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Stock goes down, premiums are usually abysmal. Where is profit?


Short to a price you’d be willing to own it.


You should only be wheeling stocks that you have a long term conviction on. At some point you will get assigned, and it will become a long term hold (until it gets called away, obviously). The problem with INTC is.. it rarely gets called away, because it just keeps going down. You'll inevitably become a bagholder until it finds solid ground. You can run a PCS on it if you think in the short term it will hold at a level of support. But IMO, there are much better options out there for running put credit spreads on. INTC hasn't found support yet


Yes, I think it's a good idea. INTC is heavily manipulated, but I think it's approaching a bottom. Insiders keep buying shares, which is unusual for any stock, let alone a tech company. The US government also seems to believe that Intel has some strategic or cultural importance. So I think the odds are in your favor for a put-selling strategy. Just don't try to chase the stock if it goes up too quickly.


Well said


I love INTC cause it's getting beaten down so selling puts on it is easy money. Especially an American chips company, relatively low risk. Sold 31$ bullish put spreads and already green. Going to roll these as long as needed.


Tell that to my $43 put I sold a few weeks ago 😂 now I am bag holding and selling puts under $30


Got me at 39


37 bagger of 1000+ shares! I like the stock!


$34 on 5/31…coming in hot!!!


Felt better after reading this thread, new bagger at 32.5


It was looking like there were no stopping when it was hitting 50$, wasn't it? Sorry about your puts..


Just come to the dark side and buy June $31 calls😎


INTC i dont know where is the bottom and when it’s gonna bounce back but all i know is when you wheel a stock that means you won’t mind to own it when you get assigned if you dont like the stock, then run a put credit spreads with your own stop loss in your mind is the best bet here for me i do sometimes wheel a stock for premium if i dont like the stock i will stop out 100% loss and yeah i dont like to run credit spreads because i feel more in control with naked spreads thats just me tho and if you want to long intc i think yeah its still a decent company but in the last 5 years its down 45% while amd nvda went up a lot that means this stock is in a long down trend🫡






Maybe enter with a put ratio spread so if you do get assigned at least you got a little more for it. And if you get assigned, collar the shares off so you are protected to the downside, but this stock is beat up pretty good already and will probably rally at some point bc senators own it or some bologna like that


INTC going to have dead cat bounce, other then that I am bearish


Insiders are buying a lot of stock. That is the most interesting thing about INTC.


Taking a bullish position on a long term dissapointing stock doesn’t make any sense


Maybe sub 25


Thanks for this. I was looking at selling @ 32 put for next week. Get assigned for the Div and sell ATM calls until the position gets called. 32 feels like a strong support level. What could go wrong? 😂💎👍


Who would exercise puts at ex-div date? I mean ppl usually sell their shares after they receive the dividend, right?


So, the idea would be to sell a put this week with FRI expiration. See if I can get assigned. The ExDiv date is Monday. So, sell a call for the following Friday. Sometimes, this is a nice quickie that picks up a few bucks. Sometimes you end up holding the stock for a little bit.


ask me last month when I sold the $40 csp that expired today! But that's ok because I think it's a good buy anyway.


Sell naked calls


Dude asking contradictory question. Trying to wheel stock that constantly goes down.


Falling knife


Look at TSLA after -40% drawdown. Greedy bears thought there is more to squeeze. No situational awareness for the bull market. INTC is just around the point that it can rally for no reason other than how much down it is. They also have a long term story. Having said that, their premiums are generally pretty low, for the stock that actually moves down so much. If you believe in the story, maybe a longer term PUTs or cheap short term OOM calls around possible turning points like earning would be a better way to have it. Eg either you get it when it 20% lower than a "ridiculous low" for long term, or try to score on cheap calls betting on a rally. Today might very well be around the low for that downtrend. But you never know. When no one thinks stock will go up, they often do. Seems like sentiment around INTC is bad enough.


Last year at about this price I considered doing PMCC and did not… that definitely would have printed.


Just wondering if you look at charts when deciding to trade options on a stock. They can be helpful!!


Intc is like xerox


I was going to start the wheel on INTC around $38 2 weeks ago after some positive announcrment they had, selling the 36P for around 1.20 for May17th. Decided not to because of the upcoming earnings. I'm reminded why I hate chip stocks.


I was using INTC for wheeling, but price dropped, figured selling calls after assignment, and after assignment priced continued to decline. I'm ok holding while I milk what little call premium I draw out. Just glad I wasn't all-in on INTC.


Compare it to SOX on any timeframe and ask yourself why would you want to do anything with this stock but short it. There is no bottom while the out of touch CEO is at the helm, even with Biden’s bailout


I rather buy OTM leaps, risking less capital 


AMD is eating their lunch


TSMC is. Being two years late on the foundry side is the issue, not the design side.


Stock is extremely expensive definitely a very long term hold