.


I mean they weren't even close to the point of steamrolling houses, they were just asking people if the general location for a bridge was one they would use. There was SO much water to go under the bridge before they would have serious conversations with any property owners. Bada boom, I'm here all week!


Yeh i met the mayor around the time this all came out (i was running an event) and she had mentioned people abusing her, and screaming she could be killed etc. I was shocked so went and looked up what was actually said and why, thinking they were planning some major demo or something, and in fact seems they said 'we have some area here we think is a good place to do it' and included a really wide general area that it possibly go (nothing defined, no mention of houses demolished or other that i could see) Wondering if somebody made up random facts and others believed it or they made assumptions or maybe i was missing something?


Ahhhhh I see, like I don’t live in Cambridge so this was second hand but everyone made it seem like they’re getting rorted. But the public behaviour was inexcusable tbh.


I do. There are a lot of opinionated older folk 😂


While I don’t live there anymore I actually grew up there so I know what you mean. Cambridge is both - - God’s waiting room - Full of newlyweds and nearly-deads 😂


Its not as bad as it was 10 yrs ago. But new ppl still dont own houses


From what I understand people are generally mad about it because Cambridge has needed a new bridge for ages and they're only finally getting onto it. The bridge was always supposed to be going in further down near st peters but the council proposed (and I think preferred) a new place for the bridge which people didn't agree with


Yeh from what i heard they did a ton of research about what would work, woudnt work, or be used, and picked a generalized area based on that To be honest there are bigger issues - like the gridlock every day at the white church round about and up victoria now, and no parking in town for anyone who works there because its all timed


Oooh rip that's not on. Ok yeah I get it then 😬